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Snake in the Grass (Fairy Tales of a Trailer Park Queen Book 3)

Page 18

by Kimbra Swain

  “Right here,” Riley said waving her hand. I turned toward her.

  “Riley, the answer to your question is what I’ve just done here,” I said waving around to the crowd. “We will negotiate, because I know that we can find common ground.” I felt Dylan’s hand squeeze mine in approval. Luther made his way to Betty, hugging her from behind. She swatted at him playfully. He smiled and winked at me. I winked back.

  Riley’s eyes lit up, as she leaned into the microphone, “Thank you, my Queen.” A Seelie fairy subjected herself to me. I never thought I’d see the day.

  “You are very welcome,” I said. “I’m past my comfort level with this debate business. You all can stay here and ask Miss Davis questions if you would like. I’m going to head over to Hot Tin Roof. If you have any other questions for me, please come and see me. Dylan will buy the first round.” The room cheered. Nestor planted his palm on his forehead, then sprinted for the door. Mable followed him closely. I nodded to Levi who took his eyes off the slender Riley MacKenzie for a moment, then took off behind Nestor to help.

  “I’m buying drinks?” Dylan asked as I looked at him. We ignored the scowling Stephanie Davis behind us. I wanted to strut my legs behind me like a dog covering poop. Everyone started exiting the room. It seemed no one else had questions for her.

  “I’ll pay you back,” I said.

  He dipped his head close to me. I sucked in a breath, because even now, he made me tremble. “In kisses?” he asked.

  “If that’s what you want,” I said.

  “I need a down payment,” he said as his lips met mine. I heard a whoop from the back of the room which caused both of us to blush. I giggled like a schoolgirl. “We should get to the bar.”

  “Nestor is going to kill me,” I said.

  “Not before you pay me for all these drinks,” he said.

  “We can just use the campaign budget,” I replied.

  “What campaign budget?” he asked.

  “How big is your bank account?” I asked. His mouth dropped open.

  “Big enough,” he retorted.

  “That’s what she said,” I replied.

  “Come on, you,” he said flustered.

  “Oh, Darlin’, I love it when you get discombobulated,” I teased. He pulled me behind him toward the door as people stopped to shake my hand promising their support. I knew that they all meant well for the moment, and if we all went to the voting booth now, I’d win. There were several days left until the election. I knew anything could happen. This was Shady Grove after all.

  Dylan and I stood behind the bar together serving drinks. Nestor took a break sitting at a corner table talking to Mable, Levi and Miss Riley MacKenzie. The bard was making his next move. I smiled as I watched him.

  “Think he will get her?” Dylan asked in my ear.

  “He already has her. Watch,” I said. Dylan tried to look without staring. Levi said something to Nestor who died laughing. He turned to look at Riley. As she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, she blushed under his gaze.

  “Well, I’ll be damned,” Dylan said.

  “That’s my boy,” I said proudly.

  “You didn’t teach him to seduce anyone,” Dylan said.

  “How do you know?” I asked.

  “He comes by it naturally,” he said.

  “Yeah, he does,” I admitted.

  “You’ve set a date?” Betty asked from the stool across from us. Luther was up playing pool with some guys from the church.

  I smiled as Dylan pulled me close to him. “Yes, October 21st.”

  “Wedding dress shopping?” Tabitha asked. She’d come in a little late after her shift at the med center, but she’d already heard about the meeting.

  “I guess,” I said.

  She laughed at me. “Every woman gets excited about a wedding dress,” she said. “But not you?”

  I bit my bottom lip, rolled my eyes for emphasis, and said, “Maybe a little.”

  Dylan chuckled beside me. “I’m looking forward to it.” I remembered what he said about taking it off of me, and I blushed. Tabitha and Betty both giggled as if they knew what he meant.

  “So, what’s it going to be like Dylan while Grace is the Queen of Shady Grove? Are you the official concubine?” Tabitha asked.

  “Actually, there won’t be a decision that I make as Queen without his advice and approval. I’ll have to negotiate with him before ever taking on the council,” I said.

  “Thank you,” he muttered in my ear. Chills rose up on my arms as his breath brushed my ear.

  “He will be King,” Betty said realizing the implication of my words.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Girl, you gotta use that,” Betty said.

  “I agree,” Tabitha said.

  “What?” Dylan asked.

  “Run as a couple. We need to change all the signs!” Tabitha said.

  “But we aren’t married yet,” I said.

  “Doesn’t matter. You are engaged. Every one knows you are a couple. Granted we’ve all seen you argue too, but running together will put any doubts out of people’s minds about your brash ways. We all know Dylan tempers you,” Tabitha said.

  My lips twisted into a scowl. Dylan started laughing, but tried to hold back. Calming myself I said, “Yes, Tab, you are right. Dylan really keeps me in check.”

  “Oh, you are in so much trouble,” Tabitha said.

  “I didn’t say it! You did!” he protested.

  “You laughed,” she supplied.

  “Yes, you laughed,” I agreed.

  “This isn’t fair,” he pouted.

  “Life’s a bitch, but sometimes it has puppies,” I said as I high fived Tabitha and Betty.

  “What’s all this?” Luther said, as he joined us.

  I poked my lip out at Dylan, and his face turned from defeat to I’m going to bite your lip if you don’t quit in two seconds flat. I winked at him as he shook his head at me. “Luther, save me. They are ganging up on me.”

  “Come play a round of pool with me,” Luther said.

  “Sure thing,” Dylan responded. He kissed me on the cheek. The warm sensation of his lips on my skin surged deep into me, and suddenly I wanted to skip this little after debate party.

  “Watch out, Luther! He cheats!” I teased.

  “You are next,” Dylan said, walking away and pointing at me.

  “No, sir, I’ve played my rounds with you!” I called back.

  “Want me to go get Winnie after school?” Tabitha asked while grinning at Dylan teasing me.

  “Yeah, if you don’t mind. Take her for ice cream or something,” I said, pulling some cash out of my pocket to give to her. She smiled, accepting the money.

  Tabitha liked spending time with her, and Winnie said she was her new BFF. “We always have fun,” Tabitha said.

  “I hate to leave when there are so many supporters here. We need to make a big push over the next couple of days. I’ll talk to Dylan about changing the signs, but I’m serious about us being a team. I don’t want to do it without him,” I said.

  Betty smiled. It seemed to calm her last fears about me taking over. Not in that Dylan would have control over me, but that I valued his input so much. “You have changed, Grace. Even in the last few months, you are so much different from when you didn’t know what any of us were.”

  “I hope so. A lot has happened,” I replied.

  “What was the dead thing back at the diner?” she asked. I grimaced, because I’d hoped she and Luther had forgotten about it.

  Remington spoke to me briefly after the debate. He was relieved to see me alive. I thanked him for his efforts to buy me. He was researching who actually won the auction, and if Stephanie had anything to do with it. I told him my suspicions that it was Krykos who dragged me through the woods. He said he would look into it. Dylan agreed to let him handle it until he received his official private investigator license in the mail soon. Remington told Dylan that he could throw a lot of business his way fr
om his law firm. It was good to see them getting along.

  I looked up to Levi who briefly met my gaze. By this point, I expected to see him completely enamored with Riley, but instead I saw confidence that he had her instead. Nodding my head slightly to him, I felt the connection between us move. It was his way of nodding back. Ah, yes, my bard was finally becoming a real fairy. I was so proud.

  “I wrecked Dylan’s truck,” I said.

  “And…” She knew there had to be more to the story.

  “And, I think it’s best we don’t talk about it here. Except to say, I had to visit my father and his healers or I would not be here right now,” I replied as Betty’s face turned grave.

  “Who?” she asked.

  “Not sure, but we believe she was involved somehow,” I replied.

  Betty hung her head, shifting her white curls forward. “I’m ashamed of the way I acted to you, and to think I’d considered voting for her.

  “You weren’t voting for her. Just voting against me,” I smiled.

  “Yes, mostly,” she smiled back. “You really aren’t mad?”

  “No, I told you that you would apologize,” I teased.

  We laughed together. I’d missed my friend.

  Levi walked up to lean on the bar. “Well, hello Handsome,” I said to him.

  “I’m going to drive Riley home,” he said.

  “In what?” I asked, because he drove a Harley, the truck was wrecked, and no one drove Dylan’s car.

  “In her car,” he grinned. “See you in the morning.”

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do?” I said.

  “So swapping gravy is fine,” he grinned. The devil. She stood to meet him, as they walked out the door, she flashed her eyes back to me. I narrowed mine at her. That’s right, Sweetheart, you may take him to your bed, but he’s mine. I smiled and waved.

  “Laid that on pretty thick,” Betty said.

  “Don’t hurt my bard,” I replied. Dylan and Luther ended their game. It looked like Dylan won. Didn’t surprise me. I was sure he cheated.

  “A kiss for the winner?” he asked.

  “Luther, come here,” I said.

  “Hey! Not him! Me!” Dylan exclaimed. I gave him a little peck. He groaned at the weak prize.

  “More later,” I promised. His face lit up.

  “You gotta pay for all this alcohol,” he said.

  As the crowd dispersed, we helped Nestor clean up. “Are you sure you are okay?” he kept asking me.

  “I’m fine. Better than fine. Dylan and I are on the same page which means more to me than a couple of nails in my leg,” I said as he grimaced.

  “Are you okay?” I asked remembering his glass dropping incidents.

  He shook his head. “No, I’m not, but there isn’t anything you can do about it.”

  “Are you sick? Cursed?” I asked.

  “No, Grace. I’m old. I’ve been on this earth since the ancient days. The longer a fairy spends in the real world the more it wears on them. My power is waning.”

  “So, I’ll take you back home so you can recharge. I’m pretty sure father will let you come back if I asked,” I said.

  “It’s not that simple,” he replied. “Leave it for now. Please.” I conceded to his wishes, but I would ask my father soon if I could bring Nestor to the Otherworld. I knew it would help him.

  “Where is Levi?” Dylan asked realizing he was gone.

  “He took Riley home,” I said.

  “Atta boy!” he whooped. “Are you ready to go, my dear?”

  “Yep,” I replied. “But can we go to the trailer? I don’t think I’m up for cleaning up the house yet.” I left it in the mess that Stephanie had made. She knew how to put on one hell of a show.

  “Yes, of course, I’ll go take care of the house tomorrow,” he said.

  When we arrived at the trailer, Tabitha pulled up behind us. Winnie bolted out of the door of the car running to Dylan, “Daddy, Daddy! Look at my new wolf,” she said letting out the cutest howl I’d ever heard.

  “I see that. Cute gift, Tabitha,” Dylan said to her.

  “They were fresh out of firebirds,” she replied. “I’ll see y’all tomorrow.”

  “Later! I’ll call you. Thanks again, Tab!” I shouted to her. She waved as she pulled back out of the drive.

  Winnie told us about her “super fun” time with Dr. Tabitha, as she called her. She practically yawned through her story. I got her dressed for bed, and Dylan read her a story.

  “Goodnight, Daddy,” she said to him.

  “Goodnight, Sweetheart,” he said, kissing her on the forehead.

  His face glowed in the praise of the little girl. “You are a wonderful Daddy,” I said.

  “Please remember that the next time you get mad at me,” he smiled.

  “No more, Dylan. Looking at her in there, I realize what we might have lost. No more,” I said. His arms wrapped me up spreading warmth all over my body.

  “I know what I almost lost,” he said. “It scared the crap out of me. This was worse than the curse at Christmas. I still feel like I caused all of this.”

  “Time to stop that. We have an election to win. Do you want to change the signs?” I asked.

  “I think it’s too late for that. You acknowledged me on the stage, and at the bar. People know we are together. That will make the difference,” he said.

  We settled down in the bedroom, exhausted after the long day. I curled up next to him as he stroked my platinum blonde hair. I had scared myself in the mirror earlier because I just wasn’t used to seeing myself this way. I started to drift off to sleep when he spoke.

  “Levi took Riley home?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I mumbled. I didn’t reach out for Levi’s presence. I was afraid of what I might get in return.

  “His first fairy, right?” he asked.

  Raising up in the bed to look at him, I gasped. “It is.”

  “He won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” Dylan laughed.

  “Oh, shit! No, he won’t.” I said. “He will be addicted to it.” I started giggling. I could just see him walking in tomorrow, dragging his ass. I hope she worked him over good.

  “He needs it,” Dylan replied.

  “Yes, he does,” I giggled, then yawned.

  “Goodnight, Beautiful Grace,” he said.

  I sighed. Only Dylan called me that. “Goodnight, Darlin’.”

  Levi strolled into the trailer around noon. Actually, he limped into the trailer, groaning like he’d been through three wars and a goat roping. “Well, hello, Dublin,” I said to him from the kitchen counter. Dylan sat in the recliner smirking behind a newspaper.

  “You! You could have told me!” he barked at me.

  “Told you what?” I feigned surprise. “Levi, what on earth happened to you?”

  “I barely survived! That’s what happened,” he groaned, as he leaned on the wall outside his bedroom.

  “Fairy looks good on ya!” I laughed, as Dylan tried to remain neutral. The knuckles on his hands gripping the newspaper turned white as he fought laughter.

  “It was so good,” he moaned. I thought he was going to orgasm right there in the hallway. “I’ll never sleep with a regular girl ever again. I had no idea what she was doing when she…” he stopped mid-sentence looking at me. “Nevermind.” He skirted into his room, slamming the door.

  “My bard’s all grown up, Dylan,” I said. “I’m prouder than a bitch whose pup got his first flea.”

  Dylan kept laughing, but ignored the whole situation. “Are we going campaigning today?” he asked. “The vote is tomorrow.”

  I’d been thinking about the best thing to do all day. Shady Grove wasn’t a big city. I couldn’t do an interview with a television reporter or a radio spot. We just didn’t have those things. The closest thing we had to social networking was Hot Tin Roof and The Grove Diner. Everyone that frequented those places, I already knew.

  “Got any ideas?” I asked, because I was plum out.

>   “I do, but the question is, do you trust me?” he waggled his eyebrows at me. Trust wasn’t optional anymore, if I was in for a penny, I was in for a pound. I just wished it was the kind of pounding that comes in the bed, not at the ballot box.

  “Absolutely,” I said.

  He laughed as he pulled out his cell phone. “I almost believed that! Go put on something pretty and red,” he demanded. He started making calls while I picked through the clothes that I bought with Tabitha. I wasn’t sure when we would go back to Dylan’s house. After the last two days, I don’t think either of us was eager to be there. Rufus was here. I hated that Winnie’s favorite room was there, but we wouldn’t stay away forever. I picked out an apple red dress with a v-neck and long sleeves. The bottom flared out which looked cute and fun. It looked like me. If anything, today I would be me.

  As I got dressed, Dylan continued to talk in the other room. I heard him say, “Great. I’ll meet you there.” I slipped on some cute heels, then strutted into the living room. His eyes locked on me. Twisting his hips sideways, as if he could coax that bad boy down, he stalked to me. “Grace Ann Bryant, you look damn good.”

  “Good enough to eat?” I asked.

  “What kind of question is that?” he said nibbling my ear.

  “The kind that will get us out of campaigning today,” I admitted, as his hands found their way up my thighs. Instead of kissing me, he bit down on my bottom lip, pulling it away from my teeth. He growled like a tiger on the prowl. My lady bits shivered with delight. “Damn, you, Dylan Riggs. How the hell am I supposed to think about anything, except making love to you now?”

  “You can do it. I know you can,” he whispered in my ear. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Um, no,” I replied with flushed cheeks. “I think I need fresh panties!”

  With his hands still under my dress, he hooked the side of the sensible cotton panties I put on and slid them down my legs with a simple tug. “Go ahead. I helped,” he grinned.




  This was the seducer. I hadn’t tingled this much since we played pool the first time. He fully intended on leaving me wanting. Bastard!


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