Stealing His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Stealing His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 14

by M. L. Briers

  Her back was against the sofa and she had nowhere to go, but she was where she wanted to be, needed to be. But she was wearing too may damn clothes and so was he.

  Julia’s hand found the hem of his top and she yanked it up his body, making him reluctantly break their kiss as he helped her yank it over his head.

  “I’ve shown you mine…”He grinned, reaching for her top, pulling it over her head, and tossing it onto the floor beside them. His eyes feasted on her breasts and the thin blue lace that covered her breasts, and he growled his appreciation, but that didn’t stop him from reaching behind her and flicking the material apart. He reached from the straps on her shoulders and slowly eased them downwards.

  His arousal became physically painful as the blood from his brain was detoured to his groin, but he groaned out his pleasure at watching her breast slowly uncovered to his eyes for them to feast on, as the need to touch her overwhelmed him.

  He tossed the bra over his shoulder and dipped his head. His tongue lapped at the hardened nipples, first one and then the other, before he palmed one breast, catching the bud between his finger and thumb and rolling it, as his mouth covered the other and he sucked hard.

  Julia’s back arched towards him, bringing her breasts up for him to devour and he did just that. He was almost fevered in his exploration of her flesh, as her hands fisted in his hair and she urged him on, until her need became too much and she gasped his name with urgency.

  Shaun lifted his head and saw the raw desire in her eyes for him. He put his hands on her hips and lifted her back onto the sofa. His hands immediately worked on her jeans, and he had them down her legs and off, and was going back for her panties when she moaned her need.

  “Just rip them…”

  Shaun growled out his approval as his hands tore the material apart at each hip, tossing the expensive lingerie aside like the rag it had become as he fisted her ankles and pushed her feet up onto the sofa cushion. His hands ran up the insides of her legs and when he got to her knees he pushed them outwards, opening her to his gaze.

  The scent of her arousal called to him, and it took every last bit of willpower he had not to yank his own jeans down and plough deep inside her channel, but he needed to taste her, needed her so damn wet for his entry inside her, and he dipped his head and took that first taste on his tongue as she moaned and tossed her head back against the cushion.


  Shaun growled against the tiny nub of flesh as he sucked it into his mouth, devouring it with his tongue as he ran his blunt teeth against it, exposing the nerves beneath the hood and making her squirm beneath him.

  Julia’s hands were back in his hair, and when his finger thrust deep inside her channel, she tightened her hold on him and moaned for more. He added another finger for the next thrust and her inner muscles clenched around them, but it wasn’t enough for her, she needed him and she wasn’t shy about vocalising her needs.

  Shaun added a third finger and stretched her around his digits as he built the fire within her with his tongue. She tried to buck up to meet his thrusts, but he held her in place, curling his fingers in search of her sweet spot, and she jerked when he found it. He wasted no time in bringing her to the edge of release as he thrust in and out over that little bunch of nerves.

  She practically crushed his fingers with the violence of the spasms that gripped and released around him as she lost herself in the orgasm that tore through her. He pulled his fingers from inside her and thrust his tongue into her pulsing channel, savouring the taste of her nectar and growling hard with the pleasure of tasting her on his tongue.

  As she slowly climbed down she could feel his tongue thrusting in and out of her, and it made her feel empty for the feel of his hardness inside her. She squirmed against him.

  “Shaun, you’ve tasted mine…”She breathed out in frustration, bringing him out of his frenzy for her. Releasing her from his hold she pushed off from the cushion behind her and reached for his jeans. She ran her hands over the large bulge in the fabric and heard him groan and growl at the same time as he closed his eyes against the need for her touch.

  “Don’t tease me baby, please…”Shaun growled out and heard her gentle chuckle as she slowly ran the zip downwards. He opened his eyes and watched her as she took in the sight of him, hard, thick and proud as she pushed the material down over his hips. Her eyes flared with desire and her tongue traced over her lips. “Put those beautiful lips around me, sweetheart, suck me…”

  “Sit on the sofa…”She demanded, and he couldn’t get off his damned knees fast enough. He even nearly took a nose dive as his jeans snagged around his knees, and he kicked them off, just before his backside hit the cushion and he found her on her knees in front of him.

  Before he could even speak she had dipped her head and ran her tongue the full length of him, from his sack to the tip, circling around, as her other hand wrapped around his shaft and stroked down to expose the sensitive ridge.

  A hard hiss of breath was sucked past his teeth as she closed her lips around the bulbous head and sucked hard. His hands fisted at his sides to stop his hips lifting from the damn cushion and thrusting his penis deep into her hot mouth, because what she was doing to him at that moment felt so damn good. There were lips around him and she was suckling hard, her teeth were gently nibbling the ridge, and her tongue was swirling over the tip and into the tiny slit, and he thought for one long moment that he was either going to lose his mind from the ecstasy, or shoot his load right down her throat.

  “Sweetheart, you’re going to make me come…”He growled out a warning, but she didn’t stop, if anything she became more frenzied around him, more intense, and when she thrust down his shaft, his hands shot out and fisted her hair as he clenched his teeth to try to stop himself coming.

  The second time she ploughed down his shaft he felt the head hit the back of her throat and he tried to pull back, but he had nowhere to go. The feel of her throat contracting around him as she swallowed him down, made him tighten his hold on her hair as he groaned his absolute pleasure, and then she was back devouring the tip of him, and he felt the tingle in his spine as he rushed towards an orgasm. His balls were rock hard and pulled up tight, and he growled out a warning to her.

  Julia took him deep into her throat over and over in quick succession and felt his muscles tighten and he swelled within her mouth. She swallowed down the tip of him and felt his hot seed spill out into her throat as he growled out with his release. His hands in her hair lifted her head to where he needed her and he thrust his hips upwards, over and over, spilling down into her throat as she relaxed her jaw and let him ride out his orgasm until he was done.

  It took him a moment to regain enough of himself to realise that she was still clamped around his half mast, and he reached for her arms and pulled her up off the floor, as she released him with a wet pop that sounded so damn erotic, and he brought her up and onto his lap.

  She straddled him and he claimed her mouth. She tasted of him and he tasted of her, and damn it was ecstasy. He fisted her hair with one hand and held her mouth where he wanted it, where he could devour her at will, until he released her and ran his tongue down over her neck, seeking the pulse that was beating faster only for him.

  When he closed his lips and sucked hard she moaned and squirmed in his lap, rubbing her sex over his shaft and making him hard for her again. His other hand palmed her backside and he squeezed a handful of flesh.

  Moving his other hand down he found the other cheek, and he squeezed and moved her over his shaft. He massaged her cheeks together and apart as his shaft rubbed over her.

  His blunt teeth nipped at her neck and she palmed his chest and pushed away from him. “Shaun, I need you inside me…”She demanded his immediate attention and he went to comply, but she was already scooting off his lap and back down onto the floor. “From behind, I want to feel you deep…”

  He was behind her in an instant, bringing her body upwards onto her knees as he bent
her forwards over the cushion. He nudged her knees wide apart and took hold of his shaft, positioning himself just inside the wet heat of her channel, and he slowly pushed forwards with his hips.

  He felt her opening to him, stretching for the size of him as he entered her, and he went as far as he could go before he felt some resistance, pulling back to the tip, he started a slow progression inside again, watching her backside come up as she arched her body, and his shaft disappeared into her. It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen.

  “Damn love, you’re tight…”He growled, resisting the urge to thrust to the hilt.

  “You’re just, really…really…really…large…”Julia curled her fingers into the cushions. She’d seen the girth of him, just about manage to take him into her mouth, but seeing the size and feeling it stretch your body were two different thing, and she gloried in the way he filled her so completely. She was sure she could feel every little vein on his hardness, and the sweet spot he had already stimulated thanked him for that.

  When his hips pressed against her backside he held against her, letting her body become accustomed to his size.

  “Am I hurting you?”He growled as he gently rocked his hips back and forth, running his fingertips down her spine and causing her to shiver to her very toes.

  “Frustrating me, I want to feel you move…”She groaned out and he chuckled.

  “I want to make sure you’re ready for me…”

  “More than ready.”He didn’t need any more encouragement. It was torture for him not to move, and when he pulled back to the tip he stroked to the hilt and felt her inner muscles welcome him back, as she clenched around him.

  ‘Mine.’ His wolf growled. ‘You think?’He snapped back inside his mind. Trying to hold his needs in check. He rolled his hips against her backside and heard her moan. Taking her in long, deep strokes from the tip to the hilt, each time she tightened around him, each time she tried to hold onto him inside her, it was driving him insane.

  His hands found her hips and he held her in place, increasing the speed of each stroke into her until she moaned a little longer, a little louder, her fingers curling into fists against the cushions. She couldn’t hold her head up any longer and she dropped it to the cushion as she revelled in pleasure she was taking from her mate.

  Shaun curled his body low over hers. His elbows rested on the cushions either sides of her and his chest rode low over her back as he pumped into her, shorter, faster bursts, before he thrust deeply again, until she didn’t know which way was up.

  He fisted her hair so he could get to her neck and shoulder. His tongue tasted the sheen on her skin, his lips closed over her pulse and he sucked hard causing her to moan louder, her back arched low and her backside rose higher. He ran his lips down to her shoulder, where he would place his mark when she allowed it, and he nipped her with blunt teeth.

  Every inch of her tensed with that nip and then she relaxed. He bit gently, holding against her until her head tipped to one side and he felt her open to him, accepting him as her lover, her mate. He didn’t think he could have taken her any deeper, but there it was, as if her body was welcoming him to her womb, welcoming his seed, and he growled with the pleasure of knowing that she was his.

  He’d kept her wanting, changing his pace and angle each time she drew near to her release, making her body climb all over again until she burned with the need to find her pleasure. His hard body all around her like a velvet cage, only added to the excitement.

  “Let me mark you as mine.”He growled against her neck, his tongue teasing her senses. She didn’t need to think about it, she felt it within her, and it felt so damn right. She was his mate, he was hers, and she would spend the rest of her life with him. There wasn’t a need to question it anymore.

  “Mark me…”She moaned against the cushion. A moment later his hand tightened in her hair, holding her head to the side, holding her still so she couldn’t pull away and hurt herself.

  ‘Mine.’ His wolf growled, demanded.

  “Mine.”He growled against her shoulder. His fangs elongated, not to devour, but to claim.

  Shaun couldn’t wait a moment longer to taste her. His thrusts became faster, deeper, harder inside her, and he felt her muscles clench hard around him a moment before she cried out as the first wave of her orgasm tore through her body, and he pressed his fangs against her skin and pierced the flesh, but she made no sound of pain, just the sweetest moan of pleasure.

  He tasted her blood on his tongue and his wolf went wild within him, howling with the recognition of who she was, satisfied that their mate had been claimed.

  He growled with a deep need to find release inside her. Releasing his fangs he swept his tongue over the small puncture wounds, tasting the last of her blood and heightening his desire for release.

  Shaun raised his body slightly over hers, changing the angle of his hips and thrusting hard and fast. His hands sought hers and he laced their fingers together as his body took the pure pleasure that hers offered him. He heard her cry his name, swept up again in the rush to release he was creating inside her, and he didn’t stop, couldn’t stop as he felt the pressure building within him.

  His spine tingled as a rush of pleasure swept through him. Her body bucked against him as she climaxed around him. The inner muscles of her tight channel massaged hard around his shaft, and the first wave of his orgasm took him hard.

  He buried his body deep inside her and delivered his seed into her womb as he tossed his head back and roared with the power of wave after wave of pleasure.

  Shaun didn’t think he’d ever come that hard or that much in his life, pulling back his hips to thrust back deep inside her, over and over, until he had nothing left to give. His body ached, his muscles quivered around him, and he held around her, protectively shielding her with his body as they fought for breath and rode out the aftermath of their loving.

  “Julia…”He growled, nuzzling against her shoulder. Finding his mark and making sure he had tended it properly, as she slowly came back to him. She moaned at the feel of his tongue against the mark in her shoulder. Her mind and body reacting to his touch.

  “Can we do that again, when I get some energy?”She heard him chuckle against her neck.

  “I didn’t hurt you then?”He felt her shake her head and drew back slightly to look down at her. His hand fisting her hair to move it away from her face. “We’ll be doing that over and over now that you’ve accepted me as your mate, sweetheart. I don’t think I’m ever going to get enough of you.”The deep growl in his tone and the promise he offered made her shiver.

  “I think I just got some energy.”She teased and he moved inside her. Hard again. “Yep, definitely, got energy.”

  “You did what?”Jonathon’s tone was somewhere between a growl and a hiss, and full of the disbelief that was battering him like a fist to the head. Just the thought of Sofia being shot was enough to make his stomach turn. Even knowing that she had been healed did nothing to alleviate the rush to panic within him. “Christ, what were you thinking?”He tossed the covers back and glared at his partner.

  Steve shook his head. The shock of what had happened still hadn’t worn off. His hands still shook, his stomach was in knots, and his brain was firing on all cylinders, just not with any credibility right now.

  “I couldn’t leave them there, not if they weren’t happy…”

  “I told you to do nothing.”Jonathon jumped out of the bed and started to pace back and forth. “The mating process usually works out, but nobody was going to force themselves on the girls, for God sake.”Jonathon dragged his hands through his hair and turned away from his partner. “And how the hell are you still alive?”Jonathon spun around to face him. The look of sheer disbelief etched itself onto Steve’s face.

  “That’s a damned nice way to put it…”He would have kicked at cat at that moment if Sofia had one.


  “That’s not what I mean and you know it…”Jonathon hissed back
at him and Steve pouted on a shrug off his shoulders.

  “I guess Sofia or Julia persuaded the Alpha to let me go. But I have to leave and not come back until I’m invited…”

  “Which means until the Alpha thinks he can look at you and not rip you limb from bloody limb…”He saw a hard shiver wrack Steve’s body and his temper cooled within him.

  “I guess it’s deserved. I could have killed her, if it hadn’t of been for the vampire…”


  “One of the wolves mate’s I think. It’s all a little foggy…”Steve admitted, the image of Sofia lying there in her mates arms, dying, rolled through him and he shivered again. Dropping his face into his hands he cursed himself.

  Jonathon stalked towards him. Dropping down onto the bed beside him he reached out and pulled him into his arms.

  “I could have killed her, Jon…”Steve was beside himself with grief.

  “She loves you love. She knows you would never deliberately hurt her…”

  “That’s just so not the point, she could have died…”

  “You’re an idiot, she knows that too…”Jonathon teased, trying to lighten the moment, Steve’s mood, and he got an elbow for his trouble.

  “Bitch.”Steve hissed out on a chuckle that was mixed with tears. “I love Sofia like a sister…”

  “And shot her like a dog…”Jonathon chuckled.

  Steve pushed him away as her scowled at him. “It’s not bloody funny…”Steve hissed out again, and Jonathon shrugged.

  “Well, it’s going to make a great talking point at family gatherings, prepare to be teased mercilessly by Julia and Sofia for the next forty years.”Jonathon assured him and he rolled his eyes.

  “Families suck.”

  “Yes, but that’s no reason to go around shooting them.”


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