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Rent-A Husband

Page 8

by Everly Ashton

  “I’ll clear my social calendar.”

  We both laugh because he knows as well as I do—from being here a few days a week—that I don’t have much of a social life, at least through the week.

  “All right. I’ll text you and let you know when I’ll be here next to work on the bathroom. I should be done in no more than a couple weeks.”

  “Okay, have a good night.” I smile and close the door behind him, letting my forehead fall against the door.

  How do I get myself into these situations?



  Between the gym, work, getting Brady up to speed now that he’s come on board, and working at Camila’s, the week has flown by and I’m starting to feel burned out. So even though this isn’t an official date per se, it’s nice not to have to do anything other than spend the evening with a beautiful woman. Even if the chances for getting laid at the end of the night are zero.

  We decided to meet at the restaurant rather than have me pick her up. Actually, Camila suggested it—I’m guessing as a reminder that this isn’t a date. I was a little put off at first, but the truth is, I could use the reminder.

  Something I’m sure of when I see her walk in wearing a red silk tank and a mid-thigh-length white skirt. Something about this woman in red just does me in.

  I’m already seated, so I stand when she approaches. Whether this is a date or not, Gram would kill me if I didn’t use my manners.

  The way Camila looks makes my mouth dry, so I smile and swallow hard when she reaches the table.

  “Hey, you haven’t been waiting long, I hope?”

  I walk around to pull out her chair for her. “Nope, not at all. You look nice.”

  Nice? Jesus. What a generic word to use for someone like her.

  She gives me a small smile. “Thanks, so do you.”

  I round the table and sit down in my chair. Why does this feel strained between us? We’ve chatted plenty of times around her house. Maybe her friend was right about us getting more comfortable with each other.

  After the waiter comes by to take our drink order, I lean back in my chair. We’re at my favorite steakhouse. The lighting is dim and there’s a candle on our table that lights her skin in a perfect way that makes it feel as if we’re secluded in a bedroom right now, not at the back of a busy restaurant.

  “Have you eaten here before?” I ask.

  She sets her napkin down over her lap. “A few times.”

  I grin. “I picked it because I thought you could use a real meal rather than one of your toddler ones.”

  She chuckles quietly and shakes her head. “I promise to try to eat from all the food groups tonight, would that make you happy?” Her gaze is playful.

  I can’t shake the feeling that there’s so much about this woman that could make me happy, but I’m not going to tell her that. She’s already been led down a path with a dead end by some other asshole. I won’t not be the next one to do it.

  “Very happy, yes.”

  She nods, and the waiter appears beside our table, drinks in hand. He sets down her wine and my beer, then takes our orders. True to her word, Camila orders a steak, a baked potato with cheese, vegetables, and a salad.

  Once the waiter leaves again, she settles back into her chair, wine in hand. “Should we get started?”

  I raise an eyebrow.

  “That’s why we’re here right? To get the 411 on each other. Seems you already know quite a bit about me and now I need to learn about you.”

  Right, remember why you’re here, jackass. This is not a date, no matter how much you want it to be.

  “What exactly do you want to know?” I bring my beer to my mouth.

  “What was it like growing up for you?”

  I shrug. “Pretty normal. My parents worked a lot to put food on the table, so my grandparents had a big hand in raising us. When we were young, they were the ones to greet us when we got home from school. Grams would make us dinner and make sure we got started on our homework. Even once we were in high school, they were a constant presence, though we were old enough to take care of ourselves.”

  She smiles. “I can tell that you love them very much.”

  I nod.

  “Are they still… alive?”

  “Going to be celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary at the end of the summer.”

  Her eyes widen. “Wow. I can’t imagine being with someone for fifty years.”

  “Can’t see yourself putting up with someone that long?” I raise an eyebrow.

  Camila shakes her head. “No, I just mean I can’t find anyone worth going on a second date with, let alone spend fifty years with.”

  We both laugh, then take a sip of our drinks.

  “My brothers and I are all chipping in to send them on a month-long European cruise. They’ve always wanted to go on one and never did, so we’re going to send them.”

  She brings her hand to her chest. “That is so sweet.”

  I shrug off her response. “It’s the least we can do after everything they’ve done for us. That’s why I took the side job of your bathroom. My brothers have picked up extra work too.”

  “I don’t think there are many grandsons who would go to such an effort. They’re very lucky to have you.” She gives me a soft smile.

  “I’m lucky to have them.”

  She studies me for a moment. “You seemed to agree with my sentiment about second dates, so explain to me why a guy like you is still single.”

  “A guy like me?” My eyebrows raise.

  I swear her cheeks pinken. “Single, available, good-looking, and gainfully employed. You don’t seem to be a serial killer or a sadist and clearly care about your family. You’re agreeing to help me out, which is no small thing.”

  “Sounds like I’m quite the catch.” I wink.

  “Don’t let it go to your head.” She sips her wine.

  I shrug again. “I don’t know. It’s not like I haven’t dated, but things always seem to fizzle out after a few months. I guess I just haven’t found someone who makes me want to put more of an effort in, if I’m honest. The last couple years, I’ve been focused on building my business, so there hasn’t been much time.”

  She nods in understanding. “Fair enough. Do you ever see yourself settling down?”

  “Sure, someday. I’d like to have what my grandparents have, but right now the business is my priority.” I spin my beer on the table with my fingertips. “What about you? I know you dated that asshole for a couple of years, but why haven’t you jumped back into dating?”

  For a moment I regret asking when I see her shoulders sag. “The honest answer is that I’m afraid.” The corners of her lips tip down. “Elijah really hurt me, and the idea of putting myself out there again when I was so sure about him and how he felt about me, but then ended up being so wrong… I just haven’t been ready.”

  “You know all that had nothing to do with you, right? I mean, any guy who would do what he did, regardless of how he did or didn’t feel for you, that speaks to him, not you.”

  She blows out a long breath from between her full, painted red lips. “I do know that, intellectually. Sometimes it’s just hard to remember.” She places her hand over her heart.

  I frown. “Camila, any man would be lucky to call you his girlfriend. You’re beautiful, intelligent, independent, driven, and accomplished. And besides your tendency to eat like a child, you’re actually really amazing.”

  Fuck. I should not have said that out loud. But I couldn’t just sit here and see the sadness in her eyes and let her internalize what her ex did to her. She needs to know any guy would find himself lucky to be with her. But the way she’s looking at me right now, with the candlelight flickering over her face, it’s weighted with… if I didn’t know better—lust.

  I clear my throat when she looks as if she doesn’t know what to say. “Anyway, what else do you want to know?”

  She accepts my offer to move on with ease, and we spend
the rest of our meal swapping stories that will make it easier to pull off our fake relationship in a couple of days.



  I stare at myself in the mirror and suck in a deep breath, willing my heart to slow down.

  Tonight is the big night. We’re heading into the city to attend Amy’s Stag and Doe. I’m not sure whether I’m more worried about seeing Elijah with his new fiancée or about convincing everyone that Lucas and I are actually a couple.

  Dinner the other night was enjoyable. More than enjoyable really. Once we got over our awkwardness at the beginning, our conversation flowed easily. There were a few moments I had to remind myself that it wasn’t a date.

  But as comfortable as I was out alone with him in a date setting, tonight is the real deal. The only thing more embarrassing than showing up alone to this thing would be to have everyone know that the man I brought is pretending to be my boyfriend.

  I smooth my hand down my blush wrap dress with spaghetti straps. I’ve paired it with gold strappy heels and a chunky necklace. My hair is in waves and hangs to my shoulders.

  I look good. I know I do. So why am I so nervous?

  At the sound of the doorbell, I take one final look in the mirror on the back of my door and grab the small purse I’m going to be using tonight. I open the door in a flourish and freeze.

  Lucas always looks good. That’s a given. But tonight is next level. He’s wearing a white button-down shirt that’s rolled up to show his forearms and a pair of gray dress pants. His hair has some product in it so it has a bit more of a slicked look about it, and his cologne is divine.

  “Hey,” I manage to squeak out of my now dry mouth.

  “Wow… you look phenomenal.” His eyes eat me up and I can’t help but savor his praise. “That bastard is gonna be so sorry he ever let you go.”

  I smile. “Thank you.”

  “You ready to do this?” he asks.

  I press my lips together and nod. “Ready. Just let me lock up.” I do so after screwing around with the key for a minute.

  As we walk to the truck, Lucas’s hand is splayed across my lower back. I want to sink into his touch. He walks me to the passenger side of the truck and opens the door for me, helping me up.

  “Such a gentleman,” I say.

  “My grams taught me right.” He returns my smile then closes the door and makes his way around to the driver’s side.

  He pulls out of my driveway and I tap my foot. It shouldn’t even take an hour to get into the city this time of day on a Saturday. The reality that I’m going to be faced with seeing Elijah and his lady love weighs on me.

  Will he avoid me entirely, or will he parade his fiancée in front of me all night? How will I feel when I see them together? There are so many unknowns, not the least of which is whether Lucas and I will be able to pull this off.

  Twenty minutes into the drive, I feel a tug on my hand. I glance down and see that Lucas has taken hold of mine, so I glance at him.

  “I’ve been trying to get your attention. Seems you’re in your own world. You okay?” He squeezes my hand then drops it when I glance down.

  “I’m just really nervous. Not sure what to expect.” I nibble on my bottom lip.

  “It’ll be fine. We got this.” The smile he gives me instills some confidence in me, and I relax a bit into my seat.

  Lucas keeps my mind occupied the entire drive, making small talk and telling me about how the new guy at work is doing. I appreciate him making the effort, and by the time we pull into the parking garage down the street from where the party is being held, I’m feeling much better about this evening.

  After all, I only have to survive a few hours in the same room with my ex and my pretend boyfriend—how much could really go wrong?

  Lucas parks the truck and comes around to my side to help me out since I’m wearing a dress.

  “You ready to do this?” he asks, looking straight into my eyes.

  Once I’ve drawn in a deep breath, I nod. The confidence in his gaze seeps into me and I stand a little taller, push my shoulders back, and lift my chin. “Let’s do this.”

  He grins so wide, his perfect, white teeth sparkle. “That’s what I like to see.” We make our way out of the parking garage and he holds out his hand for me to take. “Figure we should start now. The place is right around the corner and who knows who we’ll run into on our way over.”

  “Oh, good idea.” I take his hand.

  He interlaces his fingers with mine the way he did that night at my place. Unlike the first time when Amber was forcing us, this time walking and holding hands with him feels entirely natural. Nice even.

  It doesn’t take us long to reach the hall where the Stag and Doe is. I don’t recognize anyone when we walk in. I’ve never met anyone from Amy or Greg’s families, so I assume that must be most of who I see standing around.

  There’s a set of long tables with items on them when we first walk in. We can buy raffle tickets from a woman at the end and put them in little boxes in front of the items for a chance to win them at the end of the night. Farther back in the room are some games—it looks like blackjack and some kind of wheel. And there are some other activities on the other side, but I’m not sure what exactly those are.

  “This looks like it could be fun,” Lucas says and squeezes my hand.

  I nod and look around for the bar. “Let’s get a drink.”

  Leading him by the hand, I purposely don’t look around to see if I recognize anyone. I am a heat-seeking missile and my target is the bar.

  “What can I get you?” the bartender asks. “Drink tickets are seven dollars each or four for twenty dollars.”

  “I’ll get four then please.” I open my small purse to get some money, but Lucas’s hand gets in the way before I can pull any out.

  “I’ve got this.”

  I look up at him. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course, it’s the least I can do for my girl.”

  Right, this is all part of the act. “Okay,” I say and close my purse. “I’ll have a white wine please.”

  “I’ll have a beer,” Lucas says, pointing at his brand of choice.

  “Coming right up.” The bartender slides the remaining two tickets our way after Lucas gives him a twenty. He puts them in the pocket of his slacks, and we wait while the bartender gets our drinks together. “Here you are.”

  He passes us our drinks, and after we thank him and turn around, Lucas leads me away with his hand at my back. I spot a few people from work in the far corner as I take my first sip of wine, savoring the sweet taste. I haven’t spotted Amy or Greg yet.

  We stand around chitchatting, and a woman approaches with a big roll of tickets in her hand and explains that it’s for the fifty-fifty draw. I buy an arm’s length of tickets and shove them in my purse.

  So far I’ve gotten off easy, but that’s about to end. Coming in through the door is Amy and Greg, and following right behind them is Elijah and his fiancée. All the confidence I had before we walked in here strips away when Elijah laughs with his arm around his fiancée.

  “Do you see him?” Lucas asks.

  “Just coming in the door. The guy with the sandy-blond hair and the girl with the big boobs.”

  From the corner of my eye, I see Lucas look over. My eyes have yet to leave them. It’s like I can’t tear my gaze away from the easy way Elijah laughs with her, the way he has his arm around her and looks genuinely happy. Without a doubt, it’s a side of him I never saw when we were together. It’s a side of him I didn’t even know existed. I feel like a fool for even thinking we were really happy once upon a time.

  “I see him.”

  “God, she’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Even I can hear the pain in my voice.

  Being told by the man you love that he doesn’t feel the same is one thing. Having him leave you for a blonde bombshell with a set of curves I’d die for is another.

  “Hey.” Lucas turns to stand in front of me, bloc
king my vision of the happy couple. “You are no less beautiful. In fact, I think you’re even more beautiful.”

  I scoff. “Yeah, right. She practically walked out of the pages of a Victoria’s Secret catalog.”

  Lucas places his hand on my chin and forces me to look at him. “You are everything a man could ever want in a woman. You’re sexy as hell, your eyes are the color of whiskey, and I don’t mean it to sound like a line, but a guy could get drunk looking into them for too long. You’ve got your own curves that perfectly suit your body, and your olive skin looks so smooth it makes a man want to drag his tongue across it. And don’t even get me started on the way you smell or how your face transforms whenever you laugh. You are the total package and more.”

  All the breath rushes from my lungs. The way he’s looking at me intently and yet his eyelids droop as though he’s overcome with lust makes my nipples pebble. I want to believe him but can’t help but wonder if this is all part of the act too.

  Regardless, I don’t have any time to decide whether to believe him or not because Amy calls my name when she spots me.

  “Camila, you’re here!” She rushes over, Greg following, and wraps me in a hug before pulling away. “You look amazing! I didn’t see you arrive.”

  It’s clear she’s had a bit to drink and that Greg is the more sober of the two. He tries to pull Amy away from me.

  “We just got here a little bit ago. Hi, Greg.” I give him a hug.

  “Hey, how are you?”

  “Good, thanks. Amy, Greg, this is Lucas.”

  Lucas smiles and shakes both of their hands.

  “Jeez, you didn’t mention how hot he is,” Amy says, a little louder than she probably intended.

  Lucas chuckles and I swear his cheeks pinken, which is adorable.

  “Hey,” Greg says and pulls her into his side a little possessively.

  Amy places her hand on his chest. “Don’t worry, you’re still my main man.”

  Greg looks around the room briefly. “I’d hope so, otherwise all of this is for naught.”

  She laughs and gets up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips.


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