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Love With a Scandalous Lord

Page 20

by Lorraine Heath

  “Im in mourning.

  “If you were a woman, it would be unacceptable. As a man, you will garner a few frowns, but everyone is exceedingly curious to meet the new Duke of Harrington. I believe youll be forgiven for your breach of etiquette. We can announce our engagement at that time.

  He wasnt certain which he dreaded more: attending the damnable ball or having his engagement to Camilla cut in stone.

  “If thats what you wish.

  She laughed lightly. “Oh, thats definitely what I wish, Rhys. As for our wedding

  “The specifics on that will wait until Lydia has been satisfactorily situated. Ill not be distracted from my purpose where she is concerned.

  “Which is?

  “To find her a suitable husband among the aristocracy.

  “You care for her.

  It was issued as a statement, not a question, one he found rather irritating.

  “She is delightful, he admitted. “That aside, I simply wish to see her happy.

  “Then why not marry her yourself?

  He bestowed upon her a pointed glare that indicated he thought she was an idiot for even asking.

  “You fear your sins will be uncovered. My ladies wish to keep their secrets as much as you do.

  “We shall hope that is the case. Regardless, I am not willing to risk hurting her.

  “Whereas I cannot be hurt.

  “You know going in what you are marrying. He wasnt referring to the title, and well she knew it. “Youll overlook it to gain a title. I think she wants so much more. She deserves so much more .

  “Then we shall see that she gets it.

  He shifted his attention to the doorway where the butler had just entered. Camilla leaned to the side of the chair and glanced back over her shoulder. “Yes, Matthews?

  “His Lordship has arrived.

  Rhys had never seen Camilla grow as pale as she did now. For all the cold armor she wore, he sometimes suspected she wasnt as strong as she seemed.

  “You mean the Earl of Sachse? she croaked.

  “Yes, my lady.

  She rose unsteadily to her feet. “Then by all means, show him in.

  Rhys wasnt certain what compelled him to move forward and squeeze her hand. She gave him what looked to be a terribly forced smile.

  “Perhaps theyll appoint me his guardian, and then I can have everything, she said.

  “My lady, the Earl of Sachse.

  Rhys looked toward the doorway and decided that the Earl didnt need a guardian, and if the way Camillas fingers were closing tightly around his were any indication, shed reached the same conclusion.

  “My lord?

  The tall, well-tailored man bowed slightly. His brown hair, unfashionably long, fell across his brow. “Lady Sachse.

  “Please, do come farther into the room so we neednt shout.

  He walked into the room, glancing around as though feeling quite lost. When he was near enough, Camilla said, “Your Grace, my I have the honor of presentinghellip;

  Obviously shed paid little attention to the heirs name when shed received notification that hed been located. How typical of her.

  Sachse blushed. “Archie Warner, Your Grace.

  “His Grace is the Duke of Harrington, Camilla explained. “My betrothed.

  Rhys shuddered as though shed just applied the chisel to the stone in order to begin carving what could not be changed. Sachse looked completely delighted.

  “Well, congratulations are in order to be sure! I had no earthly idea!

  “At this point in time, no one does, Rhys hastened to assure him. “We have yet to make a formal announcement, and until we do, I would prefer that we keep the news to ourselves.

  “Of course, Your Grace, Sachse said. “That goes without saying. I have never been one for idle gossip.

  “Then we are of a like mind, Sachse. Rhys found himself taking an instant liking to the man.

  “I would have waited to discuss Rhyss suit with you, my lord, Camilla said, “but I was under the impression you were still a boy in school when I was told you did not wish to leave your studies.

  He laughed. “My studies? Im a teacher up north.

  “A scholar then.


  She swept her hand to the side. “Shall we all sit?

  “I would be honored to join you, Rhys said, “but Im certain you and the Earl have pressing matters to discuss, and I do not wish to intrude

  “It would be no intrusion, Your Grace, Camilla said.

  “Then let me simply confess that I cannot stay for I have guests who require my attention.

  She smiled falsely. “Of course. Allow me to walk you out. If youll excuse me, my lord?

  “Oh, indeed. Do not mind me. He strolled over to a table where a book restedas decoration only, Rhys was certainand turned back the cover.

  Rhys walked from the room with Camilla following close enough behind him to have stepped on his heels a number of times.

  “Coward! she spat once they were in the hallway.

  He grinned. “Youll have him wrapped around your little finger before the day is done. You dont need my assistance.

  “He is not at all what I expected.

  “Not a callow lad, thats for certain. I should imagine he wont have any trouble at all finding a suitable lady in London. Perhaps you should have waited to become betrothed .

  She angled her head haughtily. “Dont be ludicrous. Settle for an earl when I can have a duke? Not if my life depended on it. She patted his arm. “Be sure to look overjoyed when you announce our betrothal.

  She left him then to make his own way to the door. His life was a maze of regrets, but if he could see that Lydia was happy, he thought he could forgive himself almost anything.

  “You should have seen it, Lyd. There was blood everywhere and people were hollerin. You could tell from looking at em. Colton scrunched up his face, wrapped his hands around his throat, stuck out his tongue, and made choking noises.

  Sitting in the front parlor of Rhyss home, Lydia tried to look appropriately horrified. Snuggled on her lap, Sabrina squealed and buried her face against Lydias chest.

  “Colton, behave, her stepfather chastised. “The whole point behind having those particular wax figures in a separate room is to spare the ladies sensibilities.

  “Thank goodness for that, her mother said with a shudder. “Ive heard enough from Colton to squelch any desire I might have had to see what was inside that room.

  Colton puffed out his chest with pride. “Only me, and Pa, and William got to go into the Chamber of Horrors. You would have liked seeing what Madame Tussaud did, Lyd.

  While her curiosity was piqued, she decided if she did visit the exhibit, shed pass by that particular room without peering inside.

  “You took William with you? she asked.

  “Sure did. Uncle Rhys said it was okay if he went with us.

  Her stepfather cleared his throat. “Colton, Ive explained about how you are to address

  “Uncle Rhys dont care if I call him uncle. He gave Rhys a pointed stare. “Do you?

  Rhys sat in a chair that made him appear to be an outsider looking in.

  “Not at all, he remarked.

  Pleased with the answer hed been given, Colton beamed his smile around the room. “Honestly, you shoulda been there, Lyd, he reiterated.

  “I can visit with you anytime, but not with my cousin. I had an enjoyable time shopping with Lauren this afternoon, thank you very much. No blood, no gore.

  “Shopping. Boring. Colton flung himself back in the chair.

  “I liked the animals in the zoological gardens, Sabrina said, sitting straighter, as it became evident that Coltons time as the center of attraction had drawn to a close.

  Lydia tugged on Sabrinas braid and smiled. “Did you?

  She nodded enthusiastically. “I saw an elephant and a lion and a

  Lydia touched her finger to Sabrinas mouth knowing her sister had an impressive memory and would no doubt list every a
nimal shed seen and then some. “Why dont you draw me pictures of all the different animals you saw?

  She wrinkled her nose. “I wish youd go places with us. Weve seen all kinds of things, and you missed every one of them.

  “Ive seen lots of things, too. Ive just seen different things.

  “Why cant you go with us?

  “Its difficult to explain, she told her sister.

  “Are you still studying for that test you were telling me about?

  Trust Sabrina to remember things said that were better forgotten. “I simply enjoy shopping for clothes more than I like looking at animals.

  “I think weve seen just about everything there is to see in London, her mother said. “Im so glad youve had your dream of attending a ball in London. Im more than ready to return home.

  Lydia shot her gaze at Rhys. Her dream wasnt to attend a ball. It was to have a successful Season. To live a life beyond that into which shed been born.

  Obviously aware of her trepidation, Rhys eased up in his chair. “I thought wed agreed Lydia would enjoy the remainder of the Season.

  Her mother darted a glance at her stepfather before settling her attention on Rhys. “Youd mentioned finding Lydia a husband. She assured me that she wasnt interested. She looked at Lydia. “I thought you were going to explain

  “I want a Season, Mama. Not necessarily a husband. Although if I find one, I wont be disappointed.

  “Lyd, are you gonna get married? Sabrina asked. “Is that the test?

  “Colton, take Sabrina to the kitchen for some cookies, her mother ordered.

  Sabrina slid off Lydias lap, patted her hand, leaned close, and whispered, “Youll pass the test, Lyd. I know you will. Then she followed Colton out of the room.

  Her mother rose to her feet and began to pace, more agitated than Lydia had ever seen her. Her stepfather simply sat as still as stone and studied Lydia.

  “How long is a Season? her mother asked.

  “Itll last through July, Lydia supplied.

  “Thats almost two more months. You cant possibly expect us to stay when weve already been gone for over a month. I know Johnny and Micah are capable of handling the businesses, but it was never our intent when we left to stay away for such a long time.

  “You can go home, Mama. Simply leave me here.

  Looking frightened, her mother sank onto the sofa and took Lydias hand. “I dont believe I can do that. Go home and leave you here? Youre my little girl, Lydia.

  “Mama, I want to experience everything London has to offer. Concerts, operas, plays, and walks in the park. Dinners and balls and courtship. I dont mean to sound ungrateful for the life youve given me in Fortune. I just yearn for more. Besides Im no longer a little girl. Ive become a woman.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Rhys stiffen. He knew as well as she did that it was within his arms that shed truly become a woman. She could reveal everything that had passed between them, and her stepfather would insist on a shotgun wedding in this very room before the sun set.

  Only she didnt want Rhys under those conditions. She wanted time to prove to him that they were meant for each other. Meanwhile, she could enjoy the glitter of London.

  “I could stay with Aunt Elizabeth, she suggested. “Lauren has asked me countless times in her letters to come visit. I know they wont mind.

  “While we were at Harrington, I offered my protection to Lydia, Rhys said quietly. “That offer stands. I am practically her uncle.

  He looked uncomfortable as he said it. She was certain her parents would think it was because of his relationship to her stepfatherthe bastard. But she understood that his discomfort came about because they were not related at all. And theyd shared experiences forbidden between a true uncle and his niece.

  He shifted his gaze to her stepfather. “I assure you that I am well aware you have very high standards regarding the type of man youd wish for Lydia. I would personally interview any gentleman who expressed an interest in heras I promised to do before we left Harrington. She could spend each afternoon here, with a chaperone, of course, to receive callers.

  “We dont want to inconvenience you, her mother said.

  Lydia ground her teeth together.

  “Its no trouble, I assure you, Rhys answered.

  She thought her mother looked as though shed suddenly aged ten years. But Lydia knew that sooner or later she had to exert her independence. Now, while she was where she wanted to be, was the perfect time.

  “Mama, you and Papa have always taught me that if I wanted something I should reach for it, work for it, remain determined to get it, Lydia reminded her. “I will do whatever I have to in order to stay in London until the end of the Season. Im here. Why cant I stay for a while longer with your blessing?

  “It wont cost you a single penny. I have my own funds, money Ive set aside over the years. Ill use it for everything I need.

  “Lydia never has been frivolous, her stepfather said. “I should imagine she has more than enough to get her through the Season.

  Her mother looked at him as though she had no idea who he was. “Youre in favor of her staying?

  “I know what it is to want something and to be told you can never possess it. He got to his feet, crossed the room, and joined her mother on the sofa. “Lydia is a grown woman. We cant hold on to her forever. I see no harm in her spending some time here without us. Besides, if you take her home now, shell only come back next year. Youll simply be postponing the inevitable. Lydia has spoken of London for years. Its a harmless dream. Let her have it.

  “Thats easy enough for you to say. Youre a man

  “I was a scandalous rogue, my sweet. I know the dangers in London. I know not all men are to be trusted. If Rhys gives me his word as a gentleman that he will protect Lydia, then I believe him. And if he breaks his word, Ill kill him.

  “Youd have to stand in line behind me, her mother said.

  Lydia knew her mother was not issuing an idle threat. Another reason she thought it wise not to mention how involved her relationship with Rhys had become.

  Rhys cleared his throat. “I shall endeavor to ensure neither of you has reason to wish me ill. Ill look after your daughter as though she were the rarest of jewels.

  Not exactly what Lydia wanted from him. Shed rather he look after her as though she were his wife.

  He looked off to the side. “Yes, Rawlings. What is it?

  Rawlings walked farther into the room, silver tray in hand. “An invitation has arrived, Your Grace. For Miss Westland.

  “Oh! Lydia popped up and removed the invitation from the tray. With trembling fingers she opened it. She pressed a hand to her mouth, smiling broadly.

  “Its from Lord and Lady Whithaven. Ive been invited to the ball theyre hosting next week.

  She knelt in front of her mother. “Look at it, Mama. Isnt it the most beautiful invitation youve ever seen? I arrived too late to get a written invitation from Gina. She simply accepted my presence because she and Lauren are such close friends. She flattened the card against her chest. “This is an official invitation.

  She looked at her mother imploringly. “Oh, Mama, please say I can go.

  “Who is this Lady Whithaven? she asked.

  Lydia shook her head. “Lauren pointed her out to me, but I wasnt actually introduced to her. Someone I met must have spoken to her on my behalf.

  She gazed over at Rhys, who seemed neither pleased nor surprised by the invitation. “Do you know Lady Whithaven?

  “We have a passing acquaintance.

  “So you can reassure Mama that Lady Whithaven wont corrupt me?

  “Lydia! her mother exclaimed. “I dont expect anyone here to corrupt you. I simply dont know these people. In Fortune I know everyone. Its so large in London, so crowded, with too many people. I could never be comfortable here. I dont understand why you think you would be. But I can see youre determined to at least experience it fully. Gently she cradled Lydias chin. “So stay. Have your Season. Then come home.

>   “Promise youll write every day.

  “I will. Lydia hugged her mother tightly. “I will.

  Her entire family was gathered in front of the Ravenleigh house. The Harrington coach was waiting to whisk them off, so they could board their ship and sail back to Texas. Lydia hadnt expected this moment to be so difficult.

  Tears stung her eyes, as she leaned away from her mother. Tears of joy, because she was going to stay. Tears of sadness, because shed never in her life said good-bye to her mother. She hardly knew where to begin. Her books didnt advise her regarding this situation.

  She could see her mother valiantly fighting back her own tears as she turned to her sister. “Elizabeth, you take care of my little girl.

  “I will. Dont worry. Ive had nine years now in this country. Its much tamer than Texas, believe me.

  Lydia glanced over at Lauren. She was practically bubbling with joy because Lydia had been granted permission to stay. She expected them both to take London by storm now.

  “Will you write to me, too, Lyd? Sabrina asked.

  She looked down at her sister and tugged on her braid. “Every day. And youll have to send me pictures every day.

  “I will. Her voice warbled.

  Lydia knelt and drew her sister close.

  “Im going to miss you, Lyd.

  “Ill miss you, too.

  “You wont stay forever, will you?

  She was very much aware of Rhys watching her. His presence provided her with the strength to let go.

  “Not forever, she hedged. Even if she did marry and live here, she would visit home often. She wondered at what point children stopped thinking of the place where they grew up as home.

  She released Sabrina and quickly found Rhys holding her elbow, helping her to rise. Awareness shot through her, and she realized it was indeed wise that she would no longer be staying at his house. She had no will to resist him.

  She turned to Colton and held out her arms.

  He scrunched up his face and hunched his shoulders. “Ah, Lyd, he muttered.

  “You wont see me for months and months. Give me a proper good-bye.


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