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Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology

Page 38

by Anthology


  Here’s what you need for your 3pm.

  -Cam (Not Camila)

  I read her email again debating if I should send her a response. I decide against it and click on the next email.


  Cam finished a few projects today. Everything looks great. The sites are fantastic. Here are the links; check it out.

  We’re going to be working on a few projects. I’ll send you her progress and updates.

  Talk soon,


  Well at least I didn’t make a mistake with hiring an idiot.


  “I HOPE YOU KNOW you’re my best friend,” he laughs, tossing a piece of bread in my face.

  “Well, I’m glad because you’re my best friend, and we’re going to be with each other always.”

  “I like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “The thought of us being together forever.”

  Waking up in a daze, I curl in a ball on my bed and think about Ayden. My heart beats faster, and the tears well up in my eyes.

  He was my lifeline. We did everything together, and he was the perfect best friend. He didn’t have an easy life, and I did everything I could to make him smile. The things he went through as a child, well, no one should ever go through that. Ayden was better because of me.

  My parents loathed him.

  My friends didn’t understand him.

  But I didn’t care.

  Ayden was from the ‘wrong side of the tracks,’ my mom said. I wasn’t supposed to be friends with him or associate myself with him. I didn’t care. I wanted Ayden to be in my life. As young as I was, I knew he’d be an important part of my life. It was easy to hide my friendship with Ayden since my parents were gone most of the time. My nanny, Gloria, knew about him and kept it our secret. She loved him just as much as I did. But when my mom found a picture of us taken by the fucking paparazzi, she lost it. Ayden wasn’t up to the standards in her eyes. My dad never defended him, and it was her word. But that didn’t stop me. We stayed together but were careful. And it never stopped us from being together and falling in love. Hopelessly and utterly in love. The kind of love that makes you soar and keeps a permanent smile on your face. The love between us created a fire and we were made for each other. He was my first everything.

  My first kiss.

  The first boy who touched me.

  The first boy who cherished my body and took it to a level of pure Heaven.

  There was an undeniable rope that tied us together. He was the first boy who had a chance with my heart, and I gave it to him without thinking.

  I remember the way his lips touched my body. I loved how slow he took it, making sure he knew every part of my body and what made me moan his name. The way his fingers touched my lips, down my body, sending me over the edge. I felt safe in his arms and knew he was the one.

  I remember it all.

  The vibration of my cell phone wakes me up. Reaching over to grab my phone, I answer it without looking to see who is calling.

  “Hello!” God I sound awful in the morning. My throat is scratchy, and I swear I sound like a man. I feel sorry for whoever’s on the other line.


  Whoa, his voice. Holy shit. Instant panty remover! “Sharp?” My body shoots up from my bed. Why the hell is he calling me? Are you kidding me right now?

  “Camila, are you there?”

  “I’m here. Sorry your call is surprising.” I pause, mentally telling myself to calm the fuck down. It’s just my boss. I mean there’s nothing to worry about. “How can I help you?”

  “Just wanted to say thank you for taking notes for my meeting.” Oh, his deep, sensual voice sends chills down my body. It’s warm, but intense. Crap. It’s been a while since I’ve had sex, and I can feel the wetness pooling from my lonely pussy. Shit, I need something.

  “Everything’s great,” I answer. Lying back down I run my hand over my body. How naughty is this? There’s no one around, and I’m not with Henry anymore so I want to have fun. If I want to touch myself while talking to my sexy voiced boss then that’s what I’m going to do. “Whatever you need just let me know,” closing my eyes my hand finds my wet folds and starts rubbing my clit in small, dizzy circles. “Always here to help.” My voice goes to a soft, sultry whisper.

  “Camila, are you all right?” Oh, yes please keep talking. “Am I interrupting something?”

  “No, I just woke up.” I lift my hips from my bed, my mouth in the O shape, needing to hear more of his voice.

  “I see. Well, I apologize for calling so early. Like I said, I wanted to see how you’re doing and make sure you’re okay.”

  “More than okay.”

  “I’m glad.” There’s a pause between us. I have no idea what to say. My fingers fuck my pussy, and I want to scream so badly.

  “Well, I should get going,” I quickly say, feeling my orgasm coming.

  “Sounds good. Oh, and Camila?”


  “Glad I could make your morning.”

  No. He doesn’t know. I’m being careful. My mind is all over the place between my orgasm and the fact that Sharp might know what I was doing. Fuck. Not good.

  “Well, have a good day.” In a few seconds I scream, letting my orgasm race through my body. Shit, I needed that.

  Something catches my eye. Oh shit! No! No!


  STARING AT MY PHONE, I make sure I’m not dreaming. Hearing her screaming and knowing what she was doing, fuck, I need her pussy.

  Just her pussy, I tell myself. There’s no way I’m feeling anything else. She’s nothing special, but fuck why is she invading my head? Camila isn’t like the other women I’ve been with. There’s something about her, pulling me in, taking me whole. I want to push her limits and know her fears so I can take them away. Fuck, what the hell am I saying? Goddamn it, with her I’m throwing out all my rules.

  In a way, a weird way, I like her and know she’s going to be the one to break all my rules.

  And honestly, I’m glad.

  From what Taylor and Natalie have told me about her, the image I have of her in my mind is nothing like the one I have now. She’s shy, but sexy, and confident, three traits in a woman I find incredible and rare — like Camila. I know that sounds nefarious, but there’s a connection to her I can’t explain. Something about her voice makes things move. I’m fucking hard just from a five-minute conversation.

  Pulling up the company’s site, I type in her name and bring up her profile. Camila (she prefers Cam, but I don’t give a shit) Ellison. Her eyes stare back at me and damn those full lips. Fuck, I need a release. I haven’t jerked off since I was a teen. Making sure the door is locked to my office, I pull down my black pants and stroke my hard cock, up and down, with a firm grip while staring at her picture. I imagine those lips around my cock. Sucking and tasting me. Taking me all in. Shit, I’m about to fucking blow. Throwing my head back, I let out a guttural grunt.

  Cleaning up my mess I walk around my office thinking of reasons to keep calling her and communicating with her. I need more.

  Me: I wish I were there making you scream like that

  Camila: OMG, I can’t believe you heard me

  Me: Don’t be ashamed, Camila. You sound very sexy pleasuring yourself. One day you’ll have to do it in front of me.

  Very nice, I think. Oh, the things I have planned for you.

  Me: Nothing to say?

  Camila: I’m not sure what to say.

  Me: I have that effect on women.

  Camila: You’re so cocky!

  Sharp: Confident. Not cocky.

  My hand grips the corner of my desk. I can’t explain the feelings. This is new to me. I’ve never felt protective over a woman, but with Camila it feels different. Fuck. What the hell am I doing? I don’t give a shit about women. They’re used for my pleasure, and that’s it. I don’t care to know about their pasts and feelings. For some reason I need to know abo
ut Camila.



  Bringing myself back to reality, I smile, picking up my notebook and follow Taylor into the conference room. I sit down and Taylor sits next to me with a few other people on our team — Chris, Sarah, Amie and Jean. Everyone on the team is nice, and I like working with them. They’re easygoing and thankfully seem to have no drama.

  During the week I’ve been working close to sixty hours a week with the lists of projects we have. Sometimes I don’t make it home and spend the night here in the office. On the other side of the building there are rooms for associates who work late. It’s like a mini studio and has what we need. Sharp is quite generous, and he’d rather have us here than risk driving home when we’re exhausted.

  But during the week, Sharp and I have been talking through text and sometimes the phone. Each time my phone vibrates, a smile comes on my face because I know it’s him. Sharp’s doing something to me, and I’m not going to fight it. I don’t want to fight it.

  “So, you’re divorced now?”

  “Not final yet. He’s living in an apartment downtown though, and I still have the house. Not sure for how much longer though, but we haven’t talked.”

  “That’s a good sign, Camila. So now you can do what you want with me.”

  I do want that, but I can’t. Sharp’s my manager, and I have no idea who he is or what he looks like. Not that it matters, but I’d like to know. “We’ll see.”

  “Once you feel my tongue you’ll think differently.”

  Bringing my hand to where it needs to go, I let out a soft moan. My mouth clamps shut, and I shut my eyes. Fuck!



  “Keep going. Don’t be ashamed. Think about me while you’re touching yourself. Always think about me.”

  Taylor presses a few buttons on the phone and a voice comes on the line. For some reason I’m nervous. This is my first meeting with Sharp, and I’m not sure what to expect.

  “Taylor fill me in on the progress. Where are we with RGH, Strong, Highland and Unity?”

  I hand Taylor my hospital notes and error sheets. That’s the thing about Sharp Security. We pride ourselves with high accuracy and low error rates. As soon as the cameras and system start malfunctioning, Sharp has people on it immediately.

  “Good, Sharp. Nothing to report with the hospitals.”


  “Yes?” Why’s he talking to me? I look at Taylor with wide eyes.

  “What are you working on now?”

  “I’m updating Bank One’s site and working on the kinks.”

  “What kinks? Taylor, what the fuck is she talking about?” He rustles papers and there’s silence in the room. Everyone’s looking at me, but no one’s saying anything. Taylor scribbles on a piece of paper.

  What the hell are you talking about?

  One of the links is broken and SSL is out of date. It’s bad!

  Sharp’s gonna be pissed! Why didn’t you tell me?

  Just found out!

  “Everyone out!” Sharp yells on the phone.

  I shake my head looking at Taylor for answers, but they listen to him and leave the room. It’s just me and Sharp, and I’m ready to pee my pants.


  I tell him about the site and broken links, letting him know it’s been fixed, and I’m upgrading the SSL, secure socket layer. He listens, and I’m surprised he’s not interrupting me. “Everything is back to normal, but we should keep an eye on their site. I received their hack attempts, and it’s high.”

  “I see.” Silence. I don’t know if he’s impressed or mad. “Well, next time be sure to fucking tell me as soon as you find out!”

  “Why are you mad at me? I solved the issue and…”

  “Is your name on the building? Does it say Ellison Security?”


  “Exactly. I need to know these things or you can find yourself a new job. If you can,” he scoffs.

  “I am very smart and good with my job! I’ve helped Taylor with the project lists, and now we’re up to date! There’s no backlog!”

  “And?” Don’t cry, Cam. Don’t cry. “Am I supposed to be impressed? Because I’m not. This is your job. Can you handle this?”


  “No. I don’t think so. You should take on less work, Camila.”

  Now I’m pissed! I’ve been working so many hours a day and sometimes not even eating. My stress is hitting the roof, and I’m dealing with so much shit with some of these companies. It’s not my fault I didn’t tell Sharp right away. The security of our client’s site is more important. “No! I know what I’m doing, and I felt as though handling the issues and then telling you was the right thing to do.”

  “Well, you’re wrong.”

  “Why are you so mean? What did I do?”

  “Get out, Camila.”

  Fuming with irritation, I push my chair out and quickly stand up. “You know what? I’m done! Fuck off, Sharp.”

  Storming out of the conference room I walk to my office and grab my purse. I don’t need this shit. I already have so much to deal with at home. This is supposed to be my escape, yet I’m almost in tears. How can he talk to people like that? He doesn’t know me, and I’ve been doing so well.

  Natalie comes in just as I’m about to walk out. “Nat, I’m leaving. Just text me later.”

  “Sharp wants you to go back in the conference room, Babe.”

  I glare at her. Is she kidding me? “No! He yelled at me for no reason!”

  “Give him a chance. He’s going through a lot, and when he’s stressed out he yells. But he doesn’t mean it. I’ve been telling him anger management will do him some good.”

  “I won’t be treated like this, Nat. I dealt with this crap with Henry. Not again.”

  Natalie takes my hand and smiles. “Just give him a chance.”

  Putting down my purse, I leave my office and head back to the conference room. Since Sharp’s away, this is the only way we can communicate. He can’t see me, thank God. My hands shake and the sweat builds along my forehead. Shit, I can do this. I want this job. I need this job.

  “You wanted me?”

  “Have a seat.”

  “I’d rather stand.” I can’t sit down.

  “I insist, Camila. Have a seat.”

  “Fine.” I do as he says, crossing my legs and smoothing my gray pencil skirt. I bounce my foot up and down, annoyed I’m still here. “What’s your issue anyway? You’ve been nothing but awesome to me and now all of a sudden you’re an asshole?”

  “Touch yourself.”

  “I’m sorry! What?” I stammer. He’s got to be kidding me. How the fuck is this possible? I can’t do this.

  But why am I instantly wet?

  “Touch. Yourself. Raise. Your. Skirt. And. Take. Off. Your. Panties.”

  His deep baritone voice makes my panties run off me and into his lap. Fuck, it’s hot. But I put on my poker face and don’t let him know I’m affected by his words. Although he can’t see me, he can hear me. I need to keep my voice calm and steady. I can’t crack.

  “Not doing it. There’s no point, and this is so unprofessional. So, if you don’t have anything else I’ll be on my way.” My heart’s wildly beating. Fuck. Is this real life?

  “Is the sound of my voice turning you on?” His voice resonates through the room. I look around. “No one can see us if that’s what you’re worried about. No one will walk in. It’s just you and me, Camila.”

  “Cam,” I correct him. “My name is Cam.”


  “I would appreciate it if you call me Cam.” I am not going to ask him nicely. This man doesn’t deserve my manners.

  “Move your hand and spread your legs.” I feel the moisture growing in my aching pussy. She’s missing the love. Fuck, I can’t hold it in. I slide my hand in between my legs and let out a moan I’ve been hold in. “There you go. Nice and easy,” he whispers. “Swi
rl your fingers around your wet clit and keep your legs wide open,” he instructs.

  I stop thinking and let myself go. I don’t feel weird anymore. It’s a bit humiliating, sitting here in the conference room getting myself off, but at this moment I don’t care. Soft moans slip past my lips as his breathing increases. I love the sound he’s making over the phone. I love what I’m doing to him. Closing my eyes, I let myself go, imagining Sharp stroking his hard cock. With a man this demanding and sexy, I’m sure he’s well endowed. His confidence screams perfection.

  “Oh God,” I moan, playing with my clit faster and faster.

  “Come. Now.” And I do. I let myself go and fall back in the chair.

  “Don’t ever argue with me again.”


  COMING HOME AFTER DINNER with Mom and Grayson, I look through my messages and see a few from Camila.

  Camila: I hope you’re having a nice night. Mine’s pretty low key. Went out with Natalie and Taylor for some drinks, nothing special.

  Camila: I hope you don’t think I’m some sort of clingy person. I’m bored that’s all.

  Camila: I’m home now...Alone

  I smile from her last text message. I shouldn’t do this. I shouldn’t have her think I want her, even if I do. I have strict rules. Relationships are out the window, and I don’t repeat my sexual partners. Women, to me, serve one purpose. They are to suck my cock, ride me and let me fuck them from behind. I like seeing a woman’s ass in the air. Missionary style is for idiots. When I take her from behind, I control everything. I control her body, and I control what she sees. Taking a woman from behind means she doesn’t look at me.

  Me: I see that you missed me or is that your pussy talking?

  I normally don’t carry on conversations with women, but Camila is different. Her sass-and-fire attitude attracts me. So with that, I decide to surprise her with something I haven’t done since I was a teenager.

  Me: Picture attachment sent

  Setting my phone aside, I get up and head to the room Grayson’s sleeping in. Walking in the room, I stand over his crib, lightly touching his face. I’m a good father, I keep telling myself. Watching him sleep for a few minutes brings me reason. Grayson’s my reason. He’s the strength I need so I don’t lose focus. He’s the reason why I work hard and can be what he needs.


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