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Love With a Scandalous Lord

Page 13

by Lorraine Heath

  He urged his horse off the main road and into a canter. She easily followed, quickly catching up with him. She wasnt fond of the sidesaddle. At home, she would have worn a split skirt and ridden astride. When shed packed her trunk, shed assumed a riding habit would be more appropriate here. She had to admit that she did feel more like a lady, although a secret part of her wouldnt have minded challenging him to a race. But she wasnt quite used to the saddle and didnt want to risk losing.

  She enjoyed the subtle rolling of the land. The dark green countryside, the abundance of trees. The graceful sweep of the blue sky. The same sky she looked at while she worked in the fields. Strange, how it suddenly seemed much more beautiful when she wasnt toiling beneath it.

  He brought his horse to a halt near crumbling pillars of stone nearly lost within the foliage. She wouldnt have even noticed them if he hadnt directed her toward them.

  “What is this place? Lydia asked.

  “The remnants of a forgotten castle.

  “It cant be forgotten if you remember it, she said.

  “I suppose not.

  She waited while Rhys dismounted and walked over to her. Raising his arms, he placed his strong hands around her waist. Resting her hands on his broad shoulders, she held her breath while he slowly lowered her to the ground, his gaze locked on hers.

  Warmth swirled through her. She was aware of her bodice rasping lightly against his shirt, her skirt brushing his trousers, the toes of her shoes touching his. Aware that she now looked up at him where before shed looked down, and in the looking, she was drawn into the gray of his tempestuous eyes.

  Desire rolled over his face the way storm clouds billowed across the land, darkening as they sought to release all theyd gathered. He wanted her. She was certain of it. She trembled with the knowledge that she desired him as well.

  Several young men had given their attention to her, yet shed never known such awareness, as though an invisible rope had been lassoed around them and was bringing them closer together.

  Abruptly he released her. She didnt know if it was because the sensations threatened to overwhelm him as they did heror if he was upset that he experienced them at all. She squelched her disappointment and followed him as he strode away from her.

  He came to an area she was certain had once been the base of a wall. He stood there gazing at what nature had mostly reclaimed.

  “I thought castles had moats, she said, awed by the history she sensed in the place. Hundreds of years might have passed since this place had fallen.

  A corner of his mouth quirked up. “Not all of them. Certainly not this one. At least Ive been unable to find any evidence of it. Once when I was much younger, I thought Id found a secret passage that might lead me to the dungeons. But it was nothing more than a badger hole.

  “So you came here to explore, she said.

  He turned, crossed his arms over his chest, and leaned against the edge of the remaining wall. “I came here to think.

  “And is that the reason youre here now? To think?

  “I am not sure why I came. I felt a need to share this place with you when I have shared it with no one before.

  She glanced around. “I think its beautiful. But sad as well.

  “You have a romantic bent. I fear it will make your heart easier to break.

  “You flatter me by worrying about my heart at all.

  He grinned. “Are you quoting from your books now?

  “Im trying to improve my wit. I can hold my own in a conversation about cattle or crops or the weather. Im not exactly sure what the gentlemen here want to talk about.

  “Indeed there is a talent to successfully carrying on a meaningful conversation about nothing. I suppose I should provide you with a list of appropriate topics.

  “Id be very grateful if you did.

  “Is it so very different in Texas? he asked quietly.

  “Yes. I cant explain all the differences. Some are subtle.

  “Do you really ride over the countryside by yourself?

  She nodded. “Sometimes. Sometimes I ride with a man.

  He shifted his stance as though shed piqued his attention. “Indeed?

  She smiled warmly. “Our rules are different. We dont bother with chaperones. Ive gone on picnics with young men in the area, and my parents were nowhere to be seen. Your society seems to expect everyone to misbehave while mine expects them to behave.

  “Interesting commentary on our differing worlds.

  Shed been looking into his eyes, unaware hed moved as close as he had, close enough that she smelled the lemony fragrance that graced his skin, along with the masculine scent that hovered beneath. Close enough that she felt the heat of his body through his clothes.

  He cupped her chin, his thumb stroking the corner of her mouth. “You dont kiss like a woman who has behaved .

  He lowered his mouth to hers. Her eyes slid closed, and it was as if every nerve ending in her body unfurled. How could a kiss touch her in so many different places?

  He was right. She was no stranger to mens advances, and yet no kiss shed received before his made her feel limp, as though her bones were simply melting away. His arm came around her back, pressing her closer against him. Gripping his shoulders, she angled her head to give him easier access, to announce her acquiescence to his questing tongue.

  He responded with a guttural groan, totally barbaric, completely in tune with their surroundings. Ancient and primal. A beast whose tether had been loosed.

  Rhys wanted her as hed never wanted any woman. Here on the ground, beneath the trees, against the crumbling wall. She still tasted of chocolate, as his tongue plundered and his mouth ravished.

  He skimmed his hand along her ribs until he felt the weight of her breast filling his palm. Heavenly perfection.

  Hed brought her here simply because theyd been close to reaching their destination of Harrington, and he wanted more time with her. Alone. Without others about. Without the pall of death to steal her smiles and the joy from her eyes.

  She was at once an innocent and a temptress whom he had not the strength or desire to resist. Her beauty, blossoming from deep within her, had the power to cause ships to sail and knights to crusade.

  A distant part of his mind cautioned him that he could not claim her as he wanted. To possess her would be to ruin her; to ruin her would be to destroy her. Hed destroyed once before. He could not risk doing it again, even though his body ached with need and his heart cried out for deliverance.

  Breathing heavily, he tore his mouth from hers and turned away. “You are a witch, to tempt me as you do.

  “And you are a coward, to push me away as you do.

  Startled by her comment, he jerked around and stared at her.

  “Im not as innocent as you think, she insisted, her breathing as labored as his. Her mouth still carried the dew of his kiss. Her half-lowered eyes belonged in a bedchamber.

  He raked his gaze over her. “Tell me you are not a virgin, and I will take you here and now.

  She looked away.

  Reaching out, he cupped her chin and turned her attention back to him. “You are as innocent as I think. Even if you were not, Lydia, you would not want the likes of me. I betrayed my brother, betrayed my family. Be grateful I have no wish to betray either Grayson or you.

  “They betrayed you, she said.

  He shook his head sadly. “They turned away from me, but only because I gave them sufficient reason to do so.

  “What did you do?

  He considered telling her all, but he had no desire to see her look at him with revulsion. So he ignored her question about his past and concentrated on the present, on his need to leave her as innocent as hed found her.

  “Grayson trusts me to be a complete gentleman where you are concerned. He stroked his thumb over her lower lip. “I have no intention of disappointing him. He was a far better brother to me than Quentin ever was.

  “But you dont mind disappointing me? she asked softly.

; “Trust me, Lydia, youll be far more disappointed than you are at this moment if we continue along the path weve been traveling. You told me that you wanted respectability and love. Neither is within my power to give.

  Chapter 12

  L ydia was acutely aware of the uncomfortable silence stretching between her and Rhys. It had been there as theyd ridden home. Built as theyd handed their horses off to the stable boy. Deepened as they now trudged up the steps to the manor.

  She wasnt sure what to make of him or what to think about what had passed between them. How could he act now as though nothing had happened when her body still shimmered with unfulfilled promises?

  She had but to glance at him to remember the press of his lips against hers, the skimming of his palm along her ribs, the feel of his hand cradling her breast.

  That shed come close to drowning in the sensations hed elicited within her should have frightened her. Yet all she seemed able to do was feel disappointment that hed halted his exploration and gone no further than he had.

  As a woman who valued her virtue, she knew she should be grateful hed shown such remarkable restraint. As a woman only just beginning to explore the unknown territory that existed between a man and a woman, she was curious about all she didnt know.

  “Are you going to ignore me from here on out? she asked quietly, as they neared the top of the stairway.

  He glanced over at her, his eyes the gray of a sky warning of the tempest to come. “Were that it was that easy. Unfortunately, I am aware of every breath you take.

  A small thrill of pleasure speared her. So he was not as unaffected by what had passed between them as he appeared to be.

  “Is that so awful? she asked.

  “For reasons which I have no desire to explainhellip;yes. I think it would be best if we dispensed with sharing dinners in the evening or any other moments for that matter.

  As though unwilling to discuss the situation further, he walked up the remaining steps. She followed like a faithful dog, while part of her wanted to grab his arm, spin him around, and demand he explain everything. He was unfair to remain mysterious where her heart was concerned. She wanted explanations. Deserved them.

  A servant opened a door, and Rhys stepped aside, politely inclining his head to indicate she should precede him into the manor. With a glare she knew would have sent her brothers scrambling to get as far away from her as they could, she strolled with as much dignity as possible into the manor.

  “My lord, youve returned home at last, the butler said as he staidly approached them.

  “I was not under the impression I had a curfew, Rhys said.

  “I should say not, sir. However, His Grace instructed me to tell you and the young ladyas soon as either of you returnedthat he wishes for you to join him in the drawing room.

  Rhys leaned closer to the servant. “You mean in his bedchamber.

  “No, my lord. The servants eyes sparkled as though he was handing out gifts on Christmas morning. “His Grace has apparently had a remarkable recovery. If I may say so, my lord, its somewhat of a miracle.

  “Indeed, Osborne, you may say so. Rhys turned to Lydia. “Shall we go to the drawing room?

  She nodded and fell into step beside him. Once they were out of the butlers earshot, she said quietly, “Rhys?


  She stopped, forcing him to do the same. “Dont get your hopes up.

  “Whatever do you mean?

  She hated to be the bearer of possible bad tidings. “Sometimes, she began softly, “it seems to me people have a momentary recovery only to leave us shortly thereafter. As though theyre being given a chance to say good-bye.

  He nodded thoughtfully. “Perhaps that is the case here. Regardless, we shall be grateful for it and not keep my father waiting any longer.

  He extended his arm toward her.

  “Should I curtsy? she asked, as she laid her hand on his arm.

  “No. He winked, actually winked at her. “It would be appropriate, however, to address him as Your Grace.

  She wrinkled her nose. “I knew that.

  “I know.

  She honestly didnt know what to make of this man who seemed to warn her off one minute and tease her the next. She wondered if Rhys was as confused by his actions as she was.

  With her heart thundering, she walked with him down the elaborately decorated hallway. She was on the verge of truly meeting a duke this time, not simply watching one as he slept. He would be as aware of her presence as she was of his.

  “I should take a moment to straighten my hair, change into a gown

  “You look lovely as you are, he interrupted.

  Glancing up at him, she nodded gratefully. “Thank you.

  Something akin to satisfaction warmed his eyes, before he turned down the corridor. A footman bowed slightly and opened the door. She still couldnt get accustomed to never having to open a door.

  Rhys escorted her into the room. Her mother and father sat together on a sofa. Colton and Sabrina lounged quietly on nearby chairs. But what really caught Lydia by surprise was the sight of the Duchess.

  Regally she sat in a plush chair beside an even larger chair, her hand resting on the arm of an elderly gentleman. He was dressed as though he expected to attend a social function that evening, his silver hair combed back, his gray eyes twinkling.

  “Ah, the prodigal son returns at last, he said, with a shaky voice that betrayed his infirmity, because hovering within its shadows were the remnants of its booming characteristics.

  “I must say, Father, that youve given us all a jolly nice surprise today. Its good to see you looking so well, Rhys said, and Lydia heard the true pleasure in his words.

  “I would be a poor host if I did not join my guests for at least one meal, wouldnt I? Harrington asked.

  “Considering that you have been quite under the weather, I should think all would have been forgiven.

  “Its easier to obtain forgiveness from others than it is to obtain it from oneself. Introduce me to your lady.

  Rhys cleared his throat. “She is not my lady, Father. She is Graysons stepdaughter. Our paths crossed in the village, and I escorted her home. May I have the honor of presenting Miss Lydia Westland?

  Her heart was pounding so loudly that she almost didnt hear her introduction. And she didnt care what Rhys had told her in the hallway, the man sitting before her had nobility carved into every line of his face, the set of his shoulders, and the depth of his gaze.

  She released her hold on Rhys, stepped nearer, and curtsied. “Your Grace, it is an honor to make your acquaintance at last.

  He leaned toward her and said in a low voice, “So youre the one who whispers with my son in the middle of the night and keeps him company.

  “I thought you were asleep.

  “Only too tired to open my eyes, dear girl. I wonder if my son has opened his.

  She felt a hand come to rest beneath her elbow as Rhys helped her to straighten. The Duke glanced around her to where her parents sat.

  “Lovely girl, Grayson.

  “I had little to do with that, Your Grace.

  Lydia was acutely aware that within this room, her stepfather was formal with this man who had sired him, and she wondered if it was out of respect for the witch sitting beside the Duke.

  “Perhaps you had naught to do with the siring, but I see your influence here. Your own children offer much to be proud of. Dont you agree, Winnie?

  Lydia jerked her gaze to the woman lovingly patting her husbands hand. Winnie? It seemed too soft a name, too teasing a name for the shrieking shrew shed seen in the hallway twice now.

  “Of course, dear, the Duchess said.

  “I should like for us all to dine together this evening, the Duke said, and even in his weakened state, his voice was riffed with command.

  “If thats what youd like, dear, then I shall see that it is so, the Duchess said. “Ill instruct Cook to make all your favorites.

  She rose gracefully to her feet. “I s
hall see to it immediately. If you all will excuse me.

  Lydia couldnt help but stare. The lady walking out of the room was completely regal in her bearing. Lydia had just seen a side to the Duchess shed never suspected existed. She couldnt help but be impressed that for this occasion at least, for her husband, the Duchess was putting aside her personal feelings of revulsion for Grayson Rhodes.

  “If youll excuse me, Father, I have some matters to see to as well, Rhys said.

  “Of course. Although I do hope youll consider playing the piano for us this evening.

  Rhys flinched as though a whip had been taken to his back. “Perhaps I can convince you that youll be more entertained by a reading from Miss Westland.

  The Duke turned his expressive eyes on her and patted the chair beside him. “Sit here, Miss Westland. Ive a desire to know you better.

  She eased onto the chair, not certain if she really should, concerned with the appropriateness of taking the chair the Duchess had just vacated, but thinking it would be unacceptable to deny the Dukes request.

  “I shall take my leave now, Father, Rhys said.

  “Yes, yes, the Duke mumbled distractedly as he waved his hand in the air.

  She was vaguely aware of Rhys leaving, more aware that she could see some semblance of her stepfather in the man sitting beside her.

  “Have you heard Rhys play? he asked.

  “No, Your Grace.

  “Im most surprised by that. He plays when he is melancholy. He winked at her. “We shall have Rhys play tonight.

  “I dont think we should force him if he doesnt want to, Lydia said.

  “Life is nothing more than being forced to do what wed rather not.

  “I dont believe that.

  “Then I suspect you would find living in our world not to your liking.

  She swallowed hard, wondering what exactly hed overhead in the shadows of his bedroom.

  He turned his attention away from her. “Now, Grayson, tell me more about Texas.

  Rhys caught up with his mother in the foyer. When she had a mission, she could be quite a ball of energy.


  She turned, dabbing the corners of her eyes with a white linen handkerchief. She gave him a sweet smile. “I thought he looked rather well, didnt you?


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