Fated. Enemy Mine.

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Fated. Enemy Mine. Page 12

by Ariel Lei

  “Then why didn’t you just let my father go?” she asked, her brow knitted in confusion.

  “Because I knew you would go with him,” Mason answered.

  “But you were so angry.”

  He nodded, and his eyes darkened. “Because you put a dagger to your own heart,” he growled. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  “So you weren’t going to kill my father?” He shook his head.

  “I was thinking about getting someone else to just as you turned up,” he admitted, sheepishly. Neoma blanched. She’d turned up just at the right time then.

  Just as Mason leaned down to claim her lips again; a howl rang out through the forest. His eyes glazed over as if he was communicating telepathically.

  “We’re being attack.” He pulled Neoma up to her feet. Taking her by the hand, he started running through the trees in the direction his men had gone.

  “Who’s attacking?” Neoma asked, her heart beginning to race.

  “Dwain,” Mason’s answer came out as a hateful snarl. Neoma felt her wolf rise up. Her teeth began tingling as they elongated. Her ears picked up the sound of growls and snarls just in the distance. The rising sun illuminated a soft, grassy clearing in the forest. Her eyes scanned the fighting ahead, seeing more than twenty wolves.

  Mason shoved Neoma against a near pine tree. “Stay here,” he ordered. Before she could protest, his black jogging bottoms were off, followed shortly by his white wife beater. His tall, muscular body curled as he shifted from human to wolf form quickly. He came up to her waist in height. His brown and black fur was thick and looked soft to the touch. His green and grey eyes met hers. The warning in them was clear. Stay. He turned and darted towards the fight, his strong legs covering the short distance quickly. Neoma watched as he jumped into the air and pounced at the nearest wolf, taking it down to the ground with ease. When his sharp teeth ripped into its side, she turned away, unable to watch her people get slaughtered by her mate and his men. She had to do something. They’d most likely been led there in the false belief that they were protecting their Pack.

  She searched for her father, spotting him next Courtney and a dark wolf with shades of white on his grizzly coat. It was Wade. Next to him was a smaller wolf with light brown fur. Sian. In a protective stance in front of Sian was another wolf. Jonas. His deep blue eyes gave him away. That, and the memory of him charging at her when she’d first crossed onto Mason’s territory. The smell of blood drifting up her nose made her own wolf growl. The urge to shift was strong. Her body was tense with the need. She opened her mind up to her father, trying to communicate with him. She couldn’t. The wolfbane still in his system was preventing her. She turned her attention to Wade.

  Tell my father to order our men to stop fighting. Mason knows the truth now. He won’t harm them if they don’t attack him or his Pack members, she said, her tone urgent. Wade’s head cocked to the side. He shifted into his human form. Courtney’s eyes raked over his naked body. Amusement bubbled up inside Neoma. Trust a she-wolf to admire her naked mate while there’s a fight going on.

  Wade spoke into her father’s ear. Her father frowned and looked up, searching for her. When he spotted her next to the pine tree several feet away, his face blanched. Neoma started towards him, pausing on her first step as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Instinctively, she turned her head to the side. A large wolf with coal black fur locked gazes with her. Dwain.

  Dwain shot forward, landing right on top of Neoma as he jumped. She pulled the silver dagger from the belt around her skirt. His form shifted, and a hand caught her attempted attack. Her eyes widened in surprise. He was fast. He yanked the dagger out of her hand and pulled her up to her feet. Gripping her by the throat, he slammed her into the tree.

  “You’ve ruined everything,” he snarled furiously, his dark brown eyes turning black. His usual smoky scent was absent. He must have used the potion Amelia had made to conceal it.

  “What have you done to Amelia?” she asked, worriedly. He smiled cruelly. Her gut twisted, fearing the answer.

  “The same thing I’m about to do to you. You’re more trouble than your worth. And easily replaced. I’m thinking about taking Sian as my mate now. She can thank you for that...” He paused and his smile grew. “Or maybe not.” He thrust his arm forward, and Neoma felt every agonizing inch of the silver blade as it sliced through her lower stomach. She screamed as white hot pain rushed through her body. Her father and Wade shouted over the sudden buzzing in her ears.

  Dwain pressed harder on the dagger, cutting threw sinew and shredding her insides, forcing blood up her throat. She chocked. The blood seeped from her mouth and down her chin. Merriment at the sight sparkled in Dwain’s evil eyes. He clicked his tongue together and shook his head.

  “Such a waste, too,” he stated, nonchalantly. When he pulled the dagger back, she cried out. Wetness coated her stomach. She was afraid to look down and see the damage. The pain was overwhelming. It felt like someone had speared her with a hot poker and scrambled her insides. She could smell her own flesh sizzling. It made her feel sick.

  As Dwain thrust the dagger forward to stab her again, a large wolf knocked him to the side. With the grip Wade had on her throat now gone, her body slid down the rough surface of the tree. As she sank to the ground, she clutched her bleeding wound. Her head turned weakly to the side. Her darkening vision took in the sight of Mason’s wolf as he furiously ripped into Dwain’s throat. It was like he was possessed. Blood sprayed out of Dwain’s deep gashes. He had no chance. Even after his struggles stopped, Mason still continued to lividly shred his dead body to pieces. She knew he was releasing all the anger he’d held over the years from his mother’s murder.

  A sense of tranquillity washed over Neoma. He’s finally taken his revenge. Now he and her father could be at peace with each other. A weak smile graced her lips.

  “Neoma,” her father’s voice. She turned her head to look at him as he leaned down next to her. Wade, Sian and Courtney stood behind him, staring down at her with fearful looks upon their faces.

  “It’s over,” she managed to whisper. She was vaguely aware that the fighting had stopped. “It’s all over.” Her father nodded, his face pale and stricken.

  Mason appeared next to her side. “Neoma.” Her name came out as a whisper. Looking down at her wound, his face turned white with worry.

  “It’s okay,” she murmured. He shook his head, making his ear length blonde hair fall across his forehead. Jonas, Jake and Gary moved to stand next to the others. At Sian’s little sniffle, Jonas put his arm around her. She looked up at him with sad eyes. He placed a small kiss on top of her head. Warmness filled Neoma’s heart at the sight.

  “I need to get you to Sam,” Mason whispered. Neoma shook her head. She didn’t want to move.

  “It’s too far,” she replied, weakly. All she wanted to do was fall into oblivion. She was just so tired. Mason’s mouth tightened with determination, and he turned to her father.

  “We need to get her to a doctor. Do you have one? How far is your Pack?” Even in Neoma’s weakening state, the fear in his voice was loud and clear.

  “We have a witch. She’s at the camp about twenty minutes away,” her father answered.

  “Dwain...he...” Neoma coughed out blood as she tried to speak. “I think...he killed...Amelia.” Mason lifted her up into his arms, causing her to whimper in pain.

  “Take us to your Pack,” he ordered. Neoma opened her mouth to protest, but it came out as a moan. Her vision darkened even more.

  “It’s this way.” Mason began to follow her father. The movement was agony on Neoma’s wounded body.

  “Just hold on, Neoma. Please,” Mason’s fearful plea was the last thing Neoma heard before darkness completely swamped her.

  Chapter Nineteen.


  Mason had spent two restless days next to Neoma’s bedside. He’d barely eaten or slept, unwilling to leave in case she awoke. His mind had kept replaying th
e moment he saw Dwain thrust the dagger into her stomach. His heart had stopped beating for a moment. And then rage like he’d never felt in his life shot through him, boiling the blood inside his body. Even after he’d killed him, he’d wanted to bring him back to life just so he could do it again and again. The revenge he wanted for his mother’s murder had been the last thing on his mind. He’d taken Dwain’s life with only Neoma in mind. Seeing her stomach and hands covered with her own blood had sent the fear of god into him. She’d been so pale. By the time he’d got her to her Pack’s camp, she’d been as white as a ghost, her breathing shallow. For a fearful, heart-stopping moment, he thought he was going to lose her. Luckily, the witch had been alive. She’d been hurt by Dwain, too, but had managed to close Neoma’s wound enough to slow down her blood loss so that her healing process would quicken. She’d saved Neoma’s life. Mason wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to trust her, knowing the reputation of witches, but he was more than grateful for what she’d done. The illusion spell she’d cast around the camp to keep them hidden all of this time was impressive. She was obviously strong. He’d not taken time to look around. But from what he had seen passing through to get to Neoma’s shelter, he’d taken note of just how different her life was to his.

  Her hand flexed in his as her eyes fluttered open. A breath of relief left his lips. “Mason?” she questioned, her voice groggy.

  “I’m here.” He stroked his thumb over her hand in a gentle caress. She turned her head, her sparkling blue eyes capturing his. She took in her surroundings and frowned in confusion.

  “You’re back at your Pack camp. You’ve been unconscious for two days due to your blood loss,” he explained.

  “Oh,” she breathed out. She shoved the fur blanket off her and looked down at the white bandage wrapped around her stomach.

  “I checked it earlier. It’s almost healed,” he murmured. She tried to sit up, and he put his hand on her slender shoulder to stop her. “It might hurt,” he said, gently. She brushed his hand away and pushed herself up slowly.

  “It’s alright,” she told him. He smiled at her stubbornness. He could see it hurt from the way her jaw tightened slightly. She turned her body towards him. His eyes landed on the thin strip of material that covered her breasts. The sight sent blood rushing south. Her hand lifted to his face, and he pushed his cheek against her palm, instinctively closing his eyes as sparks ran across his skin.

  “You saved my life,” she whispered. He opened his eyes and started into hers.

  “I couldn’t let you die.” His need for revenge had nearly been his downfall. He’d nearly lost her because of it. Had he made the mistake of killing her father things would have been very different now. He’d made many mistakes in his life, but that would have been the one he regretted the most. There was already so much regret where Neoma was concerned. Now it was time to make amends.

  “I’ve never been as scared as I was when I saw Dwain stab you with that silver dagger,” he admitted. He didn’t usually admit to his fears, but he needed her to know. She ran her soft hand down his stubbly jaw. The look she gave him melted his heart. His gut twisted.

  “I want you to come back with me when you’re fully healed.” She blinked hard. When she opened her mouth to speak, he put his finger against it.

  “Let me finish. Please.” She nodded. “I offered your father a new deal.” Again she went to speak, and he pressed gently on her lips. “I offered to join our Packs if he allowed me to claim you. I asked for his approval out of respect. I figured it was the least I could do after everything my father and I have put you and your Pack through.” Had Earl said no, he wasn’t sure what he would have done. He knew now he couldn’t live without Neoma. “He left this decision down to you.”

  Neoma looked slightly dazed. Mason’s heart raced in his chest. He was nervous. Nervousness wasn’t something he often felt. He didn’t like it.

  “Say something,” he urged. She smiled softly and leaned up to kiss him. It was all the answer he needed. He met her halfway, taking her lips in a hungry kiss, unable to kiss her any other way.

  “Claim me.” Those words caused his stomach to tighten.

  “You’re still wounded,” he murmured. He wanted more than anything to claim her, but he didn’t want to hurt her.

  “Please.” The breathless plea was nearly his undoing. He shook his head.

  “I won’t be able to hold back. I’ll hurt you.” He wanted to take things slow. But with the way he was feeling that would be impossible. His cock was aching. He knew he’d have to take her hard and fast just to ease it.

  Neoma pulled away from him. Mason watched as she slowly pulled the strip covering her breasts, and then slipped her panties down her knees, revealing her body to him completely. A lusty growl rumbled from his chest, his eyes devouring every mesmerising inch of her. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered in admiration.

  She licked her lush lips. “I trust you, Mason. Claim me.” How could he resist? His rock hard cock demanded he didn’t.

  I’m totally fucked. He knew that to be true when he slowly started drifting towards her, his body growing a mind of its own.


  Neoma lay down as Mason climbed over her, positioning his body above hers. If she were honest, she’d tell him the truth about her wound being tender. But she didn’t want to ruin the moment. His eyes were dark with lust. A rush of warm air brushed across her cheek as he moved his mouth to her ear.

  “If I fuck you now, Neoma, it’s going to be hard and fast, and you’ll scream so loud in pleasure that everyone in this little camp will hear my claiming of you.” His husky whisper sent a shot of desire to her core. A hand slid across one of her exposed breasts, sending a shiver racing up her spine. When he pinched one of her pink nipples, she moaned.

  “Living in a small camp, so close to each other, hearing other peoples sexual activities is a daily thing,” She replied, breathlessly. She felt Mason’s smile.

  “Well, then...” he trailed off, leaning up to tug off his wife beater. When his jogging bottoms followed, excitement bubbled up in the pit of her stomach. She ran her hands up his torso, feeling his hard muscles flex at her touch. Running them over his bumpy abs, she felt him shiver. The desire swirling in his eyes heightened. His breathing became unsteady.

  “One last chance to back out,” his growly words held warning.

  “I trust you,” she whispered.

  “Even after all I have done to you?” She nodded. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her. When they’d first met, she hadn’t been so sure. Yes, he’d hurt her that first time when he’d cut her with a silver dagger, ordered her to be drowned to get information from Wade about their Pack, even threatened to kill her Pack and slowly kill her father, but since then he’d proven on more than one occasion that he couldn’t seriously hurt her. If he could have, he would have already. Their relationship had started bumpy, but hopefully, the end would be worth it.

  “You amaze me. Not many people can forgive as easily as you,” he murmured, his gaze flickering with an emotion she hadn’t seen before. He leaned down and captured her lips in a slow, sensual kiss. She melted underneath him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Butterflies erupted in her stomach as he shifted on top of her, rubbing his hard length against her sensitive nub, and then slowly moving down so that it rested against her opening. Without any clothes on to separate them, the action created a fast building heat in her body. She trembled in anticipation of what was to come.

  He threaded his hands in hers and slowly pushed forward. The tip of his cock slipped into her wet heat. His mouth opened against hers in a silent O as he pushed further in. The delicious friction his cock was making had her back arching to get more. Her inner animal was getting impatient. She wanted him to take her fast and hard like he’d warned. She jerked up, forcing him nearly all the way in. He groaned. And then froze. His head shot up, breaking their slow kiss.

  “You’re not a virgin,” There was disappointment in his
voice. Neoma shook her head.

  “And neither are you.” They both had a past they didn’t want to share. Although, Neoma knew Mason’s affairs were more in number than hers.

  “Who was it?” She smiled at the possessive glint in his eyes.

  “It doesn’t matter. It was a onetime thing. And it was more to see what the big fuss was about than anything else,” she insisted.

  “Damn right it was a onetime thing. From now on, I’ll be the only one slipping in out and out of this tight, velvety sheath,” he growled, thrusting forward.

  “And only mine,” she moaned.

  “Only yours,” he agreed, taking her lips in a hard kiss. He thrust his tongue into her mouth as his cock thrust into her again. “There will never be anyone else for me now that I have you.” His words brought tears to her eyes. She cried out in pleasure as his movements increased. Things went from warm to red hot, and his kiss became far more ravenous. He was a man on a mission, bucking his hips and driving her to a height she’d never been. Every inch of his strong, lean body that touched hers made her flesh tingle. The humming sound he’d started to make grew in volume with each passing minute, and she realised that she, too, was beginning to get louder. The light dust of hair on his chest rubbed across her sensitive breasts with each movement. He managed to keep his body from touching her wounded stomach as not to hurt her. She undulated underneath him, her mouth opening on a moan as the pleasure in her body built.


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