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Matthew Returns

Page 2

by Terry Aspinall

  Chapter 2

  Born Again Worker

  While living with Janice and her daughter Dawn, Matthew relished in the constant attention given him by both women, as they pampered his every need. He could not believe his luck after all he was no spring chicken, but these two women were throwing themselves at him constantly, although hidden from each other. Even in the Army and whilst wearing his best parade uniform he had not been this lucky and received the sort of attention he was now enjoying. He had always believed that it was well known that some women are turned on by the appearance of a good looking guy in a uniform. Now here he was getting that same special treatment and there was not a uniform in sight.

  He was trying too settled down to enjoy the latter part of his life. However, instead of just laying around and taking it easy, here he was being expected to perform like a gigolo or toy boy, at almost any time of the day. Not just one night a week but every night and sometimes twice.

  At first they had both started flashing themselves in front of him, the odd stocking top here or the occasional breast that almost popped out there. However, it was never at a time when both women were in the room at the same time. Occasionally there were a few moments of joy for him, of being able to look at one without the risk of the other knowing what he was looking at. The worse scenario for him was when he was seen to be looking at the other woman.

  One night as he lay awake in bed wondering what the night might bring, waiting to see who would enter his domain first that evening. Dawn was the energetic and noisy one, at times Matthew described her under his breath as the acrobat. Janice however was more in to quality and a prolonged quality at that. She took her time with every move that she made, prolonging and savouring the moment in full, However it was not just for her it was for Matthew's benefit as well, and she certainly knew how to please a man.

  Soon his wait was over and it was Dawn, who crept into the darkness of his room first.

  "Are you asleep," she whispered?

  "You must be joking," he answered, and added, "I was getting fed up waiting for you, I was just thinking about coming over to your bedroom". As she once again cast off her pants and slipped under the sheets and cuddled up beside him.

  "Before we start just remember to take them with you when you leave," he reminded her.

  "The last time I saw them, your mother was swinging them around her index finger like a hoolar hoop. And by the way it was also a good job that the bed was silent that night, otherwise the whole house would have known what was going on in this bedroom," he whispered.

  She wasted no time in seducing Matthew going at it straight away, just like a bull in a china shop. At times Dawn was so energetic that Matthew had to ask her to slow up and be quiet. The slowing up was also a bonus for him, so he could savour the moment when he struck gold. However, it only lasted for a couple of short minutes, before Dawn was off once again as if she had some sort of record time to beat.

  Suddenly they heard a noise from outside his bedroom door coming from the direction of the landing area at the top of the stairs. It startled them and stopping them both dead in their tracts. Both were straining their ears to listen and work out what it was that they had just heard. Suddenly his door started to open slowly as Matthew whispered quietly in her ear that it was her mother. Without any hesitation, silently Dawn slid out from between the sheets and under the bed, her movements being covered by the darkness within the room.

  "Psssss are you awake," Janice whispered through the half opened door. At first he pretended to be asleep but it only took him a couple of seconds to decide that he had better answer her.

  "Yes," he replied very nervously and with a tremor in his voice, "Yes I could not sleep."

  "Nor could I," said Janice speaking very quietly. She went on to say.

  "She was scared having heard a noise outside, and could she stay with him for a while." Matthew did not know what to say after all her daughter was by now lying under the bed probably sweating on what was going to happen next. Before Matthew could answer, Janice came into the room and was heading his way. She approached the bed slowly with her hands out stretched as if she was sleep walking, trying to find her way towards him in the darkness. Once she had found the bed it was easy for her and she sat on its edge making herself comfortable and then proceeded to talk to him. Matthew was not really in the mood for talking after all he had just been disturbed right in the middle of a highly charged love making session. Now he had the lady of the house sitting on his bed in the scantiest of night wear, obviously wanting to get between the sheets with him and to cap off the situation he had her daughter under his bed listening to everything that was being said and more than likely what was going to happen.

  What could be worse Matthew thought, well I guess the Russians could pick tonight of all nights to let off an atomic bomb nearby. Come to think of it if these two were to meet in the next couple of seconds an atomic bomb of row would erupt right here in Temple Road.

  Within just a few minutes Janice leaned over and started to caress Matthew, considering what he had just been in the middle of, it was not long before he responded to her advances, and anyway it was dark he only had to use his imagination and he could picture Dawn in his mind. Although the slowness of Janice's fore play gave that situation away. Janice was no love making acrobat like her daughter. Suddenly Janice whispered in his ear that she felt all hot and sweaty.

  "Yes," he replied "That's why I could not sleep I was about to kick a blanket off," he answered.

  As the night wore on their love making got more and more athletic, at times bouncing the bed up and down on top of the very shocked Dawn who was still trapped underneath and being hit by the occasional spring that tapped her on the head. She had decided to try and crawl out and over to the door, but doubted she would be able to make it out of the room without being seen, so she elected to stay where she was and at the moment undetected. It turned out to be an unwise decision as the antics they were getting up too on the bed lasted longer than she thought. Just before daybreak and while Matthew was still asleep, Janice climbed out of his bed and slowly made her way towards the bedroom door. Suddenly her bare foot touched something lying on the floor. After a couple of seconds of trying to guess what it was she pinched part of it with her toes and gently picked it up to where she could take it in her hand. Once in her hand she could feel that it was a pair of ladies pants. She made a bet with herself that they were her daughters, after all they were not hers, and because she had not been wearing any when she entered the room. As she opened the door with one hand she was spinning the pants once again around her index finger of the other. Looking back in the direction of the bed hoping for one last glimpse of Matthew who was sound asleep, she could hear him snoring out aloud or at least that's what she thought. However, the snoring was in fact coming from under the bed and from her daughter.

  The closing of the door awoke Dawn from her slumber and for a few seconds she tried to adjust her eyes to where she was, but it was still quite dark. Her whole body ached from head to toe, and then as she tried to sit up she bumped her head on the springs of the bed. Suddenly the events of the night came slowly flooding back to her. Her aching body felt like it was going to be a reminder to her for a long time to come. She slid from under the bed even though it was still dark she could sense that Matthew was still in the bed and that her mother had actually left the room. So she did a quick exit closing the door quietly behind her and headed to her own bed where she crashed out to grab a couple of hours sleep of what remained of the night.

  Matthew was feeling tired and a little embarrassed as he entered the kitchen for breakfast, both Janice and Dawn were already seated at the table and eating in silence. Janice had a broad smile on her face while Dawn looked like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards with her hair all over the place and what looked like a couple of black eye's. After wishing them both a good morning he tried not to make eye contact with either of them preferring to spend some time
just looking out of the window. Although it was a hard thing to do, the last thing that he wanted was to be the centre of an eerie silence. Janice was the first to speak and very cynically asked if he had enjoyed a good night's sleep, to which Dawn who was not looking her best this hour of the morning, chirped in with you must have been restless I heard you tossing and turning all night, and then mumbled to herself that she had a bump on her head to prove it. Once the ice had been broken Janice offered to make him a cup of tea. Matthew sized on the opportunity and started up a conversation with her. Not realising that he was alienating Dawn who was not happy at the way her evening had ended up. However, she did not want her mother to know more than was necessary. As each woman made a comment the other would add a small sarcastic remark to her answer. Finally Janice turned to Dawn and said that she had better bring her dirty washing down to be washed and that she was finding it all around the house. Dawn got up from the table in huff and proceeded back to her room. This gave Janice a chance to be on her own with Matthew who was still seated at the table, she approached him from behind and leaned over his shoulder and whispered in his ear that she had enjoyed last night and gave him a small kiss on the side of his cheek. Matthew who for the first time in his life was lost for words, just managed to croak out that they must do it again some time. The sexual appetite of these two women left Matthew in such a state that at all costs he just had to get out of the house for a few hours during the day.

  Within a fortnight he had applied for and had taken a job at the dreaded local lawn mower factory. The supervisor introduced himself with a deep German accent as Herr Hosseite and went on to explain in pigeon English that Matthew's job would be on the assembly line. On which he found himself working next to a young guy who was constantly helping the young woman who was working next to him. She had a job that entailed lifting the completed mowers into their boxes and then on to a pallet, ready for storage. The boxes were too big and heavy for the woman to lift. So the young guy would help her as well as trying to undertake his own work on the line. Matthew thought that this was not really on, after all it was hard enough doing his own job without doing half of somebody else's, and for what he guessed was for no extra money. During their lunch break Matthew introduced himself to the young guy, who went by the name of Peter. They struck up a good friendship from that very first day even though there was a twenty-year gap between their ages. They would chat above the constant noise of the factory while they worked and took their meal breaks together. It was during these chats that Matthew realised that Peter was in fact in love or at least fancied the girl next to him who he was helping.

  Once Peter learnt that Matthew had been in the services and served abroad, he would constantly be asking Matthew what he had done and where in the world he had visited. Matthew didn't mind after all it was a way of getting to know each other, so he would describe most of the exotic places that he had visited and usually added a short story of what he had gotten up to. Besides Peter was local and knew most of the other workers, who he constantly introduced him to. It was turning out to be the best thing that had happened to him since arriving back in Stowmarket, and at least it got him out of that house and the clutches of the females that surrounded him within its close confines. However, Matthew had to chuckle to himself, knowing that he had slept with the pair of them. It was also very funny that both of them had conquered him, and that each did not know of the others conquest.

  Matthew was constantly into trouble with the supervisor Herr Hosseite, who was constantly telling him off for any small thing that he could pick on. It was all so unnecessary and petty and Mathew had guessed that he was an ex German serviceman and knowing that he had just left the British Army was probably trying to make himself out to be more superior. It had not taken Matthew long to work up a dislike for the man and would constantly try and belittle him with his every funny and witty answers that he gave. Matthew would always end up by saying yes Mr Hoss-shite.

  One Monday morning a new female face appeared on the line, just a couple of positions along from Matthew but on the other side of the line which meant that on occasions they were facing each other. He could not help noticing that she was maybe just a couple of years younger than he was, and also that she was very pretty. Matthew asked Peter if he knew who she was as he nodded in her direction.

  Peter laughed at him, "Why are you interested," he asked.

  With a broad smile on his face Matthew went on to say that maybe he was, but that he was just wondering who she was. Peter explained that she was new to the job, having only just started and that he did know who she was.

  Then he learned towards Matthew and quietly said Maureen Hayward, and winked at Matthew. He then went on to add that, she was single and that she had been divorced from her husband a few years back. As far as he knew she was not going with anybody steady at the moment, why do you want an introduction he added with a further wink? Matthew jumped in and told him not to do that, adding that he would do that himself when the time was right.

  While working Matthew could not take his eyes off her and a few times their glances met across the machinery that lay between them. More than once he fumbled in his work once almost causing an accident. Peter could see this and sensed that love's little arrows were being fired across the assembly line right in front of him, and he wanted to help his newfound friend.

  During the very next tea break Peter made an effort and introduced Maureen to him as they passed in the canteen. Peter then talked her into joining them at the same table, to which she agreed. Matthew also decided to get his own back on Peter for pushing the situation and Maureen onto him. He walked over to the young girl who worked beside Peter who went by the name of Sally, he then proceeded to talk her into joining them also at the same table.

  The happy go lucky atmosphere that was in the air around their table was suddenly shattered by Mr Hosseite as he approach the table, and proceeded to tell them all off as they wasted too much time on the line talking and making eyes at each other and that it had to stop.

  "Yes Mr Hoss-shite," answered Mathew, the others all laughed under their breath.

  "What was all that about," asked Peter.

  "Nothing," replied Mathew with a grin on his face.

  Once the formalities were over and out of the way, and everybody knew everybody else they all hit it off quite well that first day. Maureen was a charming woman and took and instant liking to Matthew, so much so that conversation came very easy between them. He noticed by her accent that she was not a Suffolk girl by birth and she confirmed this by telling him that she had moved to Stowmarket ten years earlier from Essex. While Peter knew Sally very well from being together on the line but he had never actually sat down beside her and had a good chat. Up till now he had always had to shout at her above the noise of the assembly line.

  Lunch breaks now became a four cornered affair with Maureen, Matthew, Sally and Peter all sitting at the same table cracking jokes, enjoying and sharing their food and company. It did not take long before it was suggested and agreed that they all go out together as a foursome one weekend.

  The very next Saturday saw them all in Matthew's car, with Maureen in the front beside Matthew and Peter in the back with Sally. They were heading for Ipswich, to watch the Town's football team, who were playing one of Matthew's favourite London teams Tottenham Hotspurs. Just after the kick off as they were all bunched up tightly amongst the crowd Maureen grasped Matthews hand and held it tightly, he turned and looked into her eyes and after a couple of seconds he kissed her on the cheek. Peter who had seen this grabbed hold of Sally's hand and pulled her close to him, if Matthew could get away with it then so could he. He was in fact trying to imitate Matthew, looking up to him as a father figure. The Football game turned out to be a cracker of an event and very exciting, being enjoyed by them all. Peter delighted in cat calling at the referee every chance he got, or at least every time the guy made a mistake. At times even Matthew joined in always being the one who loved a
laugh and at times could be very funny.

  Maureen tugged on his arm and said, "Don't blame the Ref he's doing his best".

  "Yeah for a blind man," Matthew laughed.

  "Yeah he ought to be supervising an old folk's home, and even then I don't think that he'd make the right call," Peter chirped in.

  Every time that the Town scored a goal, Maureen would pull Matthew close to her and gave him a kiss. For once in his life he wished that his favourite team would lose and by a big score. If the Town won and at the rate that the kisses were coming his way it looked like they would, then it was a possibility that an even bigger surprise awaited him later in the evening.

  Even though his team lost Matthew had a big smile on his face as they left the ground and headed for a restaurant that Peter knew of, and a long awaited meal. Even while they ate the fun continued with all of them at times making funny remarks. Peter asked the waiter if he had Bulls testicles.

  To which Matthew said, "No it's just the way that his trousers hang."

  To which they all fell about laughing at the expense of the poor waiter.

  "Well what about Chicken balls," asked Peter.

  This time Sally got in on the act and said, "I didn't think that they had any,"

  "Cause they do," said Peter. "That's how you work out their sex when they're born, the workers pick them up by their legs and shake them, and if they rattle then they are males."

  Sally was left with a blank look on her face, not knowing if they were joking or not,Maureen then joined in, "Don't take any notice of them," she said, "Their pulling your leg."

  "No I'm not, look my hands are on the table," Peter replied.

  Peter then quietly and under his breath leaned over to Matthew and said, "Hope she doesn't rattle."

  Poor Sally she had led a sheltered life and did not know what they were talking about.

  Maureen defused the situation by saying, "Don't take any notice of them they're only making fun of you Sally,"

  The waiter continued reading carefully through the menu he was holding, in an effort that they might finally choose a meal. As he got to the leeks covered in a cheese sauce. Matthew jumped in with,

  "Aint that what the Welsh rugby players have on their emblem."

  Peter answered with, "No I think they have the daffodil."

  "No it's a leek," said Maureen.

  Peter was insistent that they did not have a leek and that it was a daffodil.

  Matthew finally added, "Okay it's a daffodil, but during the interval they usually have a leek".

  The whole table just burst out in an uproar of laughter, leaving the waiter still standing beside them with the menu in his hand and trying to get some sort of response and order from them.

  Finally some sort of normality was restored and they ordered the meal, but the laughter continued as they all joined in with telling jokes to each other. Lucky for the waiter he was able to escape further ridicule as he retreated to the kitchen with their order.

  "Hope they don't bring me Rat-a-two-yy" Matthew continued.

  "The last time I had that I got a bone stuck in the back of my throat."

  "What's that," asked Sally.

  "They set their own traps out the back, to catch them you know," said Peter.

  "Catch what," Sally asked again.

  "Take no notice of them, their only trying to put you off your meal," said Maureen.

  "No we are not, we are just trying to make you aware of what you might have placed in front of you, but once its cooked you'll never know," replied Peter.

  Having spotted an aquarium in the corner Matthew made a couple of fish jokes that had then all rolling about laughing. Then it became full on, with the one liner jokes that had any connection what so ever with fish.

  "How about the song, Salmon chanted evening," said Matthew.

  "Shrimp boats are a coming there's dancing tonight," added Maureen.

  "That's a load of Cods wallop," said Peter.

  "Were having a whale of a time, aren't we," Sally joined in catching everybody by surprise.

  "Hey that's great babe, see you can join in can't you," said Peter.

  "What about the fish that wore a Herring aid,"

  "Or the guy that went out in the sun and became as red as a lobster," added Matthew.

  "Or the waiter that had big Muscles."

  "Oh and the clock over there that is Perched high up on the wall," said Peter.

  "What about the song Michael Roe the boat ashore," Maureen butted in.

  "Nice one Maureen, and not to mention the guy who had crabs, and don't bother asking me about that one Sally," said Matthew.

  Before they knew it they had been in the restaurant for almost two hours, and in that time they had enjoyed a meal and several drinks. The jokes had flowed fast and furiously helping the evening to become a big success, with lots of laughter to help wash it all down.

  Upon arriving back in Stowmarket Matthew dropped Peter and Sally off near her home, so that they could say their goodbyes to each other in the privacy of their own company. Matthew then drove Maureen to her home along Creeting Road. Where he did not take her up on an offer to go inside for a coffee, but instead choose to say his goodbyes to her in the privacy of the car. He thought the world of her and did not want her to think that he was taking advantage of her, if they were to fall fully in love that could all come later. He wanted her to know that he was not after her for just one thing. What he wanted was a long-term relationship that could one day lead him down the aisle. They cuddled and caressed each other as slowly the windows around them steamed up. At which point Matthew gave Maureen one big kiss and told her that he would see her Monday morning at work. As Maureen walked away from the car she could not help feeling a little disappointed at Matthew's refusal of her offer. Maybe she would be able to tempt him inside the next time they went out together.

  As Matthew drove home he suddenly had an acute attack of being a hypocrite and of stringing people along. He had turned Maureen down, fully knowing that he would at least have the opportunity of sleeping with somebody back at his lodgings. He was trying to be honest and faithful with Maureen, while all the time knowing that at some time before they next met he would be unfaithful to her.

  However, his luck did not hold that night, arriving home to an empty house. As he made himself a cup of tea before going to bed he suddenly remembered that Janice and her daughter were going out for the night with one of their friends.

  While sipping his tea he got to thinking that maybe it was all for the better. After all he was starting to think the world of Maureen, so maybe it was about time that he was honest with her. With that he locked up and headed for bed and a good night's sleep, and maybe a nice dream of their evening together.

  However, later he was suddenly awakened to the sound of giggling and of very loud disco music thumping away from down stairs. So he grabbed his dressing gown and went down to investigate. He knew it could not be burglars, as they would have wanted to be as quiet as possible.

  As he walked in to the living room he was greeted by Janice who with a drink in one hand and a party whistle in the other invited him to dance. Lying on the settee on her back and showing a large amount of leg, was Dawn who was also blowing her party whistle. With his eyes still full of sleep it took him a few minutes to adjust to what was going on.

  Dawn was also smoking and on the coffee table beside her stood one of the goblets from the sideboard. After glancing at the sideboard he came to the conclusion that it was the one holding her mother's ashes. Dawn was sucking on her cigarette between long blows of her party whistle, the ashes from the cigarette she was flicking into the opened goblet on the table. Matthew walked up to Dawn and looked in to the goblet, then looking down at Dawn.

  "Looks like your grandma is putting on weight," He said.

  Dawn just giggled and smiled at him.

  "She'll have to do a little more exercising then, won't she," Dawn added.

  "Lets party," said Ja
nice placing her glass on the table and grabbing Matthew. It was more than he could do after all just a few minutes ago he was fast asleep and now he was expected to do the bump or something like that. Not wanting to disappoint or upset Janice he obliged by just wiggling his body around as they moved around the room to the music that was belting out from the media player in the corner.

  After fifteen minutes Janice called a halt to the party as she went to the kitchen to refill her glass. Dawn sat up and in a sexual pose invited Matthew to come and sit with her. It was more than he dare do, knowing that Janice would return at any moment. She was drunk, but not that drunk that she would not understand what was going on between them. Within a few seconds and just as he thought Janice reappeared carrying two large glasses of drink for them that she placed on the table. Then walking straight up to Matthew and grabbing him to carry on where she had left off. Dawn sunk back on the settee taking up the same position she had been in. Only this time she made an effort to open the split in the side of her dress even wider. The view that she was now exposing was enough to catch most people's attention. However, Janice was to intent on keeping Matthews attention on to her. Realising this, Dawn just lay back and closed her eyes after all it had been a long tiring night, and she was going to get nowhere in her effort to seduce him.

  Matthew who by this time was feeling very weary himself was starting to flag and asked Janice if they could have a rest.

  "No," said Janice, "I'm in the mood and a lady should be able to do anything whilst she's in the mood, don't you agree Matthew."

  Matthew just nodded his head in agreement, thinking that it was no good saying anything more to the party girl, as he was now thinking of calling her.

  Ten minutes later and he brought Janice's attention to Dawn who was looking as if she had passed out on the settee.

  "Don't you think we should get her to bed its not right that we carry on like this together in front of her, said Matthew.

  Janice told him that it was all right and that she was sound asleep. She then gradually dropped to the floor pulling Matthew with her behind the settee, from where Janice was sure that Dawn could not see them. Matthew was for the first time in his life being seduced against his wishes. However, like all men he was finding it extremely hard to refuse the offer that was being made to him. There then followed a short but very passionate love making session that was drowned out by the music that was still pumping from the stereo system.

  Suddenly the music stopped as the media player in the corner finally finished playing its disc and the sound of people making love could be heard all around the room. With that Janice pushed her way up from the floor and the arms of Matthew and made her way semi naked over to change the disc. Although by the time that she had returned to where Matthew had been he had already got up from the floor and was tying up his dressing gown. He then refused all of the advances that Janice made leaving her in a frustrated frame of mind.

  Matthew tried to break the ice that had just settled between them by pointing to Dawn.

  "Don't you think we should be putting her to bed, and then we can come down and carry on where we left off," he continued.

  With that Janice who by now was losing interest in him anyway just said,

  "Okay you're the one who's worrying about her, so you can do the honours."

  Matthew bent down and picked her up off the settee in his arms and staggered to the bottom of the stairs. Dawn had turned out to be a little heavier than he had imagined. Going up the stairs posed an even bigger obstacle, while trying not to bump her over hanging head against the handrail posts. By the time he reached her bedroom door he was gasping for breath. Lucky for him her bedroom door was slightly open so it was relatively easy for him to kick it with his foot. Slowly he approached the bed and bent over to lay her gently on to the eiderdown cover, when she suddenly came alive and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. Matthew was so short of breath and caught unaware that he could do nothing but just let it happen. As he tried to untangle himself from Dawn's arms it turned out to be more of a problem than he first thought. He realised that she had been faking her state of passing out, with the sole intention of getting right where he now stood. The more that Matthew struggled to break free of her the tighter she hung on to him. She was even managing to get her hands inside his dressing gown, and was caressing his body. All Matthew could say was that her mother was listening and might walk in on them at any moment.

  "No she won't," said Dawn "She can't hear because the media player is too loud, come on, jump into bed," she kept teasing, "Let's make love." Her hands were now between his legs and the fire that they were arousing within him was becoming more and more harder to resist. One kiss he said to her and then I must return down stairs before she misses me. With that he gave her a long kiss on the lips, to which Dawn added to the moment by thrusting her tongue into his mouth. Their clinch was suddenly broken by the voice of her mother shouting up the stairs after him.

  "What are you doing undressing her or something, it doesn't take that long to lay somebody on a bed."

  Somehow Matthew broke free and got out of the bedroom as fast as he could, not even bothering to close the door.

  Back down stairs Janice could not understand why he was out of breath and panting the way he was.

  "Your out of shape aren't you, all you had to do was carry a sliver of a young girl up stairs to bed. Anybody would think that you had just made love to her." Matthew smiled at her, thinking that if only she knew just how close he'd come to doing just that, and then she would not make statements like that.

  The magic of the night had by this time deserted them both, as they both sat at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. Matthew could see that Janice was not happy at the way it had all turned out for her. She had obviously returned home in a drink induced happy frame of mind, fully intent of seducing Matthew. However, the simple act of the media player finishing the disc it had been playing, had altered the mood that she was in. Matthew was now on the back foot and trying to win her around with smooth talk just like most men will when they know that they are in a corner.

  Because of her frustrations, Janice now preceded to tease Matthew with every move that she made. She would endeavour to exaggerate every movement, this insured that she showed off as much of her exposed body as possible to him. It became a little embarrassing for him at times, as he had to make a consoled effort not to be caught looking at the body part in question. However, being as they were the only two people in the room and were talking to each other, and that he was a hot-blooded male, it was a hard thing to accomplish.

  So in an effort to escape Janice's clutches, Matthew gave her a kiss on the cheek, said good night and retreated up stairs to bed. After making sure that his bed was empty he closed the bedroom door behind him and wedged a chair up against the doorknob. This would be the only way that he would be able to get a little sleep from what remained of the night.

  The next morning which was a Sunday, Matthew made an early exit from the house before the women had got up, he had made up his mind that he did not want to be around when they got up just in case there was trouble or fallout from the night before. He drove to the town square and parked, there he would be safe for a time. He had decided to have a breakfast at the Galleon café and to make his plans for the day. By chance there he met up with Brian and they took a table together. Brian then ribbed him having learnt that he had finally succumbed and had taken a job at the mower factory. To which Matthew laughed and added that he had to get some money from somewhere.

  Matthew told him that he had been up to Ipswich and saw the Town play the day before and that it had been a good game. Brian added that he had read the report in the Sunday paper and the conversation stayed with football. It was while this conversation was taking place and football was the topic that Matthew got to thinking about Maureen and the great time that they had enjoyed after the game. So he suddenly said his farewells to Brian saying that he
had to go and would catch up with him another time, and with that he left.

  Matthew drove around to Maureen's house and even though it was still early in the morning he found himself knocking on her door. To his surprise the door was opened very quickly and he found himself looking Maureen in the eyes.

  "What are you doing around here at this time of the morning," she asked. Matthew went on to say that he had been thinking of her all night and that he wanted to take her out, only this time they could be on their own. That is if she wanted to go with him, because he knew at times he would do silly things. She then proceeded to ask where he was going to take her.

  "Does it really matter," Matthew replied.

  "Cause it dose how do I know what to wear," Maureen answered.

  "Oh just a drive in the country," said Matthew, "We'll just take in some sites."

  Maureen told him that she would not be long while she got ready and that he could make them a cup of coffee in the kitchen.

  It only took Maureen ten minutes to get ready and they were into Matthew's car and heading out of town on the new Stowmarket by pass.

  "Where to," Matthew asked.

  "Eye Airfield," Maureen answered.

  "Ah a girl of decisions, normally it would take some time for people to make up their minds, but not you, I suspect that you are a person that knows what you want in life," Matthew replied.

  "Certainly do," replied Maureen, "I would like to go to the car boot sale that's being held there, and to see Morris dancing" she explained.

  "What do you want to see him for," Matthew asked.

  "It's a dancing group silly, something I like watching and they usually perform there." She explained.

  Matthew just grinned at her knowing full well what they were, he was just enjoying the joke, and he thought hard trying to crack another joke about people performing.

  "I once knew a Morris, Morris Minor but that was a few years ago," said Matthew teasingly.

  "Where did he live," asked Maureen, suddenly realising that it was a joke, she tugged at his arm. She asked "now you're making fun of me."

  Matthew just smiled at her and leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  Upon arrival at the airfield an old age pensioner gave him directions and showing them where to park their car. They then walked over to the first line of vehicles that had all of their unwanted gifts and old house hold products on display spread on the ground just by the boot of their cars. It was like walking into an Aladdin's cave, you name it and somewhere on that Airfield there was bound to be one on display.

  Matthew was enjoying the experience and was genuinely interest in many items that he saw. They spent some time picking up things that caught their eye and looking at it as if they were experts, while in actual fact they were not but found it interesting and quite exiting.

  A tug on his elbow told him that it was time to stop once more and that there was something else that Maureen wanted to look at. Only this time Maureen suddenly announced to Matthew that she was going to buy him a present. Therefore he was ordered to look the other way while she purchased the item. A few minutes later he was told that he could open his eyes and have a look, he spun around to be confronted by his so called present.

  "What is it he asked," as he found himself looking at a large piece of porcelain or was it china. Either way it was an animal statue that stood at least one meter high, but what it was he had no idea. Because it was a present, he was reluctant to say what he really thought, actually he was a little lost for words anyway.

  "It's a llama," she said.

  "But it's got two heads, and to cap it off there's one at each end," Matthew said in amazement.

  "Yeah I know isn't it sweet," said Maureen.

  "But what am I going to do with a two headed llama, I mean where am I going to put it," he asked. "I mean it's got no practical use for anything has it," he continued.

  "But it's a present, its telling you that I love you," Maureen explained.

  "Well I know that but what the hell is the use of a double headed bloody llama, I can't even use it as a coat hanger or bookends, it just has no practical use what so ever.

  As he looked into Maureen's eyes he could see that he had hit a raw nerve, so he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips and said "It's a beautiful present thank you very much, I'll find somewhere for it to go". Although deep inside he had not got a clue, and what of Janice if she would not let him bring the thing into her house. Oh well he thought in that case I'll just have to leave it in the shed, at least it will scare the mice away.

  They spent most of the morning wandering amongst the vehicles and stalls that had suddenly appeared over night in preparation for the mini market that was held every Sunday on the old airfield.

  Matthew found himself enjoying bargaining with the owners of small items that just took his fancy. At one time he purchased a very large Teddy Bear for Maureen who swung her arms around his neck and gave him a great big kiss. He then whispered in her ear that it was not as heavy as his double-headed llama, and at least she could take hers to bed with her. By this time even Maureen could see the funny side of the present she had bought him, thinking that at least he would not forget this day in a hurry and if he did, well he had the double-headed llama to remind him of it. The other sure thing was that she was sure he had not already got one.

  All to soon their fun was over far too quickly as Matthew had to have Maureen home by late afternoon for an appointment with a family member, a meeting that she could not get out of, and Matthew did not feel like meeting strangers and just sitting around while they talked about something he knew nothing about. In his words it would be like being a spare Groom at a wedding. So reluctantly he dropped her at her front door and after a long kiss Maureen thanked him for the day out and the teddy bear and within a few seconds she was gone.

  As Matthew got back into his car all he could think about was the double-headed llama and what the hell was he was going to do with it. Oh well he thought it could have been worse, she could have bought a pair of them, then he would have had double the problem.


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