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Madison and the Missing Moon

Page 8

by Jamie Busby

it’s you, you came for me, this is what you meant isn’t it?!” said Madison.

  “There was no other way Madison, sorry if I scared you!” said Santa in his booming voice.

  “I…..I……just didn’t know……I thought that……errrrrr……” stuttered Madison. She just didn’t know what to say. What would YOU say! In the end, all she could do was stand & stare out the window at the most amazing thing she had ever seen……

  The part of the sleigh where Santa was sitting was now level with where Madison was standing in her bedroom window. The side of the sleigh was cut away, Madison thought that this must be so Santa could climb on easily. She could see Santa sitting there, holding the reins attached to the reindeer, with a big fluffy red blanket over his legs. It looked so cosy! The back of the sleigh was loaded up with sacks that were full of presents, she could see some poking out of the top. She stared at Santa, he smiled at her so Madison smiled back at him! She was speechless…..

  “Do you want to come for a ride Madison?” asked Santa.

  “In the sleigh? With you? Now? Do you mean it?” said Madison, speaking very fast!

  “Yes, right now. We won’t be long and I haven’t forgotten your Christmas wish Madison!” said Santa.

  “I’d love to!” said Madison, “but how do I get on the sleigh Santa?”

  With that, Santa stamped his foot and a little red carpet rolled out from the part of the sleigh that was cut away right onto Madison’s window sill!

  “Will that be able to hold me?” asked Madison looking at the little roll of carpet.

  “Trust me Madison, I will never let you come to any harm” replied Santa. “Did you get your warm clothes ready?” he added.

  “They’re just here!” said Madison, picking up the clothes Daddy had left next to her bed earlier.

  “You had better put them on, it’s a bit nippy tonight!” said Santa.

  Madison placed the Snowstorm back on the window sill and quickly put on her hat, scarf, coat, gloves and finally her slippers, she had all her winter clothes on all at the same time! She looked at Santa who nodded back at her as if to say “Well done!”

  “Come on then Madison, on you get!” said Santa, who was now chuckling.

  “Ok!” said Madison, “Here goes!”…………….

  She carefully climbed up onto her window sill but it was much harder than she thought it would be. She had never had so many big, warm clothes on at the same time before you see! She held on to the window frame tightly and tested the little carpet with one foot. It felt quite solid even though it was floating in mid-air!

  “Don’t worry Madison, it’s a special magic carpet, you couldn’t fall off if you tried!” said Santa.

  Madison took a deep breath and put both feet on the carpet, though she was still holding onto the window frame with one hand just in case! It was very steady so she let go of the window frame and took a step forward. Then she realised that she was standing on a magic carpet in mid-air and wondered what Mummy & Daddy would say?!!


  “Come on, you can do this” thought Madison.

  It was about 3 or 4 steps to get to Santa’s sleigh, so she took another deep breath and just went for it!......

  She counted in her head as she walked; 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 steps and she was there, standing on the floating sleigh looking into Santa’s eyes! His eyes were smiling like they had done in the Grotto, Madison smiled back. Santa stamped his foot gently on the floor and Madison watched open-mouthed as the little red carpet rolled itself up and back into the sleigh. She looked back at him, they were both still smiling at each other.

  “I knew you could do it!” said Santa, “How do you feel now?”

  “This is brilliant Santa! I’d given up believing that you were going to come, I was nearly asleep!” replied Madison.

  “I told you I would help if I could” Santa told her laughing, “and here I am! Never stop believing Madison.”

  “Ok, I won’t!” said Madison, she was giggling too now!

  She looked around; There she was, standing with the real Father Christmas on his sleigh which was hovering in mid-air outside her bedroom window! It sounded crazy but it was really happening and Madison was loving every second! Santa lifted up his big, fluffy blanket and nodded at the seat next to him.

  “Come on Madison, sit yourself down, we can’t go anywhere with you standing there, safety rules and all that!” said Santa.

  Madison sat down on the seat, it was lovely and warm and very comfy indeed. Santa put the blanket over her legs and there they sat, Madison & Santa, ready to go!

  “Hold tight Madison!” said Santa and shook the reins in his hands.

  “OK!” squealed Madison, just as the sleigh took off so fast that she didn’t know whether she was coming or going!.......

  They shot forwards towards a row of houses, they were getting closer and closer, Madison was sure they were going to hit them. At the last moment, the reindeer and the sleigh went straight up & over, the butterflies in Madison’s tummy were well and truly back! She wasn’t scared but it was like going on the biggest, fastest rollercoaster in the world and what’s more, there were no rails or tracks, they were really flying! Santa was laughing all the time, he was so happy driving his sleigh and Madison had never known such fun! They went up high now, Madison could see all the rooftops way down below, then they would dive down and just miss the tops of houses before going up again. Santa was still laughing, this made Madison feel better because she could tell he knew what he was doing. After all, Father Christmas has been delivering presents in this way on Christmas Eve for hundreds of years! Madison just tried to enjoy every twist & turn, every climb & dive, it was the most fun she had EVER had!

  “This is wonderful fun Santa, but is it safe?” asked Madison. She didn’t really want to question Father Christmas about his driving, but she wanted to check, just in case.

  “I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve done this Madison and YES, we are perfectly safe” replied Santa. “We are protected by a special, magical, invisible bubble invented by my elves! Nothing can get in or out of my sleigh unless I let it and we are invisible to everyone unless I let them see us!” he added.

  He was having to shout now because of the noise of the air whooshing around their ears as they flew at high speeds above the town. Madison could see it all laid out beneath her from high up in the air. The town centre, all the houses, the river, everything! She was starting to relax too because she felt safe now she knew about the magic elf-bubble.

  “Are you having a nice time?” boomed Santa over the noise.

  “I’m having the best time EVER!” shouted Madison.

  “Well I’m afraid our time is nearly up my dear, I have a very busy night and you need to get back to your bed” said Santa.

  “Ok Santa, thank you so much for coming, I will never forget it” replied Madison.

  “One last thing though; Have you forgotten your Christmas wish?” asked Santa.

  “No” said Madison, “but I haven’t had time to think about it really. It’s not every day Father Christmas takes you for a ride on his sleigh on the night before Christmas!”

  “I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the ride, but I try to make all Christmas wishes come true, if I can of course” said Santa.

  “So, are you going to help me find the moon?......” said Madison, but as she was talking Santa pulled hard on the reins and the sleigh began to climb higher & higher. The town was getting smaller beneath them as they flew upwards through the dark sky.

  Up & Up they went, Madison wondered how high they were and when they were going to stop. She looked down below again and all she could see were a few lights, her town looked tiny by now. She looked straight ahead and could see the reindeer pulling with all their might, higher & higher, faster & faster, then she could feel water on her face. Just a bit at first, then there were little patches of water that looked like cotton wool. They kept going and soon, all around them was a fine, damp mist, then Madis
on couldn’t see anything but fluffy white clouds surrounding them.

  “Hold tight Madison, we’re in the clouds” bellowed Santa, “Nearly there though!”

  “Ok Santa!” squealed Madison. She said it with a mixture of excitement & confusion, where were they going?.....

  They were whizzing through nothing but white clouds and she couldn’t see anything else. But then, as soon as it had started, the clouds weren’t as thick anymore, it was just mist now. Then there were just a few wispy patches again, then they were out of it and soaring into the clear, night sky. Madison looked below and could see the huge clouds they had just flown through. Then she looked up above her and all around them was the blackest sky she had ever seen with the brightest stars she had ever seen twinkling away, she thought how beautiful it was. She also wondered why they were here.

  “Here we are Madison” said Santa, “I give to you your Christmas wish!” He pointed across the sky and Madison’s eyes slowly followed Santa’s finger. To her amazement, there it was……..

  “IT”S THE MOON!!!” said Madison. In fact, she didn’t just say it, she screamed it!

  “Indeed it is Madison and it’s been there all the time!” replied Santa chuckling.

  “Well why couldn’t I see it for so long?” asked Madison. She was a bit puzzled again.

  “You have a think about that while we get you back home” said Santa.

  With that, he shook

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