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Love With a Scandalous Lord

Page 8

by Lorraine Heath

  She licked her lips again, wondering why they tingled. Did they have the ability to remember what she remembered? Had his kiss branded her? Did his lips tingle as well?

  She shoved her distracting thoughts aside. “My time in London will be short, and I want to make a favorable impression. I need to learn everything I would have been taught had I lived here for years. I dont want to stumble through my first ball like the country cousin who has come to the city.

  “Surely you have attended a dance.

  “In a barn! She lunged to her feet, skirted around the edge of the table, and began to pace, unable to repress her agitation. She spun around and looked at him imploringly. “We hold our dances in the barn. No matter how much you clean it or lay down new straw, it still smells of manure and horsehide.

  “Ive never had a gilded invitation. Word of mouth or a note tacked outside the general store is the way people are invited. This dressshe swept her hands from her bosom to her hips“is fancier than anything Ive ever worn to a danceexcept on my birthday. Calico, homespunhellip;oh!

  Frustrated, she took up her pacing again. How could she explain the unexplainable? As a general rule, she despised whining women. She didnt want him to perceive her as such, but shed traveled so farnot only in miles, but in her efforts to achieve her dream.

  “I dont mean to sound ungrateful, but for years Ive read Laurens letters. Everything she wrote about the glitter and gold of London. All Ive had is tin. Its not anyones fault. Its simply the nature of Fortune. To be dull and boring and wrapped in shades of brown. She pivoted and captured his gaze. “You must think me terribly shallow.

  What Rhys thought was that Lydia Westland belonged in a glittering ballroom, with gentlemen thronging around her. Granted, he had to admit that there were undoubtedly more pressing issues in the world than the cut of a ball gown, but for a young woman nothing was more important, nothing else served as effectively to determine the remainder of her life than her Season.

  Lydia was quite right that a gentlemans perception of a ladys mastery of etiquette influenced his interest in her as marriage material. During the Season, women were auditioning, flaunting their grace, showing their ability to charm, demonstrating their worthiness to indeed be married to a peer.

  He could hardly fault Lydia for wanting to make a good impressionparticularly if she did not expect to have much time in London. The month of May and the Season were already under way.

  Raised up on her toes, her hands clasped before her, she looked at him as though she expected him to provide her with some profound answer.

  “I find most women to be shallow, he replied drolly.

  She rolled her eyes and presented her back to him.

  “But I also understand, he continued, unable to comprehend the reasons he desperately wished not to disappoint her, “what it is to desire what youve never possessed. Unfortunately in your case, Lydia, I fear youd discover the reality is far removed from the dream.

  She glanced at him over her shoulder, a definite challenge in her eye. “It wouldnt be that far removed if you were to help me.

  He ceased to breathe. “I beg your pardon?

  She hurried across the room, knelt before him with her skirt billowing around her, and grabbed his hands. “You could teach me what I dont know.

  The warmth of her palms was as compelling as the plea in her eyes. It took all his willpower not to fold his fingers around her hands, squeeze gently, and pull her nearer to him.

  “You seem to know a great deal, he finally managed.

  “But not everything. And I get flustered. Like when we met. Addressing you as Your Grace. Honestly, I did know better, but Ive had so little experience. If you would simply practice with me

  “Practice with you?

  She nodded enthusiastically. “Have tea with me. Escort me into dinner instead of my mother. Murmur in my ear if my touch is not light enough or is too light. If my steps are too slow or too quick. Anything at all.

  Shaking his head to clear it, he slid his eyes closed. What he wished to murmur in her ear had little to do with etiquette and everything to do with seduction.

  Fighting to control his baser instincts, he opened his eyes. “Impossible.

  “Why? Were practically related, and I know often a man takes a female relative under his protection.

  Dear God, what he wanted was to take her under his body, to have her thrashing about beneath him and screaming his name. Was she so incredibly innocent she could feel none of this passionate stirring? None of this blasted desire that raged through him?

  He felt like a fiery volcano, while she seemed as cool as a wintry night. He wanted to melt her frost and fan the flames of what theyd begun in the sheltering darkness at the bridge.

  “As last night proved, our spending any time together would be unwise, he told her. He spoke the truth. His restraint was close to giving out on him.

  “Youre not ravishing me now.

  Not from a lack of wanting .

  She released her hold on him, and he mourned the loss of her touch. She sank back on her heels.

  “Ive read the books, but there are so many little things that they dont tell me. Things you would know.

  “I did not do the social rounds while I was in London.

  She furrowed her delicate brow, and he wanted to press his thumb against the creases and ease them away.

  “Not at all? she asked.

  “I had no interest in the balls. And while as a second son I might have been considered a fair catch, Quentin was the favored one, sought after, and invited to every soiree that took place.

  “But surely you were taught how to behave in case you were invited.

  “Im not saying I am not without knowledge. Rather I lack the experience you seek.

  He shifted in the chair, not entirely comfortable with the way she was scrutinizing him, as though she sought to decipher exactly what knowledge he did possess.

  She lowered her gaze to her lap. “What if I get to London and make a fool of myself?

  “You shant make a fool of yourself.

  She slowly lifted her gaze to his, her incredible lavender eyes revealing her vulnerabilities and fears. “How can I not when Ive never had the opportunity to put to practice what Ive learned? Wishful thinking and imaginary gentlemen have hardly prepared me to walk into a ballroom with confidence, and confidence is what Ill need if I want to be a success.

  “Which of course, you do.

  She chose that moment to bestow upon him a smile filled with wonder and awe. “Ive lived my entire life almost as though I were Cinderella. Do you know that story?

  “A tale written by Perrault. I wasnt aware you had a wicked stepmother. Or in your case, perhaps its a wicked stepfather.

  Her smile blossomed. “Neither. But Im a farm girl who has spent most of her life dreaming of one night of magic. With your help, maybe it can turn into more.

  He narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean by that?

  “Im not interested in going back to Texas. I want to live among the glitter.

  “And when you discover it is not gold, but merely a poor imitation?

  Concern etched itself across her features. “Papa said something similar. I think its only because youre men, and you cant comprehend what Im talking about.

  “Oh, I understand. Far better than you think. I cannot help but wonder if it is better to have the dream rather than the reality.

  “Youre too cynical. I dont know why I bothered to ask you, or why I thought youd be willing to help me.

  She started to rise. He reached out and grabbed her wrist, halting her progress and quickening the beat of his heart. He was certain he would analyze this moment until his death and never fully comprehend what had possessed him to say, “Ill offer you my assistance, teach you what you think you dont know.

  Unadulterated joy swept over her face. Then her arms were wrapped around his neck, her cheek pressed to his, her backside nestled within his lap. “Oh, Rhys, thank you!

nbsp; He dug his fingers into the sides of the chair to keep himself from digging them into her, from burying his hands in her hair, or cupping his palms around her waist.

  She eased back until he could look within the depths of her eyes. She slid her hands around until they cradled his neck, her thumbs pressed below his chin. Surely she could feel the rapid thrumming of his pulse.

  He felt as though the sun had suddenly moved into the room, heating his flesh. All the joy seemed to flow out of her as awareness crept in. For him, it had been immediate. For her, it was a slow dawning, but he could see its arrival as clearly as he noticed the first signs of spring. The budding of her breasts, the blossoming of her lips.

  He recognized that he should have possessed the presence of mind to move her off his lap, but he feared if he touched her at all, it would be to press her closer, to bring her mouth directly in line with his.

  Blinking, she gave her head a quick shake before she scooted off his lap. Her cheeks flamed red. “Im sorry.

  “Yes, well, lesson number one is that a simple thank you will suffice in the future, should I do something that pleases you.

  “Thank you, she said softly as she stepped back.

  “Youre welcome. He loosened his grip on the chair, fearing it would forever carry the imprint of his fingers.

  He stood and she stepped back again, failing to meet his gaze.


  She lifted her eyes to his.

  “We shall need to curb your enthusiasm.

  She nodded. “That was a very unladylike display.

  “Indeed. I, for one, am in favor of no formal lessons. I shall simply instruct you when our paths cross.

  She bobbed her head. “Thats fine.

  “Very good. He started to stride from the room.

  “When do you think our paths will cross? she asked.

  He halted, with his mind racing. As seldom as possible hung on the tip of his tongue. He glanced over his shoulder and knew he could not bear the thought of disappointing her. “I shall endeavor to make it often.

  “Thank you.

  He gave a brisk nod before continuing out of the room. What he needed was a taxing ride over the countryside, although he doubted anything he did would cause him to no longer regret his decision to help her.

  Chapter 7

  T he shrieking began at precisely four oclock.

  Rhys was absolutely certain of the time, because hed just returned from his afternoon ride and was striding toward his chambers when he passed the large clock in the hallway, and the ear-splitting crescendo reverberated throughout the manor.

  The last time his mother had issued such a shrill cry, shed spotted a mouse hovering in fear beneath her vanity table. Fortunately William had an uncanny talent when it came to catching rodentsa skill hed mastered during his time in the London streetsand hed managed to capture the errant creature and remove it from the premises.

  Or so he claimed. Rhys suspected William had made a pet of it.

  William was already on his way up the stairs when Rhys reached them.

  “Im bettin its another mouse, Guvner, William tossed over his shoulder, slowing his steps so Rhys could catch up.

  “ My lord , Rhys corrected him.

  “No need to be prayin about it, Guv. I can catch the fella right quick.

  Rhys repressed a groan. “I wasnt praying. I was indicating how you are to address me now that we are in residence here.

  “Ah, right, right. I keep forgettin.

  Before Quentin had taken his unfortunate spill into the family pond, Rhys had distanced himself from his family to such a degree that only a few people had known of his noble heritage. Certainly none of his ladies had known.

  They much preferred thinking he was some coarse commoner trained in the art of seduction by Lady Sachse. Lady Sachse whom Rhys had never kissed, much less bedded.

  Hed never understood why she took such an interest in other ladies affairsso to speakwhen she was as celibate as a nun.

  All thoughts of Lady Sachse flew from his mind when his flight up the stairs came to an abrupt halt at the top. William, obviously quickly deducing a rodent wasnt the cause of the commotion, was gingerly backing down the stairs in an effort not to be noticed.

  Rhys scarcely blamed him for his cowardly retreat.

  It was not often in this household that two furious women faced off. He would have given the upper hand to his mother, whose voice was causing the walls to reverberate, but for the fire in Lydias eyes as she stood between his mother and her brotherthe fire, the passion, the warning.

  Good Lord, she was a tigress defending her cub. Waiting, waiting for the battle to shift from verbal to physical, at which point, God help his mother.

  “Mother? he dared to utter into the fray.

  She spun around, her palm connecting with his cheek, resulting in an echoing crack that caused an unnatural stillness to descend over the hallway. Her eyes flooded with tears. Tears for him that made his own eyes sting. He took a step toward her, fully intending to wrap his arms around her

  “You promised! she retorted. “Promised to keep them at bay. And now that wretched, horrible boy

  “Did nothing more than step into the hallway, Lydia protested, her voice seething.

  “I was looking for Lyd, the lad said, stepping out from behind his sister, who quickly moved in front of him.

  At any other moment, Rhys might have thought their actions amusing. Right now, however, his cheek, mouth, and heart still smarted.

  “You promised! his mother reiterated.

  “I know I did, he said quietly. “I shall rectify the situation posthaste.

  “I want them out of my house!

  “That wish I cannot grant.

  “I want the bastards boy flogged!

  “Over my dead body, Lydia snarled.

  “That can be arranged, his mother said haughtily.

  “Mother, is anyone with Father? he asked in an effort to distract her from the problem at hand. Anything to diffuse the escalating tempers.

  She snapped her gaze to his, horror clearly etched across her aging face. “Do you suppose he heard?

  Surely she was joking. His father would have heard even if he were already lying in his grave. Still, Rhys shook his head. “Hopefully not, but if he did, tell him you saw a mouse.

  “Yes, yes, she murmured absently before turning toward the door. “He knows Im frightfully terrified of the vile creatures.

  She entered the Dukes bedchamber, and Rhys shifted his attention to Lydia and Colton. He did not welcome the unpleasant task that awaited him, but order needed to be maintained. “We shall discuss this unfortunate matter in my study.

  “Colton did nothing wrong, Lydia insisted.

  Rhys narrowed his gaze. “I am in no mood to be corrected or questioned at the moment. And considering the fireworks shooting from your eyes, I would think you would appreciate a few moments to calm yourself, before we discuss why you and your brother are in this hallway when I specifically requested that Grayson and his brood vacate the premises each afternoon between the hours of two and five.

  His comment only served to ruffle her feathers more if her deepening glare was any indication. She opened her mouth. He held up a finger to silence her. “In my study.

  She snapped her mouth closed, squared her shoulders, bunched up her skirt with tightened fists, and marched down the stairs. Her brother started to follow and then halted, glancing up at Rhys.

  “You really dont want to get on Lyds bad side, he warned before traipsing after his sister.

  On the contrary. Rhys was definitely looking forward to the encounter. Perhaps afterward she would demand he rescind his offer to help her practice her etiquette. Based on what hed just witnessed, she did indeed need a tutor when it came to learning about the proper way to handle unpleasant situations.

  Removing a monogrammed handkerchief from his pocket, he pressed it to his mouth, disappointed to discover blood. He didnt fancy being a wounded warrio
r, he mused as he followed them down the stairs. In the entrance hall, Lydia had already turned to the right.

  “To my study, he called after them.

  She spun around, her brow furrowing, her gaze quickly darting around the foyer. She pointed over her shoulder. “The library

  “Is not my study, he interrupted. “If you will be so kind as to follow me?

  He knew by the mutinous set of her mouth that she preferred to be the one leading. How different she was when someone she loved was threatened. Hed perceived her to be young, sweet, and innocent. At this precise moment, she looked as though she wished to scratch out his eyes. He couldnt determine why he found that aspect of her character appealing.

  He led the way along the wide hallway and entered a room that, like the library, looked out on the garden. But here no books for pleasure were housed on the shelves behind his desk. Here, there was little more than ledgers and books designed to help run massive estates. Here, he could not escape his obligations. Nor, in this smaller room, could they escape him.

  He crossed the room, turned, leaned his hips against his desk, and curled his fingers around its polished edge. He did not invite his belligerent guests to sit. What he had to say was better received standing.

  “Did your father not inform you that you were to vacate the premises during the afternoon? he asked.

  “He did, Lydia replied succinctly, “but

  “I didnt want to go for a carriage ride, Colton finished.

  Lydia turned to him. “Ill handle this.

  “I can take care of myself.

  Rhys recognized the battle raging within Lydia. The older sister wanting to protect the younger brother who wished to prove himself a man. Rhys was captivated by the various emotions sweeping across her face, and yet within each one was shadowed the depth of her love for the boy.

  She gave the barest of nods, and the boy stepped forward, his mouth set in a grim line.

  “Its more boring than a month of Sundays to sit in a carriage, doing nothing. Pa said I could stay here as long as I stayed in my room. I was looking out the window and saw you riding in. I wanted to find Lydia to see if I could borrow a horse and go riding. I stepped into the hallway about the same time the Duchess came up the stairs. He shrugged. “Bad timing.


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