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Madison and the Missing Moon

Page 11

by Jamie Busby

Christmas!” said Daddy. They both cuddled again but Daddy had more to say, he hadn’t quite finished just yet!…..

  Daddy looked at the Gold button in his hand and thought how beautiful it was. A real button off the real Santa; WOW!

  “Santa gave me something the night I had my adventure too Madison, I keep it on me nearly all the time but it never really crosses my mind who gave it me! I keep it for good luck” said Daddy.

  “What is it Daddy, tell me, pleeeeease!” squealed Madison, again!

  “I’ve got it right here in my pocket, look” said Daddy. He reached into his pocket and pulled out something tiny & golden, then he handed it to Madison. She held it in her hand, looking at it closely.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Give it a shake!” said Daddy.

  Madison closed her hand and shook it. It started to jingle!

  “It’s a bell!” said Madison.

  “It’s no ordinary bell, it’s the bell Santa gave me on the night I met him so I would always remember our time together. It was a bell from his sleigh, he told me to always look after it and pass it on to my daughter after she had finally met him too!” said Daddy.

  “But……so…….that’s me!” said Madison, she was so excited and felt the butterflies whizzing round her tummy again like when she had been in the Grotto or when she had flown on Santa’a sleigh!

  “Yes Madison, the bell is now yours. Here, have your button back too.” said Daddy. “Keep them safe and they will always remind you of Santa so you never forget that there is magic everywhere!”

  “But you forgot about the magic Daddy, how do you explain that?” asked Madison.

  “I just got older and somehow let myself forget about the magic, you were meant to meet Santa last night so we would both never forget again!” replied Daddy. “And you know what the funny thing is? That bell hasn’t jingled for years until you shook it just then!”

  “Why are grown-ups so silly?!!” asked Madison giggling.

  “I don’t know Madison, but maybe ‘grown-ups’ is the wrong word to describe adults!” replied Daddy chuckling.

  Daddy smiled at Madison and they cuddled; AGAIN!!!....

  Madison got up and started walking up the stairs, the bell in one hand and the button in the other.

  “Put them somewhere safe and never forget what they mean Madison, I’m so glad I’ve remembered” said Daddy.

  “I will Daddy” replied Madison, “I’ve got just the place for these.”

  “And I think this better stay as our little secret too!” said Daddy.

  “So do I Daddy!” replied Madison.

  After she had hidden the bell & the button, Madison came back downstairs to find Mummy was now sitting down with Daddy. They were both having a nice cup of tea.

  “Come on Madison, you’ve got loads of presents here waiting for you!” said Mummy.

  “I know Mummy, I’m coming!” replied Madison.

  As Madison reached for her 1st present, she looked at Daddy & he winked at her like he always did, like he was saying “I Love you!”

  This had been the most exciting & wonderful Christmas ever, one she would never, ever forget. Not only had she got the bell & the button from Santa, but Daddy’s Christmas wish from when he was a little boy had come true too! Then of course there was the other little matter that had been bothering her for so long………..

  Madison had found the Missing Moon!

  The End

  © Daddy – Christmas 2009



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