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Belonging: Book Two in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 23

by Drew Sera

  With that, we took two golf carts and headed out to the back nine. Anthony had to defend his golf attire again when Arthur asked him if he needed to do laundry or if he purposely dressed that way. Anthony is a good sport about a lot of teasing and takes it in stride. In all honesty, Anthony’s easily the best dresser out of any of us.

  “Arthur, I’m hurt. You don’t like my peach argyle shirt and bright blue shorts?”

  Arthur laughed and told Anthony that he moves to the beat of his own drum. I’m sure that Arthur and Matt could tell how happy Anthony and I were this morning. I still was still riding the high of the three of us starting our V relationship. I was able and ready to pour everything I had into it and I knew Anthony was right there with me.

  “Anth, you can go first. I like to let those less skilled go first.” Matt joked as Arthur slapped Anthony’s back.

  “Don’t take it personal, Anthony. Matt’s always been a golf prodigy,” Mark added.

  While Anthony got set, Arthur wandered over by Matt and I as he polished his driver.

  “So, tell me about Sydney. What happened to her? She’s a sweetheart and Gloria couldn’t stop talking about her last night. And Anthony. I noticed the pale bruising on her collarbones.”

  “It’s a long story,” I said in hopes that he’d drop it.

  “I’ve got all day, Colin,” Arthur said to me.

  I told him how she worked in the building where my company is at and about the incident with her and Karl, which was what led me to see her wrist, which is what told me that she was in trouble and that’s when I confronted her about it and she denied it. I told him I got a text from her one Sunday night after the 49ers game asking for help. Mark and John were looking over at me as I told a watered down version of Sydney’s recent life. The next part was more difficult for me to tell. Every time I think about it, it nearly makes me sick to my stomach to think what would have happened if she hadn’t texted me.

  “When we got to her place, she was passed out…she had been beaten…” I swallowed hard as the words got caught in my throat and looked over at Anthony through my sunglasses. He was leaning on his driver pretending that he was looking out over the course. I knew he was listening and picturing her body as I was.

  “Colin and Anthony brought her to see me that night. I was pulling a double shift at the hospital. She was in a bad state.” Matt continued for me, which I was glad.

  “How bad?”

  “Dad, if Colin and Anthony hadn’t gotten to her when they did, she probably would have died. The bastard had beat on her, drugged her, raped her and then wrapped her wrists and ankles in metal and attached it to her heater to burn her.” Matt’s tone indicated that he was annoyed that his dad kept asking me things. Arthur looked like he regretted asking because it clearly made Matt, Anthony and I uneasy.

  I looked over at Anthony and he obviously didn’t want this conversation to be taking place. He kept quiet but I knew he was biting his tongue.

  “Matt, you’re up,” Anthony said and strolled back to stand beside me. Arthur was assessing him now.

  “You’re going to take good care of that girl, Anthony,” Arthur said in a low tone to Anthony.

  “Yes, I will.”

  “That was a statement, Anthony. Not a question.”

  Arthur smiled and moved up to the tee. He knew that Anthony cared for Sydney and he had easily seen the changes in him. Everyone could see how Sydney affected him.

  Our golf game took forever, but it was great to spend time with Arthur and Matt’s brothers. After our game we went back to Matt’s and had a late lunch out on the patio. Cell phones vibrated and made noises on the patio table almost in unison. Sydney had sent Anthony and I texts letting us know they were done shopping and that they were headed back. Matt was staring at his phone too and I’m sure it was Gina telling him the same. Mark threw his head back and laughed. The second we saw the girls walk into the kitchen with their bags, Anthony jumped up and went inside.

  “Would you look at him? He’s really got it bad for her doesn’t he?” Arthur asked and I nodded.

  “He didn’t know what hit him. He came to see me Monday and was complaining about chest pains. I did an EKG and he was perfectly fine. I waited until his heart rate had calmed and then I began talking to him about Sydney. That pulse jumped like crazy. He thought he was having a heart attack, but the guy was in love.”

  Anthony emerged with Sydney and he was holding a plate of food for her and a can a Coke under his arm. He set it all down close to his chair and nudged for me to scoot over some. While there was plenty room around the table, he was purposely sitting her between us. I helped her get situated while Anthony went and got another chair.

  As she ate her lunch I knew a lot of eyes were on her now in a sympathetic way. I didn’t want them to look at her with sad eyes though. Sydney has come so far and is healing. And now she’s got Anthony and I. After lunch, Anthony, Sydney and I went home so we could enjoy the rest of our day.

  “Baby when we get home, go start the bath. Anthony and I have missed you today.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ve missed you both.”

  Anthony and I looked sideways at one another. She was ours. We spent the rest of the afternoon in the tub and listened to her talk about her shopping trip. I hadn’t missed the fact that all the women brought home lots of shopping bags with the exception of Sydney.

  The three of us went to Vito’s for dinner and then to Irons. Our hope was to watch some scenes and I’ll admit, I was eager to tell Blake about the three of us. And, if the opportunity arose, I wanted to see the security footage from that Sunday while I was in Macau.

  While Sydney was drying her hair and I was finishing getting dressed, Anthony and I began talking about how nice it’ll be to go to Irons and not have to worry about other Tops or unattached Doms trying to negotiate a scene with Sydney.

  “They’ll know she belongs to us,” I said while putting on my watch and grabbing my wallet.

  I looked up when I hadn’t heard a response from Anthony. He was looking downward and I could tell he was deep in thought. He finally looked up at me.

  “The only way they’d know is one of two ways. Either they ask us…”

  I caught onto what he was saying and finished his sentence, “or they see a collar.”

  He and I stood staring at one another. Neither of us wanted to deal with another Top or Dom trying to negotiate a scene with Sydney. I simply didn’t want that to come up.

  “Anth, what about a play collar?”

  “One we’d put on her when we do scenes in Irons?”

  “How about anytime we got to Irons? Doesn’t matter if we’re playing or just spectating. If we consistently put it on her when we arrive, it’ll help the three of us not worry about something awkward coming up.”

  We quickly went across the hall to my playroom. I had plenty of collars in various styles and sizes in there for training purposes. Anthony and I decided on a simple black leather one with a ring on it. It wasn’t too big or thick and the inside was soft and lined with fleece. The only problem was another neck has been in this collar during training. Anthony and I decided we’d take this one tonight but we’d order a new one this evening just like this one assuming it fit her well and looked good on her. We needed to talk to her about it though. I wasn’t just going to clasp this to her neck while we’re sitting at our couches. Anthony and I headed back to her room when we heard the hair dryer shut off. We were standing in the bedroom when she walked out of the bathroom. Her face looked stressed when she saw our faces and I regretted that it probably worried her for a moment.

  “Baby, everything is okay, don’t worry. But Anthony and I want to talk to you about something.”

  “Come here, sunshine.”

  I was glad that Anthony had summoned her over because he and I both knew that Sydney does better when physically being close to Anthony. Sydney slowly walked over and perched herself on Anthony’s leg. I really hoped Howard hadn’t fucked her up f
or collars.

  “Baby, you know what collars are, right?” She nodded and I didn’t see any reason to not believe her. “A Top can put a collar on a bottom or sub as part of their scene.”

  “You mean a scene or play collar?”

  I nodded and was surprised she had some knowledge about them; though if it came from Howard, it was probably shit. Anthony explained that when other Doms or Tops see a collar on a submissive, they know not to approach with intent to negotiate. Sydney nodded as if she were following along with what we were saying. I stood and walked to the dresser and picked up the leather collar. The look on her face changed dramatically as I approached her. Her eyes were glued to the collar in my hand as I approached her. Her eyes widened and her level of excitement was visible on her face. Seeing that she wasn’t afraid and was comfortable near the collar made me feel much better. I held the collar in my hand and turned it over so she could see the inside.

  “Sydney, Anthony and I don’t want anyone else trying to negotiate a scene with you. Since the three of us just became exclusive, not everyone at Irons will know right away. But if they see the play collar on your neck in the club, they’ll know not to approach with the intent to negotiate. We want to put a collar around your neck each time we arrive at Irons.”

  I stood still and watched her blink a few times and move her eyes from the collar, to my eyes, a few times. Something passed over her face and I was trying to figure out exactly how she felt about this. It was important and I decided we needed her to vocalize how she felt. She swallowed and began to nod. Just as I was about to ask her how she felt, she spoke.

  “A play collar…you want to put it on me at Irons.”

  I glanced at Anthony and then back to Sydney. I nodded and Anthony spoke up.

  “We’ll put it one when we arrive at Irons and then before we leave we’ll take it off.” Anthony reached up and gently stroked her delicate neck. “Is that okay with you, sunshine?”

  Her eyes were no longer looking at anything but were gazing at my abdomen as I stood in front of her. She began nodding as Anthony and I exchanged glances. I wasn’t getting the impression she wasn’t on board with this idea, but I felt like we needed to see how she reacts to it this evening before we decide if this is a good idea. She continued to nod and then closed to her eyes as if she was reprimanding herself. Anthony took hold of her chin and she opened her eyes.

  “Yes, Sirs.” I could see her swallow again and then she looked up into my eyes still nodding. “The play collar will be fine. I’d…I’d like that.”

  I couldn’t help but smile and reached out to stroke her cheek. I couldn’t wait to see the little kitten with it on tonight. We went to dinner and I noticed that Sydney seemed a little different during dinner. Maybe it’s still the excitement of forming the V, but she seems really happy.

  When we arrived at Irons we checked our jackets and Sydney’s sweater in the lobby. Blake was standing at the front desk talking to a few Doms quietly but he smiled in our direction. I looked up at Anthony and together we guided Sydney over to one of the empty corners of the lobby. She stood in front of Anthony looking up at me with a gleam in her eyes. Anthony pulled the collar out of his pocket and her eyes instantly left mine and latched onto the collar. I unbuckled it and took hold of her chin.

  “Eyes, baby…each time we arrive, the three of us will come over here and Anthony and I will put this on you. Before we leave, we’ll return to this area and remove it. Okay?”

  Again she nodded but closed her eyes and then spoke. “Yes, Sir.”

  I moved towards Sydney with the collar in my hands and kept my eyes on hers. My fingers were on the inside of the collar and touched the delicate skin of her neck. I could feel her heartbeat in her neck against my fingers and could tell that her breathing rate had picked up. Anthony took hold of the ends of the collar and buckled it behind her neck while I had my fingers between her neck and the inside of the collar. Sydney’s eyes closed and I removed my hands from around her neck and just stared. It looked sexy around her little neck and a wonderful feeling washed over me as I stared at it. Anthony ran his fingers under the inside of the collar also checking to make sure it wasn’t too tight.

  “Well, how does it feel, sunshine?”

  Her only immediate response was nodding. She reached up and touched it and ran her hands all over it. A smile spread across her face and she said very softly, “feels nice.”

  “I’m glad, baby.” I bent and kissed her and then Anthony turned her to face him. He took hold of her chin and slipped a few fingers under her collar gently pulling her towards him and then kissed her roughly. Watching that made me hunger for her. There was something about seeing the collar around her neck that made my balls ache. As they pulled apart I could see Blake heading our way.

  “Evening gentlemen. How was your Thanksgiving?” Blake asked as he strolled over to us. Anthony and I now both had our hands linked with Sydney’s. A huge smile spread across Blake’s face and he raised his eyebrows at us hoping it meant what he thought it meant. I nodded and he titled his head back and laughed.

  “Wonderful, that’s absolutely wonderful. Congratulations to all of you.” I could tell that Blake was truly happy for us and honestly, I couldn’t stop grinning about it either.

  The four of us entered the club from the lobby doors and Anthony headed over to our spot where we’ve been sitting when we arrive while I walked in with Blake.

  “So a V, huh Colin?” I nodded and smiled and Blake couldn’t get the smile off his face either. I explained the reasons behind the play collar and Blake seemed to think that was a good idea as well. He commented that it was exceptionally sexy to watch her in Anthony’s grip.

  “Everyone in the lobby stopped to watch. It’s great to see you two so happy and it’s a relief to finally see that sweet girl in yours and Anthony’s capable hands.”

  “Thanks, Blake. It’s been a crazy couple of days. Hey, I’ve been thinking about what you said at your party the other night and I wanted to see if you’d let me see the security footage from that night with Paul.”

  “You may however, I need to warn you. It’s disturbing and it’ll disrupt your evening.”

  “I need to see it. Anthony is closed off about it and I’m not sure Sydney knows really what to think about it. Please.”

  Blake nodded and motioned for me to follow him to his office. I stood next to Blake as he booted up his computer and took a disc from his safe. Once he queued it up, he stepped back so I could sit and watch.

  I watched the whole thing from different camera angles in stunned silence. I knew that I shouldn’t, but I felt guilty. If I hadn’t gone to Macau, Paul wouldn’t have fucked around with them. Paul knew how to handle a whip with near pinpoint accuracy. He could have easily hit either of them in the eye if he wanted to. He marked Anthony with the whip and as I knew he would, Anthony protected Sydney with his body. If that had been all with their altercation, I still would have been pissed, but not nearly as disturbed as I was for seeing what else went on. Paul was both verbally and physically appalling. I have never seen Anthony that irate and physically defensive. I was disgusted while watching Paul purposely trying to hurt him. After witnessing this, I still was no closer to wondering if Paul just really wanted to get under Anthony’s skin by fighting with him, or if he was trying to get at me. Or if he just wanted an opportunity to play with Sydney.

  I felt more protective of Anthony after watching the security footage. Not only was he my best friend but also he was part of our special relationship with Sydney. Granted, he and I were both Sydney’s Doms and both watched over her, but I had a responsibility to both of them to keep them safe and happy. No one would fuck with either of them without answering to me.

  “I told you that witnessing it would do nothing for you other than worry you.”

  I nodded and went back to Anthony and Sydney. Anthony had a Coke in his hand and was rubbing on Sydney’s arm. Both looked very relaxed and were talking to Francis and Blake�
��s wife. Once the three of us were alone we talked some more and Anthony and I took part in teasing Sydney’s mouth before we went upstairs to watch some scenes. Anthony and I were going to get to know what sort of scenes Sydney liked and what turned her on. And we needed to start testing her limit line. He and I need to know where the breaking point with Sydney was exactly.

  We started to watch a scene with Will and a sub, but moved on because I saw he was going to be doing some wax play. I was trying to avoid anything hot on the skin for the time being. As we wandered through the upstairs we watched through the glassless windows and peaked in on some scenes. Anthony and I took turns lightly playing with her. Her pupils were dark discs and her lips were parted. Her body felt loose in my arms and I felt almost high knowing that she felt comfortable with us. Anthony and I would be able to help this girl grow and stretch her legs in the lifestyle. Every now and then I caught her touching the collar or holding the ring in front of the collar.

  Anthony came up to the classroom theme room, leaned on the doorframe and looked over at me. I knew that look. He wanted to play in there. I smiled at him and the three of us walked in though I hung back by the door. Anthony took Sydney by the hand and led her towards the front of the classroom.

  “Use red or yellow if you need to, sunshine.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl, Sydney,” he praised.

  He sat on the desk, parted his legs and pulled her close to him and began making out with her. I knew my role. I was the teacher catching the two students being inappropriate. I could feel myself harden at the scene unfolding in front of my eyes. Normally, this wouldn’t do it for me, but it was Sydney. And Sydney did something life altering to Anthony and I. I noticed he took the position on the desk rather than stand. With Sydney standing, she wouldn’t feel so overpowered. That was very important for Anthony and I to understand and go slow with her.

  Sydney’s hands were on his thighs while he had a hand on her cheek and the other spread across her back. I walked in a little further and coughed, announcing my presence. The response I got from Sydney sent my semi hard cock straight to painfully hard. When I coughed, she put her hands on Anthony’s chest and turned to look at me in mock surprise.


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