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Love With a Scandalous Lord

Page 23

by Lorraine Heath

  “Two more gentlemen have come to call on Miss Westland, Rawlings said.

  She glanced over her shoulder in time to see Rhys lift the mens cards from the silver tray held by Rawlings.

  “Viscount Sandoval, he read aloud before shaking his head and returning one card to the tray. “We are not at home for anyone less than an earl. You may tell the Earl of Carlyle, however, that we are available, and you may show him in.

  “Very good, Your Grace.

  “Please send a maid to clean up the spill the previous suitor made. Miss Westland and Carlyle will enjoy their tea by the window.

  “Very good, Your Grace. He made a very stately exit.

  “Youre going to tell the Viscount were not at home when we are at home? she asked incredulously.

  “Did your books not explain that it gives no insult when you tell someone you are not at home?

  “I think youre being rude again.

  “Be that as it may, I am quite serious that we will not consider anyone of a lesser rank than earl.

  “Even if hes intelligent?

  “I have a set of standards, Lydia. We shall endeavor to find a man who meets all the requirements, not merely a handful of them.

  “Perhaps you should further enlighten me as to what these qualifications are since Im the one wholl be marrying the man.

  A tap on the door, and her discussion with Rhys came to an abrupt halt. The door opened, and Rawlings walked in followed by a young man. He had straight brown hair and bushy side whiskers. His puppy-dog brown eyes spoke of intelligence.

  “Carlyle, Rhys said succinctly. “You are welcome to join Miss Westland by the window.

  “Thank you, Your Grace. He hurried over and smiled brightly at her, obviously assuming hed passed her benefactors first test.

  Lydia sat, and he quickly followed suit.

  “Carlyle, Miss Westland and I were just discussing Americas civil war. Are you familiar with it?

  “Indeed I am, Your Grace.

  “Perhaps you would be kind enough to share with us what you know.


  While Rhys positioned himself before the fireplace, Lydia smiled at her latest suitor, as though she truly cared about the different reasons that had caused a fracture in her country. His eagerness was charming. His knowledge immense. And when he was sitting, it was almostalmost, not quiteimpossible to tell that when he stood, he barely reached Lydias shoulder.

  As her latest suitor turned to leave the room, Lydia closed her eyes. Shed bounced back and forth between the chairs by the window and those in the center of the room. Now she was again in the middle of the room where her afternoon had started.

  “We are no longer home, Rawlings, Lydia heard Rhys say from the doorway.

  Thank God for small favors was all she could think as, with a sigh, she leaned back and rubbed her temples. Shed had four more visitors after Carlyle. One obviously had an affinity for eating foods heavily spiced with garlic. One had been more interested in stuffing the little cakes into his mouth than carrying on a conversation. One had been aged“like fine wine, hed joked upon introductionand had held a horn to his ear to improve his hearing. One had spoken passionately about the girl he wanted to marry if only his obligations to his family didnt require him to marry someone who could help replenish the family coffers.

  “Is your head hurting? Rhys asked quietly.

  She moaned in the affirmative. “I never knew courtship could be such a pain.

  Although he moved silently through the room, she felt his presence behind her before he placed his hands over hers at her temple.

  “Lower your hands, he ordered.

  “And why should I do that?

  “Because I can help make your headache go away.

  She placed her hands on her lap, and he moved his fingers in a slow circular motion against her temples.

  “Where does it hurt? he asked.


  He skimmed his hands along the sides of her face, stopping momentarily at the sensitive spots below her ears, before stopping at the base of her neck. He began slowly, gently kneading the tight muscles that sloped down to her shoulders. The change in the pressure and the angle of his hands told her that hed knelt behind her.

  “I would meet with more success at eliminating your pain if you would not object to me taking your hair down. Mary can put it up before you join your aunt.

  She didnt particularly want his hands to stop working their magic as he removed her pins, but she imagined he could do a great deal more for her if her hair wasnt fashionably tidy. She decided his statement must have been rhetorical, because before she could give him permission, hed already begun to pluck her pins free with one hand while the other continued to squeeze and rub.

  She recalled a challenge her stepfather had once issued to the children to rub their tummies and pat their heads. Theyd all fallen over laughing at their efforts. She had a feeling Rhys would excel at that task.

  Her hair began to fall, and the simplicity of not having it piled elaborately on her head eased her headache somewhat. Rhys burying his fingers into her hair and stroking her scalp caused the pain to abate even further.

  And when he moved her hair aside and placed his lips against the silky curve of her neck, all the pain vanished.

  “Youre very good, she said lethargically, as her entire body seemed to melt into the chair.

  His hands continued to knead her head, rub her temples, and stroke her ears, while his hot mouth and tongue traveled up and down her neck.

  “Is this helping?

  “Definitely. You should consider hiring yourself out.

  His hands stilled, and his mouth hovered over her skin. “Pardon?

  “Youre much better than a headache draught.

  The door suddenly opened, and his fingers flinched against her scalp. Lydia turned her head to see Lady and Lord Sachse standing in the doorway.

  “Well, my, my, Lady Sachse said, “I suppose I was wrong when I told Rawlings we had no need to have our arrival properly announced.

  Rhys glowered at Camilla. Hed thought her continual habit of showing up uninvited had ended when hed walked out of her house. He extricated his hands from within the wonderful abundant thickness of Lydias curls and pushed himself to his feet. “Lydia had a headache after an afternoon of dealing with suitors.

  “Well, then, I look forward to head pains after were wed, Camilla said as she stepped more fully into the room. She angled her head. “Stop shooting darts at me with your eyes, Rhys. It doesnt become you. And you, my dear, neednt bother to pin up your hair. Its really quite beautiful.

  Lydia stopped frantically trying to gather up her hair. She cast a quick look at Rhys as he came around to stand in front of her. He gave her a curt nod, and she dropped her hands to her lap.

  Camilla made herself at home by sitting in a nearby chair. Lord Sachse moved in to stand beside her, but Rhys was acutely aware the mans gaze never strayed from Lydia.

  “Archie has never been to London before, Camilla began. “I cant quite fathom that myself, but be that as it may, I decided to show him a bit of the city, so weve been out riding about in the carriage.

  “Its a nice day for it, Rhys murmured, striving not to show how much he resented the intrusion, while at the same time immensely grateful for it. Touching Lydia always seemed to be an unfortunate way to go, because he seemed to have no restraint whatsoever where she was concerned.

  “Indeed it is, Camilla said. “And while we were out, I was struck with the most splendid idea. I thought the four of usyou and I, and Miss Westland and Lord Sachsemight attend the concert at Royal Albert Hall this evening.

  Rhys shook his head. “As Ive indicated, I wish to find a suitable match for Miss Westland. Sitting in a theater hardly suits that purpose.

  “Dont be obtuse, Rhys. The Royal Albert Hall is a splendid place to be seen. You dont want the London gentlemen to believe Miss Westland cares about nothing more than dancing. Being American, she
is at a decided disadvantage. She needs to be seen as having a bit of culture, not being totally barbaric.

  “I assume youre aware that I am in the room, Lydia stated defiantly.

  Rhys snapped his attention to her. Camilla did the same. Sachses attention had never wavered from Lydia.

  Lydia gave Rhys a pointed look. “Id like to attend the concert. She looked at Camilla. “As for my having a bit of culture, Ill have you know that a traveling Shakespearean theater group put on a wonderful performance of Hamlet in Uncle Harrys saloon. I enjoyed it immensely.

  Sachse coughed, no doubt trying to hide his laughter, while Camilla seemed uncertain what she should say. Rhys as always was charmed with his little dreamer.

  Camilla finally managed, “Im not sure how the Royal Albert Hall will compare with Uncle Harrys saloon . You will no doubt find it lacking, but shall we give it a go?

  “Retract your claws, Camilla, Rhys said, his voice vibrating with warning.

  “I believe Miss Westland is fully capable of defending herself, Your Grace, Sachse said. He smiled warmly at Lydia. “I must admit to being entirely without culture. Although Shakespeare is one of my passions, Ive never had the luxury of attending a play. Neither have I attended a concert such as I hear this one is. I would be honored if you would accompany me this evening.

  “I would be honored to do so, my lord, Lydia said, returning his smile.

  “Then its all settled, Camilla announced as she stood. “You will send your carriage around for us, wont you, Rhys?

  “Of course.

  She smiled brightly. “Then well see you this evening.

  She began strolling from the room. Sachse gave a polite bow. “Your Grace. Miss Westland. I look forward to this evening.

  He followed Camilla out and shut the door. Lydia came to her feet, and her hair tumbled around her, down her back, stopping short once it had curled over her backside. Rhys grasped his hands behind his back to stop himself from reaching for her.

  “You wont be happy if you marry her, Lydia said.

  His happiness never had been a consideration. His only concern remained her happiness. “She and I are cut of the same cloth.

  “She acts as though she owns you.

  In many ways, perhaps she did. Certainly she knew more about him than most.

  “How is your head now? he asked, having no interest in a discourse on his selection of a bride.

  She rubbed her neck. “Its fine. I think Ill see if Aunt Elizabeth is ready to leave, so Ill have time to take a nap before we go out tonight.

  He took a hesitant step toward her. “How are you feeling otherwise?

  Sadness touched her eyes. “I should have had my menses by now.

  “Perhaps your body simply has not adjusted to being in England.

  She gave him what he thought she intended to be a smile, but instead looked like a weary, disappointed imitation. “Well hope thats what it is.

  She strolled from the room without another word. He strode to the cabinet to fix himself a stiff drink.

  Damnation! Part of him desperately wished hed be forced to marry her, while a part of him feared dragging her into his hell.

  “Truthfully, my dear, how does this compare with Uncle Harrys saloon ? Camilla asked.

  Sitting with Lord Sachse on her left, Rhys on her right, Lydia stared in wonder at the majestic domed ceiling, the balconies circling above her. She might have thanked Rhys for separating her from the she-cat, but Lydia was determined that nothing would spoil her evening.

  She could hardly take it all in. “Its magnificent.

  “Does it hold a few more people than Uncle Harrys saloon ?

  “Camilla, Rhys said softly, a warning purring in his voice.

  Lydia looked past him to where Camilla sat. “You can be as mean-spirited as you like, you wont ruin my enjoyment of the evening.

  Camilla angled her head haughtily. “My dear, I had no plans to even attempt to ruin this night for you.

  Liar , Lydia thought. Unable to contain her excitement over the building, she squeezed Rhyss arm. “I wish Mama could have seen this place. Much more impressive than the Chamber of Horrors.

  “Perhaps shell have reason to return to London, and well be sure to bring her.

  Well? Shed thought once she married someone else that Rhys would be out of her life completely, forever. Spending any time at all with him now was bittersweet.

  She greedily devoured any moment he gave her, knowing each success carried him further away. She still couldnt understand why hed subject himself to life with such a coldhearted woman as the one who sat beside him now.

  What was it that gave Camilla such a strong hold on him?

  With Rhys looking into her eyes, Lydia was in danger of forgetting another person completed their party. She turned to Lord Sachse, who seemed inordinately pleased shed done so.

  “What do you think of the place? she asked.

  He smiled warmly. “I feel quite overwhelmed.

  “I think I could use every complimentary word in the dictionary and fall short of giving this building its due.

  He leaned a little nearer, as though to impart a secret. “I have heard it said that the organ should be considered the eighth wonder of the world.

  “Do you think theyll play it tonight?

  “I should hope so.

  She sat back and sighed deeply. “I think its magnificent. She laughed lightly. “I said that already, didnt I?

  “Indeed you did, but I, for one, never tire of hearing your enthusiasm.

  “Sometimes my enthusiasm can be very unladylike, she assured him.

  “I should never find honest enthusiasm such. What of you, Your Grace? Do you not find the ladys enthusiasm most enjoyable?

  Rhys was watching her intently, and she wondered if he was remembering the times hed curbed her enthusiasmand the times he hadnt.

  “Her enthusiasm adds immensely to the enjoyment of my evening, he said.

  “And you, Lady Sachse? Lord Sachse asked.

  She pressed a hand to her chest. “For a moment there, I thought everyone had forgotten I was here.

  “You must forgive us, dear lady, Sachse said. “I suspect you find it rather tedious to have to listen to those of us who are not accustomed to the majesty this building offers.

  “On the contrary, I am pleased my suggestion to attend tonight has met with such approval.

  “You were very kind to include me in your plans, Lydia said, trying to set aside her dislike for the woman, striving to be as gracious as she believed a lady should be.

  “Not at all, my dear. The more you are seen, the more likely you are to catch someones fancy. The sooner you are wed, the sooner shall I be.

  Lydia snapped her gaze to Rhys. She saw a muscle in his cheek tighten as he stared straight ahead. His situation with Lady Sachse was beginning to make sense. Hed told her many among the aristocracy married for reasons other than love. His reason for marrying Lady Sachse was suddenly obviously, painfully clear.

  Lydia had been mistaken. Lady Sachse did have the power to ruin her enjoyment of the evening.

  Rhys had despised watching Lydias enthusiasm for the evening wane. She blamed exhaustion from her earlier excitement, claiming it had worn her out.

  But as the carriage traveled through London, Rhys suspected Camillas unfortunate comment was more to blame. Damn the woman for not knowing when to hold her tongue.

  Lydia was no fool. She would piece the puzzle together, and in all likelihood, she would not fancy the picture she saw.

  Sachse sat beside him now while the ladies sat opposite. Camilla, at least, was keeping her sharp tongue behind her teeth. He was of a good mind not to carry through on his offer to marry her, but he understood Camillas claws were far reaching. Hed bargained with Satans bride, and now he would reign in hell.

  The carriage slowed and stopped. Before Sachse could react, Rhys said, “Ill see Miss Westland to the door.

  The footman helped her out of the carriage. Rhy
s followed, walking beside her. Hed expected to have to rush after her, but there was no hurry to her step. He was not certain what he wanted to say or why it had bothered him so much to notice that Sachse had not taken his eyes off Lydia during the entire concert.

  That the man was quite taken with her was obvious. But he knew as little of London as she did. He was not nearly worldly enough. Rhys could only hope another gentleman would offer for her. And soon.

  Gracefully she ascended the steps, stopping well short of the door.

  “You bargained with her, she said softly, not meeting his gaze.

  “She is well connected with the Marlborough House Set. She has influence where I do not.

  “Shes the one who is making sure that I have invitations to more balls than I could possibly attend.


  She glanced up at him then. “In exchange for what?

  He shrugged as though it was of no consequence. “She will become my duchess.

  “Shell make you miserable.

  “Ill see you happy, Lydia, at any and all cost.

  “You dont love her.

  “No, but neither does she love me. It is a fair trade.

  He saw tears welling in her eyes, before she looked away. “The price is too high to you.

  “Not if I say it isnt.

  “If I dont get married

  “Nothing will change for me. I will still marry Camilla. Our agreement was that she would see you accepted into polite society. She has succeeded. That she has graciously agreed to wait for our wedding until you are settled is a credit to her.

  She shook her head.

  “Whether you marry or return to Texas, I shall wed her. You might as well finish the Season and continue your search for a suitable husband.

  “Youre selling yourself.

  “It is not the first time.

  Her head snapped around, her eyes searching his face.

  “You have not lived in the world I have seen, Lydia. Not all of London is glitter and gold. Marriage to Camilla will be silver at best.

  “And at worst?

  “Tolerable. He cupped her chin, holding her gaze. “Find your happiness, so I might rejoice in it. For the price has already been paid.


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