by Neil deMause
Bennett, Bruce, 207
Bennett, Clayton, 181n1
Bergman, Lowell, 112
Bess, Philip, 133–34, 136–39, 141–42, 145–49, 328–29, 333, 336, 339
Betzold, Michael, 84, 86, 358
Beyle, Thad, 165
Birmingham AL, building of stadium in, 204–6
Birmingham, Tom, 326
blackmail, sports-franchise, xv
Black Voices for Peace, 260
Blassingame, Mary, 303
Bloomberg, Michael, 272, 273–74, 287, 290–91, 293, 295–96, 301, 313–14; and stadium planning credits, 299
Bloomington Stadium, 243
Blumenauer, Earl, 185
Bobb, Robert, 267
Boggs, Wade, 203
bonds: and influence of lawyers, 114; private activity, 51; tax-exempt, 50–52, 81
book losses, 47
Boston Celtics, 188, 189
Boston Landmarks Commission, 321, 333
Boston Preservation Alliance (BPA), 321, 322, 335, 336
Boston Red Sox, 70, 180, 203, 233, 237, 300, 324; and financing of new park, 325; and lack of new stadium, 318; sale of, 250, 332
Boswell, Thomas, 258, 264, 267
Bowlen, Pat, 35, 67, 214, 215
Boyd, Richard A., 22
Boyer, M. Christine, 150
Bradley Center (Milwaukee), 229
Brendan Byrne Arena (NJ), 279
Brewer, Gale, 310
Bridgeport IL, 120, 146
Brooklyn Dodgers, 2, 182, 183, 202
Brooklyn United for Innovative Local Development (build), 287
Brower, Jordan, 114
Brown, Kevin, 213
Brown, Kwame, 267–68
Brown, Maury, 265, 269, 270
Brown, Willie, 105, 110
Bruenig, Carla, 166
Bruno, Joseph, 291, 294–95
Buchta, Bob, 84, 86
Buckley, John, 324
Budig, Gene, 70
Buffalo Sabres, 230
Bukowski, Doug, 123–25, 131–34; and kids’ sight lines, 143
Burns, Joy, 215
Buscemi, Steve, 315
Busch Stadium (St. Louis), 258, 338
business-entertainment deduction, 49
“but-for” problem, 243, 277
Cablevision, 290, 291, 293, 314, 331
Caldwell, James, 287, 289
Camden Yards (Baltimore), 10, 12, 13, 32, 91, 151; cost of, 16, 25n1; and free rent, 52; good points of, 142–43; and less fashionable neighboring areas, 152; neighborhood of, 158; as new “old-fashioned” ballpark, 137, 320; outdoor walkway at, 144; success of, 21, 22
Caminiti, Ken, 213
Campaign to Stop the Giveaway, 106
Campanella, Vincent, 7, 8
Candlestick Park (San Francisco), 53, 64, 173, 176, 179Captain Newman, M.D. (Rosten), 196
Carey, Drew, 18
Carlson, Arne, 104–5, 169, 171
Carolina Hurricanes, xiii, 217
Carolina Triplets, 207
Carponter, Candace, 285, 286, 288, 289
Carrion, Adolfo, 303, 306, 315
Carroll, Maurice, 292
Carter, O. K., 231
Casey, Ethan, 358
Cashen, Frank, 9
casino gambling, 95
Catania, David, 261, 266, 267
Celebration FL, 150–51
Celeste, Richard, 8
Cellucci, Governor, 325, 326
Central Market, 14–15
Central Market Gateway Project. See Gateway Project (Cleveland)Charlotte Coliseum, 229
Charlotte Hornets, 54, 180, 227, 230
Charney, Michael, 154“charter seat rights.” See personal seat license (PSL)Chema, Tom, 25n1
Chicago, ethnic divisions of, 121
Chicago Bulls, 187; success of, 233
Chicago Cubs, 45, 60n1, 121, 300
Chicago newspapers, and campaign for new stadium, 125
Chicago White Sox, 65, 71, 119, 120, 121, 145, 182, 226, 270; fan base of, 125; as a stadium suitor, 223Chrétien, Jean, 249
Christison, John, 26n6, 225, 230
Cincinnati Bengals, 20, 239
Cinergy Field (Cincinnati), 53
cities: as entertainment zones, 148–49, 154; stadiums’ benefits for, 32
Citi Field (Mets stadium), 385; costs of, 299, 384–85
citizen comments, 308–9
citizen groups, 83, 84
Citizens for a New Stadium, 215
Citizens for More Important Things, 161, 181n1, 194
Citizens Opposing the Stadium Tax (COST), 215
Citizens Union, 313city council hearings, 309–10
City Planning Commission, 308
City Project, 159n3
Civic Center Arena (St. Paul), 167“clawback” legislation, 116, 185
CLEAN, 161Clemens, Roger, 215
Cleveland: downturn of, 6–7; illiteracy of adult population in, 155; poverty in, 21–22, 25n3stadium proposal for, 7–8
Cleveland Browns, xiii, 25n2, 176; and move to Baltimore, 17–21; public takeover of, 187
Cleveland Cavaliers, 14, 16
Cleveland Indians, xiii, 6, 13, 45, 70, 71, 74, 182, 186–87, 331
Cleveland Teachers Union (CTU), 194, 195
Clinton Special District Coalition, 276
Cluck, Robert, 235
Coalition against Public Funding for Stadiums, 338
Coalition against Stadium Subsidies, 327
Coalition for a Greater Miami, 107
Coates, Dennis, 40n3
Coats, Cari, 225
Cobo Arena (Detroit), 99
Cochrane Plan, 90, 91, 92, 95, 104, 136
Colangelo, Jerry, 38, 73, 103
Colavito, Rocky, 348
Coleman, Leonard, 70
Collins, William, 77
Colorado Avalanche, 356
Colorado Rockies, 35, 214, 249
Comerica Park (Detroit), 102n4
Comiskey Park (Chicago), 45, 65, 84, 117, 119–35, 141; collective memory of, 125; history of, 125–26; nostalgia for, 133; protests at, 129
Comiskey Park (Chicago) (new), 91, 141–42, 223; alternatives to, 136; attendance at, 134; and emphasis on tourists, 156; surrounded by parking lots, 145
Commers, Jon, 169
Common Cause New York, 291, 313
community benefits agreement (CBA), 286, 288, 309
Community Board 4, 303, 305, 307, 308, 315
community groups, 286–87
competitiveness, 73–75, 201
computers, taking of, 238
Cone, David, 216
Coney Island ballpark, 380
configuration of playing fields, 139
Connecticut Office of Fiscal Analysis, 220
Connors, Jack, 326
contraction, 249, 267
Coors Field (Denver), 32, 35, 146, 151, 208, 214
CoreStates Center (Philadelphia), 58
corporate ownership, 43
corporate pullouts, 152
corporate subsidies. See government subsidies
corporate welfare, xv, 3, 28, 45, 103; and activism, 124; and Candlestick Park (San Francisco), 178; continuing unchecked, 156; and efforts to stop, 185; local politicians and, 116; and Northwest Airlines, 167–68; as a priority of public spending, 196; public sentiment on, 108; and subsidizing of baseball, 132. See also government subsidies; tax abatements; tax breaks
cost overruns, 78–81, 258
Cowles, John Jr., 111
Cowles Media, 111
Crain’s New York Business, 289
Cropp, Linda, 262–65
Cross, Jay, 69, 106, 107, 108
Cushman, Tom, 19
Dadey, Dick, 313
Dallas Cowboys, 54, 216, 231, 235; and “deadlines,” 237; economic report for, 236; and tax-increment financing, 243
Dallas Stars, 167
Daniels, Brett, 237
Darin, Catherine, 101
David, Dilsa, 305
Davids, John, 89–90, 91, 92, 93, 10
1, 136
Davids, Judy, 89–90, 92, 101, 136
Davis, Al, 56, 72
Davis, Jack, 176, 177; and “The Party,” 178–79
“Dawg Pound,” 17
DC Baseball, 257
DC Fiscal Policy Institute, 259
DC Friends of the Earth, 259
DC stadium: construction costs of, 262–65; private-financing scheme of, 264, 265
“deadlines” of sports owners, 237–38
DeBartolo, Edward, Jr., 82n3, 176, 178–80
Decker, Howard, 329
Delaney, Keven, 338
Denver Broncos, 35, 67, 213–15
Denver Nuggets, 67, 356
Denver Post, 214
Department of Environmental Conservation, 304
depreciation of player contracts, 45–46
depreciation rights, 263
design-change requests, 238–40
Detroit: desperation in, 155–56; deterioration of, 98–100
Detroit Lions, 64, 78, 85, 97
Detroit Pistons, 99
Detroit Red Wings, 94, 99
Detroit Renaissance, 95
Detroit Tigers, 71, 77–78, 85, 100, 115, 234
Develop Don’t Destroy, 281, 285, 286, 317
DeVos, Rich, 229, 231
DiMaggio, Joe, 301
DiPalermo, Christian, 308
Disney, 43
diversity in sports crowds, 24
Divinski, Randy, 334, 335
Doby, Larry, 45
Doctoroff, Dan, 274, 276–77, 289, 290–91, 292–93, 294
Dodge, Richard, 66
Dolan, Charles, 331
Dolan, Larry, 331
Dombrowski, Dave, 44
Domino’s Pizza, 87; boycott of, 89
Donovan, Donna, 218, 222, 223
double standard, 316
Dow, Bill, 83, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 101; and uphill battle, 155
downtown “renaissance,” 151–55
“dual city,” 153
Duggan, Michael, 78, 93, 94
Duncan, Tim, 206
DuPuy, Bob, 254–56, 264–65, 267, 268; and hardball negotiating tactics, 269
Duquette, Dan, 330
Durkee, Alice, 205
East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy, 243
Ebbets Field (Brooklyn), 139, 140, 183, 202
Eckstein, Rick, 338
economic benefits, 260
economic development, 33; and pitfalls, 236
economic impact of stadiums, 234–37
economic impact study, 283, 308, 309
Economic Policy Institute, 30
economic projections, 235–36
“economic renaissance,” 228
Economic Research Associates (era), 234–37
economic studies, 212, 222–23, 226, 373
economic success, 158
Einhorn, Eddie, 65, 120, 126–27, 131
Elkins, David R., 14, 16
Ellis, Michael, 247
eminent domain, 190; and blight, 327; principle of, 5
emotional presence of home teams, 182–83
Empire State Development Corporation, 292
employment, 158–59
Engler, John, 94, 95, 96, 107
Ervin, Sam, 42–43
Euchner, Charles C., 37, 361
Evans, Jack, 261, 264, 376
Evans, Ryan, 277
Exhibition Stadium (Toronto), 217
expansion football teams, 4
expenditure substitution. See substitution effect
false crisis, 77–78
Faneuil Hall (Boston), 149
fans, alienation of, 183–84
Fans Advocating Intelligent Spending, 169
Fear and Favor in the Newsroom (California Newsreel), 112
fear of losing team, 228
Fenty, Adrian, 261, 266, 267
Fenway Community Development Corporation, 327–28
“Fenway factor,” 321
Fenway Park (Boston), 70, 85, 143–44, 146, 203, 233; maintenance problems of, 324; as old steel-framed ballpark, 300, 320; and preservation/reconstruction charrette, 328–29, 334, 339; saving of, 318–39
Ferrer, Fernando, 306, 336
“50–50” affordable housing plan, 287–88
Figueroa Corridor Coalition for Economic Justice, 286
Finley, Daniel, 105
Finley, Steve, 211, 213
Finneran, Thomas, 218, 325, 326, 330, 331
“fiscal impact,” 235
Fisher, John, 275, 276, 291
Fisher, Marc, 268
Flaherty, Michael, 330
Flannery, Tim, 211
Fleet Center (Boston), 58
Florida Marlins, xi, 189, 230, 237, 238, 270, 328, 331; and “ballpark village,” 241; and desperate measures, 240; success of, 233; and three-way deal, 250
Florida Panthers, 28, 106, 188
Florida Suncoast Dome. See Tropicana Field (Tampa Bay)
food services, 143–46
Forbes Field (Pittsburgh), 67
Forest City Ratner, 279, 285, 287
Fort, Rodney, 42, 43, 46, 47, 351; and competitiveness, 75; and contraction, 249–50; and economic-impact studies, 236; and expansion, 73; and “Huizengaland,” 241–42; and movement of franchises, 72, 191; and planned obsolescence, 230; and publicly traded teams, 189
Foster, Helen Diane, 310, 315
Foxboro Stadium, 159n1
Francher, Michael, 111
franchise movement, NFL’s right to control, 347
Free, World B, 281
Fry, Christine, 335
Fund Kids First, 169
gag order (Brooklyn), 285
Gandhi, Natwar, 262, 266
Ganis, Marc, 106, 222
Gargano, Charles, 292, 293
Gateway Economic Development Corp., 16
Gateway Project (Cleveland), 14–16, 18, 154
Gehry, Frank, 281
Gephardt, Richard, 225
Giambi, Jason, 234
Giants Stadium (New Jersey), 279
Giuliani, Rudolph W., 32, 70, 198–203, 274, 296, 313; problems of, 272; and stadium planning credits, 298–99
Glendening, Parris, 22, 76
Golding, Susan, 211, 213
Goldstein, Dan, 280, 281, 285, 287, 289
Good Jobs First, 244
Good Jobs New York, 299
Goodman, Oscar, 253
Gorton, Slade, 162, 163, 238
Gotbaum, Betsy, 382
Gottfried, Richard, 315
government subsidies, 29–31, 40n2, 45. See also corporate welfare
Governor, Michael, 335
Governor’s Strategic Fund, 95
Graham, Jim, 261, 267
Gray, Vincent, 267–68
The Great American Jobs Scam (LeRoy), 118n4
Greater Cleveland Domed Stadium Corporation, 9
Green, Stephen, 263
Green Bay Packers, public ownership of, 187–88, 193n2
Green Monster (Fenway Park), 203; seats atop, 329, 332
Greenwich, Howard, 243, 277
Griffey, Ken Jr., 239
Griggs, Roman, 99
growth centers, urban, 21
Gruber, Mike, 87, 92
Gund, George, 16
Gund, Gordon, 16
Gund Arena (Cleveland), 17, 144, 153
Gwynn, Tony, 211
Hagan, Patti, 280
Hagenah, Charles, 322
Hagenah plan, 322, 323, 328
Hall, Bob, 257
Hamilton, Bruce W., 26n4
Harborplace (Baltimore), 149, 158
Harel, Louise, 248
Harlan, Robert, 193n2
Harrington, Ed, 177
Harrington, John, 320, 323–24, 326, 330–31, 334
Harris, Jeffrey, 335
Hartford Civic Center, 218
Hartford Whalers, xiii, 42, 217
Hartman, Sid, 170, 232, 248
Harwell, Ernie, 93, 102n4
Hawkins, Beth, 110
public, 326
Heimlich, Phil, 240
Hellmuth Obata Kassebaum architects, 89, 131, 134, 323, 332; and domination of new-stadium construction, 136; and relationship with baseball owners, 145; and use of leftover space, 142
Hell’s Kitchen, 276
Henry, John, 237–38, 250, 331–34
Herbert, Lukas, 235, 303–5, 311, 313, 316
Heritage Field, 301
Hess, John, 113
Hlinko, John, 178
Hoffberger, Jerrold, 10
Hogi, Joyce, 305, 309, 317
Hoke, Martin, 185
“holographic replay system,” 240
Holt, Peter, 206
“Home Field Advantage,” 332
home-field disadvantage, 65–67
home-rule message, 307–8
Hoosier Dome, 3, 4, 347
Horrow, Rick, 204, 205
Houston Astros, 62, 66, 70, 71, 74, 77, 251
Houston Oilers, 62, 63, 176
Houston Rockets, 373; success of, 233
Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome (Minneapolis), 66, 111, 165–66, 226
Hudnut, William H. III, 32
Hudson’s building, 101n2
Hudson Yards, 276, 277, 290, 294, 295
Hudson Yards/Hell’s Kitchen Alliance, 315
Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation, 278, 292
Huizenga, Wayne, 28, 189, 238, 240; and “ballpark village,” 241
Humphreys, Brad, 40n3
Hunt, Clark, 231
Hunt, Jim, 208
Hutchins, Ray, 215
Ilitch, Mike, 94, 95, 96, 97, 100, 116
Illinois Landmarks Preservation Council, 329
imputed income, 186
incremental tax revenues, 283
Indiana Pacers, 2
Indianapolis Colts, 1, 20, 230
Industrial Development Agency, 293
inequities between haves and have-nots, 156
infrastructure money, 297
Inner Harbor (Baltimore), 13, 24, 158
Irsay, Jim, 26n7
Irsay, Robert, 1, 2, 4
Jack Murphy Stadium (San Diego), 53, 58–59, 78, 210
Jackson, Reggie, 310
Jackson, Shoeless Joe, 123
Jacksonville Jaguars, 230
Jacobs, David, 14, 25, 349
Jacobs, Eli, 12, 24
Jacobs, Richard, 14, 17, 25, 349
Jacobs Field (Cleveland), 17, 24–25, 32, 141, 151, 153; amenities of, 144; as new “old-time” park, 203, 320; seating distances of, 140–41; success of, 21; suites in, 48; and tax abatements, 195
Jacor Broadcasting, 215
James, Letitia, 284, 308
Janis-Aparicio, Madeline, 286
Javits Convention Center, 276, 294
Jennings, Loren, 173
Joe Louis Arena (Detroit), 99
Johnson, Donna, 317
Johnson, Nick, 256
Johnson, Randy, 103
Jones, Jerry, 231, 235
Kahn, Peter, 26n4
Kalikow, Peter, 294
Kalinsky, George, 301
Kansas City A’s, 2
Kansas City Chiefs, 230, 231