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The Dragon Saga Box Set

Page 104

by Nicolette Andrews

Hikaru squeezed her hand. "I'll be waiting for you in the village nearby."

  Rin wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. The beating of his heart brought her comfort. He couldn't go with her into Kaito's domain. According to the rumors, Kaito was declaring war on humans. She wouldn't bring Hikaru there, not when his life would be at risk. But how many more partings would they have to endure before they'd be happy again? It was easy to fear the future when everything seemed so uncertain.

  "You'll be fine. This is Kaito we're talking about."

  She laughed. "I know, that's what I'm worried about."

  "Be strong, my heart, and if you're not back by sunset tomorrow, I'll storm the castle to rescue you."

  She laughed and rested her forehead against his, feeling the warmth of his body, the comforting presence of his spiritual energy. She could do this. It had to be done. Suzume had trusted her with this message.

  She let go of his hand reluctantly and walked the pathway which led into the dragon's palace. It was a single strip of land that connected the shore with the island palace. To the mundane human, it would appear as nothing but ocean. Torri arches guided the way, and Rin took her time admiring the familiar landscape.

  A pair of yokai in mismatched armor guarded the entrance. One wore ancient armor, damaged by time and rust, with Kaito's old insignia freshly painted on the breastplate, while the other wore the symbol of the Lady of the Forest.

  "State your business," they said as she approached.

  Rin straightened her back as she said, "I've come to see the dragon."

  "If you're here to swear loyalty, you'll have to wait until morning," they said, already losing interest in her.

  Beyond the entrance, the courtyard was bustling with activity. It seemed many had come to the palace. Rin considered insisting she be brought to the dragon straight away, but considering his temper, and the fact that he had banished her last time they'd been together, he might not be willing to see her even if she insisted. She would have to find another way to get close to him.

  "I am here to pledge my loyalty."

  "Find the neko in green, she'll tell you what to do," the guard in Kaito's insignia said in a bored drawl.

  Rin bowed her head in thanks and entered the courtyard. She met the harried neko, who hastily showed her to the barracks where the surplus of would-be supplicants were gathered. The place was packed full of futons, and Rin, seeing a pair of yokai fight over a bed, decided to make herself comfortable, lest she be sleeping on the floor that night.

  It seemed strange to see so many yokai had gathered here. And what were they preparing for? More importantly, what would she say to the dragon? How could she explain something she was not entirely certain of? There was a part of her that wanted to turn around and try and talk some sense into Suzume. She knew she was prone to selfishness, but Rin never thought she'd actually kill Kaito, and even though she hadn't spoken the words out loud, she felt certain she was trying to ask her to warn him.

  Rin sighed. This wasn't just about Suzume, there were other things she had to warn him about. Secrets she had kept too long from her old friend. Rin flopped herself back on the futon. Maybe she should stop being a coward and just go talk to him, instead of using this excuse to stall. A pair of tanuki walked in, chattering amongst themselves.

  "Are you going to stay for the wedding?" One asked another.

  "It was the only reason I came!" They laughed.

  "It's a shame that he'll be off the market. I caught a glimpse of him sparring with the others." She fanned herself.

  "Excuse me." She interrupted their conversation, and the duo eyed her with suspicion. Seeing the hostile air between yokai in the barracks, she didn't blame them.

  "I couldn't help but overhear what you were saying. Who is getting married?"

  The two of them shared a look before bursting into peals of laughter. Rin blinked at them, waiting for them to calm themselves.

  "Do you really not know?" one of them asked.

  "The Dragon is taking a bride."

  "If you came here with hopes of wooing the dragon, you're out of luck," the second tanuki said.

  Rin wanted to laugh away their assumptions but she never imagined Kaito would marry, not after Kazue. This was a strange development. Perhaps it had something to do with Suzume's odd behavior.

  "Who is he marrying?"

  "The daughter of the Lord of the Sea. Where have you been living, under a rock?"

  They laughed before walking away. Kaito is marrying Ai? Has the entire world turned upside down? Maybe it was better if she didn't delay in trying to talk to him.

  Rin got up and went to talk to one of the servants hurrying through the yard.

  "Excuse me," she said.

  The servant carrying piles of clothes and armor regarded her with raised brows.

  "Can I help you? I'm very busy."

  "I need to speak with the dragon."

  "You and every other yokai here." He turned to walk away. Rin tried to catch his attention but it was to no avail.

  After several more unsuccessful attempts, Rin resigned herself to waiting until morning when the dragon would be holding his audience.

  The following morning the group Rin was a part of was led into the audience hall. It had been recently remodeled but it still held some of the old grandeur that she remembered. Many of the yokai gazed around in awe at the high ceiling and the columns. The group filed in and took their places, bowing before the throne. Rin prepared herself for the confrontation that was going to come. But it wasn't Kaito sitting on the throne, but Ai.

  "You've all come to swear your loyalty to the dragon. And we welcome you." Ai's gaze drifted over the group and came to rest on Rin. They held one another's gaze for a moment before Ai skimmed past her as if not seeing her at all. "We have an important task before us. The humans have grown too numerous and have killed our kind, but that time has ended. We are rising up against them. Those of you who stand here have a choice, join the fight or perish. What do you choose?"

  "We serve," the group called out together.

  Ai nodded, seemingly pleased with the turnout. "Go out and you will be given your uniforms and start your training." She turned, dismissing them all. The group started to file out. The tanuki girls grumbled that they hadn't gotten the chance to see the dragon. Rin did not follow the group and instead chased after Ai. She was nearly out the rear door when Rin caught her.

  "I need to see the dragon," Rin said.

  Ai stopped mid-stride, and then turned to Rin. "You gave up that right when you betrayed him."

  "I never betrayed him." Rin shook herself, now was not the time to defend her actions. "There's something he needs to know."

  "No one sees the dragon and he will especially not want to see you."

  "Ai, you know me."

  "Do I? Ai has met many kitsune."

  "A little desperate, don't you think," one of the tanuki whispered.

  She had not realized it but the yokai had gathered at the exit to watch their exchange. Rin turned toward them with a death glare. The pair of tanuki were giggling at her behind their hands. Rin ignored them, turning back toward Ai.

  "I'm not some mere kitsune and you know it. Tell Kaito that Rin was here, and I have something urgent to tell him."

  Ai harrumphed and stormed out of the room. Rin tried to follow, but guards blocked her way. And after a slight struggle, she was removed to the courtyard with the others. Fighting them would only get her evicted for certain. So she decided to play along. If she stayed, eventually there would be a chance to slip out and find Kaito.

  She and the others were given uniforms to wear, and then introduced to a large oni who was training them in combat. The day passed by and she couldn't find an opportunity to talk with Kaito. Ai must have told the guards to keep an eye on her, because any time she tried to get away she was stopped. As the day wore on, Rin had another problem. Hikaru had said he'd come for her by sunset today. He tried to play it off like a joke, but
she knew he'd been serious. If she couldn't talk to Kaito, she'd need to at least tell Hikaru what was going on.

  Just before sunset she headed for the exit, but when she tried to leave her way was blocked by the guards.

  "No one leaves without the dragon's permission."

  "Then go and ask him, because I need to leave." Rin stood her ground, considering transforming into her full form and fighting her way to freedom.

  "The Dragon is not to be disturbed."

  Rin frowned. This wasn't like Kaito. He never forced people behind walls. Everyone came and went as they pleased from his court. Which could only mean this was Ai's influence?

  "What is going on here?"

  Rin turned as Kaito strode through the courtyard. Ai was right behind him, attempting to pull him away. When he met Rin's gaze he paused. Everyone bowed to Kaito except Rin.

  "What are you doing, kitsune? Bow before the ruler of Akatsuki," Ai hissed.

  Rin lowered her head slightly toward the dragon.

  He kept on staring. And then after a moment, he strolled toward her. Rin felt every eye on them. Kaito stopped a few feet from her.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "We need to talk."

  Kaito looked at the people gathered around them, realizing this was not the place to do so.

  "Come with me."

  She followed him down old familiar corridors, until they were alone in an abandoned part of the palace. No repairs had been done here, and the walls had crumbled into the sea.

  "Go." He pointed to the ocean.

  "You want me to leave?"

  "Go before I force you to leave."

  "We were friends once." She didn't regret choosing Hikaru over Kaito. If it came down to it again, she'd choose him a thousand more times. But she wished the dragon had a more forgiving heart. Hikaru had sealed Kaito to protect her, and Kaito could not forgive him for it.

  "You chose that traitor over me," Kaito said.

  "It doesn't have to be like this."

  "Don't," Kaito said, turning to face her.

  She shrunk back. It was too presumptuous of her. There were wounds that remained between them.

  "I'm not leaving until you hear me out."

  "On whose behalf?"


  He forced a laugh. "Do you think I'm going to believe anything you say? How do I know this isn't a trap set by Hisato and your man?"

  Rin sighed heavily. "I'm not asking for forgiveness. I only want to warn you." She wrapped her arms across her chest.

  "What is this about?" It was gruff, but she'd take her chance.

  "It's about Suzume."

  "She's dead. I don't want to hear her name ever again."

  "She's not." Rin watched as hope and anger battled in his features. He turned his head skyward as if he would fly off and go find her.

  Rin reached out to stop him, but he knocked her hand away before she could even touch him. She recoiled.

  "You can't go to her. It's too dangerous."

  "Who said I wanted anything to do with her?"

  "I can see it in your eyes."

  He bared his teeth at her in a snarl. "Did you come here to taunt me?"

  "I came here to tell you Suzume is not herself and..." she trailed off.

  "And what?"

  "There are things I should have told you a long time ago. But I didn't have the right words."

  "About what?"

  "About your son." She held his gaze, daring him to challenge her on that fact.

  He was silent for a very long time, and she thought he would expel her from the palace before she could get the truth out.

  "I raised him."

  "So you came here to twist the knife in your betrayal?"

  "I came here to tell you about him, so you can make your own decision."

  "I know what he's done. I've seen what he's capable of."

  "But you can save Suzume from him."

  "What does she have to do with him?"

  Rin took a deep breath turning toward the ocean. She couldn't face Kaito while she said it. "Kazue gave birth to Takashi at our temple. Since Hikaru and I couldn't have children of our own, we raised him as ours. But when he got old enough, he started asking questions. About Kazue and about you." She peeked at him, but Kaito wasn't looking at her. He was staring at the sky which was turning gray overhead.

  He would pretend not to care, but she knew he was listening.

  "We did the best we could, but he grew restless, and insisted on learning about the world for himself. We tried to hold onto him, but he disappeared. Years later we started hearing the rumors, of a man who could wield both yokai and spiritual energy. A new powerful creature, both human and not. We spent centuries searching for him, but we never saw him again. It wasn't until we realized he was at the human palace that I learned he was the one who found Kazue's soul pieces. He made Suzume and Hikaru this way. And he freed Hisato."

  Kaito half turned toward her. "Why are you telling me this?"

  Rin gave a ragged sigh. She didn't want to believe it, but she could find no other explanation since the attack. "I believe he has Suzume under his control. He's using her and her control over you to get his revenge."

  "What do you want me to do?"

  "Save her."

  "She doesn't want me to help her."

  "Sometimes we don't know what's best for us. Or we can't say what we need, but she sent me here to warn you. And right now she needs your help."

  Kaito turned to walk away. "Go back to your man."

  "Are you going to save her?" Rin asked his retreating back.

  "She can save herself."


  Dawn broke over the horizon, painting the sky pink and orange. Long shadows were cast over the garden Suzume's room overlooked. Fingers of darkness crept toward her where she stood, half in shadows herself. It would have been a beautiful morning had she not been on her way to kill Kaito. Her last hope was that Rin could warn him in time. Hopefully by the time she reached her destination he would have gone into hiding. She scoffed at her own thoughts. Knowing the dragon, he was probably already on his way here to try and save her from herself. That's what Hisato had wanted, to force them together. If she was lucky, he'd kill her for certain this time.

  Her maid came in and Suzume turned away from the window and the growing light of day. She donned the warrior priest attire, wearing all black with her staff strapped to her back. By the emperor's decree she was to go and kill the dragon—who Izume and Hisato had led him to believe was a threat to the kingdom. If only she could get close to the emperor and explain the truth to him. But Izume had made sure Suzume couldn't get near him. Not that she could break Hisato's command anyway.

  "Up already?" Tsuki asked with a yawn and a stretch as he entered her room.

  Suzume clenched her mouth shut. She didn't want the lies to spill out of her. Hisato's orders had been clear—tell no one where you’re going.

  "I-" she started to say. No, I won't do it.

  Tsuki frowned as he got closer to her.

  "What's wrong with you?"

  You can do this. Fight him. "We-" she started again but all that came out was a strangled growl.

  She swung at the wall, punching it hard, as she'd seen Kaito do when he got angry. Pain rippled up her arm, radiating outward and flames flickered there. Kazue had taken her self-harm as an indication Suzume was in danger. If only her power could burn up the bond between her and Kaito.

  Akira shifted into view, taking Suzume's hand in hers. "What is the matter with you?" She touched Suzume's bloody knuckles. The wounds were already starting to heal, just more proof that Suzume was no longer human.

  "Don't let me-" she started to say, but her mouth clamped shut. Kazue's fire had given her only a few seconds of control.

  The pain was only a momentary distraction. But it wasn't enough. She'd have to bash her head into the wall to get more time, but she might lose consciousness before she could warn her friends too. What
was the use? Even if she warned them Hisato would use that against her too. He had won. Every moment had been orchestrated by Hisato. Even the people she thought she could trust betrayed her. She slumped to her knees, collapsing beneath the weight of her realization. There was no way she could stop Hisato. He would always be two steps ahead.

  "The emperor has sent us on another mission," Suzume replied.

  "You said, ‘don't let you?’" Akira frowned.

  "I misspoke," Suzume said in a hollow, defeated voice.

  "What are you not telling us?" Akira said, her voice more authoritative.

  "It's not the mission," she lied again. "I just don't want to leave the palace."

  "You're not acting like yourself."

  They've begun to suspect. If they are going to be an obstacle, then they must be removed, Hisato's voice cooed inside her mind. Suzume's head shot up.

  "No!" Suzume cried out.

  "Suzume?" Akira reached out for her, but as she approached her, Suzume leaped to her feet.

  The first notes of the song of binding poured out of Suzume. Tsuki took control of the body he shared with his sister but not quickly enough. The song wove around him, freezing him in place. His betrayed expression cut her deep.

  I don't want this. Why are you doing this?

  Hisato's laughter filled her ears in reply. This is who you are, Suzume. Embrace it.

  Noaki rushed in just as the stone Tsuki was sealed in clattered to the floor. He swerved around the room, moving quicker than her eyes could trace. She raised her hand, flinging flames in his direction. He dodged and came up behind her, ready to knock her unconscious. But as he prepared to land a blow, she held up her hand. "Stop."

  Noaki froze in place. "Suzume, this is not you," he said.

  I wish I could stop this. Flames crackled in the palm of her hand.

  Do it, Hisato urged her. She imagined him watching her, smiling with glee as she betrayed her friends.

  "I can't," She croaked, as she flung the fiery ball at Noaki straight into the center of his chest. It sent him flying backward, crashing into the painted screen at the back of her room. Before he could take even a moment to recover, she sang the song of binding. As the last notes of the song faded away into the emptiness of the room, she fell to her knees and stared at the place where Noaki had been. All that remained was the shattered remains of the screen. You belong to me now.


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