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Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology

Page 45

by Anthology

  Shit, if I didn’t eat there was no way I would have the stamina to go all night. Food was needed. “I’ll take the prime rib, medium well, baked potato with butter, and mixed steamed vegetables.”

  “Anything else?” he asked laughing.

  “No! Don’t laugh. I like to eat and if I’m going to be fucked all night I need sustenance.”

  He bowed his head slightly. “As you wish.” That ass made me feel like I was ordering a lot of food, but then he ordered the same damn thing. I shook my head at him in exasperation.

  We continued to explore one another until the food arrived. Later when our appetite for food was sated, we moved on to our appetite for each other.

  ~ 7 ~

  THE MORNING CAME all too fast and Radek woke me just how I asked. We had breakfast and each went our separate ways to pack. Rob and Maria were waiting for us when we went down to the lobby. Our SUV was waiting out back to take us to the airport.

  Only a few paparazzi remained in front of the hotel, trying to snap pictures of us leaving. I would never understand why anyone would give a shit about stupid things like me leaving a hotel. I get the gossip about who I’m dating, but the stupid every day stuff, no. Didn’t make any sense to me. Then again, I wasn’t one to read tabloids.

  Rob and Maria got into the far back of the SUV while Radek and I sat in the middle. I decided to call her by her name since I won and got the man. She didn’t like it though and gave me the stink eye from the back seat. Whatever. Maybe she could leech onto Rob and I could kill two birds with one stone.

  The flight home was uneventful. Maria asked me a couple of times if I needed anything and I politely declined. I decided to stay up front instead of in my bedroom just in case Radek left the cockpit for one reason or another. He didn’t of course, so I had to deal with more of Maria’s stares. At least that time she wasn’t as obvious about her distaste of me. I made a mental note to never have her on my service again.

  My thoughts drifted on the way back to Pennsylvania. For one thing, I didn’t even know where Radek lived. I assumed somewhere close to the airport since he was recommended to me and available so quickly. If we were going to have a relationship there were a lot of details I needed to know. We were so wrapped up in sex that nothing else had been discussed.

  We landed smoothly and I began to collect my belongings when Radek and Rob emerged from the front of the plane. I didn’t miss the tension between them or the way Rob looked utterly defeated when he saw Radek embrace me in a hug.

  On the tarmac, I saw the Town Car waiting for me. The crew members would have driven their own vehicles. I thanked Rob and Maria for their services. Rob hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear, “Be careful, Kasi. If you need me, you know my number.” I nodded against him. While I didn’t like his advances or his temper, he was still a good friend who only had my best interests at heart.

  My pilot was not happy about Rob hugging me. I saw the scowl on his face, but he refrained from saying or doing anything about it. After everyone had left, Radek and I stood alone, staring at one another in an awkward silence.

  “I realized on the flight home that I didn’t even know where you lived.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess there is a lot we don’t know about each other. I live in an apartment, five minutes away. I only moved here recently.”

  “Why don’t you go home and pack a bag?” I grabbed his hand and laced my fingers with his. “Come stay with me for a few nights. I’m not ready to let go of you so soon.”

  “Who said you had to let go?”

  “No one, but I don’t know what other priorities you have or jobs you need to do.”

  “I have to fly a couple to a family gathering in a few days. I could stay with you until then.”

  “Are you sure you want to?” Shit, I just assumed he would want to spend more time with me. What if he didn’t? Insecurity and I didn’t get along well. I hated self-doubt.

  He cupped my cheek in his warm hand and said, “There is no other place I’d rather be.”

  I gave him my address and he said he would see me in a couple of hours. With a kiss we parted. The drive home was quiet. I checked for any urgent messages on my phone, but nothing new had come up. Well, except for my publicist still hounding me about Radek. I didn’t feel the need to have the conversation with her in front of the driver, so as soon as I got home I dialed her number.

  “Kasi! Why haven’t you been returning my calls or texts? Holy hell, girl, there is a shit storm brewing and you go MIA.”

  “I’ve been busy, Kara. You knew I went to Kansas for a meeting. I had stuff to deal with.” Yeah, the K name wasn’t lost on me. I couldn’t seem to escape it.

  “No excuse. I always answer the phone when you call.”

  “You’re my publicist, I hope you would. I don’t want to argue with you. The past two days have been a whirlwind to say the least.”

  “Ya think? Now explain it all to me.”

  So I did. She couldn’t fight off the masses if she didn’t know what she was dealing with. I trusted her wholeheartedly. She’d been with me from the start. I was also sure that if she lived closer we would become the best of friends, but she was in New York City. She did drive out on occasion for a day or two.

  I had approximately one hour to myself and needed to spend the time making sure the house was picked up. Fortunately, my wonderful housekeeper came while I was away and it was almost perfect. Way better than I had left it.

  The remaining time I had was spent unpacking and freshening up. I smelled like plane if that made any sense. If last night was any indication of how the next couple days would play out with my pilot I needed to be in top form.

  Time flew by and next thing I knew I heard the familiar buzz of someone at the front gate. There he was. Mr. Radek Cole in all of his sweet form looking at me through one of the many cameras I had outside. He was driving a black Ford F-250 pickup that screamed badass. You could tell he had a lot of custom work done to it by the aftermarket details. It was jacked up higher than normal with large tires, tinted windows, custom paint, and little touches here and there.

  He lowered his aviator sunglasses and spoke into the intercom. “Kasi Markson, let me in.”

  My body broke out in goose bumps. “Your wish is my command.”

  I hit the button allowing the gates to open. The butterflies in my stomach became very active. Normally I didn’t allow men to come to my house. I liked to be able to have fun and run. If they were there I had nowhere to go and I was sure as hell not leaving them alone in my house.

  My pilot was different. I knew I’d rushed into the relationship with him, if you could call it that, but I didn’t care. I was tired of overthinking everything. The new Kasi was saying 'fuck it all.' I was only going to do what made me happy.

  The sound of Radek’s truck coming up my driveway caused my nerves to increase. The exhaust was throaty and after seeing what he drove I wouldn’t expect anything different. I didn’t wait for him to knock on the door. Before he even stepped out of the truck I had it open.

  He threw a duffle bag over his shoulder and walked to me with purpose. I felt like I was in one of those romance movies where the leading man came home from a long trip and his girl was waiting to welcome him. This girl didn’t keep her movie PG though.

  Pulling his face to mine, I kissed him long and passionately. My hand moved down to his waist so I could cup his hard as steel dick in my hand. “So eager,” he said in between kisses.

  “Yes, very eager as a matter of fact and it appears I’m not the only one.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  I heard his bag hit the ground with a thud. His hands found my ass and he lifted me until my legs wrapped around his waist. Another one of the joys of living in the woods, I could fuck him on my front step and no one would see.

  He carried me inside and pushed me up against the wall next to the door. Reaching between us, he found me ready for him. I went commando in a dress for just that re
ason. His hand then moved to his pants, freeing his length. A slight step back, another forward, and he was inside of me.

  With a deep voice he asked, “How long has it been since we were in a similar position?”

  “Too long.”

  I was already panting with need. His cock was hammering into me and damn I loved it. Every time he took me rough I felt like he was claiming me. Making sure I knew I was his and I did. He was skilled in bed, above and beyond any man I’d ever been with.

  His dick hit the perfect spot. I was so close to coming, but he pulled out. Wait, why did he pull out? I was lowered to my feet and left confused.

  “Go to the stairs and bend over.”

  In the entranceway of my house was a very high ceiling and a curved staircase that lead to the second floor. I did as he asked and went over to the steps. My hands rested on the warm hardwood. He walked up behind me and flipped my dress up over my back. I felt his hands gently caress both cheeks. One of his fingers trailed down the middle of my ass. He dragged it lower until he found my center and shoved it into me.

  His finger left me and trailed up my backside, coating me in my own juices. That finger was replaced with his cock and I could feel him start at the top of my ass then slowly move to my tight, little hole.

  “How would you like it if I took you here?”

  My only response was to moan. I’d never had a man’s cock in my ass, only their fingers, but I could imagine what it must feel like.

  “I won’t do it now, but it’s something I want to do with you.”

  Within seconds he was inside of my pussy. He felt incredible. My body went weak and it was all I could do to hold myself up. Every time he pushed into me I met him halfway and pushed back toward him.

  “You have a gorgeous ass, baby. I could stare at you like this all night.”

  “Touch me.”

  His body curled over mine, heating me. When his finger went into my slit I started to tense. My muscles stiffened and I could feel my climax coming. He must have known I was close, because he picked up his pace behind me and on my clit. I moaned when my orgasm began. My body jerked and my legs began to buckle. He wrapped his other arm around my waist to hold me up and followed with his own release.

  Warm breath tickled my ear. “Damn, baby, you’re amazing.”

  He lowered us both to the cool, beige marble floor at the base of the steps. I ended up sitting on his lap facing away from him. Strong hands reached up to cup my breasts and pinch my nipples making me clench down on his cock.

  Sweat trickled down between my breasts. “If we keep going at this rate I won’t be able to walk.” I let my head lay back on his shoulder, his teeth nibbling along my earlobe.

  “Well, you have me all to yourself for a few days. We don’t have to leave this house if you don’t want to.”

  It wasn’t a bad idea. Stay there, let him have his way with me in every room. “Hmmm…,” I said. “What if we go out on a date?”

  He chuckled. “I think we’re past the date part.”

  “There is no rule for what order you should do things in. We had sex first, now a date second. Please.” I stuck out my bottom lip for extra effect.

  “I can’t resist that face. You pick the place and we’ll go.”

  “Yay!” I kissed him on the lips and started to plan our date for the next evening in my head.

  ~ 8 ~

  WE SPENT THE NEXT day in bed. Radek brought me breakfast there, we read, fucked often, and laid around all day. Tonight we were going on our date.

  “Where are we going tonight?” he asked as he lazily drew circles around my belly button with his finger.

  “Do you want to know or would you rather be surprised?”

  “I want to know. No surprises for me.”

  “We’re going to a drive-in.”

  “What, like a movie?”

  I shoved at his head. “Yes, like a movie.”

  “I didn’t know they had any of those left.”

  “Well, you’re in luck. We have a couple we can go to. The only thing we need to decide on is which car to take.”

  “We can take my truck.”

  “Sure, so everyone behind us will be unable to see. We can take one of mine.”

  “Chick cars I’m sure.”

  Chick cars? He had no fucking clue who he was talking to. “For your information I have three vehicles in that big ass garage downstairs. One is a 1967 Shelby Mustang GT500 Fastback and she is fully restored. Second, because I live in the woods, I have a 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT. That fucker is good in the snow. Last, but not least, I have a 2013 midnight blue Aston Martin Vanquish. She has a top speed of two hundred and one miles per hour and does zero to sixty in three point six seconds. Now, would you like to go back and re-evaluate your 'chick car' statement?”

  He didn’t say anything. Idiot. Some men thought they knew all about cars and women were stupid. Hell no. Some women were just as passionate about cars and knew even more than men.

  “So, which car would you like to take, Radek?”

  “Uhhh…the Mustang?”

  “Fine choice. The movie starts at seven. Oh and there may or may not be paparazzi lingering around since they will know I’ve come home. Put on your best smile, you’ll be on camera.”

  He groaned and sprawled out on the bed. “I don’t want to deal with that.”

  “No one does, but it’s my reality. Since you’re with me it’s now your reality too, but you knew this going in. Do you want to back out of what we have?” Please say no, please say no. I wasn’t a desperate woman, but I didn’t want to give him up yet.

  He pinned me with a serious stare. “No. I told you once we were together that you were mine. I meant that. I will deal with the photogs, but I don’t need to be nice to them.”

  I placed a quick kiss on his lips and patted his chest. “No you don’t. I told you, I don’t care what they think and I meant it. The people who really know me don’t listen to them anyway.”

  “I wish no one would listen to them.”

  I nodded my head. I wondered if he would lose work because of me. If word spread and people stopped hiring him, would he blame me? On the other hand, maybe dating me would put him back in their good graces. No way to tell how that would play out, but I’d make sure he stayed employed. Shaking the thoughts from my head, I got up and ordered us Chinese food for dinner.

  After dinner, I finally got dressed. All day long I’d been lounging around in nothing. When the food arrived I went to put clothes on only to be told that he was getting it and I was to stay naked. I happily obliged. Now we were going out and clothes were mandatory.

  Our date was low-key, no need to get dressed up. My attire consisted of comfortable jeans, a baby blue tank top, and sandals. I swept my long, blonde hair into a ponytail and my make-up was light.

  Emerging from the master bath I saw my pilot leaning against the window next to the bed looking outside. His dark, faded jeans were slung low on his hips and the fitted black tee he wore reminded me of why I was attracted to him in the first place. He was solid muscle. I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. His hands rubbed my back while we both gazed out the window.

  “Anything interesting out there?” I asked.

  “It’s really peaceful.”

  From my second story bedroom you could see out far and wide. Tall pine trees surrounded the house, but further out were tons of different types of trees. The woods were dense, but you could see over the tops due to the way my house was situated on a hill. No roads or shops were visible. At night you could see the lights from the neighboring towns though. The only thing I missed was wildlife. The high fence kept them out. Occasionally I’d see rabbits that squeezed through the pickets or birds that landed to find worms.

  “When I bought the land I didn’t know what the view would look like from the second floor. I’m glad it turned out the way it did.” We stood there staring outside for so long that we were almost late for the movie.
/>   Before we left I checked the security cameras and sure enough there were paparazzi lined up across the street from my driveway. Driving through the gate, Radek and I waved to them from my red Mustang. I even caught him blowing them a kiss. Smart ass.

  I didn’t bother checking what movie was playing that night. The reason I picked the drive-in was to have time with him, but outside of the house where we could still be private. The actual movie itself didn’t matter.

  We certainly drew a few stares when I parked in line with the rest of the cars waiting for the movie to start. I wasn’t sure if it was because of who I was or rather my beautiful car. Either way, I didn’t care. What was the point of having such a nice car if you couldn’t show it off?

  Before the movie started we got out and went to the refreshment stand. We held hands like teenagers, he bought me popcorn and a drink, and I stopped a couple of times to have my picture taken with some of the local girls.

  Most adults knew who I was, but left me alone. Teen girls flocked to me. I wasn’t a fashion icon or someone who was all that interesting. When I saw my name in the local paper it was more often that a celebrity lived in the same small town as them and they thought it was exciting. I didn’t mind the attention. If I became a positive role model to someone then it was worth it. I just hope they didn’t look into my past and see the bar photos. Never did I go to another bar again.

  My fame didn’t come from some miraculous thing I did or because I was a model. It came from being the daughter of a very successful man who went through a brutal divorce. The first time my picture spread like wildfire was after the divorce was final. My father told me he was trying to keep my life as normal as possible so he took me to the amusement park. He wanted a fun day with his daughter. What he got was blinded by flashbulbs and hounded for a statement. Needless to say I didn’t get to go on any rides that day, but my dad did have a massive swing set installed in our back yard the next day.


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