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The Lady Captain

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by Caylen McQueen


  Caylen McQueen

  ©Copyright 2017 Caylen McQueen


  “Whoa whoa... hey!” When the empress went straight for his breeches, Julian gave her a nervous chuckle. He should have known what to expect when she invited him to her bedchamber. Clearly, she wanted to take advantage of the baron's rakish reputation.

  Julian Featherstone adored older women. In his experience, they had a much more carefree approach to intimacy, which meant he didn't have to waste time on an obligatory courtship. But when the older woman in question was the new wife of the nation's wizened emperor, he needed to be cautious.

  Empress Maria tore off his breeches, seized his shirt, and dragged him into bed. Her desirous fingers desperately drove through Julian's messy brown hair. “My god, you're gorgeous!” she shrieked. When she leaned forward to kiss him, she briefly suckled his bottom lip. “I hear you have quite a history with women, Baron Featherstone. You better not disappoint me!”

  The empress' words were heard as a challenge. Julian tore her dress from her shoulders and brought his lips to her neck. She moaned with pleasure as his mouth rained kisses all over her skin.

  “I'm so tired of old men,” Maria complained. “I know how to manipulate them to get what I want, but damn... they're utterly useless in bed!”

  Julian reached beneath her skirt and tugged on one of the empress' striped stockings. As the material glided down her leg, he said, “You speak like a true veteran, Your Grace. You've manipulated men before?”

  “I have, but only the ancient ones,” the empress shamelessly confessed. “My first husband was in his seventies when he died last year. And now...”

  “The emperor, your second husband, is nearly eighty,” he finished for her. Julian's head suddenly disappeared beneath her dress. When he peeled down her second stocking with his teeth, Maria erupted in a fit of giggles. “Fortunately, you have me. I'm more than happy to fill the void.”

  “Yes... oh yes!” Maria screamed—not because she was agreeing with him, but because Julian's hand was clutching her thigh. “You have no idea how much I needed this.”

  When he popped out from under her dress, Julian was grinning. “I aim to please, Your Majesty.”

  A delighted moan escaped the empress' lips as she ripped Julian's shirt over his head. As her hands scoured his lean, muscular chest, he slipped his hands beneath her bottom, removing her unmentionables. When he brought his face between her thighs, she gasped in anticipation. Maria had good reason to be excited. Julian could perform tricks with his tongue that no man in history could ever hope to surpass.

  “My god!” Maria shrieked. “I... I didn't expect you to be so good at that!”

  She was already panting heavily, but Julian wasn't finished with her yet. He wasn't even close. If he knew anything, it was how to be a good lover. To Julian, nothing was more important than a woman's pleasure. If she wasn't completely fulfilled by the end of the day, he was failing.

  Julian stripped off the rest of the empress' clothes in a hurry. At first, he had reservations about bedding the emperor's wife, but his worries melted away as soon as her naked body was on display. As his mouth roved all over her body, the empress couldn't stop moaning. He slid between her legs and pressed a finger to her lips, encouraging her to keep quiet. The palace had thick walls, but he didn't want to take any chances. If the emperor knew what they were up to, Julian would likely be skinned alive.

  “Yes!” The empress shrieked. Apparently, Julian's finger did little to silence her. “Yes oh god yes!”

  Even though she was unnecessarily noisy, Julian didn't stop. Her screams were simultaneously encouraging and distracting. There was a guard stationed a short distance from the empress' door. Julian knew he had to hear something. Hopefully the man wasn't a gossip.

  When Julian finished, he laid next to the breathless empress, tucked an arm around her, and lightly stroked her hair. He wasn't a huge fan of post-pleasure cuddling, but women seemed to like it, and he lived to make them happy.

  “That was incredible!” Maria clasped a hand against her forehead and sighed. “We must do it again sometime!”

  “Of course,” Julian agreed. “You're a beautiful woman, Maria. I'd be a fool to say no.”

  Maria lifted her head and smiled at him. Julian was exactly the sort of lover she needed. He was attentive, handsome, and he didn't waste time on unnecessary conversation. In fact, every conversation they'd ever had was initiated by her. “Julian... I have a favor to ask.”

  “Of course,” he repeated. He nearly said uh oh instead, but he opted for the more accommodating option.

  “You know Prince Nico, yes?” When Maria's head dropped to his chest, he continued to stroke her long, dark tresses. “The emperor's son?”

  “Of course I know Prince Nico!” Julian's answer was accompanied by a chuckle. “He's a friend of mine. Well... sort of a friend.” At best, his relationship with the prince was fragile. Julian constantly flirted with Nico's little sister, and the prince didn't approve.

  “Well... today, or maybe tomorrow, Nico's going to ask you to take him into the town of Baltmoor, and I need you to agree to this. You must take him,” Maria insisted. “It's extremely important.”

  “Hmm. That's awfully mysterious.” Julian stroked his bristled chin as he contemplated her reason for making such a request. “Lucky for you, I like a good mystery.”

  “If you do this for me, I'll give you a reward,” Maria told him. “I'll give you a monetary reward, as well as a reward of a more... personal nature.” To make herself clear, she ran her tongue along the entire length of his chest.

  “Mmm.” Julian's lips curled into a mischievous grin as her tongue explored his body. “Forget the monetary reward. I'm assuming the personal reward will be much more satisfying.”

  “It will,” the empress promised him. “Oh, it will!”

  “You know what you want, Your Grace, and you go for it. You're very determined. I like that about you,” Julian praised her. “And you don't make apologies either. When you talked about manipulating your husband... well, quite frankly, it was a bit of a turn on.”

  “Was it?”

  “In an odd way, yes.” Julian stared at the ceiling and yawned. After his rendezvous with the empress, he was ready for a nap.

  “I find that intriguing about you, Lord Featherstone. Most people would balk at my honesty, but not you,” Maria said. “You're different, aren't you? You're a rogue. A cad. And you're probably a bit of a bastard, aren't you?”

  Julian didn't even try to deny it. He nodded. “I've been called all sorts of things. Cad is one I hear quite often. But I'm afraid you missed scoundrel, darling. Personally, that one's a favorite of mine.”

  “You're cheeky. I like that.” Maria's hand caressed his stomach. He kept hoping she would rub a bit lower, but his wish was never granted. “I think I'm going to like having you around, Julian. The next time you're in the capital, you must come for a visit!”

  “Of course, my lady. I wouldn't want to disappoint you.”

  “Can I share a secret with you, Julian?” Maria rested her chin atop his chest and gazed at his face. “It's quite a big one, but... I don't know. Looking at you, I feel like I can trust you. I feel like I could share anything with you, and you wouldn't judge me too harshly.”

  “Go ahead,” a grinning Julian urged her. “I like secrets.”

  “I used to be the queen of another country,” she confessed. “Less than a year ago, I had everything I could ever want... and then I lost everything.”

  “Hmm. That's a shame.”

  “You don't doubt me?”

  “No. Why would I?” Julian sighed. He had no interest in talking after sex. He preferred to
follow up sex with sleep—or more sex.

  “You're not even going to bat an eye? You cross paths with a former queen, and you act as if it's the most normal thing in the world!”

  “Nothing really surprises me,” Julian said. “I've come to expect the unusual.”

  “My circumstance is certainly unusual. First, I marry a king... then an emperor. As I said, I apparently have a talent for seducing rich, old men.”

  “I'm a rich young man, and yet you managed to seduce me,” Julian pointed out. “Or did I seduce you? I can't quite remember.”

  Maria ignored his comment and continued with her confession. “You know...” In the middle of her sentence, the empress dragged her tongue along his neck. “My name isn't even Maria.”

  “It's not?”

  “No. And that's probably my biggest secret of all.” As she revealed the truth, her lips wore a grin that rivaled his. “My name is actually Loreina.”


  When Julian left the empress' bedchamber, he had such a spring in his step that he practically skipped down the hallway. He tossed his walking stick from his left hand to his right hand, and back again, before finally tucking it under his arm. As he reflected on his good fortune, he whistled a merry tune. He liked getting special attention from the Empress of Columbigo. It was an honor and a privilege—and maybe one day, he could use it to his advantage. There was nothing better than a friend in a position of power. Julian was a baron, but until he was the emperor himself, he would continue to climb society's ladder.

  Shortly after passing the princess' bedchamber, Julian's footsteps halted. Every time he passed a beautiful woman, it was as if an alarm went off in his head, not unlike the celebratory toll of a bell. He took a few steps backward and peered into the open room. A delectable red-haired maid was leaning over the princess' bed, smoothing the linens. Sighing dreamily, Julian leaned against the door frame and watched her work. He had a weakness for redheads. And blondes. But mostly redheads.

  The maid didn't notice his presence until she finished making the princess' bed. When she glanced up from her work and realized she was being watched, she gasped. “Oh... Baron Featherstone! My lord!” she exclaimed. “I-I-I didn't realize you were standing there. Is there something you require?”

  He wanted to ask for a kiss, but even an accomplished libertine like Julian knew when to act like a gentleman. “There's nothing I require, dear lady. I only wished to stop and admire your lovely, freckled face.”

  “Oh!” The maid's hands flew to her cheeks, which were already blushing furiously. “Oh my...”

  “I hope you don't think I'm being improper?” Julian took a few cautious steps in the direction of the pretty maid. His brown eyes sparkled maniacally as a rakish grin appeared on his lips.

  “Not at all, my lord. In fact, I appreciate the compliment.” The blush on her cheeks intensified as he closed the gap between them.

  When he caught a glimpse of himself in the looking glass, Julian paused. When he realized his top hat was crooked, he tapped its brim with his walking stick. He wouldn't accept anything less than an immaculate appearance. “Lovely lady, might I ask your name?”

  “Angelina,” the maid shyly replied.

  “Angelina...” Julian's voice rumbled as he repeated the name. “An angel's name for an angel. How appropriate! And how long have you been working here, Angelina?”

  “Three years.”

  “Three years?” Julian pursed his lips and whistled. “For three years, I failed to notice a beauty such as you? As often as I visit this palace, I should be ashamed!”

  “I'm fairly certain you've seen me before, my lord,” Angelina informed him. “Two weeks ago, I served your tea.”

  One of Julian's dark eyebrows was raised. “Is that so?”

  “Yes. And a week before that, we crossed paths in the kitchen.”

  “If that's true, I should feel even more ashamed.” Julian's brow was pinched with disgust for himself. “If I neglected a beauty like you, my eyes must be failing me.”

  Julian reached out, lightly brushing her cheek with his thumb. As she leaned away from his hand, the maid squeaked, “I'm married, my lord!”

  “Damn.” He hoped she didn't hear his whispered curse. A husband was his least favorite obstacle, particularly when the woman was attached to her mate. In the case of Empress “Maria,” it didn't matter. “You and your husband... you love each other?”

  “I like to think so, my lord.”

  “You don't sound very sure of that.”

  “I... love him.” The maid sounded uncertain of her affection, which gave him hope. “Believe me, your attention is flattering, but I'm afraid I must--”


  When he heard another female speak his name, Julian spun on his heel and faced the doorway. Princess Isabella was standing in the hallway, looking perplexed.

  “Ah, Your Highness!” Julian exclaimed with a bow. “How are you on this lovely, lovely morning?”

  “You shouldn't be in my bedroom, Julian!” Isabella admonished him. “It isn't proper for a gentleman to be in a lady's bedchamber!”

  “I know, I know...” Julian immediately abandoned his pursuit of the pretty maid and joined Princess Isabella in the hallway. “Shame on me. Feel free to chastise me, Your Grace. Or should I chastise myself instead? Twenty lashes for Julian Featherstone! Should I flagellate myself now, or later?”

  Isabella said nothing, she simply shook her head.

  Suddenly, Julian slipped a small white flower from the pocket of his greatcoat and presented it to the princess. He had pilfered the petaled present from the empress' bedchamber before he exited. For years, Julian had been subtly courting Princess Isabella. Bedding her new stepmother probably wasn't the surest way to the princess' heart, but as long as she never knew the details of his conquests, it couldn't hurt him.

  “A gift for you, my lady,” he said, bowing again. When she accepted the flower from his proffered hand, Julian smiled at her.

  “Thank you... I suppose.” The princess sounded wary of him, and he couldn't blame her. Julian's reputation for being a lover of ladies was widely known. Still, it didn't stop him from trying.

  “Are you busy, Your Highness?” When he realized the red-haired maid was studying him with renewed interest, in his mind, he cursed the princess for arriving too soon. If he'd had another hour with the pretty maid, by the end of the day, she would have loved her husband a whole lot less.

  Isabella's answer was timidly given. “Not really.”

  “Would you like to take a turn around the garden?”

  “I... suppose.” Though she accepted Julian's outstretched arm, Isabella looked rather unsure of her decision.

  “You're looking very beautiful today, Princess,” Julian complimented her as they traveled down the hall, arm-in-arm. It was a partial lie. While the princess was pretty, she was more handsome than beautiful. Her inky black eyebrows were thick like the hair on her head, and like her hair, they were overgrown and wild. Her mouth was too wide and her nose was too long. She was hardly the most beautiful girl in the world, but that didn't stop Julian from flirting with her. If he won the heart of a pure, sweet princess like Isabella, he could only imagine the sense of accomplishment and self-satisfaction he would feel.

  “Thank you,” she shyly accepted his compliment. “And you're very handsome, of course.”

  “Handsome? Really?” A deeply dimpled smile overtook his face. To his knowledge, she had never complimented him before. “I had no idea you felt that way, Your Highness.”

  “Well... it's obvious, really.” She could feel him watching her, but Isabella was so embarrassed, she couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. “Everyone thinks you're handsome.”

  “Everyone?” Julian threw back his head and chuckled. “Careful, Princess. If you keep saying things like that, you'll inflate my ego.”

  “It's already inflated,” a male voice interrupted. Before they reached the garden, Prince Nico stepped in their
path. “You don't need to compliment him, Isabella. This lout already believes he's God's gift to women.”

  Julian gasped, feigning offense. “I do not think that!”

  “Yes. You do. You absolutely do,” Nico said with a sneer. The distasteful expression disappeared as soon as he turned to his sister. “Izzie... can you give me a moment with Julian? There's something I need to discuss with him.”

  “Um... of course.” The shy princess released Julian's arm and stepped away from him.

  Julian was groaning on the inside. He would have given anything for some quality time with Princess Isabella. At that moment, he hated her brother. “You owe me a walk in the garden, Princess!” Julian exclaimed.

  Her brother disagreed. “She owes you nothing.” With a grumble, Nico grabbed Julian's shoulder and shoved him in the opposite direction, away from his sister.

  “Well... that was depressing,” Julian lamented. “Did you really have something to talk to me about?”

  “No. I was rescuing my sister!” When he caught Julian peering over his shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of the princess, Nico shoved him again. “Leave her alone, alright? Isabella is the nicest, sweetest girl. If people see her in the garden with a blackguard like you, you'll ruin her reputation.”

  “Are you saying I don't deserve nice things?” Julian wagged his walking stick at Nico. “You can't protect her forever, you know.”

  “Perhaps not... but I can protect her as long as she's still a child.”

  Julian's eyes rolled so hard, it was a wonder they didn't disappear into his skull. “Oh, please. She's hardly what I'd call a child.”

  “She's only seventeen!”

  “Almost eighteen,” Julian added.

  “You're too old for her.”

  Julian drew an affronted breath. “I am not!”

  “You're older than I am, and I'm her older brother.”

  None of that mattered to the baron, who simply replied, “Uh huh.”

  “You're nearly thirty!”


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