Book Read Free

Madison and the Missing Moon

Page 3

by Jamie Busby


  “Ok” replied the elf, “Santa is very busy! It’s 6 o’clock and there are still lots of children to see. Are you ready Madison?”

  “I think so Twinkle-Toes!” replied Madison. “Well let’s go then!” said the elf…..

  Twinkle-Toes led the way through the entrance to the Grotto and locked the door behind them. Madison & Daddy followed, hand-in-hand. There were other little elves standing around and they were all smiling or dancing or chattering to each other in high-pitched voices. There were Christmas lights and decorations everywhere, Madison had never seen anything like this before in her life and she didn’t know where to look. She felt like she had to look at as much as she could while she was there, just in case she missed something!

  Twinkle-Toes asked them if he could take their coats. Madison & Daddy noticed that it was quite warm so they both agreed. The little elf hung their coats up on 2 pegs and explained that they could get them back on the way out. Coats off and finally ready, Madison & Daddy & Twinkle-Toes set off…..

  They continued towards what looked like the opening to a large tunnel cut out of rocks. It was dimly lit and light seemed to be coming from somewhere down below at the end of the tunnel, wherever that was. Twinkle-Toes was skipping merrily ahead of them and Madison couldn’t help but feel a little bit worried.

  “Are we going to be ok Daddy?” she asked.

  “Of course we are Madison” said Daddy, “there is nothing to be scared of and I’ll be with you all the time!” This made Madison feel much better as they followed the little elf into the tunnel.

  The start of the tunnel was quite wide and high, Madison could see that it had been cut out of real rocks and it was a bit dusty. There were twinkly Christmas lights spread all over the walls and ceiling of the tunnel. It was very pretty but Madison was still feeling a bit nervous because she couldn’t see where the end was, the part where Father Christmas was hopefully going to be. She looked up at Daddy, he looked back at her with a smile and a cheeky wink! This made her feel better again.

  “Come on then, let’s get moving” said Twinkle-Toes, “Santa is just down here and he can’t wait to meet you Madison!”

  Twinkle-Toes kept leading the way, skipping & singing & dancing round-and-round as he went with Madison & Daddy following. Madison noticed the tunnel starting to get narrower and lower as they got deeper into it, even Daddy was having to crouch down.

  “Not much further now!” said Twinkle-Toes.

  “Phew!” said Daddy, “this tunnel is getting a bit small for me to fit in!”

  Madison also noticed that it had been getting darker & darker as they had been going down the tunnel. There were no more twinkly lights, they were all behind them now, there was little more than a dim glow coming from candles that were fixed to the wall. The tunnel went round & round and downwards in a spiral, you could not see very far in front of you at all. Madison could only really see the rock that the tunnel was made out of and lots of flickering shadows made by the candle-light. She was about to tell Daddy that she was feeling a bit worried again when the tunnel started to straighten, just a little bit and the light started to get brighter too, just a little bit……

  “Are you both ok?” asked Twinkle-Toes, skipping merrily ahead.

  “How much longer?” replied Daddy.

  “We are almost there, don’t stop now!” said the elf, “Look!”......

  By now, even though the tunnel had become very narrow and even though Madison was having to duck her head down because the ceiling was so low, there was beautiful, soft white light beginning to flood in everywhere! Not just that, but the tunnel was starting to get wider, higher & straighter. The light was getting brighter and brighter & Madison could see the tunnel opening out into some sort of room. Daddy squeezed her hand gently to let her know everything was ok and before they knew it, they had arrived at a great big underground cave! Madison could see that this was where all the beautiful light was coming from and it looked so pretty! Daddy was pleased because he could now stand up straight again!........

  There was a huge Christmas tree in the far corner decorated with lights and shiny streamers in every colour of the rainbow. Not only that, there was an open fire built into the cave wall. It was glowing and flickering away, full of wooden logs burning slowly and giving off warmth. In front of the fire was a red woolly rug and lying on the rug was the biggest, fluffiest white dog with the most gorgeous coat of hair you could imagine! He just lay there on the rug with his tongue hanging out panting, he seemed to have a smile on his face and his eyes were full of kindness. The whole place not only felt Christmassy, it smelt Chrismassy too!

  Before Madison had time to think, the big smiley dog said;

  “Hello & welcome to Santa’s Grotto! My name is Tinsel and I am Santa’s pet dog and good friend. Don’t be worried Madison, all animals can talk where we come from!”

  “Dogs can’t talk! And how does he know my name?” thought Madison to herself.

  While she was still thinking about all this, her head spinning again and the butterflies flying round her tummy faster than ever, Tinsel said;

  “Dogs CAN talk where we come from, like I just told you, and we know every little boy’s & girl’s name! As long as they have been good that is!”

  “Errrr…..ok……I’m ever so sorry” said Madison. It was like the dog knew what Madison was thinking!

  “That’s ok, we know that most people don’t realise that Santa’s animals can talk! We also know that most people don’t understand how powerful Santa’s magic is; Well now you do!” replied Tinsel.

  Madison & Daddy just stood there, hand-in-hand & mouths wide open, looking around trying to take it all in. Elves, tunnels, talking dogs, magic; It was a lot of stuff to think about in one go! Madison noticed that the cave seemed to carry on round to the right. Daddy had seen this too and they were both leaning forward trying to have a look, it was like their feet were glued to the floor!

  “Are you ready then Madison?” said Twinkle-Toes.

  “Do you want to meet Santa now?” said Tinsel.

  “I think so!” replied Madison. She looked at Daddy and he nodded with a smile.

  “Well come with me then” said Twinkle-Toes, offering Madison his little elf-hand. She looked at Daddy again, he nodded back as if to say “It’s ok”, so Madison took Twinkle-Toes hand……

  They started to walk slowly round the corner of the cave to the part they couldn’t see.

  “You can stand here by me and watch if you like Daddy” said Tinsel from the rug. So Daddy went over towards Tinsel. As the 3 of them walked, ever so slowly, Madison & Daddy were gradually able to see more & more of what was round the corner in the hidden part of the cave that they couldn’t quite see yet. Bit by bit, inch by inch, they could gradually see it all and it quite literally took their breath away!....

  As they walked around the corner of the cave that they had been straining to see, it opened up into a big open area, like a living room in a house but with no furniture or TV like you have at home! There was a Christmas tree in both corners of this room and they were each decorated with the most beautiful lights & streamers & baubles you could imagine. Then their eyes slowly drifted across to what was in between the Christmas trees. There was another large red rug that led up some steps to a small stage area. Their eyes now slowly started to move up to what was sitting on the little stage, 3 steps up. It took their breath away, again!.........

  On top of the stage was an enormous golden throne, Madison thought it looked like the sort of chair that the Queen would sit on. It had a big red cushion as a seat and it was covered in lots of pretty decorations too. Madison just stood there open-mouthed, holding hands with Twinkle-Toes. She looked back at Daddy and his mouth was wide open with shock too! But what happened next nearly made Madison’s & Daddy’s eyes pop out!........

  From the right of this room, they heard some footsteps and then, before there was chance to wonder who it was, there he was; Father Ch
ristmas! He was dressed in his red suit & hat with white fluffy seams and looked just like the picture Madison had seen outside the Grotto. He walked towards his special chair, glancing at Madison as he went. It seemed like he was about to laugh and his eyes looked like they were smiling.

  “How can eyes look like they are smiling?” thought Madison. For some reason, she actually began to feel calm again, no more butterflies and her head had stopped spinning. It was lovely and peaceful, Madison wanted to enjoy every single moment she had down here in the Grotto. Daddy was thinking the same too!

  Father Christmas shuffled up the 3 little steps, flopped down into his big chair and looked straight into Madison’s eyes. He was still smiling, his face and his eyes, then he spoke;

  “So, who have we got here Twinkle-Toes?” said Father Christmas. His voice was very deep, but soft and gentle at the same time.

  “This is Madison and she has come with her Daddy” said the elf.

  Father Christmas looked at Daddy and nodded at him as if to say “Hello!” so Daddy nodded back in the same way.

  Then Father Christmas looked at Madison and said “Come to me my dear child and we’ll have a little chat shall we?”

  Twinkle-Toes let go of Madison’s hand and gently nudged her in the

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