by Neil deMause
Kansas City Royals, 131
Karp, Stephen, 331, 332
Kasten, Stan, 269
Kay, Michael, 202
Keating, Dennis, 153
Kernersville NC, 207
KeyArena (Seattle), 231, 236
Kidd, Bruce, 216
Kim, Jung, 284
Kingdome (Seattle), 63, 163; replacement of, 161
Klein, Ed, 52
Klein, Walt, 208
Knott, Tom, 265
Koebele, Bob, 171
Kolb, Carol, 373
Konrad, Kim, 321, 333, 334, 335
Kopp, Quentin, 110
KPMG-Peat Marwick, 200, 219, 220
Kraft, Robert, 218, 220, 221, 222
Kriegel, Jay, 277
Kroc, Joan, 190
Kroc, Ray, 190
Krueger, Liz, 293
Krupa, Gregg, 318
Labatt Breweries, 216
Labatt Park (Montreal), 248
Lage, Larry, 117n3
Lambeau Field (Green Bay), 188, 193n2
landmarks, historic, 138
Lane, Gary, 67
Lanier, Bob, 62, 63
Lapides, Julian (Jack), 1, 11, 12, 23, 24, 351
Larkosh, Dan, 178
Las Vegas, 270; as new home for Expos, 251, 253; and stadium building, 227
Latin America, development investment in, 157
Lazere, Ed, 259, 260, 261, 266, 269
League of Fans, 40n1
leakage, 236–37
lease agreements, lavish, 133
Lee, Tom, 240
Lefkowitz, Stephen, 313
legislation, federal, 184–85
Lemenu, Jerry, 84, 86
Lerner, Ted, 269
LeRoy, Greg, 30, 104, 118n4, 244
LeSuer, Bill, 199
Lethem, Jonathan, 315
Level I enhancements, 239
Levin, Anna, 315
Levin, Carl, 95
Levin, Josh, 271
Levin, Rich, 255
Levine, Randy, 273, 296, 306, 312
Lewis, Bertha, 287, 288, 289
Leyva, Nick, 217
Lindsay, John, 69
Lites, Denise Ilitch, 116
Little Caesar’s, 95
Llanes, Rolando, 328, 329
lobbying: big spending on, 291; for stadiums, 228
Locke, Gary, 164
Long, Judith Grant, 40n1, 61n4, 245
Loria, Jeffrey, 237, 248, 250, 331
Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, 286
Los Angeles Raiders, 2, 56, 72
Los Angeles Rams, 31, 59, 72
Lotterman, Edward, 244
lottery, as funding for stadiums, 22, 80
Lowell, Mike, 240
Lucchino, Larry, 210, 239, 332, 333
Lurie, Bob, 64, 173, 174
Lurie, Jeffrey, 67–68
Macombs Dam Park, 299, 311, 317; and “alienation” of, 307–8; destruction of, 302–3
MacPhail, Lee, 10
Madison Square Garden, 290; replacement of, 272, 274, 314
Magowan, Peter, 64, 175
Major League Baseball, 15, 60n1, 71;
Major League Baseball (cont.)
bringing ballparks into cities, 334; and contraction, 245–46; and financing of DC stadium, 264; and the Montreal Expos, 257, 265; owners committee of, 190–91; and public ownership of franchises, 170
Major League Losers (Rosentraub), 36
Major League Soccer, 164
Malcynsky, Jay, 218
Malek, Fred, 258
“mallpark,” 337
Manion, Clyde, 86
Mantle, Mickey, 301
Maris, Roger, 321
Mark, Stephen, 201
Marker, Bill, 10–12, 22, 25, 152
Markowitz, Marty, 280
Marquardo, Craig, 253
Martin, Billy, 66
Martinez, Pedro, 247, 248
Marty, John, 209, 227, 228
Marylanders for Sports Sanity (MASS), 11
Maryland Sports Authority, 12
MassPIRG, 327
McCarron, John, 135n3
McClaren, Bob, 77
McClatchy, Kevin, 67, 234
McCourt, Frank, 331
McCurdy, James, 39
McDevitt, John, 88
McDougal, Patrick, 217
McGwire, Mark, 209, 321
McLane, Drayton, 77
McMorris, Jerry, 249
McNeill, Deb, 171
McNichols Arena (Denver), 67
media: and coverage of Seattle’s stadiums, 162–63; as lobbyists, 111; owner-friendliness of, 110; and pleasing corporate sponsors, 113; repetition and impact of news, 109; and stadium deals, 109–10. See also reporters
Memorial Stadium (Baltimore), 4, 9, 23–24, 26n5, 143
Memphis, and stadium building, 227
Mendelson, Phil, 267
Menino, Tom, 323, 325, 326, 334
Menlow, David, 189
Met Center (Bloomington), 166, 167
Metrodome. See Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome (Minneapolis)
Metropolitan Area Projects Strategy (MAPS), 204–6
Metropolitan Football Stadium District Board, 214
Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission (Minnesota), 115, 169
Metropolitan Stadium (Minneapolis), 66, 355
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), 294, 295, 298
MetroTech office complex, 279, 282
Mets stadium. See Citi Field (Mets stadium)
Miami Arena, 28, 106, 229
Miami Heat, 28, 69, 106, 108, 115, 177
Michaels, Chris, 212, 213, 223
migration, sports-franchise, 2
Mile High Stadium (Denver), 35, 67, 214
Miller, Gifford, 292, 310
Miller, Reverend Clinton, 289
Miller Park (Milwaukee), 53
Milwaukee Brewers, 46, 70, 79, 145
Milwaukee Bucks, 229
Minge, David, 186, 193n1
Minneapolis North Stars, 166, 167
Minnesota Corporate Welfare Reform Law (1995), 168
Minnesota Timberwolves, 153, 165, 166, 167, 228
Minnesota Twins, 44, 160; demands of, 75, 230; and domed stadium, 66; and economic development, 41n5; and lobbyists, 228; and move of team, 70, 72, 207; and publicly traded shares, 189; and replacement for Metrodome, 28, 153, 166, 168–73, 226; and signing of Brad Radke, 234; and tax-increment financing, 243; threatened move of, 198; and use of media, 232; and new stadium victory, 227
Minnesota Vikings, 66, 166, 226, 230, 231
Minnesota Wins!, 36
Misak, Marge, 19–20, 33
Mitchell, George, 293
Modell, Art, xiii, 17, 24, 68, 136, 187, 195
Monaghan, Tom, 65, 87, 89, 92, 93, 113; and sale of Tigers, 94
Monterrey, Mexico, as new home for Expos, 251
Montgomery, Velmanette, 282–83, 381
Montreal, and loss of team, 379
Montreal Expos, 44, 82n2, 191, 198, 230, 233, 247–50, 331; disposing of, 250–59; and sale of club, 269; taken over by MLB, 237
Moores, John, 210, 213
Morris, Dick, 205
Morris, Jack, 216
Moss, Richard, 191
Moten, Emmet, 97, 359
moving a struggling team, 271
Moyihan, Daniel Patrick, 52, 184
Muhleman, Max, 54
Mullaly Park: and “alienation” of, 307–8; destruction of, 302–3
Mullin, Stephen, 39
Municipal Issuers’ & Sports Franchises’ Symposium on Sports Facilities Finance. See Sports Facilities Finance conference (1997)
municipal ownership: of sports teams, 190; of stadiums, 185
Municipal Stadium (Cleveland), 6, 17, 141; renovations, 18
Murphy, Mike, 107, 360
naming rights, 53, 79, 80, 195, 258, 299
NASCAR track, 314
National Football League (NFL), 73, 75
National Park Service, 311, 312
ational Register of Historic Places, 329, 333
Naureckas, Jim, 109
Navin Field Consortium, 102n4
Navy Yard Metro station, 263
negotiating tactics, 269
Neighborhood Capital Budget Group (NCBG), 243–44
New England Patriots, 159n1, 198, 325; and move to Connecticut, 218–22
New Jersey Americans, 279
New Jersey Devils, 233
New Jersey Nets, 243, 279; new home for, 314
Newman, Shawn, 161, 163–64, 192
New Orleans Hornets, 227
New Orleans Saints, 230
New York Association for Better Choices, 290
New York Economic Development Corporation, 305–6
New Yorkers for Parks, 308
New York Giants, 300
New York Jets, 276, 289–91, 314; new home for, 272
New York Knicks, 57, 290; new home for, 313
New York Mets, 202, 248, 296; minor league affiliate of, 273; new home for, 272, 313, 314; and paying construction costs, 297
New York Rangers, 57, 290; new home for, 313
New York’s City Council, 292
New York Times, 200, 282, 289, 290, 294; poll of, 314; and Regional Plan Association, 291
New York Yankees, xiv, 32, 43, 47, 69, 74, 198, 209–10, 216; annual rent of, 298; minor league affiliate of, 273; new home for, 272, 313, 314; and paying construction costs, 297; and stadium demands, 75
Neyer, Rob, 337
No DC Taxes for Baseball Coalition, 259, 260
Nolan, Patricia, 244
Noll, Roger G., 33–34, 46, 47, 52, 373
“No More Candy Store” (LeRoy), 30
non-threat threat, 68, 69
Norfolk VA, as new home for Expos, 253, 270
Norick, Ron, 205
northern Virginia, 256; as new home for Expos, 252, 253, 270
Northwest Airlines, 167–68
NYC2012, 274, 276, 277
Oakland A’s, 2, 230, 234, 241
Oakland Coliseum, 56
Oakland Football Marketing Association, 56
Oakland Raiders, 2, 32, 56, 72, 190
obsolescence, 229; planned, 230
O’Connell, Mary, 121–22, 131, 138
O’Connor, Maureen, 190, 191
O’Donnell, Joseph, 331, 332
O’Keeffe, Michael, 289
Oklahoma City OK: building of stadium in, 204–5; and New Orleans Hornets, 227
Olympics: city losses of, 275, 381; NYC’s bid for, 291, 292, 294, 295
Olympic Stadium (Montreal), 79, 248
O’Malley, Walter, 183
O’Neill, Steve, 7, 13
Onion, 226, 373
opposition: to new ballparks, 126, 169, 290; stadium-funding, 106
Orange, Vincent, 261
Oriole Park at Camden Yards. See Camden Yards (Baltimore)
Orlando Area Sports Commission, 103
Orlando Arena, 26n6, 229, 230
Orlando Magic, 225, 229, 231
Osborne, Jason, 254
O’Toole, Robert J., 81
overhangs in baseball parks, 124
Oxford, Jeanette Mott, 338, 339
Ozanian, Michael, 351
Pacific Bell Park (San Francisco), 53, 57
PAC spending, 107
Pappas, Doug, xi, 26n4, 60n1, 251, 254, 376
Parade Grounds stadium, 382
Parcells, Bill, 332
parking surcharge, 326
Pascal’s Wager, 39
Passafiume, Joseph, 39
Pastier, John, 90–92, 141–42, 144–45, 148
Pataki, George, 291, 292, 293, 294–95, 313
Pate, Andrew, 335
Patrick, Dan, 27
Paul Brown Stadium (Cincinnati), 239
Pay Dirt (Quirk and Fort), 43
payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTS), 278, 289, 292, 293, 311–12
Pearlstein, Steven, 233
Peebles, Gustav, 284
Peek, V. Lonnie, 97
Penthouse Suites Ltd., 214
Pepsi Center (Denver), 356
Perez, Rosie, 315
permanent-seat licenses. See personal seat license (PSL)
personal seat license (PSL), 54–57, 195
Petak, George, 80
Petco Park (San Diego), 239
Petrone, Thomas, 209, 242
Philadelphia A’s, 2
Philadelphia Eagles, 67–68, 209, 242
Philadelphia Phillies, 45, 209, 242
Phoenix Cardinals, 59
Phoenix Coyotes, 243
Phoenix Suns, 103
Pigtown MD, 152, 158
Pinnell, Patrick, 329
Pioneer Baseball League, 39
Pittsburgh Penguins, 230
Pittsburgh Pirates, 67, 74, 209, 234, 242
Pittsburgh Steelers, 209, 242
player development, costs of, 46
players: spending on, 233; workout rooms for, 142
PNC Park (Pittsburgh), 234
Pohlad, Carl, 44, 72, 75, 160, 168–73; and possible move of team, 198, 271; and publicly traded shares, 189; and sale of Twins, 207; and use of media, 232; and new stadium victory, 227
Policy, Carmen, 68, 176, 178, 180
politicians, self-interest of, 103–4
Polo Grounds (Manhattan), 139, 300
Porter, Philip, 241
Portland OR, 251, 253, 256, 270
Portland Trailblazers, 44
Powers, Bill, 312
Prentice, Miles, 331
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 323
property taxes: exemptions to, 292, 298; as unappealing to voters, 15
Public Authorities Control Board (PACB), 294–95, 316
Public Facilities District, 161–62
public hearings, 115, 262
public offerings of team shares, 188–89
public ownership of franchise, 170, 171
public takeover, 187
Puckett, Kirby, 170
Qualcomm Stadium at Jack Murphy Sports Complex (San Diego), 53, 58–59, 210
Quattlebaum, Megan, 313
Quinn, Christine, 310, 316
Quirk, James, 43, 72
race: and Atlantic Yards project, 289; as issue in Tiger Stadium fight, 96–97; and location of stadium, 129
Radford-Hill, Sheila, 127, 128–30
Ramirez, Manny, 330
Rashid, Frank, 65, 78, 83–102, 103, 113, 115; and desperation in Detroit, 155–56
Rashid, Kevin, 84, 86
Rask, Ricky, 105, 115, 169, 228
Ratner, Bruce, 279–89, 309, 314, 381
Ratner, Harvey, 166, 167
Rawlings, Lenox, 208
Rawls, Wendell Jr., 113
Real Accountability, Progress, and Solutions (RAPS), 205
referendum(s), 106, 211; binding public, 12; defeat of (Seattle), 161; financing of (Washington), 165, 373; public (San Francisco), 174; and money and public votes, 114–16
Regional Plan Association, 291, 294
Reinsdorf, Jerry, 65, 120, 126–27, 134; as principal White Sox owner, 133, 223; and St. Petersburg offer, 130, 131, 135n2, 269, 270
“relocation committee,” 250
Renaissance Center, 98
reporters: and influence of publishers, 112–13. See also media
Resolution G-3, 222
revenue sharing, 74, 75
Rex, Albert, 335
RFK Stadium (Washington), 252, 265
Ricciardi, J. P., 229
Richardson, Jerry, 55
Richfield Coliseum, 17
Richmond, Peter, 13, 350
Rider, Richard, 79
Riley, Pat, 107–8
Ringold, May, 23
Rivera, José, 315
Riverfront Stadium (Cincinnati), 53, 137
Roberts, Gary, 249
Robinson, Jackie, 45
Roche, Colleen, 198
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Cleveland), 18, 154
Rodriguez, Alex, 239
Rolnick, Arthur, 116, 153,
168, 185–86
Rose, Harvey, 177
Rosentraub, Mark, 36, 39, 181
Ross, Jim, 106
Ross, Stephen, 72
Rosten, Leo, 196
Rotundi, Doug, 335
Rouse, James, 149
Rowland, John, 218, 220, 221
Royals Stadium (Kansas City), 131, 138
Rubin, Steven, 204
Rubinstein, Howard, 199
Ruth, Babe, 203, 300, 302
Ryan, Bob, 318, 319, 326
Ryan, John, 16, 36
Ryan, Timothy, 236
Ryder, Richard, 59
Rymer, Russ, 151
Sacramento Kings, 159n2, 180, 229, 230
Safeco Field (Seattle), 181n2, 238
salary cap, 247, 249
Salter, Stephanie, 81
Samson, David, xi, 237, 238, 240, 250, 270
San Antonio Spurs, 233
San Antonio TX, 206–7, 253
Sanders, James, 277
Sanderson, Allen, 36, 237, 272
San Diego Chargers, 58, 71, 210, 230, 241
San Diego Padres, 180, 190, 210, 239, 331
San Francisco 49ers, 68, 76, 81, 176
San Francisco Giants, 28, 56, 64, 71, 173, 206; sale of, 174–75
San Juan PR, as new home for Expos, 251
Santee, Earl, 323
Sargent, Rob, 327
Sasso, John, 319
Save Fenway Park!, 204, 322–23, 327–28, 333, 339; and diversity of membership, 334
Savelkoul, Henry, 167, 169
Save Our Browns, 83
Save Our Parks, 305, 309, 315, 337
Save Our Sox, 121, 122–26, 128, 130, 134, 138, 339; and loss of core members, 131–32
SBC Center (San Antonio), 224n1
Schaefer, William, 9, 10, 11, 350
Schanberg, Sydney, 112–13
Schembechler, Bo, 93
Schott, Steve, 234, 241
Schramm, Tex, 54
Schultz, Howard, 231
Schwartz, Carol, 267, 268
scoreboard, “exploding,” 133
seat guarantees, 210, 219, 220
seating distances, 91, 140–41
“seat options,” 54
seat rights, 54
seat size, 140, 271
Seattle Mariners, 28, 63, 109, 114, 145, 160–63, 181n2; and public subsidies, 238, 239
Seattle Pilots, 46
Seattle Seahawks, 44, 163–65, 193
Seattle Sonics, 181n1, 230, 231, 226
Selig, Allan H. (Bud), 46, 70, 232, 247, 331; and contraction, 249; and Milwaukee Brewers stadium, 79–81; and move of Expos to DC, 250–71; on new stadiums, 234; and “stadium extortion” tour, 251
Sevigny, Tom, 219, 221
Shannon, Bill, 301
Shannon, Paul, 335
Sharp-Leadenhall Planning Committee, 23
Shaughnessy, Dan, 318
Shaw, Marc, 294
Shea Stadium (New York), 296, 298; lack of nostalgia for, 300
Sheinkopf, Hank, 205
shopping malls, “historic,” 149–50
Silva, Gaston, 200
Silver, Sheldon, 291, 294–95, 315
Silverdome (Pontiac), 85