Stealing His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Stealing His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 15

by M. L. Briers

  Sofia ran her soapy hands down Alex’s chest. The shower spray was hot and fierce against her back, making her nerves tingle as her hands tingled as they swept over his skin.

  “Now about Steve…”Sofia raised her eyes to her mate and saw a flash of anger in his eyes as he stared at her with disbelief.

  “I didn’t kill him, I didn’t even maim him, and I let the idiot go, what more do you want?”He growled out, cocking one eyebrow at her and questioning her sanity. Did she not understand how much willpower it had taken him to do all of that?

  “There’s always the family Christmas…”

  “Christmas…”He growled out. Now he knew she was insane. “We don’t celebrate Christmas for one thing…”He informed her and she snorted her contempt.

  “Well it’s not in my belief’s either, but we do now…”Alex went to open his mouth, but her hands slipped down to his thick shaft and she fisted him, taking his brain in a completely different direction, and he gave a gentle growl.

  “Christmas could be good…”He lent his forehead against hers and closed his eyes to the feel of her hand wrapped around him, his hips pushed forwards and he growled again.

  “And Steve is…?”

  “A damn idiot…”Alex pulled his head back and growled out his contempt for the man. Until Sofia dropped down to her knees in front of him, and he watched transfixed as her tongue came out and she traced around the thickness of the sensitive ridge. “Is this how you envisage getting your way with me woman?”He growled down at her a moment before she sucked him hard into her mouth and his hand shot out to palm the wall in front of him.

  Sofia devoured him with a relish. He tasted like soap, and she wasn’t satisfied until he gave up some of his juices for her. Her tongue licked over the small bead and she moaned her desire for more.

  “Is it working?”She breathed against his shaft and he growled again.

  “I could be persuaded…”Alex growled down. The warmth of her mouth sheathing him again as she plunged down his shaft as far as she could take him, swallowing hard to take him into her throat. “Very convincing argument, love.”He growled out, fisting his free hand into her hair and praying he could live up to his end of the bargain and not kill the idiot when he saw him next.

  Right then and there Sofia didn’t care what they were discussing, she wanted to taste him, all of him, ever last drop that he could give her, and she worked her magic around him with her mouth and her tongue as her hand cupped his sack and she massaged him, until she felt his hand tighten within her hair, until he couldn’t keep his hips from moving against her, taking her mouth, and her finger found the tight skin between his backside and his sack, and she massaged over it until his penis swelled and he thrust his seed down her throat, over and over until he was done.

  Sofia was still playing with his half mast when she felt his hands reach for her, and he dragged her to her feet and turned her back against the coolness of the tiles.

  “You don’t need to use your body to get what you want from me…”

  “I know, but I like it. I like having that control over you…”

  “You don’t like me being in control?”He growled down at her and she gave him a devilish grin.

  “No, I like that too…”Alex palmed her backside and raised her up the wall. She wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his shoulders.

  “Good, because we’re going to bond now, and I will definitely be in control, sweetheart.”She could hear the wolf in his voice and she shivered in anticipation.

  “You have to earn that bonding, Alpha, you have to get me to submit to you…”She teased him with her eyes and her smile.

  “Don’t ever challenge an Alpha baby…”He spun her away from the wall, hitting the water off and stalking with her into the bedroom.

  Every brush of his arousal against her sex made her more excited at the prospect of bonding with him. She knew enough about Lycans to know it was going to be rough, hard and deep, and she couldn’t wait to see that side of him when he finally let his wolf free.

  “Are you Alpha enough to get me to bond, Alex?”She nipped at his ear and heard the hard growl that rolled through him.

  “Careful love, don’t bait the wolf…”

  She nipped him again, this time on his shoulder and then circled over the bite with her tongue. His body stiffened as he rushed her towards the bed. Dropping a knee into the mattress, he came down on top of her, just as she pressed her teeth into his skin and bit down. The hard growl that left his lips echoed through the room and her body, everything inside her told her to let him go, but she held on, looking for the submission she would never get.

  Alex felt his wolf push to the forefront within him and he tried to hold him back. He knew his mate was playing a dangerous game, but his wolf didn’t care. She’d challenged him and he would see her submit beneath his jaws, beneath his body as he claimed her, bonded her to him for life.

  His hands reached for her arms and he yanked them from around his shoulders, snagging her wrists and trusting her arms above her head as he shook his body, breaking her hold on him, legs and teeth.

  She was his and he would have her. His hips pressed her down beneath him, his knees came up to open her to his body, and he nuzzled into her shoulder, blunt teeth biting down on her skin.

  The menacing growl that rolled through him made her body weak with need for him. She felt his hand fist her hair, and as he caged her in place beneath the hardness of his body, and everything within her wanted him more than the breath she was dragging into her lungs.


  “Alex…”His name escaped her lips as she rolled her head to one side. Her legs fell away from his back against the mattress and she whimpered her need.

  Alex felt her complete submission and thrust inside her, taking her to the hilt as he released his bite from her shoulder. Raising his head he stared down at her with black eyes, the low growl of domination and satisfaction on his lips as she surrendered to him.

  He started to move then. Pulling back his hips until he was all but out of her body only to thrust back deep inside her, a slow build to speed as she moaned her pleasure beneath him. He took her breasts, one at a time, devouring her with a fever that made her body ache for completion. His thrusts became more erratic as his hips pounded against hers, and he felt her tighten around him.

  Alex pushed her wrists down into the bed above her. His body was demanding of hers as he took her fast towards her release. His wolf was baying for the taste of her blood, and his fangs elongated as he felt his mate close to coming for him.

  “Mine.” He growled, more feral than she had heard him before, more possessive than she had felt him, this was his wolf mixing inside him, and he was glorious in his strength and power over her body.

  Alex’s tongue licked hard over his mark in her shoulder and she cried out as the first rush of her orgasm tore through her. Her hips tried to press up, but his body held her down. Still thrusting within her, he bit down into her shoulder and felt her body tense, heard her cry out with the pain, but he tasted her blood and felt his wolf go wild inside him.

  The beast howled with knowing her as their minds met and emotions rolled between them. She could feel him, as he could her, and she revelled in the feel of his mind and body as his pleasure soared.

  He was taking her back towards another orgasm. Releasing his fangs from her shoulder, he swept his tongue across the wound and savoured the taste of her blood. Now he needed to find his own pleasure in release.

  “More…”Sofia’s words hit a mental block within him. His mate had taken him at his most feral and demanded more from him.

  He pulled out of her and released her hands, hearing her protest as he reached for her and turned her in the bed, pulling her up onto her knees, his hands locked down onto her hips and he thrust to the hilt inside her, taking her hard and deep, over and over, as she cried out in pleasure over and again.

  He could feel the tension like a tightening k
not with him, could feel his mate’s orgasm building hard inside her through their bond, and when she cried out his name again on the intensity of her release, he found his own.

  The power of it tore through his body. Waves of pleasure rocked him to his very soul as he thrust against her womb and released his seed deep within her.

  Sofia collapse onto her elbows, and she felt him come down over the top of her body. His chest was against her back, as he thrust inside her, spilling his seed, but still he didn’t stop. Growling long and hard with each thrust, he could feel another orgasm building with him and his need grew with every thrust against the tightness of her inner muscles.

  “I can’t…”He heard the whimper from his mates lips as she felt the almost painful tightening within her, and when her body jerked with her orgasm, she cried out again and again as the waves devoured every inch of her with such a force that she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, she was lost to the pleasure.

  Alex’s muscles clenched painfully as he threw his head back and roared his release. The pleasure so intense that it mixed with the pain and took him to a place he had never been before.

  His orgasm rolled through him like a freight train that he didn’t think was ever going to end. He’d shared the intensity of his mate’s orgasm, and now she was sharing his. The pleasure from both of their bodies mixed and kept the momentum alive as it rolled through them. His seed spilled from his body over and over and over again against her womb, as he ground against her, until finally he was done.

  Sofia couldn’t move. It had little to do with her mate’s body caging her beneath him, and more to do with what they had experienced. Trying to pull in a breath was like hitting a brick wall and her lungs would only fill so far.

  She was lost somewhere within his mind, his emotions all around her, until she couldn’t tell what were hers and what were his.

  Alex felt his mate within his mind. He could feel her struggling to find her way back to reality, and he pushed himself up on his arms. The muscles protested the exertion as he lifted his body and eased out of her. He found the strength within him to move in the bed, falling down onto his back, he reached for Sofia and eased her body against his. Pulling her to his chest and wrapping her within the protective cage of his arms as he soothed her back to him.

  He nuzzled against the bite mark on her shoulder, already healing from the vampire blood within her system, and ran his tongue gently over the wound until he felt her body respond to his touch, felt her breathing easier, and he felt her come back to him.

  “I can’t move…”She managed on ragged breaths, and felt his chest move under her cheek as his gentle laugh greeted her.

  “You did bait the wolf, sweetheart…”He reminded her and she snorted.

  “Wolf’s all good. I like the wolf in you…”

  “Are you hurt?”He knew she had the vampire blood within her, but still, he’d certainly taken her rough and hard during their bonding.

  “Might not walk again, but that’s all good too…”She chuckled. Her fingers played against the hair of his chest, it was her bodies only hope of movement.

  “You asked for more…”Alex shook his head in disbelief that she could have taken him the way she did and not be in some amount of pain, but he felt no deceit from her.

  “I like you wild…”She admitted, her cheeks colouring in embarrassment as her eyes flicked up to his and quickly away again. He couldn’t believe that after everything they had done together she could still feel embarrassment.

  “I like that you like me wild.”

  “Then we’re perfectly matched.”

  “That’s why we’re mates…”Alex teased and she scowled up at him.

  “Smartarse.”She growled out, pleased with herself for how good it sounded to her ears.

  “You’re growling… at me?”He scoffed and she snorted on a shrug.

  “If you can’t beat them, join them.”

  “Which brings me to tell you that tomorrow you’re going to have to meet the whole pack…”

  “Well it had to happen eventually…”She teased back and he chuckled.

  “Do you think Julia could refrain from trying to have anyone killed?”Alex teased again and Sofia chuckled.

  “She’s an acquired taste…”

  “And from what I heard earlier, Shaun has managed to acquire it.”

  “I was secretly rooting for him.”Sofia admitted and she heard Alex sigh.

  “Not entirely sure that I was…”She slapped his chest and he grabbed for her hand. “She’s a good person, and your friend, blah, blah, blah. I know. I was just saying. My life will probably be a lot more complicated with her around.”He soothed her ruffled feathers and she gave him a shrug of her own.

  “You haven’t seen my bad side yet…”She informed him, and he made a show of rolling his eyes.

  “Christ, it gets worse than this?”He teased, and she balked and tried to roll away from him, but he held her close, not even considering letting her out of his arms for the rest of the night.

  “You know between us Julia and I could make your life a living hell.”She informed him as snottily as she could manage, and heard him snort a laugh.

  “Sweetheart, I thought that was a given.”He rolled her over onto her side so he could see her more clearly.

  “You asked for it, Alpha.”She offered with a devilish smile and he growled inwardly and outwardly as he cursed his own stupidity. What more could the two Fae do to upend his life. From the glint of pure mischief in her eyes he thought there was quite a bit.

  The End.




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