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Belonging: Book Two in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 19

by Drew Sera

  “Anth had chest pains,” Matt said casually as if it wasn’t a big deal. What the fuck?

  “Anth,” I began to voice my concern but noticed Sydney started to sit up instead of leaning against him. He gave her leg a pat and kissed her cheek.

  “It’s okay, sunshine. I’m fine.” He threw a glance at me. “We’ll talk later, Col.”

  Matt nodded at me, which calmed me down and made me not worry so much. Chest pain wasn’t something to fuck with. But if Matt hadn’t been too concerned, then I had to trust him. Sydney settled back against him and he began nibbling on her ear while he played with her breast through her shirt. He’s never done stuff like this. Anthony has always been very controlled. He’s never played or flirted outside of Irons. She affects him and I think he’s finally giving into his feelings for her.

  Anthony moved his hand from her shoulder to take hold of her chin, holding her in place for his advancing mouth while his other hand massaged, groped and gently stroked her breast over her shirt. Watching Sydney react to Anthony’s touch was better than watching a blazing hot scene at Irons. I got hard watching her set her hand on his chest and try to press herself against him. He kept it slow and kept her wanting.

  The heat that Anthony and Sydney were creating on the couch spread like wildfire to Matt and Gina. I looked over at them and Matt had Gina on his lap and his hand was up her shirt while he was kissing her. Anthony’s nibbling mouth had moved from her mouth to her ear, her neck, then chin and jaw and now he was back at her lips. He was a lucky man and had easily worked Sydney up.

  Blake’s parties often ended up like this. He had an unbelievable playroom in his house and his guests usually played in it during the party. Many times Matt and Gina would go off and do something, but never Anthony. Anthony kept his kink in Irons. I never could get him to participate in co-topping scenes at Blake’s parties and I never pushed him.

  I hadn’t realized that my eyes were glued to Sydney and Anthony until Evan walked over and waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked to focus and sat up in the chair while he flopped his body down on the couch next to Sydney with a beer bottle in hand.

  “Graves, Matt, Colin,” was Evan’s greeting.

  Matt mumbled a greeting while Anthony didn’t say anything at all. I knew Anthony was still as pissed off about the scene at Irons as I was. Anthony wrapped his arm more possessively around Sydney and spread his hand out over her back as he continued to kiss her. He made his point very clear to Evan. I smirked. Good for Anthony. He was basically saying “fuck you” to Evan without really saying it.

  “How was China, Colin?” Evan turned his attention to me but almost immediately dropped his gaze back to Sydney while he tilted the bottle up to his mouth. I wonder how many he’s had.

  “It was fine. I’m glad to be home.” I kept it short with Evan though I tried to be decent. Matt told me that Sunday while he and Seth pulled Anthony from Paul, Evan sat with Sydney. I was at least thankful for that.

  “I bet you are,” Evan said in a tone I didn’t care much for. I knew what he was insinuating. I glared at him, but it didn’t do any good because he had turned his attention back to Sydney and Anthony’s make out session. I began to wonder if he was already intoxicated and if he had come alone. If he arrived with someone, then he was more likely to have let himself kick back and have a few.

  “Did you arrive with anyone, Evan?” I asked bluntly.

  “Will.” He didn’t bother taking his eyes from Sydney’s body. I was about to say something but then he made another move that stunned all of us. He set his chin on Sydney’s shoulder and reached around and groped her breast.

  “Evan!” I blurted out with urgency. I was out of my chair quicker than I thought was possible and had my hand wrapped around his arm. Anthony had already reacted too and had grabbed Evan’s wrist and bent it back and away from Sydney. Sydney had moved closer to Anthony now and he was issuing a silent death threat to Evan over Sydney’s shoulder.

  “Come on Graves, let me at least play with her tits. I let you play in my scene.”

  I yanked Evan off the couch and pulled him away from Anthony and Sydney. Drunk. He was mouthing off too, which was a dead giveaway that he was drunk. I pulled him towards the kitchen and Blake was heading towards us with Will. It was as if Evan realized that he fucked up big time. He was drunk and approached a submissive with intent to play. All of that was bad enough, but then he put his hands on another Dom’s sub without permission. Evan knows better. He leaned against the wall in the kitchen and rubbed his palms over his eyes. His behavior was catching up with him.

  “Fuck,” Evan sighed and looked over at me. It wasn’t going to be as easy this time as it was the few other times he’d had to apologize for doing shit, or nearly doing shit, to Sydney. He actually grabbed her, uninvited. Doms don’t do that shit. I just stared at Evan and let him know he really needs to take a hard look at himself, especially after tonight.

  “Sorry, Colin,” Will said and looked at his friend. “Let’s go Evan before you get yourself killed.”

  Movement caught my eye and Anthony was walking quickly towards us. He pushed himself between Will and Evan and grabbed a handful of Evan’s shirt and jostled him.

  “Don’t you ever put your hands on her again. Next time I’ll break your fucking hands. Got it?”

  “You finally acting like her Dom now, Graves?” Evan asked while still in Anthony’s grips.

  “Damn right. Don’t touch her.” Anthony released Evan with a rough shove and walked out of the kitchen. I swelled with pride knowing that Anthony was in fact believing that he was capable of being exactly what Sydney needs.

  No one said anything to Anthony as he was merely protecting what was his. While I was thrilled, I also knew that things had definitely changed. Evan sighed another string of obscenities as Will headed towards the door with Blake following behind.

  I returned to find Sydney sitting by Gina on the couch and the two girls were talking. Where the fuck was Anthony? I looked at Matt and he motioned towards the patio. I went outside and found Anthony leaning against a beam that braced the patio cover. He looked up when I approached. I knew he wasn’t trying to avoid Sydney, but was trying to calm himself down before returning to her.

  “Hey,” I said and sat down.

  “No one is going to hurt her again or force their hands on her.” His tone and eyes were dead serious. “No one.”

  “You’ll keep her safe, Anth. There’s no one better for her and no one that I trust more than you.”

  He looked down and started to shake his head. Fuck, no. Not this again! I thought he figured this out while I was gone.

  “Col, stop saying that.” I started to protest but he cut me off. “Look, you and I need to talk.”

  “Exactly what about?”

  “Sydney. I’ve done a lot of thinking and we need to talk. But not tonight. Let’s get her home. You’re tired and I nearly killed Evan again. Let’s go relax with her.”

  Interesting. He didn’t sound like he was running scared. I nodded and we went back inside to the sound of Sydney and Gina’s giggles. It stopped Anthony and I in our tracks and we just looked at each other. Her laughter warms my heart. The sound of it made me forget for a moment that my heart was starting to break.

  Matt was sitting on the couch with Gina on his lap and had his arm stretched out on the back of the couch protectively behind Sydney. Anthony and I had done things like that before with Gina and it felt really good to see Matt doing that too. Matt knew we were behind him and he turned to look at us and shook his head as he pointed at the two giggling girls.

  A short distance away was a naked Noah getting teased and played with by a few Dommes. Noah had an erection and the Dommes were taking turns playfully flicking his cock or spanking his balls with a crop. Gina and Sydney found this to be amusing along with the Dommes. Matt, Anthony and I love hearing them laugh. There were others watching the women toy with Noah and many of them were smiling or laughing as wel
l. Blake’s wife was sitting in a chair watching and encouraging the play.

  “Sorry about this evening, gentlemen,” Blake said quietly as he came to stand behind Anthony and I. I pointed down to Sydney and smiled at the sound of her laughter.

  “I think we’re okay, Blake.”

  We continued to watch the Dommes and Noah. He looked painfully erect.

  “Cathy and I have been working with Noah on controlling his orgasms.”

  Blake and Cathy were both excellent for Noah and Kelsie. They provided well for them and were very loving and nurturing. Noah was struggling now though. He begged for release as his balls had the crop smacked down on them.

  “Mistress,” Noah gritted out through clenched teeth.

  “Yes, my sweet?”

  “Mistress, may I come?”

  Noah took a few more flicks of the crop and Cathy granted him permission to come. On the next flick, Cathy reached around and tugged on his nipple rings and he exploded. Come was all over his abdomen and chest as he knelt there.

  “Thank you, Mistress.” Noah relaxed some as one of the Domme’s smoothed his hair while one went to fetch a throw.

  “You’re welcome, my sweet. Come on now,” she motioned for Noah to sit by her.

  Noah quickly stood and cuddled next to Cathy. One of the Domme’s that was playing with him draped a blanket over him and kissed his head. It was kind of funny to see because Noah wasn’t a tiny guy. He was a little shorter than Anthony, but still was probably six feet tall. He had an athletic build and to see him cuddled up to a smaller framed woman was sweet. I glanced down at Sydney. Anthony and I still wanted her to see scenes and the aftercare. It was important for her to see the variations in the aftercare as much as it was important for her to see that aftercare is widely provided in our circle of friends.

  While we were getting our jackets on in the entryway, Sydney thanked Blake for inviting her. She’s constantly good with manners and always appreciates everywhere she’s taken. It makes me worry that pleasant activities were few and far between for her.

  “You’re more than welcome, Sydney. I hope you have a wonderful holiday tomorrow.”

  Sydney smiled and leaned against me. She’s gotten so much better. She’s no longer afraid to be affectionate or to accept affection.

  “Blake have a good one tomorrow. Are you guys having anyone over or is it just you and the subbies?” Anthony asked while Blake laughed.

  “Me and the subbies.”

  The cold breeze caught Sydney off guard and she shivered. Anthony pulled her jacket closed and up higher on her neck and rubbed up and down on her arms.

  “Hold her, Col. I’ll go get the car.”

  Anthony took off down the driveway in a jog while I wrapped my arms around her. I loved the way she felt tucked close to me. I’ve never loved the way a woman felt up against me as I did with Sydney. Sydney and I walked a little ways down the driveway when I heard my car come to life down the block. Blake had a lot of people over and the streets were lined with cars. I hope Will got Evan home okay. Fucking idiot. I shook it from my head.

  “I missed you Colin,” Sydney said while we waited for Anthony.

  “I missed you too, baby.” More than you’ll probably ever know or understand, I wanted to add.

  When we got home I gave Sydney a kiss on her cheek and headed up to my room.

  “Don’t you want to sleep with us? You were away,” Sydney said as she stood there in Anthony’s arms.

  I was torn. So fucking torn. I wanted to crawl naked in that bed next to her. But that was selfish of me. Anthony was her man. I need to withdraw from the sexual pleasantries with her. I can’t do that to him. He was my best friend and I wouldn’t hurt him. Anthony and I were looking at each other. I knew he could tell that I wanted to sleep next to her, but he didn’t look angry or upset.

  “Come on, Col. It’s late,” Anthony said to me while he took hold of Sydney’s hand and they headed down the hall.

  I found my feet following. Okay, it was late. Tomorrow night I’ll sleep in my room. Alone. I knew the talk with Anthony was coming. Possibly tomorrow. Fuck, I hoped it wouldn’t ruin Thanksgiving. Sydney hasn’t had a nice holiday for a while and I wanted tomorrow to be memorable for her in a good way.

  I stripped down and climbed into bed behind Sydney. I nestled against her healing body and kissed her cheek before I got a playful shove from Anthony.

  “Cheeks are mine, remember?”

  He looked down at Sydney, winked and then kissed each of her cheeks before lying on his back. Sydney slid right up to him and I bent over to kiss her forehead.

  “Sleep well, sunshine.”

  I swore that I had just closed my eyes moments before Anthony jostled me awake. Sydney was having a nightmare. He and I immediately fell back into our routine of him pulling her onto his lap to wake her up while I turned on the rest of the lights. When I got back to the bed, she was awake and had been pushing against Anthony.

  “Shhh, sunshine. It’s only a dream.” I could see her frantically moving around in his arms while he tried to calm her.

  Anthony was frowning while Sydney recovered from her bad dream. He held her while I brushed the hair from her face. My baby. Anthony suddenly looked around the room and then over to me. He motioned for me to take her from his arms and he got out of bed looking around for something.

  “Anth, what are you looking for?” I asked him as I rocked her in my arms. He remained silent and went over to the sitting room area. He quickly came back with her notebook and a pen and sat back on the bed. He opened the notebook to a clean page and put the pen in her shaking hand.

  “Sunshine, try.”

  She shook her head as tears spilled down her cheeks. I wiped them away with my thumb and looked up at Anthony.

  “Chris wanted her to try to write down anything she remembers from her nightmares.”

  I was so in the dark right now. I needed to talk to them about their visit with Chris. While I was reluctant to have that conversation and the one with Anthony tomorrow, it was necessary and couldn’t be put off anymore.

  “Baby, write down anything you can remember,” I encouraged her in a quiet tone.

  “Colin and I are right here. We’re not going anywhere.”

  “I don’t want to write it down! I don’t want to remember and I don’t want to see it in ink!”

  Anthony and I were both quiet but within five minutes, she leaned forward in my arms and picked the pen up. We both showered her with praise and encouragement and looked at each other in victory as she began writing.

  Chapter 19

  Thursday, November 28th


  I woke up to a firm hand slowly stroking my cock to life. It didn’t take much time at all to make me feel like my cock was a brick with skin pulled tightly over it. The hand stopped moving and then was replaced with a warm mouth. I didn’t want to open my eyes in fear that I was dreaming this up. I risked it though and took a peek. Sydney’s light brown hair and forehead moving up and down my shaft filled my vision. Every now and then, over her head I could see Anthony’s head down between her legs. He couldn’t keep his hands off her and the fact excited me even more because I knew that he was into her. Anthony is going to be so good for her.

  Anthony has never been at this stage and I never thought he ever would be either. I never thought the girl that would turn him inside out would ever come along and if she did, it’d be Sydney. Not only was Anthony my best friend but he was also the best Dom I knew. Without a shadow of a doubt, I knew Sydney would always be cared for and loved by him. Which is what I set out to be the goal with Sydney. I wanted her to find a Dom that would push her and would meet her needs while being able to do it in a loving, nurturing way. She hadn’t been touched with caring hands before Anthony and I, so I knew she needed an affectionate Dom as well. With Sydney as his submissive, Anthony would receive a special kind of love that Matt gets daily.

  Sydney’s quiet moans brought me back to the pr
esent and I reached down to pinch her nipples. That drives her crazy and soon enough, she was coming. I thought she came too quietly, but she at least was having her release. Hearing her come sent me over the edge and soon enough I had emptied in her mouth. Like a dream, she swallowed it and then started to clean me up with her tongue. I pulled her up into my arms and hugged her as I gave her a deep kiss. I hope she knew what she had just done to me was special. Anthony and I always make sure we vocalized our pleasure with her. She has heard so much negativity surrounding oral sex in her past and I don’t think it was warranted.

  “Eyes, baby.” She raised her head up to look at me and smiled. “Thank you, Sydney. That was a wonderful way to wake up.” Her cheeks blushed pink and she looked away shyly. I laughed and looked over at Anthony. He was on his side, propped up on one arm and smiling at her. I could see that he was in need of relief.

  “Baby,” I said and her eyes followed the direction of where I was looking. When she saw his erection, she smiled and moved into a position where she could take Anthony in her mouth.

  I moved behind her and tapped her hips letting her know I wanted her butt up in the air. I gently parted those ass cheeks and went to work on her tight little hole with my tongue. Pure heaven. She squealed and giggled lightly as I worked on her. I had to remind myself that my time in the clouds with Sydney and Anthony was limited. Today was probably it.

  After Anthony was empty and my tongue satisfied, he cradled Sydney in his arms as they shared a quiet moment, just like the one I shared with her a few moments before. He whispered to her that he was proud of her and while he held her, I went to go start the shower. Just as I was getting ready to go get them, Anthony walked into the bathroom with her in his arms. He set her down on the bath mat and looked up at me.

  “Our fragile kitten has spaghetti legs.”

  Feeling the need to touch her again, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. “Is that so?”


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