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The Right Move

Page 9

by Amy Sparling

  Livi is fresh, natural and as real as they come. Of course, I have to keep all of these thoughts to myself so that I don’t freak her out. She already appears slightly skittish, but I take it to mean she’s just shy.

  “I was raised to help a damsel in distress,” I say and lean against the door jam. “It’s the Texan way.”

  She rolls her eyes, but she’s smiling a little bit. “I’m not in distress. I’ll figure it out.”

  “It’s already figured out. Come to my house. You’ve been there before, so you know it’s nicer than this shit hole.”

  “I’m not your charity case,” she says as she takes a step closer to me. I can tell she’s going to crack, and soon. I can smell her perfume, or maybe it’s just her shampoo. Her scent reminds me of walking through a rose garden, glorious and a treat to the nostrils. She smells clean and fresh, just like her personality.

  “I know you’re not…my charity case…” I whisper in the captivating moment and stare into her big brown eyes.

  Her eyes remind me of an old country song and I have to stop myself from humming the tune out loud. Maybe when I get in my car I’ll blast it from the stereo as loud as it can go.

  Livi clears her throat, jolting me out of my sensual trance or whatever the hell you want to call it. “I guess I’ll uh…take you up on the offer.” She gives me a sheepish smile. “But just for a day or two.”

  “Okay, great.” I nod with a more professional tone. “Let’s go then, just follow me and stay close.”

  Livi laughs as I lock the door behind me. “What are you, some kind of speed racer or something?”

  I spin around and press the automatic start button on my keychain. My truck roars to life from the driveway. “Speed racer by day, motorcycle shop owner by…well, also day,” I laugh.

  Livi giggles with a twinkle in her eye. Oh hell, I’m really in trouble now. I’m not exactly starting to yearn for her, but I’m having more fun than I should. She’s so damned cute it’s going to kill me.

  I get in my car and instruct her to follow me back to the lake house, although she insists she remembers how to find it and if she gets lost she can just plug the address into her GPS. On the way back to my house, I open the windows for some fresh air and to help deflect some of the intense heat radiating off my body. I don’t know what it is about Livi, but she’s having hypnotic effect on me.

  I let her into my house and assist her with getting her belongings out of the car. She only has a couple of boxes, and I stack two on top of each other and haul them inside.

  “I’ll set you up in a guest bedroom,” I call out to her over my shoulder as she follows me to the back of the house.

  I purposefully choose a bedroom that’s on the first floor, by the laundry room and on the opposite side of the house and on a different floor than my master bedroom. My real estate agent had called it a “mother-in-law” room so that you could tuck away your annoying mother in law and not have to be too close to her when she stays over.

  I want to be as far away from Livi as possible so that I can resist all temptations. Not that I would put any moves on her or anything. I have sworn off women for a while. No matter how cute and sweet they appear to be, it seems like the majority of them are snakes in the grass, just waiting for the perfect moment to strike out at you.

  I’m a cynical guy though because I’ve been hurt one too many times and my trust barriers are several inches deep. No girl is getting through those walls any time soon.

  When we get to the guest room, I plop her bags down in the corner of the room and run a hand through my hair. Alexa helped me decorate when I bought the place, and this room has been furnished with a black bedroom set and purple sheets. There’s a TV on the wall that I’ve never turned on, and a silver lamp on each nightstand. I place my hands on my hips and nod around the room. “Will this work for you?”

  “Are you kidding?” Livi jokes with sarcasm. “It’s perfect. Thank you. Seriously, thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome,” I give her a humble bow.

  “I would like…totally be sleeping in my car if it weren’t for you,” Livi says, letting down some of her former walls.

  “I can’t let that happen,” I say, suddenly feeling distant. I wanted to make her feel comfortable, but I needed to keep my guard up at the same time.

  “Do you need anything?” I ask her.

  “Maybe some fresh towels?” Livi shrugs.

  “They’re in the bathroom,” I tell her, nodding to the closed door.

  Eyebrows raised, she pulls open the door. “I have a bathroom in here?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I say. That was part of the “mother-in-law” package. “You can help yourself to whatever is in the fridge too. Although I can’t guarantee there will be anything in there to eat,” I chuckle. “I don’t exactly keep the place well stocked with food. You might be able to find a few frozen dinners and a case of beer though.”

  “I’m not hungry,” Livi says and protectively wraps her arms around her chest. “I do want a hot shower though.”

  We are coming to the awkward part of the evening where neither one of us know how to act around each other. I probably won’t sleep a wink tonight because I’ll be thinking about Livi the entire time and wondering what she’s doing downstairs. Wishing I could hang out with her.

  I glance over at her and she looks as tense as I do. I take a deep breath. I’m the host, and it’s my responsibility to make my guest feel welcome. I can show her that much respect at least.

  “Come on,” I tell her in a warm and friendly tone. “I’ll show you how the shower works.”

  Chapter 14

  I follow Mason into the bathroom, which has white tile flooring and black granite countertops. The bathroom is nearly as big as the bedroom, with a large glass shower and pebbles on the floor inside of it. Mason stops and turns toward the right. In the middle of the room is a large mirror with two sinks and lots of cabinets on either side.

  Mason scratches the top of his head, tufts of curls piled on top of brown locks. “Uh…here is the linen closet,” he points to the narrow and opens it.

  The door makes a creaking sound and when it opens, it smells clean and refreshing. I just have to smile. It’s so funny to see a guy who’s living by himself in his own bachelor lake house pad to be so…I don’t know…domesticated. This entire guest room has been decked out in beautiful décor and furnishings. The towels are lavender and white, all matching and neatly folded in the linen closet.

  “Alexa picked them out,” he says, patting the stack of towels before closing the door. “They should be as soft as the ones in my bathroom. So anyway, the shower is digital, but it’s not that complicated.”

  Curious, I follow him to the glass shower, where he opens the door and steps inside. I stay outside, not wanting to be in a shower with a man even if our clothes are on. He shows me the digital and waterproof screen built into the large shower. It’s a touch screen and you control the temperature of your shower, as well as how the water flows out. There’s three showerheads in here, and you can use one or all of them.

  “Fancy,” I say in awe.

  He chuckles. “Yeah, it came with the house.”

  We stand there awkwardly beside each other for a few moments. The air is thick with something I don’t recognize and haven’t really ever experienced before. Is it sexual tension? No, impossible. We didn’t even know each other well enough to establish a foundation of attraction yet.

  He is cute though…

  “Oh, I almost forgot!” He blurts out and opens the linen closet once more. “The sheets are clean now, but if you want to change them later on, they’re also in here.”

  He leans up to reach on the top shelf of the closet and pulls down a pair of white sheets with tiny grey threading across the stitching. They look expensive. “Thanks,” I tell him again, with a world of gratitude dripping from my lips.

  He shrugs like it’s no big deal and that’s when my unpredictable emotions get
the better of me and I’m swallowed whole by the touching moment. The tears begin to flow and I’m powerless to stop them. I’m so humiliated to cry in front of a man I barely know, but he’s been so kind and welcoming and I’m just a nobody who doesn’t really deserve all of this.

  Mason’s face turns white. He takes half a step forward, then shoves his hands in his pockets, seeming unable to find anything to say.

  I sniff and shake my head, wiping the tears off my cheeks. “I’m sorry,” I whisper and spin around to scamper off down the hallway. “I’m fine!” If I retreat back into the guest bedroom and close the door, maybe we both can pretend that this unpleasant situation never happened.

  “Hey,” he slowly tugs at my elbow and furrows his brow. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry, I’m so embarrassed.” I sag my shoulders and stare at the impeccable white floors below.

  “Is there something wrong with the sheets?”

  Even though I’m trying not to cry, a burst of light shines through at his adorable comment. Bless him, he’s worried about not being hospitable enough, when really he’s done too much already.

  “No,” I chuckle and then erupt into a real, bone tingling belly laugh.

  “What is it?” He sounds borderline panicked, his eyes wide.

  I finally muster the courage to look him in the eye. “It’s just…I’m overwhelmed.” I shrug and bite my lip, looking away down the hallway again. “Just… very overwhelmed.”

  “About what?” He asks, his voice still reflecting worry.

  “You are a total stranger,” I look at him. “You are being so kind to me, allowing me to sleep in your home when I have nowhere else to go, and it’s just awkward, you know? I mean, I’m so grateful, I am, but it’s still weird.”

  “I figured you probably don’t want to sleep in your car,” he responds with a sliver of a joke.

  I chuckle again. “You are right about that. The nights can still get cold here in the spring time.”

  “I’m happy to help. This house is too big for just me.”

  “It’s not only that.” I stare into his ocean blue eyes. “My whole family abandoned me.”

  “I’m sorry…” he trails off, his eyes glazing over with genuine empathy.

  “My own uncle…flesh and blood mind you…kicked me to the curb.” I shake my head as bitter resentment and animosity boil in my veins. “He would rather collect rent and deny his niece a place to live. It’s like…he doesn’t even care about me.”

  My voice cracks again, I’m feeling low and worthless.

  “Hey…” Mason whispers softly. “It’s okay. Screw him.”

  “My father too,” I say and tighten my jaw. “He’s moved on, without me of course.” I chuckle with a sour taste in my mouth, completely over all the bullshit drama. “Alexa stepped up to the plate to help me, and now you…” I point to his manly chest. “You are a total stranger and have shown me more compassion and mercy than my own family.”

  I choke up again, and Mason reels me in for an awkward hug. Through no fault of my own, I swoon over his delicious masculine smell. The scent of his cologne is spicy and perfect.

  “You know, sometimes family is overrated,” he laughs as I press my cheek to his warm t-shirt and then quickly realizing what I’m doing, I pull away sharply.

  I stare up at him with tear-soaked eyes and give him a feeble, shy smile. “Yeah, I guess you are right.”

  “Do you want a beer?” He blurts out of nowhere.

  I frown, confused. “A beer?”

  “Well…yeah…” he chuckles. “I thought maybe it could help take the edge off.”

  I contemplate this, standing here pondering his offer for a second or two. Then, before my mind can announce a decision, my heart does it for me. “Oh, what the hell,” I laugh. “Sure, why not.”

  “Meet me in the kitchen,” he says, giving me a sly wink before disappearing and leaving me in this huge bathroom alone.

  I glance in the mirror and try to rub the sadness from my eyes and the blotchiness from my cheeks. I draw in a deep breath. Maybe a little leisure time and somebody to talk to is exactly what I need right now.

  I walk back to the kitchen, slowly and full of apprehension, but so far Mason seems harmless, so I don’t know where my anxiety is stemming from. Maybe it’s just this whole crazy situation. When Alexa said she’d set me up with a landlord, I hadn’t pictured one so damn sexy.

  “Hi,” I cast him a timid wave and shift my weight as I stand across from him at the fridge.

  He cranes his neck over the door to look at me. “Oh, hey again,” he laughs. “I only have Bud Light. Usually I’m a craft beer kind of guy but I’m all out. I hope that’s okay with you?”

  “Sure,” I say. It’s not like I’m a beer expert. Grandma didn’t drink, and therefore neither did I. “No problem.”

  He pulls two bottles of beer out of the fridge and then closes the door behind him. “Glass or bottle?” He holds up one of the beers.

  I don’t really have a preference, so I opt to go with the second choice to make less work and dishes for him later. “I’ll just have it the way it is…in the bottle.”

  He nods and pops the top off of both, handing me one. “Bottom’s up.”

  “Should we make a toast or something?” I smile.

  “Right,” he says and tosses the beer tops in the trash can. “To new friendship.”

  We hit the necks of our beer bottles together and it makes a clinking sound that rings in the air because it’s the only noise between us. Mason continues to stare at me as if he’s trying to see past my exterior emotions. At first, I can’t pull away from his gaze. He’s not bad to look at, handsome even. I find myself becoming more attracted to him by the second.

  I don’t know what else to do, so I take a long, glorious sip of the beer but I’m careful not to slam it back too quickly. I don’t want to let go of my inhibitions on my first night in his house.

  “So…” I say with a grin.

  Mason comes out of his trance and shakes his head. “We could drink these on the couch in the living room or we can go out on the deck outside. It’s a pretty nice night.”

  “Do you think we will see any shooting stars?” I joke.

  Mason shrugs. “You never know.”

  “Well in that case, I pick the deck.” The couch just seems too intimate.

  “Follow me,” he says, and pushes open a sliding glass door just off the kitchen.

  We walk out into the darkness and Mason lights a candle on a wooden farm table, picnic bench type of thing. “This will be better than switching on one of the outside lights,” he tells me. “Better for bugs.”

  “Right,” I say and take another hard swallow of the beer. The candle might be good for bugs, but it also makes the whole scene feel a lot more romantic.

  We sit down, and Mason takes a sip of his beer, letting out a crisp and contented sigh. “This is the life.”

  I study him for a moment, watching his features as they shift along with the shadows under the glow of the moon. He has a strong jaw line and a clean-cut face.

  I don’t know why, but I feel compelled to be open and honest with him. He seems so genuine, appealing and true.

  “I was supposed to go to college,” I state defensively, although I have no idea where that’s coming from.

  Mason turns to look at me. “Yeah? What were you going to study?”

  “I want to be a teacher,” I tell him assertively, because that dream is still alive within me…somewhere.

  I just need to find the time and courage to dig it back up from where its roots are deeply implanted in the back of my mind.

  There’s a twinkle in Mason’s eye that makes him sexy as hell. “That’s a great goal.”

  “Yeah,” I admit with pride. “I’ve always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher.”

  “You kind of look like a kindergarten teacher,” Mason chuckles and places his legs on the bench beside him, propping himself up and looking more rel
axed now.

  I laugh. “Do teachers have a certain look?” I ask.

  Mason leans in and pretends to investigate my features. “Maybe,” he concludes. “Or maybe I’m just being nice.”

  “Well at any rate,” I say and change the subject, “all of that had to be placed on the back burner when my grandma got sick.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about her passing.” Mason’s expression softens and turns serious again.

  “Thank you,” I nod and absentmindedly pick at my thumbnail. “She was really sweet. She taught me a lot…like how to cook and stuff.”

  “Do you like to cook?” Mason chimes.

  I laugh. “Why, do you want to hire an in-house chef?”

  “No…” he says with a grin. “Although a home cooked meal would be better than what I’m used to.”

  “What would that be?” I tease him.

  “Frozen dinners mainly,” he shrugs and takes another sip of his beer, casting his eyes up to the moon. “Sometimes I grill, but it’s pointless to go through all the trouble for just one person.”

  “I did go to college for one semester,” I confess. “I just had to drop out because grandma needed full time care. There was nobody else there to step up to the plate, so the responsibility had to fall on my shoulders.”

  “You grew up fast,” Mason says as more of a declaration of fact than a question.

  “I thought I would be okay until my asshole Uncle Marshall pulled the rug right out from me,” I say regretfully. “Now I’m lost, with no real stamp on where to go next. I have nothing, and I don’t know which direction to turn.”

  “Well, like I said,” Mason leans in closer to me and I get another whiff of his charming, woodsy scent. “You can stay here until you figure out what to do and having a job at the bakery is a great start. Alexa will take good care of you.”

  I chuckle. “Don’t I know it. She’s the kindest person I know.”

  “Probably the kindest you’ll ever meet too,” Mason adds with a nod.


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