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Belonging: Book Two in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 9

by Drew Sera

  She wiped her teary eyes and I kissed her cheek. I told her I was proud of her for telling me. What I wouldn’t give to have another crack at Howard. In an alley.

  “He won’t ever touch you again, sweetheart. I promise you that.”

  “What if he does? I’m afraid that he’ll walk into work and get me. He almost did that day he cut you. I was so scared for you.”

  “He will never get through those doors again. Colin had a talk with security and Howard isn’t allowed in the building. There are facial recognition features in the security cameras and they would alert security if he approached. He won’t get in, sunshine.”

  I continued to stroke her hair and could feel her heartbeat calm back down. Sydney was terrified of this guy. Fucking asshole is all he is. He was still in jail, but who knew really for how long.

  Chapter 11

  Sunday, November 24th


  I woke up around 9:00 in the morning with a raging hard on. I hadn’t opened my eyes but just stayed still, enjoying her body snuggled up against mine. I felt movement on my cock and my eyes flew open to see that Sydney was still resting her head on my chest. Her hand had wandered down to the inside of the waistband of my pajama pants and was stroking me. Fuck me.

  “Sunshine, your hand feels good.”

  She let her finger rest on the underside of the head and I just about came. I wasn’t used to a woman touching me sexually without me telling her when, where and how to touch. Sydney had me at a disadvantage. I sat up and set her on her back in the middle of the bed and I kept eye contact with her while I slipped out of my pajama pants. My balls ached as I gazed down at her naked body. She was naturally submissive but still quite a novice when it came to playing consensually. All she knew was what that asshole taught her. Which was everything as wrong as it possibly could be.

  “Part those pretty legs for me, sunshine.”

  Heat flashed in her eyes and she parted her legs without hesitation. I winked at her and pulled the lube out from the nightstand. I positioned myself on my side and put my hand on her hip. The skin there still felt different than the rest of her body, but she’s been okay with me touching her there. I lowered my head and licked her moist slit.

  The scent of her arousal excited me and made me harder. I felt intoxicated by her scent and kept reminding myself to go slow with her.

  “Sunshine, I want you to roll on your side so you’re facing me.” She rolled to her side and I slipped the hand that was on her hip, between her legs to rest on her butt. “Good girl. What do you say if you want me to stop?”

  Her eyes were wide and her lips were parted to facilitate her breathing heavier. Her voice sounded different, but in a good way. Lusty sounding, maybe. “Red, Sir.” Knowing she was this turned on started flipping all my switches in the right direction.

  “Perfect, sunshine.”

  With that, I guided her leg over my shoulder and I went to work licking that pussy of hers. I rested my head on my arm and stroked her butt cheeks with my hand. She began letting out soft moans of pleasure and enjoyment that only fed my fire. She moved her hips and was grinding slowly on my face. She wanted more but was trying to do it slyly, as if I wouldn’t notice. This girl was very sexual but had been so afraid to let the lion out of the cage.


  I stopped my feasting and looked up at her over her bruised tummy. Her expression was soft but needy, and much to my surprise, she had one of her hands tugging on her nipples.


  “Sir…may I…try to suck on you?”

  I smiled and winked at her and knew that her asking permission to do so, took a lot of courage. Sydney was self-conscious over giving head but she just needed to go at her pace and I was proud of her for wanting to try. I gently took hold of her hips and pulled her over my body so we were in a sixty-nine. I went back to work on her sweet pussy and let her go at her own speed. Soon I felt the warmth of her mouth envelope my cock. I had to fight every urge in my body to not push myself deeper in her mouth and take control. This was something I just needed to let her have control over. In doing so, I hoped it would help her build confidence.

  We had been going at it for a while when I lubed up a few fingers. I continued to rub on her butt cheeks with my right hand and could tell she was still trying to get more friction on her clit. I pulled on her butt cheek with my right hand and firmly made circles around her little puckered hole with a lubed finger. She stilled and I stopped moving. She didn’t say anything and I worried she was freezing up on me.

  “Sunshine, use your word if you need it.”

  “Sir, your finger feels so good.”

  I smiled and went back to licking and teasing her pussy. I pushed my finger in a little bit at a time until it was all the way in. She moaned quietly, almost as if she was afraid to make noise. She had me in knots. She took me deeper into her mouth and made a swallowing motion that did me in.

  “Fuck! Ahhh, sunshine!” I yelled as I released my load in her hot mouth. She continued to lap up all my fluid while I went at her clit, determined to make her come. She moaned out her release as she slammed her ass back at my finger trying to get more. I’d give her something with more girth, I thought to myself.

  She rolled off of me and was lying on the sheets next to my legs. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked down at her. She was trying to catch her breath and started to curl into a ball. I moved behind her and molded my body around hers so she’d feel secure and protected. I pulled the sheet up around us and kissed her neck and shoulder.

  “That was wonderful, sunshine. I’m proud of you.” I said quietly and wrapped my arm around her.

  I’ve learned recently that Howard constantly put her down in the oral sex department. Honestly, she was probably terrified of the act because he’d call her names, and even more disturbing; he burned her with cigarettes when he wasn’t pleased. I also discovered her over protectiveness of sheltering her ears. Howard would grab or slap her ears while she was sucking on him. Because of so much trauma and fear that she associates with oral sex, Colin and I have been so careful, and are trying to help her with it. So praise is required. We don’t fill her head with useless words or phrases, but no matter what, we always express how proud of her we are that she tried. Sydney just needs to get comfortable and not be afraid of it. On her face she wore a beautiful smile with pride. I wish Colin could see this smile. Sydney was proud of herself too. It was going to be an incredible gift to watch Sydney grow, and to be part of her journey as she discovers herself. Howard held this beautiful, kinky soul down and now I was going to help her figure it all out.

  “I’m glad I made you happy, Sir. I had fun. I really liked your finger.”

  “After our shower, I’m going to give you a butt plug that you’ll wear all day. Matt and Gina are coming over at noon for the game and they won’t know you have it in. But I’ll know you’ve got something filling you up. It’ll be sexy.”

  “Mmm, I can’t wait.”

  I had promised Colin that I’d continue the anal training with Sydney. What a delicious chore for me. After our playful shower this morning, I told her to go get ready for her plug while I shaved. I was greeted by her kneeling on the bed with her chest and head on the mattress and her butt was waiting for me. Colin and I had been taking turns inserting it last week. But I was happy to say that it was all my responsibility until Wednesday. I’d survive.

  I massaged her butt cheeks and slipped a finger in her pussy that was staring at me. It would make the plug go in a bit easier if she was turned on. And she was. My finger slipped inside her wet pussy and worked around while my other hand lubed her up. Once I felt her start to push herself back against me, I knew she was ready and pushed the purple plug in place. This one was the next size up from the one Colin and I had given her this week. She tensed and made a small noise.

  “Easy, sunshine. Relax.”

  I sat on the bed and pulled her to my lap. I cradled her in my arms and
kissed her lips. She was to keep the plug in until we go to dinner. I made sure she knew to tell me if it became painful.

  As she sat there naked in my arms with a wet pussy I grew hard. She was so content on my lap and had wrapped her arms around my neck. I wanted to make her come. I slid my hand down to her soaked pussy, and pushed a finger in to get it nice and slick. She cooed and hummed against my neck. While I wanted to hold her down on the bed and pin her arms down with one hand as my other hand toyed with her, I knew that could be very damaging. I think any sense of being restrained or held down would scare her. I understood, this so I continued to play and tease her on my lap.

  “Don’t move your arms, sunshine.”

  We’ll have to rely on verbal restraints for now. I rubbed on her clit and as she got closer, I tugged on her butt plug. She tensed and her fingernails gripped my shoulders.

  “Oh,” she panted.

  I stopped my movements and instructed her to look in my eyes. She looked clear and okay but I asked her just to be sure. I think she was afraid to admit she liked the feeling. She told me she was ready to continue, and with that, I worked to bring her towards her release. As she came against my hand, I pulled the butt plug out and she began to writhe and move around on my lap as the little happy moans escaped her throat.

  I set the plug down on the bed and wrapped both arms around her. Sydney gets cold after sex or coming and she needs extra care. Howard never gave her any care afterwards. He just treated her like shit. They didn’t have a loving or nurturing D/s relationship; they had a non-consensual abusive one. I held her a little closer to my chest and kissed her head.

  I cuddled her for a while until she grew talkative again and then I carried her to the bathroom and set her on the rug next to the bathtub. I knelt down on one knee and leaned over to start the water. While I poured some of the vanilla bubble bath into the water, she asked me if I wanted her to prepare the bath. Sydney started move as if she was going to stand but I stopped her.

  “Sir, I should be doing that.”

  “No, sit still, sunshine. I want to take care of you.”


  I looked over at her and saw her frown. Howard really fucked this girl up. She was taught not to have a voice, wait on him hand and foot, and to accept his abuse. He made her think it was completely out of the realm that a Dom would care for, and take care of, his submissive. And the ass fuck made her think it was all just the way things were in D/s relationships. She had nothing else to compare it to. My silence made her nervous as I knelt next to her with my hand on her forearm.

  “Sydney, breathe sweetheart. It’s okay not to always have to be the one to do everything. Don’t feel guilty or ashamed. I’m going to take care of you and give you a nice bubble bath.”


  “And you know why I’m going to give you a bubble bath?” She shook her head as the tears filled her eyes. I took hold of her chin and rubbed my thumb over her bottom lip. “Because I want to. Doms like to take care of subs and bottoms.” I kissed her lips and turned the water off.

  She’s still underweight and it’s no chore at all to pick her up. I set her down gently in the warm bubbles and went to work on washing her. I took my time washing everywhere. I gave her feet a massage and rubbed some tension out of her shoulders. I tended to her body until her fingers took on that wilted appearance. I thought the warm bubble bath would be good for her. For one, I knew it would help warm her up and two, it allowed me to maintain contact with her. I sent her to go get on the bed in position to get her plug again. She smiled bashfully and hurried out of the bathroom. I cleaned off the plug from this morning and warmed it under the hot water. It was absolutely my pleasure to lube up that tiny hole and push the purple head back inside her.

  “That’s a good girl. Does it feel good, sunshine?”

  “Mmm, yes, Sir.”

  Fuck, I could feel my dick twitch. I needed to calm myself down though because Matt and Gina would be here soon. Since it was football day, I pulled on my football jersey and had Sydney wear a red tee shirt. I realized we made her a 49ers fan by association.

  Matt and Gina arrived moments before the pizza delivery guy. During the game, I ate my food quicker than anyone else because I was eager to hold Sydney in my arms and on my lap. And as soon as Sydney was done eating, that’s exactly where she spent the first two quarters. At half time Gina and Sydney gathered the plates and took them into the kitchen. Matt watched the girls leave the room and then looked over at me.

  “Is Sydney okay? She’s walking gingerly.”

  I laughed and felt that ache in my chest again.

  “Sydney’s got a butt plug in. I’m working on the second size with her.”

  Matt smiled wide and shook his head at me. He knew Colin and I were working on anal training with her.

  “How was last night?”

  “It was good. We took a bath together and talked. She woke up from a bad dream but I got her to talk about it.” I paused and looked towards the kitchen to make sure the girls were still milling about in there. “Her nightmares are very realistic, Matt. They’re very vivid to her. She wakes up terrified that Howard is going to get her again or that he’s possibly in the room.”

  “That’s tough, Anth. It’s good that you have her moving in the right direction with talking, though.”

  I ran my hand through my hair and leaned forward over my knees. I told him about her nightmare and the point where she woke up from feeling like she was getting burned in the dream. He winced and looked towards the kitchen.

  “Anthony, if you want and if you think it will help, I’ll go with you guys Tuesday to her appointment.”

  “Thanks. She and I will be okay. Maybe we can get together for lunch after the appointment. We’ll play it by ear and see how it goes.”

  The girls came back and snuggled up to Matt and I. Sydney rested her head on my arm and shoulder. She was tired. I know since she’s been here that she’s only had a few nightmare free evenings. That’s got to be wearing her out.

  By the end of the game, she was asleep. She was leaning on me and had her hand on my bicep under my jersey sleeve. Matt and Gina headed out and we made arrangements to meet them at a place close to Colin’s called the Underground Bar and Grill. It’s good table service in a relaxed atmosphere. I thought Sydney would like it.

  It was close to 5:45 and we had about forty-five minutes before we were to meet Matt. I was going to see if we could get a few minutes in with Colin before we left. If my math was right, it’d be about 9:45 in the morning for Col. While I got the iPad ready, I told Sydney to sit in the center of the bed and take her panties off. I wanted to give Colin something nice to look at and wanted him to see her nice plug. He’d notice that since it was the purple one, it was the next size up from the one we had previously been working on.

  I sat behind her with my legs on either side of her. We connected with Colin on screen and when he saw Sydney naked from the waist down, he smiled and leaned forward. I filled him in on Sydney’s plug and tugged her legs upward so he could see the purple O-ring finger pull on her plug.

  “I’m jealous. Thousands of miles away and I’m subjected to watch this torture.” Colin laughed as he continued to watch as I rubbed lazily on Sydney. “Make her come, Anth.”

  I looked up at him and smiled. I realized that even though he was physically on the other side of the world, he was still right here with us. I smiled and began rubbing on her clit in circles. I listened to Colin give little directions on how to touch her and couldn’t help but smile as I felt Sydney’s body come alive in my hands as I heard my best friend make noises of pleasure.

  Colin has always been more vocal when we used to play with different subs or bottoms at Irons. I often found it more comfortable for him to guide the little sub along. He and I both dominated the scenes, but with different styles. He is much more nurturing where I like it a tad rougher. He and I also both got off on giving the other one directions and watching the s
cene unfold. I smiled knowing that he was doing that now from Macau.

  “Eyes on Colin, sunshine. Let him see you.”

  I licked my finger and then worked short back and forth motions just to the left of her clit. She responded instantly. Of course, she’s been slowly warmed over the course of the afternoon. Being this close, I had to take her earlobe in my mouth. I loved that little thing. She cooed and began to push herself forward towards my finger. It didn’t take long before she was coming and twisting in my arms.

  “Yesss, baby!” Colin said in a strained tone. I looked up to see that he had his dick in his hands and had found his release.

  Sydney shook a little as she was coming down from her ride. As Colin and I have played with her this past week, we’ve become increasingly aware of the chills or shivers Sydney gets after she comes or quickly after the physical touch is gone. It’s become something that we’ve had growing concerns over. I tucked her closer to my body and then grabbed a throw and wrapped her up. Colin was cleaning himself up but was paying full attention to Sydney.

  “That’s it baby, let him hold you.” He was smiling at her again and then he glanced over at me. “So, you guys going to dinner soon?”

  “Yeah, we’re meeting Matt and Gina at the Underground Grill at 6:30.”

  He nodded. “I better get going since I have to change pants and a shirt now. Completely worth it though. Sydney baby, you stay by Anthony tonight.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  We talked briefly about her nightmare last night. That news sobered Colin and I could tell that he hated being so far away.

  Colin had a meeting today with Cheng and they were going to tour one of the casinos. He said he’d email me some specifics later. I knew that he was excited about touring the properties. Colin’s been trying for over a year to lock up a Cheng Hotel deal, and now he’s got two.

  We disconnected our chat session and Sydney and I got ready to leave for dinner. The weather was shitty out and it felt colder due to the wind. I made sure she had a sweater on over her shirt and then made sure she wore a jacket. Colin and I need to take her shopping for some warm things like sweaters.


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