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Burning Ceres

Page 5

by Viola Grace


  “Good. Serves her right.” He kept a protective arm around her and moved toward his parents with deliberate intent.

  His father was much more friendly, “So, you are the Ceres that Raanan built that enormous house for. Good, I am glad he finally caught you. I like a feisty woman myself. He will have his hands full with you, I can tell.”

  “Um, thank you Salus. It is high praise coming from so successful a husband and father.” She formally curtsied and was bemused when he laughed.

  “We don’t stand much on Imperial manners. They just get in the way. So, are you breeding yet?”

  “Yes, yes I am.” Her hand went over her belly protectively as his keen red eyes looked at her as if to bore into her abdomen.

  He simply stood in stunned silence, then let out a whoop and picked her up to spin her around. “Salus! Put me down!” He put her down, gave her a bear of a hug and then let her go.

  Raanan was laughing so hard he could barely take a breath. “And you thought my mother would be the problem.” He gasped out as Salus announced to everyone in the pavilion and those in earshot outside that Ceres Avedis was carrying his son’s seed.

  Keona appeared at her elbow as she looked at her hysterical mate in disgust. “Would you care for tea?”

  “Yes, away from these Adonai men please.”

  Keona smiled and led the way to a quiet alcove with a tea service and several cushions on the floor. Ceres sat and waited for the tea her hostess was preparing.

  “So, how long has Raanan had you?” The words were blunt and in keeping with Nyal tradition.

  “A week or so. I was masked, so I am unsure of the time.”

  “He kept you in the mating mask?”

  “For two or three days.”

  “And removed it before your cycle ended?”

  “He said he wanted to see my eyes.” She sipped at the tea and the light herbal scent relaxed her.

  “You have formed a mind bond.”


  “It must be very comforting to you, to know what he is thinking.”

  “I prefer it when he purrs, then he is both relaxed and happy.” The tea was excellent, Ceres made a note to ask Raanan if he could get her some.

  “He purrs for you?” Her eyes were wide. She had not been expecting that.

  “He purrs with me. When we are cuddled together, with or without sex.”

  “Then I have made a great error in judgment and I apologize. You are truly a woman who can make him happy. I apologize in advance for the rumours that you will here about my objections to your match. My arguments were unfounded, and I would have you know that I regret them.”

  This was too strange, and the tea was making her feel a little light headed. “No problem. You couldn’t have known.” She tried to stand, “I don’t feel so good.” Once she reached her full height her knees gave way beneath her. She fainted.

  Chapter Ten

  A cold compress was on her forehead and a worried Keona was hovering on her left, apologizing profusely. On her right was Raanan, and he had the compress on her head and was scowling at her with concern and anger.

  As she looked around a sharp jerk of his head and Keona left the room. Ceres looked to Raanan curiously as he dipped and rung out the compress to apply it again.

  “My mother drugged you.” His voice was flat.

  “Really? Why?” Her mind was unconcerned. He was here and everything would be fine.

  “She used a truth serum on you, not knowing that you say every little thing that crosses your mind. Your Azon blood tried to turn it into a drug, and your Nyal blood saw it as a toxin. You fainted, but we had a medical tech in and you and the baby are fine. It’s pretty sturdy for something the size of a coin.”

  “Well, you are pretty determined Raanan, why wouldn’t your child be?” Her answer was a sweet kiss to her nose, lips and forehead.

  “Sadly, you are going to miss the festival. You are too weak and I need to get you home.”

  “Can we try next year?”

  “Yes. I promise.” Another sweet kiss and they were on the way back to the skimmer, with Ceres cradled in his arms.

  She napped most of the way home, only waking when the altitude announced their return to his home.

  “Did you really have all this built for me?” She was still drowsy but she remembered his father’s comment.

  “Yes. I started it the instant that it was announced you had had your first heat. I started negotiations with your father that day as well. He was less than receptive, but eventually, my money wore him down.”

  “And I ran away.” It was like a fairy tale that she was recounting from a distance.

  “And you ran away. And I had to stay here and attend to business, so I found a hunter and sent her after you.”

  “And she caught me.” Her voice was sing-song.

  “And she caught you.”

  “I was coming back you know. I was going to apologize to my father and come back that very day. And she hit me with a stunner.” An affirmative nod that smacked her chin into her chest.

  “That’s good to know.” They had made it to the bedroom, and he was undressing her as one would a child.

  “Raanan, I love you. I have for a long time. Since I stepped on your foot in a formal dance and you didn’t make a face.” She sat on the edge of the bed, nude except for her slippers which he removed.

  “I loved you Ceres, the day I was in the Imperial gardens and your guards were looking for you, and you were hiding in the tree above me.”

  She giggled. “No one knew I was there. How could you?”

  “The Azon have a better sense of smell than the Nyal.” He positioned her on the bed, and flipped a sheet over them both.

  “Then wouldn’t the mating musk be intolerable?”

  “Nope, it just made me really horny.”

  “Oh, that’s ok then. I was horny too.” She snuggled into his chest.

  “Yes, yes you were. Do you want a boy or a girl?” He whispered it into her temple.

  “Yes.” A thin whisper of sound that escaped her lips and left him with a foolish grin on his face. It served him right for asking her when she slept.

  Minutes later, he was purring as he cuddled his pregnant mate to him. It had been a good visit after all.

  * * * *

  Raanan had dragged her out of bed at the crack of dawn, and insisted that they begin a morning walk as a ritual. She was not one for mornings, and stumbled along beside him until a hot cup of tea was pressed into her hand.

  She sipped at it gratefully and was feeling more like herself in minutes. As she came awake, she noted that Raanan had dressed her in what she was recognizing as his favorite color, burgundy. It matched her eyes.

  Her body was lightening in shade with her pregnancy and her eyes were darkening with the additional hormone load. While she was carrying, she would be as close to regular Nyal coloring as she could be.

  The exercise was part of the new pregnancy regime as well. Her body’s blood flow would be dramatically altered, so she needed to keep her heart strong and her body functioning at its peak. Whether she liked it or not.

  The tea was another of the new changes. No more wine. Only tea, juice and water.

  The staff had been informed of her condition and given a list of specialists to call if anything happened to her while master Adonai was away on business. It was embarrassing, but hardly the worst thing to happen to her.

  It was when she and Raanan were arguing about properties to give to the child and Amani rushed forward to give him a message that she flinched. Kirkan Avedis would be coming the next day to see his disgraced child and her owner.

  Amani looked embarrassed by that last portion of the message, but Ceres simply touched her shoulder in understanding. “It’s true Amani. I have no standing under the law. Despite the lassitude that Raanan gives me.” She smiled at the maid in commiseration.

  When the servant had left them, Raanan turned to
her, “You know that I am going to petition your father to reinstate your rank and status, don’t you?” His hands drew hers to his lips.

  “I don’t care one way or the other. In fact it would serve my father right if you kept our children exclusively in your bloodline. It would certainly be easier for them.” When he released her hands she wrapped her arms around him and simply breathed him in. He returned the embrace, warm and solid around her.

  He murmured against her hair, “Children?”

  “If I am able and you are willing.” Ceres leaned back in his arms and met his golden eyes. His smile was blinding.

  “I am willing.” He began to laugh and picked her up to spin her around and around. She was dizzy and caught up in his joy. He finally put her back on her feet and kissed her.

  “Can you do me one favour, Raanan?”

  “Only one, you can ask for a hundred. And I will grant them all.”

  “Tomorrow, when my father arrives, let me mislead him a bit to punish him for his lying to you. It really gripes me that he told you that you were the reason that I left.”

  Another soft kiss on her lips. “Done. I will make myself scarce until you give me a signal.”

  Chapter Eleven

  "So, Father. You decided to come visit after all.” Ceres poured tea and gestured for him to take a cup. As the lady of the house, she was not required to greet him standing. “Raanan has passed along some interesting information to me.”

  “Ceres, it is good to see you so well, my daughter.” He sat across from her and his eyes devoured every hint of his child.

  “Raanan Adonai. He would have been my choice you know.”

  Her father looked ill. “He would?”

  “Yes. I always got along well with him, we share some Azon blood, and he is very easy on the eyes.”

  “Yes, but I didn’t think you would be swayed by a handsome face.” He sipped his tea with no awareness of the steaming heat.

  “But he danced with me at my coming out party, was always in the palace trading and always had a pleasant word for me. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I thought you would insist on matching rank.”

  “No, that was always mother’s concern, not mine. I just wanted a good father for my children and I have that now. Even if I have no legal status myself.”

  “What?” He looked positively green now.

  “By being sold at the Grand Arena, I was declared a slave by the Imperial house. I am in Raanan’s custody as his slave, and any children I have will only carry his name, but inherit my properties. Technically, you will have no grandchildren.”

  His mouth opened and closed for a few long moments. “Excuse me, I have to go find Adonai.”

  She watched him practically run into the great house and looked over her shoulder at the column that hid her mate from view.

  He strode forward with that cocky attitude she loved. “You know that I am going to petition for a reversal of his decree before the child is born.”

  “Do you want your child to bear a title? We could get one. I usually have more than I need.”

  “We don’t need one. But what the hell. Duke of Zenier. I own practically the whole mountain range anyway.” He sprawled in a chair and poured himself some tea.

  “How long do you think it will take him to make a lap of the property and find you?” She sucked lightly at her pinky as her mind traveled down a familiar path.

  “At least five minutes. What are you thinking Ceres?”

  “That for telling you I didn’t want you, he deserves to find us exercising our freedom of choice.” Her fingers were tugging at the lacings on his tunic and with gentle pressure she coaxed him into an upright posture in the chair and had his cock freed in a manner of seconds.

  Her own skirt lifted easily and she simply straddled him, taking his rapidly hardening cock into her with a small smile. She looked at his face and smiled at the flare of passion that took over his features, pulling the skin tight and giving him a cruel appearance. She simply rocked against him, neither in the mood to rush their union.

  With the mating fever over, slow and steady was going to be the new rule of their lovemaking.

  It took her father ten minutes to return, and by that time all pretence of a lazy fuck had stopped, they were both damp with sweat and surging together. With a final cry and Raanan’s teeth in her neck Ceres let her body collapse in a satiated stupor against him.

  Raanan held her in place as he looked up at her father with his gold eyes still dilated with passion.

  “Your majesty. Pardon me if I don’t rise. Your daughter has worn me out.” Instead he bowed his head formally.

  Her father looked appalled, “Little Sister! I thought her heat was over.”

  His hands stroked slow patterns down her back as she fought for breath. “Oh, it is. But your daughter and I get along very well. Of course I had to punish her for running from me, but we came to an agreement.”

  Kirkan sat heavily, “What kind of punishment?”

  “Well as she was heavily in heat when I bought her from the Grand Arena, I made sure that she had plenty of release, but I denied her my body. She was almost insane after a few days, so I took pity on her. The second heat brought a return of the mating mask and I kept her in it for a few days after just to show her lack of control.” The picture of villainy that he was drawing was making Kirkan ill.

  Still grey with guilt he said, “Raanan, I lied. She didn’t know about you. I never told her you were one of her suitors. She would have stayed if I had just told her who I had chosen. I was too proud to share my decision with her, and I almost lost her forever.

  “She did not deserve the punishments meted out. And I will gladly buy her back from you as well as reinstate her status as a free woman.”

  Raanan tugged her head up, “Is it enough?”

  She smiled at him, love in her gaze, and with a delicate grunt she freed her body from his and turned to face her father as her gown settled back into demure lines.

  “Raanan already knows all that father. And he released me from the mating mask after three days. You lied to him, so he lied to you.”

  Kirkan had tears in his eyes as he watched his proud daughter argue with him as she had always done.

  “I want a title for his family. For my family. The Duchy of Zenier. This house and all surrounding lands will be included.” Her hand fell to her belly. “Once I am returned to citizenship, which had better be soon by the way, my child will be born into a family where obligation is not going to override good sense.” She paused, “Is that acceptable?”

  Tears in his eyes, he stood and embraced her, “It is more than acceptable, I have my daughter back. And a grandchild on the way. And a son-in-law. What more could I want?”

  Raanan finished tucking himself back into his trousers, “Tea?”


  Ceres’ pregnancy progressed without any trouble. It kept her off her feet in the final month, but she had no lack of visitors as her mother broke all protocols by moving in with Keona Adonai in the next room.

  Keona and Neola got along famously and devotedly attended to the health of the baby growing in Ceres with fanatical attention.

  She couldn’t walk across the garden without one or the other with her, or sending Amani to attend to her.

  Raanan was at the capitol making arrangements for a mining expedition into Nyal space when her labour began. A priority message was sent, and the note that he was on his way back was received.

  She cursed in twelve languages as the pains spread through her, waves that grew over the course of hours. At one point the one of the servants was actually taking a recording of the variety of creative epithets that she managed to come up with to replay for master Adonai later.

  When he arrived the entire household heaved a sigh of relief. In her final month, only his touch had kept her calm, and her temper restrained.

  “Ceres, you are bellowing like a water cow. Relax.” He stroked her head and was pinned
by her almost black gaze.

  “You are finally here?” Her hand gripped his, “What took you so long?”

  “Your father wanted to come with me. He and my father are downstairs waiting.”

  “What the hell are they waiting for?” She was almost shrieking in her frustration at her body being out of her control once again.

  He began to laugh at her. “They are waiting for the baby, love.”

  She blinked in consternation, “Oh. Well, now that you are here, I can get this over with.”

  “You can indeed.” He pressed a kiss on her forehead and moved behind his wife to support her as she began to push.

  She was fully dilated and had been for an hour. A few hard pushes and some more cursing later and the heir to the Adonai-Avedis fortunes slid into the hands of the mid-wife as the baby took its first wailing cry. The child was wrapped and given to its mother as it was, all sticky and flushed.

  Ceres looked down at her baby, then up at her mate. “He’s beautiful. Kirlus Adonai-Avedis. Our little boy.”

  Tears were running down Raanan’s face as he touched the soft cheek of his son. “Perfect. Absolutely perfect.”

  * * * *

  As his parents kissed and their minds shared their joy, a tiny fist waved in the air as red eyes opened in the wrinkled face. A perfect blending of Nyal and Azon genes, he would lead the empire into a new golden age.

  But first he needed a clean diaper.

  About the Author

  Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. Her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metal work, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain maille, and a few others that have been forgotten.

  Her writing actively pursues the Happily Ever After that so rarely occurs in nature.

  A brilliant mind, with a twisted sense of humor.


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