Belonging: Book Two in The Everett Gaming Series

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Belonging: Book Two in The Everett Gaming Series Page 11

by Drew Sera

  How could she have never gone out on a date? Surely before Howard there had to have been guys. But, I was oh so glad to be her first official date.

  “Well, tomorrow after I get off work, you and I are going on one.”

  It was nice to make her smile like that. Her eyes sparkled and she smiled widely.

  “Want to go back downstairs and watch some scenes?” The dungeon was my preferred place.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I took her by the hand and we ended up watching a pretty arousing scene with a Dom and his sub. He was dressed up as a jail guard or prison guard and she was the inmate. It was sexy as hell. As I held Sydney on my lap I got sucked into my “what if” thoughts with the heavy scent of her vanilla. I immersed myself with nibbling on her earlobe while my hand worked under her shirt to massage her breast. I pulled her closer so her back was pressed against my chest. I soon had her legs on either side of mine and slipped my other hand between her legs. She was warm. I unzipped my jeans and pulled my hard dick out and let it rest against her butt cheeks after I tugged the fabric to the side. Her bare butt cheeks felt wonderful.

  I wrapped my arm around her anchoring her to me. I had my chin resting on her shoulder and was whispering in her ear and sucking on her earlobe. She giggled softly and turned her face to hide against my neck. So shy.

  I played with her on that bench for what seemed like forever. I rubbed on her clit, finger fucked her gently and played with her breasts. When I looked up, I realized that no one was in the room in front of us anymore. I wondered if she would feel comfortable enough to play with me a bit tonight. I worked her up pretty well and I thought she would have damn near done anything I asked. Which is exactly why I didn’t ask her to step into the dungeon stall with me. I want her to agree to do that with me when she’s not all sexed up and dripping.

  “Sunshine, it’s getting late. We need to get going.” I kissed her ear and took her earlobe in my mouth again, dragging my teeth across the soft skin.

  Suddenly I had the feeling that she and I were no longer alone. I could hear some scenes in the distance, but it was pretty much empty in the location of the dungeon where she and I were sitting. Something made me look over to my left and I went stiff. When I froze, it alerted Sydney and I felt her body tense immediately. She turned to look at me and then over at what I was looking at.

  Paul Fielding stood leaning against the archway to a stall and was staring at us. I detested the way he was glaring at us. I tightened my grip on Sydney’s waist and pulled her closer to me while I adjusted her to sit on my right leg and moved her legs together between mine. I wanted her covered. I was still unzipped but her skirt was covering me. I calmly kissed her forehead and eased it down to rest on my shoulder so she was facing my neck. I didn’t want Paul to look at her face. When I felt her quiver, I let my eyes leave Paul and dropped them down to Sydney.

  “Relax, sunshine. Nothing to be scared of.” I whispered words of comfort so only she could hear me but she was tense because she knew I had initially tensed. Fucking Paul. I turned my attention to him.

  Paul was walking towards us and stopped to lean on the wall just a few feet from us. He was running his fucking eyes all over my sunshine. I kept my breathing controlled so it didn’t alarm Sydney. I looked up at Paul making sure he saw the promise in my eyes that if he said or did anything stupid, he’d pay dearly.

  “Graves how is your evening?” He spoke in a bored to death tone and looked down at his fingernails. He brought his dark eyes up to Sydney’s body when he spoke again. “I couldn't help but overhear Master Blake and Matthew upstairs say that Everett is away. Macau, it seems; for business.”

  What the fuck? I didn’t let my eyes move from his and I felt Sydney try to make herself hidden. He was scaring her and making me a little nervous.

  Two male slaves were walking towards us and they acknowledged Paul. When I saw him nod at the two men, I started to feel uneasy. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Seth down the hallway as he was coming out of a stall from having just wrapped up a scene. As the male bottoms walked behind us I noticed there wasn’t a dungeon monitor in sight. Fuck. I didn’t like how this was shaping up. There were two men behind me, that I couldn’t really see and in front of me was fucking Paul Fielding. I may need Seth’s attention because I wasn’t sure what Paul’s intentions were.

  “Paul, what can I do for you? Are these gentlemen here to play with you?”

  I pointed over my shoulder at the two guys behind me. I regretted saying it as soon as it left my mouth. I shouldn’t have been so careless and mouthy with Sydney in my arms and clearly in the dark regarding Paul’s intentions. All of the light left Paul’s eyes and his creepy smile faded and was replaced by a look of hate. I narrowed my eyes at him trying to let him know that he just needed to walk away and leave us alone.

  “I’ve always admired your cocky mouth, Graves. I’ve wondered for years what it would feel like wrapped around my cock and a fistful of your hair in my hand. Now, show some manners. Everett would hate to hear that his favorite guy didn’t show respect to his elders. I came down here to see if I could offer my assistance. Without Everett, that makes you shy one person for your threesome needs. Thought I’d lend a hand. I know how you hate to play alone. Or maybe, you can’t play alone.” He ran his eyes all over Sydney and it made my blood pressure soar. “I’d hate to think that this young thing had a hole that wasn’t tended to. If you’re particular on positioning, I don’t mind and will take either hole. I know you get off on watching Everett top a submissive, so if you’re into that tonight my friends and I can make certain each of Sydney’s holes are tended to properly. You can watch.”

  This wasn’t happening. I couldn’t believe what he just spit out at me. I felt Sydney try to cuddle up against me more and hide her hands between our bodies as she took hold of my shirt. She began frantically shaking her head while whispering “no” over and over. Her head left my shoulder and her eyes pleaded with me. She begged me not to make her play with anyone.

  Was she used to being passed around? Colin and I have found that Sydney rarely will voice a need or fear unless it was really bad. Two times stick out in my mind when she’s felt strongly enough about something that she’s brought it up and expressed her feelings. The first time was when Colin shut the bedroom lights off, almost leaving her in the dark the first night she stayed with him. She is terrified of the dark and not being able to see. The second time was moments ago as she begged me in a panicked whisper not to make her play with anyone else. She shook in my arms and began getting antsy. I held her tighter against my body and kissed her head as I guided it back down to my shoulder. I was fucking pissed off now that Paul had scared her. He and I would have words but it wouldn’t be with Sydney around. I cleared my throat before I addressed him.

  “Thank you for the offer, but I think Sydney and I are doing just fine. You might be better suited to play with these gentlemen alone though.”

  “Fuck you, Graves!”

  His tone told me he was pissed. I needed to get Sydney and myself away from him. I turned my head and was about to get Seth’s attention when I felt something brush by my head. I quickly turned back to see that Paul had uncoiled a whip and nearly struck me.

  I quickly gathered Sydney and moved us to the end of the hallway putting her between my body and the stone wall. I no longer cared that my pants were unzipped. All that was visible were my boxer briefs anyhow.

  “What the fuck, Paul?” I held one hand out trying to stop him from advancing on us and the other hand held Sydney’s shaking hands behind me. Now I was really fucking pissed.

  “You and Everett don’t get her all to yourselves, unless she’s your slave. And if I’m not mistaken, her neck is bare. You have no ownership or rights. I’m looking to negotiate a scene with her. She might enjoy whips or my style of play. You can watch a man play with her Graves.”

  Was I dreaming? I’ve never had anything remotely dangerous or confrontational happen around me at I
rons. This couldn’t actually be happening. I felt Sydney grab hold of the hem of my shirt in the back and I turned to look at her.

  “Out of the way, Graves.”

  He brought his hand up and I turned my head to shelter it. He would have to hit me before I moved from my spot. And then I heard the noise of the whip slicing through the air only to be followed by a piercing warm sensation.

  He fucking hit me.

  He actually hit me.

  I looked down at my chest and brought my hand up to rub on it. I glared at him for a moment before I yelled “red” and then Seth’s name to get his attention. Paul pulled the whip back up and I turned my back to him, pressing Sydney into the wall and shielding her with my arms on either side of her head. The whip wouldn’t curve into her with her body pressed against the wall by my body. Seth called for a dungeon monitor and then Paul’s two male pals scurried away. Paul was still mouthing off even though he knew attention had been drawn.

  “Graves you’re such a pussy!”

  Calm down, I told myself over and over and tried ignoring Paul for the moment. With my hands on Sydney’s cheeks I told her to look at me while Paul continued to yell crap. I searched her eyes and then looked her over quickly to see if she had been hit.

  “Did you get hit? Let me look.” My eyes quickly scanned her face and bare arms. I then quickly began looking for blood on fabric but didn’t see any.

  She was shaking her head rapidly and said that she hadn’t been hit. I still wasn’t completely satisfied that she hadn’t been hit but while I was glancing her over I was hit in the back again by the whip.

  “Come on, Graves! Don’t you turn your back on me you obnoxious asshole!”

  I heard him drop the whip and his voice grew louder as he began approaching us. I didn’t want him anywhere near or within touching distance of Sydney. As much as I didn’t want to leave Sydney’s side, I had to keep Paul from advancing on us. I pushed myself away from the wall and shoved Paul into the empty stall. He was fucking nuts. He intended to inflict pain and wanted a confrontation. Well, he was fucking going to get one. I grabbed handfuls of his shirt and shoved him up against the stone wall.

  “You keep the fuck away from Sydney and Colin! Do you hear me you sick fuck?”

  I was so angry and wasn’t watching his every move and he swiftly moved his hands up to my neck and began squeezing as he spoke to me. This couldn't really be happening, I kept telling myself because the reality of this wasn’t setting in at all. His grip was strong and he intended to cause damage. I was dumbfounded as to why he was so angry.

  “Graves, Graves, Graves. Ever since you joined the club all those years ago, I’ve wanted to have you in my grip. I could have taken you in our threesome. It’s not too late. Come on, let me take you in the jail theme room. Sydney can watch me make a man out of you.”

  I couldn’t believe the shit I was hearing. I just stared at him shocked. I struggled against his hand when I realized I was short of breath. Where was all of this anger and hate coming from? I had tunnel vision and probably could have stared at him like that until I passed out. I snapped out of it though when he grabbed at my pants that were still partially unzipped. What the fuck? I pushed his hands away when he reached around and tried to grab my side near my scar. I slugged him in the face and when he reached for his face, I grabbed him and shoved him against the wall.

  When I brought my arm back it was grabbed by someone and I was being pulled away from Paul. While Seth and Matt were pulling me back, Paul quickly moved off the wall and came towards me but Will and a dungeon monitor restrained him. What the ever loving fuck?

  Matt and Seth both had me and were guiding me away from the stall while security and a couple dungeon monitors were in the stall with Paul. I saw Blake coming towards us. Fuck.


  I jerked my arms away from Matt and Seth but reached for my chest. It fucking hurt even more now. Matt reached for me and pushed me to sit down on a bench. I looked down and saw blood starting to show through my shirt. He made me bleed.

  “Let me look, Anth.” Matt started to unbutton my shirt and I heard Paul mouthing off to Blake. I pushed Matt’s hands away as he kept trying to open my shirt.

  “Matt, stop.”

  “Let me see it. We’ll clean it.”

  “Not now, Matt. Sydney. Let me get her taken care of.”

  She was sitting next to Evan and looked worried. When I made eye contact with her though, she gave me a small smile and I went to her.

  “Sir, are you okay?”

  “Fine, sunshine. Are you okay? You didn’t get hit, did you?”

  Panic raced through my system, as I quickly looked her over again. Thank fuck she was okay. Colin would have fucking killed me. Shit, had Sydney seen Paul and I fighting in the room or heard what he said to me?

  “She’s okay, Graves. He didn’t hit her with the whip,” Evan said. Despite the fact that Evan had recently irked me with the way he handled his scene with Sydney, I knew she had been safe with him just a few minutes ago.

  It was as if he was reading my mind though and I was thankful for it. “I kept her right here. She didn’t go to the entrance.”

  If she had stayed where she was and hadn’t come over to the entrance, then she hadn’t seen me get aggressive with Paul. I hoped she hadn’t heard much of what he had said either. Paul was still ranting in the stall with Blake and the content was still geared towards his utter hate for me suddenly. I couldn’t understand this for the life of me. He and I never clashed or had issues. In fact, I’ve never really said much of anything to him. He dished crap out to lots of Doms in the club on a joking level, though I never cared for it. I wanted to go in there and tell Paul that if he had a fucking problem with me, he could be a man and talk to me about it instead of bitching to Blake about it. But Paul wasn’t worth my time and attention. Sydney was.

  I zoned out for a moment or two and just stared at Sydney and held her hands in mine while Paul’s voice filled the dungeon. Matt had his hand on my upper back and I snapped out of it when I felt his hand squeeze my shoulder.

  I took Sydney by the hand and led her out of the commotion and headed towards the stairs. I heard Blake yell for Matt to take me to his office. A crowd was quickly gathering and I knew that Sydney gets nervous around large crowds. I needed to be away from all this shit and get Sydney somewhere quiet. So right now Blake’s office sounded perfect. On our way through the dungeon there were many whispers of a fight and how “Paul went crazy on Anthony,” and “Paul whipped Anthony and Sydney.” The faster I could get Sydney away from the whispers and early stage of the rumor mill, the better.

  At the top of the stairs, I turned left to head down the long hallway towards Blake’s office when I felt Sydney tug on my hand. I stopped and turned to face her with Matt on my heels.

  “Sir, um, maybe I should go sit over there. Out of the way.”

  Fuck me, this wasn’t happening. Just as I’m about ready to fully invest in the notion that I can give Sydney what she needs, she starts retreating. Just as Colin and Matt warned me would happen if I didn’t pull my head out of my ass. I shut my eyes and when I opened them, she was staring up at me.

  “Sunshine, you won’t be in the way. I want you by my side.” I ran my hand through her hair and winced when I noticed I was shaking. “I need you, sunshine.” She nodded at me and squeezed my hand. Maybe she just needed confirmation that she was wanted and wasn’t in the way. And that I needed her.

  I bent to kiss her forehead and left my lips there a little longer so I could inhale her comforting vanilla scent. She smiled and gripped my hand tighter.

  Matt nudged me on the shoulder and we proceeded down the hall into Blake’s office. I felt chilled all of a sudden and recognized it as adrenaline running through my system. I sat down with Sydney right next to me and Matt sat on the coffee table across from me. I let my head rest against the cushion of the couch and shut my eyes.

  I was still trying to wrap my head around what
just happened. Paul fucking hit me with a whip. What possessed him to do something like that? I had never been whipped. I’ve been hit with a belt, but not a whip.

  All that was running through my head now was my step-dad and the times he brought a belt down on me. No one had hit me since I was seventeen. And now, I get whipped by fucking Paul Fielding. I can’t even imagine what would have happened if he actually had struck Sydney. I would have punched my ticket to hell.

  Blake’s office was like an icebox and I pulled Sydney closer to me because I knew that if I was cold, she’d be freezing. I felt a hand on my chest and instinctively pulled away from the hand and turned to shield Sydney. I opened my eyes and saw Matt sitting across from me. I’m losing it.

  “Calm down, Anth,” Matt had his calming, soft, counselor tone going and it pissed me off. “Let’s get the shirt off so I can see how bad it is.”

  I ran my hands over my face. Fuck, he was just trying to help and I was biting his head off. I unwrapped myself from Sydney and unbuttoned my shirt and risked a peek down at my chest. Blood. He drew blood and sliced my skin. I looked up at Matt and suddenly I felt sick to my stomach. Bruce loved to cut me and draw blood. I guess Matt could tell that I felt queasy.

  “Relax, Anth. Seth, get some water and hand me the first aid kit.”

  “No, I’m okay Matt. I’ll bandage it up later.”

  “The one on your back too?”

  My back? I rolled my shoulders and felt the sting. Unbelievable. I was motionless as Matt peeled my shirt off and cleaned the cut on my back. I could hear Matt tear open some bandages and felt him applying one to my back then he concentrated on my chest. Blake walked in and sat on the arm of the couch and looked at me.

  “I’m fine, Blake.”

  He raised his eyebrows at me and smirked.

  “Clearly, you’re fine.”

  Whatever. I really wasn’t in the mood for his sarcasm.

  “I stopped and watched the security footage. I saw and heard everything. I terminated his membership and had him escorted off the premises. I’m sorry, Anthony.”


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