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Page 4

by James Somers

  “Yeah, Steve, that would be a good idea,” Samuel said.

  Dr. Keller looked at the others, then at Silas Chang shuddering in pain on the floor. The gangster appeared to have slipped into hypovolemic shock. Dr. Keller realized he had little choice, but to comply. He’d seen firsthand the extent of the boy’s telekinetic power during the many tests done on the children living at the lab as part of the Halo Project. “All right, Samuel. I’ll give you what we have in the database on the girl; just don’t hurt any of us.”

  Samuel said nothing, but gestured toward the computer console nearby. Dr. Keller sat down and began typing commands in order to access the information. He negotiated through several password barriers, soon arriving at a particular file.

  Samuel stepped near Dr. Keller and read the information about the girl, filing her image away in his photographic memory. Everything Psy-Corp knew about her burned into his mind.

  Samuel turned, walking toward the doors he had entered by. The others in the room remained terrified. Dr. Keller spoke up. “Samuel, is that it? Where are you going?”

  Samuel kept walking toward the doors and through. “Enjoy your little experiments while they last, Frankenstein.”


  Silas writhed on the floor, trying to get inside his jacket. “Keller, help me!”

  Dr. Keller and some of the others went to Silas and tried to help him. His legs were still bleeding profusely. One of the scientists tried wrapping his belt around one of Silas’ thighs to provide a tourniquet and stem the blood flow.

  Silas pulled a cell from his pocket and tapped the button. A man’s voice came over the speaker. “Silas, are you all right?”

  “I’ve been shot up, Joe. The kid turned on me. I think he took my car when he left here. Find him and end him!”

  “Can do, Silas…I’ve got your tracking signal already. Looks like he’s heading north. I’m gonna send someone for you, just stay put. I’ll send out some guys for the kid, too.”

  Silas dropped the cell phone on the floor. “I feel like I’m going to puke.”

  Dr. Keller finished wrapping his belt around Silas’ other thigh. “You’ve lost a lot of blood, Silas. What in the world were you thinking, bringing him here?”

  Silas glared at the doctor. “Have you ever tried arguing with him? Oh, I forgot you were the guy who almost stabbed himself in the chest.”

  Dr. Keller cinched up the belt to make it tight, causing Silas to wince for pain. “I never should have helped you take him from Sarkov. He’s too dangerous...his mind is going.”

  “It didn’t bother you taking the money, Doc. Besides, I’m the bigger loser in this thing. I had a big contract for that kid.”

  Dr. Keller stopped, sopping up blood for a moment. “A contract with whom?”

  Silas grinned. “Don’t worry about it, Doc. Let’s just say the powers that be want him pretty bad—enough to pay me more than I ever made working for the Ring.”


  Samuel looked out over the city toward the Psy-Corp building from a parking garage on a hillside several miles away. He had parked Silas Chang’s car here in order to complete what he had begun at Psy-Corp. Samuel breathed in deeply and let the air escape slowly.

  Darkness swept over the city as the last rays of sunlight faded beyond the horizon. Samuel focused, causing an explosion that blew out the east wall of a skyscraper across the highway from the Psy-Corp building. Seconds later, he heard the massive boom.

  Samuel’s expression intensified. He used his telekinesis, causing several more explosions that scooped out the innards of the same skyscraper on the east side facing the squat rectangular block that was Psy-Corp. Debris blew out across the four lane highway, covering cars and buses with chunks of concrete and steel.

  Samuel remained transfixed on the skyscraper as the explosions continued. Massive amounts of the building’s superstructure blasted away in every direction. A final blast shook the entire area, including the place where Samuel stood. The boy released the power he had been wielding and stepped back from the retaining wall, winded by the experience.

  The building listed to the side, slowly at first. Then as the sound of twisting metal and shattered glass reached his ears, the skyscraper fell over like an old drunk, collapsing onto the Psy-Corp building and several smaller structures located around it.

  The impact sounded like an atom bomb, sending a tsunami of gray dust roiling out through the streets of the city. A plume of fire shot skyward above the devastated Psy-Corp complex.

  Samuel turned away, sliding down the concrete retaining wall to sit on the ground. He managed a little laugh through his labored breathing. “Goodbye, Frankenstein. No more experiments for you. Goodbye, Silas. I told you not to lie to me.”

  Samuel closed his eyes, relaxing. No one would be able to control him now. The girl remained. He had been able to feel her power in some way he couldn’t even describe—sometimes a stronger feeling where he almost pictured her in his mind.

  Samuel imagined her young, fragile, in need of someone to guide her in the use of her power. He pictured himself in that role. Now, to find her. At least, he knew where to start.


  Jay watched his adopted daughter playing with a holo-puzzle at a table on the other side of his office. Normally, she occupied an entertainment cubicle he had set up for her to use after picking her up from school. Jay continued with his own work while she completed homework and then watched holo-casts until his day was finished. Jay had too much on his mind today.

  His assistant, Todd Metz, had interrupted his shower last night to have him turn on the newscast. The Psy-Corp building had been destroyed less than an hour before. The holo-cast had shown Psy-Corp completely flattened by the American Standard Bank building, residing to the west, across Chesapeake Highway. A series of explosions, erupting from the bank, had killed motorists traveling home on the highway, just before the entire building came down right on top of Psy-Corp.

  Samuel Stokes had never been spotted. The news had not mentioned his name, nor any plausible explanations for the spontaneous explosions within the bank. Experts remained baffled—a robbery gone wrong, or an act of terrorism—no one knew. Unfortunately, Jay did. This incident had Samuel Stokes written all over it. The only question that remained—what would he do next?

  Jay looked at the clock. 10:35 a.m. He had not sent Margot to school today. The possibility of Stokes on the rampage made him want his little girl nearby, just in case an emergency situation arose. Jay waited for the chime to sound, alerting him to Todd Metz and Agent Wong’s arrival for a special meeting.

  Jay looked out the window across the city. Ten miles away, he saw a plume of dust and smoke rising into the early morning sky—all that remained of Psy-Corp and the bank which had destroyed it. The chime sounded, followed by Lily’s voice. “Mr. Metz and Agent Wong have arrived, Dr. Young.”

  Jay saw Margot eye him curiously. “Thank you, Lily. Please show them in.”

  “Yes, Dr. Young.” She appeared almost instantly, opening the door to allow Agent Wong inside, followed by a very nervous looking Todd Metz.”

  Jay looked at Margot. “Honey, would you please excuse us? Maybe you could hang out with Lily for just a bit, okay?”

  The eight-year-old girl, with soft brunette curls, stood up and nodded. She blew her father a kiss with a smile, then dodged past Metz and Wong. Lily, a distinguished, middle-aged Asian woman nodded to Jay, then closed the door after them.

  Agent Wong strode toward Jay’s desk, taking up residence in one of the guest chairs. “I was surprised to hear from you so soon, Dr. Young. I’ve visited the Psy-Corp disaster site already this morning. Very strange business, wouldn’t you say?”

  Todd Metz took up the chair beside Agent Wong. He was sweating profusely, despite the relatively cool temperature in the room.

  Jay stood up and began to walk around his desk. “Agent Wong, I’ve not been very up front with you about Samuel Stokes, the boy who was kidnapped.�

  Agent Wong didn’t appear the least bit surprised by the admission. “Really, in what way, Dr. Young?”

  Jay stopped his pacing and looked directly into Agent Wong’s eyes. “I believe Samuel Stokes brought that bank down on top of Psy-Corp last night.”

  Agent Wong looked at him like he was crazy. “You do?”

  “I do.”

  Todd Metz buried his face in his hands. “Oh, boy.”

  “Dr. Young, you realize you’re talking about an eighteen-year-old boy…bringing down a skyscraper?”


  Agent Wong looked amused. “Just how do you suppose he did that? I mean no one has seen the boy…certainly, he wasn’t spotted at the scene last night.”

  Jay remained stoic. “He did it with his mind.”

  Agent Wong pooched his bottom lip slightly, nodding stupidly. He didn’t believe a word of it. “Okay, well I can see you think my time is cheap. I can assure you, Dr. Young, it isn’t.” He got up to leave.

  “Perhaps, I can prove it to you with this.” Jay pressed a touch screen menu on the surface of his desk, and a holo-display snapped into view. The video file began to play a scene from Psy-Corp’s test library—this one involving a younger Samuel Stokes. Agent Wong stood silent, watching the video footage with fascination.

  Within the holographic image, Samuel Stokes concentrated upon a cinderblock wall until it burst, throwing fragments halfway across a Psy-Corp test chamber. Further image clips showed Samuel starting and putting out fires, facing off against combat androids, and controlling a pool of water so that it assumed various forms, moving about the room, at least until he lost focus. The water splashed down upon the floor as the boy became tired.

  Jay motioned toward the boy in the image. “This is Samuel Stokes, Agent Wong.” The cycle of images continued to play, showing one amazing test after another.

  “When was this footage taken?” Wong asked.

  Jay sat down in his desk chair. “This was taken when Stokes was about eleven years old, before the onset of puberty.”

  “What do you mean?” Wong asked.

  “When puberty set in, and his pituitary gland cranked up, he became more powerful,” Jay explained.

  Todd wiped sweat from his upper lip with a handkerchief. “And more dangerous.”

  Agent Wong rubbed his chin, puzzling over the information. “Why would this boy destroy Psy-Corp?”

  Jay fielded the question. “He’s unstable. Precisely the reason I’ve been against this sort of research. I purchased Psy-Corp to prevent it. You see, all of the children who were produced in Sarkov’s embryonic experiments suffered psychotic breaks, beginning after the onset of puberty. Some of them died on their own. Others, Sarkov had to euthanize because they had become too dangerous. Samuel was the last one. As you can see, he’s become a serious threat.”

  “Is that where Sarkov was taking him—to kill him?”

  Jay looked at Todd, then back to Wong. “Yes. Although, I had been led to believe that Samuel had already died. It was only when I was notified by Todd about Sarkov’s transport being hijacked that I knew Stokes was still alive. I’d say it’s pretty obvious why the Ring would want Stokes.”

  Wong nodded. “Yes, he would make a very powerful weapon, if they could control him.”

  “I’d say he’s already beyond their control,” Jay said. “Psy-Corp is the company that created Stokes. Sarkov was trying to destroy him. The Ring wouldn’t bother with hitting Psy-Corp, but Stokes has a personal vendetta against them. I just hope he’s satisfied with what he’s done.”

  Agent Wong shook his head. “I would be surprised if that were the case, Dr. Young. Rarely does someone like Stokes stop once he’s gotten his revenge. It’s very likely he’ll be looking for a new target for his rage.”

  Todd looked at Agent Wong. “I don’t understand.”

  “You see, the desire for vengeance is usually left unsatisfied, once this type of person attains it. They’re still angry and so they fixate on something else.” Agent Wong looked Jay in the face. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that turned out to be you, and Halo Tech.”

  “Why would you say that?” Jay asked.

  “Your company purchased Psy-Corp, and it remained under your control until it was destroyed. In a court of law that makes you responsible—in the eyes of an enraged teenager, I’d say even more so.”

  Jay considered the possibility. It sounded plausible.

  Todd interrupted. “Halo Tech didn’t have anything to do with Sarkov’s research. Dr. Young was trying to prevent those atrocities from ever happening again.”

  Agent Wong turned to him. “Have you ever tried to reason with a psychopath, Mr. Metz?” An alert chimed from Agent Wong’s ID card. He pulled the card from his pocket and activated it. A message began with a male voice. “Daniel, this just came across the wire.” A holo-cast began to play above the surface of the ID card.

  The face of a female news reporter addressed the audience. “Police were notified of a multiple homicide by an unknown source this morning. The victims in this massacre were all alleged members of the high profile, criminal organization known as the Ring, operating across the nation. Among the slain was the elder mastermind of the operation, a man known only as Ming. Investigators are baffled by the evidence on the scene which seems to indicate most of the security personnel shot themselves. The cause of death for Ming and the other senior members remains a mystery.”

  Agent Wong stopped the news coverage and looked at Jay. “It looks like Stokes has gotten loose, just like you thought.”

  Jay grew nervous. “So what now?”

  “I’d suggest that we put you and your family into protective custody, just in case he decides to come after you. Since he has apparently already brought down one building, you should probably evacuate your people from Halo Tech, until we find him.”

  Todd acknowledged Jay’s concerned glance. “I’m on it, sir.” Todd tapped into a cell and prepared to give instructions to the department heads.

  Agent Wong stood up. “Is there anything else you can give me on Stokes besides this file? Any weaknesses you know of?”

  Jay thought for a moment about his limited visits to see Sarkov and the children. “I do remember two things. First, Sarkov told me that Samuel has trouble affecting things outside of his visual range. Secondly, he gets tired after exerting himself. I’d say bringing that bank down on top of Psy-Corp has really taxed him. He’ll probably have to rest at least a whole day, before doing anything significant.”

  Agent Wong made a mental note of it. “Thank you, Dr. Young. Keep me posted if you run across anything else that might help us stop him. I’m going to get on the horn and try to get some help on this.”

  Jay stood to see the agent out. “I’d say you’ll need it.”

  “I can at least say one thing for the kid…he’s done away with a major problem. We never could touch the men running the Ring, through the courts. Stokes has done Imperial City a favor,” Agent Wong mused.

  Jay gave him an unsure look. Agent Wong stifled a laugh. “Don’t look so surprised, Dr. Young. I’m a realist. Those men were about as guilty as anyone could be, but they operated above the law. I can appreciate justice, even when it comes from outside the system.” Agent Wong tapped his ID card and slipped it into the download slot on the holo-reader. The file on Stokes downloaded within a second, then pinged.

  He removed the card, replacing it in his jacket pocket. “I’ll be in touch, Dr. Young. Get your people out of here as soon as you can.”

  Jay nodded, watching him go. He turned to Todd, still waiting with his cell phone. “Should I give the evacuation order, sir?”

  “Tell the department managers to send everyone home, but don’t call it an evacuation. I don’t want panic. In the meantime, I’ve got a special job for you to take care of.”


  Jay descended in the magnetic lift deep into the bowels of the Halo Tech building. He had sent Lily with Margot to
a safe house and gone throughout the building meeting with department heads while this final matter was attended to. He couldn’t leave without this one person.

  The lift opened at sub level ten located nearly one hundred feet below ground. Jay had been required to produce his ID card and a retinal scan to even enter this particular lift. Only two other individuals had the clearance to get this far, Todd Metz being one. The other individual stood waiting at the lift door.

  “Dr. Mathers, how are you?” Jay asked as he exited. A middle-aged Caucasian with slicked back, white hair rubbed his hands nervously in the corridor.

  “Well, a little surprised to tell you the truth, Dr. Young.” The two men walked together down a short corridor where a coded vault door waited. Dr. Mathers entered his code, hit enter, and then scanned his retina. The vault door opened smoothly. “I know you wanted to proceed hurriedly, Jay, but these things take some time.”

  Jay walked through the door, following Dr. Mathers. “I understand, Tim, but we’ve got a big problem probably heading our way.”

  “What sort of problem?”

  “One of Sarkov’s Halo Project kids has escaped…Samuel Stokes to be precise,” Jay said, rubbing his forehead.

  Dr. Mathers stopped short. “I thought Stokes had already been taken to Compound Seven months ago.”

  “Apparently not. Sarkov was trying to do just that, when the Ring sent people to kidnap him. Some of Sarkov’s staff were working with them.”

  “What could they possibly do with the boy—offer him for ransom?” Mathers asked.

  Jay rubbed the back of his head. “They wanted a weapon. He’s killed some of them and escaped. Samuel also flattened the Psy-Corp laboratory last night—dropped the American Standard Bank building on top of it.”


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