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Page 17

by Becca Van

  Rocco slowed the kiss, nipping and licking at her lips until he finally lifted his mouth from hers. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw his love for her in his gaze. Her heart slammed against her sternum when she realized that Major and Ace looked at her the same way. How could she have been so blind? Because she’d lost one of her senses, she was usually quick to pick up on others, but where the Porter men were concerned she’d been totally oblivious.

  It took her a few moments to realize that she been too scared to even acknowledge what she’d seen in their gazes. Everything had happened fast. Way too fast and she hadn’t trusted them or herself. She’d honestly thought she’d been very open with them. Delta hadn’t spoken to anyone as much as she had Rocco, Ace, and Major, but she’d held part of herself back. She’d still been expecting a verbal slap down or to be physically shunned because she was different. She’d thought that the Porter men had liberated her from bias and while they had, she’d still had partial shackles tethering her to her cynical expectations.

  Rocco smoothed his thumbs over her cheeks, wiping the moisture away. When he glanced over his shoulder, she tilted her head to the side to see Major and Ace pulling up into a parking space. As soon as the truck stopped both men were out of the vehicle and racing toward them.

  “What’s wrong?” Major frowned as he glanced about. “Did something happen?”

  “No,” she answered.

  Rocco nodded and smiled. “We’ll talk when we get home. Did you pick up the take-out?”

  “We did,” Ace replied just before he shoved Rocco away from her. He slung an arm around her shoulders and guided her toward the truck.

  “That wasn’t very nice,” she told him.

  Ace didn’t seem to care. He grinned and winked at her before saying, “He’s had you to himself all, day, darlin’. It’s my turn now.”

  Delta giggled. She’d loved this playful side of Ace and hoped to see far more of it. In fact, she hoped all her men began to play and laugh more. They were all so serious all the time, but then she had been, too. Delta decided it was high time to have some fun in their lives, but she wasn’t sure what to do or how to make that happen. Maybe she could ask one of the other women to suggest something.

  She sighed as she slid across the back seat after Ace lifted her into the truck, giving him room to get in, too. She was about to move to the opposite side but Ace clasped her wrist to stop her.

  “Stay next to me, darlin’.” Ace reached behind her and tugged the safety belt down and over her before securing it in place. He looped his arm across her shoulders and she snuggled into his side as she rested her head on his arm. Her eyelids grew heavy as Major backed the truck out of the parking space, and while she was so hungry she could feel her empty belly gurgling, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to stay awake for the ride home let alone to eat.

  Ace stroked a finger down her cheek and she couldn’t stop herself from nuzzling into his palm. “What did you do today, darlin’?”

  She’d never had anyone asked her that question before, and while it was foreign it was also heart-warming. She signed slowly as she told him about her day and then waited for the question she could see in his gaze.

  “Did you say you had a lawyer show up? And he drew up contracts for you? What the hell for?”

  “Don’t go getting your shorts in a twist, Ace,” Rocco said as he signed for her benefit. The poor man looked uncomfortable since he was twisted in an awkward position so she could see him speaking. She covered her mouth to stop the laugh forming in her chest from escaping her mouth when she saw the disgruntled look Ace gave Rocco, but it was a losing battle. Laughter burst from her parted lips. Rocco was smiling at her, and when she gazed at Ace she found him smiling, too. Major gazed at her from the rearview mirror and from the crinkles she could see at the corner of his eyes, he was also smiling.

  Delta had no idea why she was laughing. Rocco’s statement hadn’t been that funny. Maybe she was finally cracking up. The weariness of working so hard for the last few months were getting to her as well as the past terrifying twenty-four hours.

  If Ace hadn’t clasped her chin between his finger and thumb and started kissing her, she wasn’t sure she would have been able to stop. She moaned when his tongue licked into her mouth, dancing and dueling with and around hers. When he pushed beneath the hem of her shirt, she whimpered and then groaned as his large hand caressed over her belly, up her ribs, and toward her breasts. She arched her breasts toward him and cried out when he cupped a breast in his hand, mapping the globe with his palm before stroking his thumb over the hard, aching tip. All exhaustion fled to be replaced by a burning, intense need that caused her womb to clench, her pussy to dampen, and her distended nipples to throb.

  Ace released her lips before nibbling over her jaw to her neck. He laved a sensitive spot just under her ear and when she shivered, he sucked the skin into his mouth. She gasped and panted, canting her head to give him better access to that sensuous spot, and shuddered when he scraped his teeth over her flesh. He lifted his gaze to lock with hers and as they stared into one another’s eyes, he slowly pushed her shirt up, exposing her skin. Goosebumps raced over her flesh as the cooler air breezed over her skin.

  “You’re so beautiful, darlin’. I can’t wait to have a taste of you.” He suited actions to words and tugged the cups of her bra down until both her breasts were exposed to his gaze. “So damn sexy,” he said just before he lowered his head toward her chest.

  Her lips parted as she sucked air into her burning lungs, and she closed her eyes as he swirled the tip of his tongue around the first areola before moving to the other. It was exquisite torture, and though she loved what he was doing to her, it wasn’t enough. Delta needed to feel his mouth licking, sucking at her nipples.

  She threaded her fingers into his hair and tugged him closer. She felt his chest rumble against her side and suspected he’d just laughed, but she couldn’t be sure since she couldn’t see his face.

  She felt the truck swerve just as Ace sucked a nipple deep into his mouth and hoped fleetingly they weren’t about to have an accident, and then she was once more lost in pure bliss. Ace alternated between flicking his tongue back and forth over the tip of her breast and then suckling on her nipple. She shook when he pressed her nub up against the roof of his mouth, crushing it to incite a small bite of pain. Her nerve endings zinged with electrical sparks straight down to her clit and pussy as her brain receptors warred with each other.

  Delta had had no idea until then that having a little pain would enhance the pleasure, but that’s exactly what it had done. Cream wept from her pussy onto her panties and her clit beat in rhythm with her heart.

  Ace shifted his head to her other breast and just as he started suckling on that nipple, he tugged at the button on her pants and lowered the zipper. She moaned when his fingers delved under her panties, caressing over her mound and between her folds.

  She widened her legs to give him better access, mentally begging him to continue, to make her come, but he released her nipple and withdrew his hand from between her legs. When she opened her eyes to ask him why he’d stopped, she became aware the truck was no longer moving. After glancing about she realized they were already back at the ranch. She tried to calm her rapid breaths, to regulate her breathing, but when she met first Major’s heated gaze and then Rocco’s, she shook with need.

  And then all the men seemed to move at once.

  Ace pulled the zipper of her pants up, opened the door, and tugged her across the seat into his arms. He nudged the door with his hip, closing it, and then raced toward the house and inside. He stopped in the living room and turned to face Major and Rocco.

  Rocco held up bags of food and said, “Food first. She skipped lunch and her belly’s been growling for hours.”

  Her cheeks heated. She’d had no idea he could hear her belly grumbling, but then how could she have known?

  If she hadn’t been so hungry for food, after inhaling the delec
table scents wafting from the take-out bag, she would have foregone eating, but it had been a long time since she’d eaten. In fact, she’d only had coffee that morning and she hadn’t eaten anything since the night before. No wonder she was so darn hungry.

  Ace reluctantly lowered her to the floor and held her waist until she was steady on her feet. He clutched her hand and led her to the sofa, seated her, and then sat beside her.

  Rocco knelt next to the coffee table and pulled containers from the bag before turning toward her and asking, “Do you like Chinese food?”

  She nodded and licked her lips. When Major sat on her other side he handed her a glass of wine and then handed out the beers. Rocco gave her an open container and a plastic fork. Delta was too hungry to wait for them and immediately dug into the food. She moaned as flavors exploded on her taste buds. It was a combination of sweet and sour, with lots of vegetables and chicken. She practically inhaled half the container before coming up for air.

  When she reached toward the coffee table and the glass of wine, she noticed that Major, Rocco, and Ace were all staring at her.

  “When was the last time you ate? I know damn well you didn’t eat breakfast.” Major scowled at her.

  She took a sip of wine, put the glass back on the table and wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Yesterday afternoon.”

  “You didn’t have any fucking dinner?” Ace signed his question quickly and although he mucked up the last word, she wasn’t game enough to point it out. He looked so angry she was worried he might explode.

  “I ate around four yesterday afternoon. I didn’t have dinner because I wasn’t hungry.”

  “That stops now.” Ace pointed his finger at her. “From now on you are to eat three times a day.”

  “I’m fine, Ace. I don’t always have time to eat.”

  Major grasped her braid, tugging her gaze over to his. “You make time. No more skipping meals, baby. You’re exhausted and I know the last day or so has been hell on you, but if you don’t start looking after yourself, you’re going to get sick.”

  Although it irked her to be told what to do, she knew that they were only getting on her case because they cared. And she knew they were right. She could also admit she been burning the candles at both ends and not taking good care of herself. “Okay. You’re right. I’ll start eating properly. I’ll eat three regular meals from now on.”

  Major leaned down and kissed her cheek before pointing at her dinner. “Eat the rest, baby. We have plans for you tonight.”

  She sucked in a shaky breath and tried to curb her reawakening lust as she started to eat again. She glanced at her men to see they were eating just as quickly as she’d been earlier, and shifted on the seat when her pussy throbbed.

  Rocco was sitting on the floor near her feet and while he consumed his dinner he didn’t take his heated gaze off of her. She could tell he was just as horny as she was when he kept shifting from side to side as if uncomfortable. She couldn’t stop herself from looking down at his crotch. She’d just taken a sip of her wine and when she saw the long, thick ridge in his jeans, she swallowed wrong and ended up choking. She coughed and spluttered as she tried to regain her breath, highly aware of Ace and Major caressing up her arm and patting her on the back.

  “Are you all right, honey?” Rocco asked.

  She nodded, coughed once more and wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand.

  Rocco reached out, took the wine glass from her and rose to his feet with a casual grace she hadn’t expected of such a big man. When he pushed the coffee table aside she wondered what he was up to, but quickly figured it out when Ace and Major began to clear the food and drinking vessels away to the kitchen. Rocco grabbed a throw rug from the back of the sofa, grabbed some cushions and tossed them onto the floor.

  “Come here, honey,” he said as he held his hand out toward her.

  She inhaled as she placed her hand in his. This was it. This was the night they were all going to make love to her together.

  Delta just hoped she could handle making love with more than one man at the same time.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Leo sat in the lone chair in his temporary bedroom. He’d been lucky enough to rent a house with another couple of guys working for the Woodall brothers. He sipped on his beer and tried to figure out how to get the deaf cunt away from the guys she was fucking.

  He’d been literally handed the keys to the diner and her upstairs apartment, and since there had been a couple of spares, he had access to the place whenever he wanted. The only problem would be bypassing the security system. He’d heard the security guy telling the men the bitch was screwing, that they would be more diligent in monitoring and protecting the slut. Luckily for him, he’d been working at replacing the door to her inner sanctum. He’d had to work hard at not laughing up a storm since he’d been the one to do all the damage. It was kind of ironic that he was being paid to fix the destruction. It didn’t matter that the men of the small Podunk town were more vigilant and protective of women and kids. They were still too dumb to figure out that he was right under their noses.

  As far as he could figure, the only way he was going to get his hands on that bitch was during working hours when the alarm was off, and that was going to be difficult. That big dude hadn’t left her side all day long. How the hell was he going to get her if the men fucking her didn’t let her out of their sight?

  There had to be a way. He just hadn’t worked it out yet, but he would.

  That deaf cunt was going to die for having his brother killed and he wasn’t giving up until he had his revenge. Once he got a hold of her he would tie her up and fuck her, and then he was going to slit the cunt’s throat.

  * * * *

  Ace stripped off his clothes while Rocco helped Delta to her feet. He glanced at Major when his brother entered the living room. His brother had disappeared toward the bedrooms and he was glad to see he’d come back with all the necessary items they’d need to make love to their woman together. Major had brought a towel and a damp wash cloth as well as the tube of lube and some condoms.

  Rocco was kissing Delta like there was no tomorrow and right now, there wasn’t. There was only the here and now. He and his brothers were going to have to make sure their woman was so hot she was begging them to make love to her, but first they had to prepare her to take one of them in her ass.

  Ace moved up behind her, brushed her long braid over her shoulder and began to kiss and lick the side of her neck. She moaned and when he pressed his cock against her back, she pressed her ass into his aching dick. He groaned as he reached around to her front and began to undo the buttons on her sleeveless shirt. Once he had the shirt open he caressed the shirt down her arms and off.

  Rocco broke the kiss, staring into her eyes as he unfastened her shorts. When she reached out to grab hold of Rocco’s wrists, Ace stopped breathing. He was worried that they were overwhelming her and had decided she didn’t want this, them, at the same time.

  Major, who was also naked, moved to her side and cupped her cheek in his hand. “Are you okay with this, baby?”

  Delta licked her lips and nodded.

  Ace didn’t need to be a genius to see that she was nervous, but that wasn’t a surprise considering she’d been a virgin. She was still so innocent, but thankfully she looked as eager for this as he and his brothers were.

  Major kept his gaze locked with hers as he knelt and then tugged at the laces on her sneakers. When he had them undone, Rocco held her hips to keep her steady while Major removed her shoes and socks. Once they’d been pushed aside, Rocco shoved her shorts down over her hips and then Major pulled them off, too.

  Ace leaned over her shoulder and eyed her sexy body. She was so fucking perfect with curves in all the right places. He wanted to spend hour upon hour touching that soft, warm skin, hearing her cries of pleasure until she was screaming in ecstasy.

  Rocco stepped back as he tugged his shirt up and over his head. Delta was breathing
heavily and starting to tremble with desire, but Ace wanted her burning for him and his brothers. He glanced at Major and at his brother’s nod, Ace unhooked her bra and slid the straps down his arms. At the same time, Major hooked his thumbs into the elastic of her boy short panties and tugged them down.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back to lean against him while Major helped her step out of her underwear. Ace was so hungry for Delta, he wanted to turn her toward him and devour her, but that would be selfish. This wasn’t about him or his brothers. This was about Delta, about her pleasure and making her fly.

  Ace splayed his hand over her belly, his fingers moving over her warm, soft skin. When she sighed and gave him more of his weight, he brought his free hand up and cupped a breast. She made a small whimpering sound, but he wanted more out of her. He wanted her gasping and groaning, arching and begging.

  He kneaded the soft, full feminine globe and when her nipple hardened pressing into his hand, he bent his head and began sucking on her neck as he squeezed her hard bud between his finger and thumb.

  Delta gasped.

  When she shifted on her feet he glanced down to see that Major had urged her to widen her thighs and he was grasping her hips. Ace brought his other hand up to envelope her other breast so he could stimulate both of her nipples at once. Major leaned closer to her pussy and blew on her mound.

  Delta groaned, her legs trembling even more, and when his brother licked at her pussy she cried out. He tightened his hold on her breasts when her legs buckled and as Major shoved to his feet, Ace swept her up into his arms. He carried her to the middle of the rug and pillows on the floor and lowered her onto her back.

  Rocco moved toward her feet, knelt and wrapped his arms around her thighs, hooking her legs over his shoulders.


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