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Banning (Dragon Guard Berserkers Book 1)

Page 8

by Julia Mills

  “Sure are,” Beau nodded. “Come on out and see.”

  Holding tight to Myanna’s hand, Banning laughed out loud as she literally pulled him through the kitchen and out the back door. “Be right back,” she squealed.

  Letting go of his fingers and racing toward the pair of enormous grizzlies, Myanna sat down between them, petting their heads as they grunted happily. “I don’t mean any disrespect,” she beamed. “You are both just so beautiful, I can’t help but touch your fur.” Both bears leaned their large heads closer, bumping her hands with the tips of their noses.

  “No worries,” Beau called to Myanna. “They are loving every minute of it.”

  Both bears immediately made loud clicking sounds with their tongue, vocalizing their total agreement with their Alpha’s comment. Banning leaned closer to the Alpha grizzly and whispered, “I think the time has come.”

  Nodding with a smile, Beau snickered. “I’ll hold down the fort. See ya’ on the flip side.”

  Turning to his left, Banning dashed through the tall hedges serving as the perimeter of Myanna’s yard, around the corner and several miles to a nature preserve the bears used during mating season. Running to the center, he found the large meadow Beau had shown him in his mind and took cover in the center of a patch of huge pine trees.

  Bowing his head, Banning prayed to the Ancients, “I know not where my kin are, and I seek to mate the woman made for me by the Universe. With all the reverence and respect due to you, the Kings and Queens of the Dragons, I ask for your blessing and promise to do everything in my power to live the life you have commanded. I will spend every day honoring our ways and the gift of life you have given me. It is in the way of our kin, the Goddess of All and the Universe that I humbly request your favor.”

  Long seconds passed as the Guardsman waited in silence, head bowed, unmoving, for a sign that his prayers had been heard. Holding his breath, Banning nearly jumped from his skin as first one, then another, then another, then an entire Kaleidoscope, or swarm, of pieris rapae – white butterflies - with tiny, light-blue droplets on their wings, landed on his shoulders, arms, and hands.

  A light breeze carrying the scent of ozone and evening jasmine ruffled the wings of the féileacáin while a melodiously lyrical voice softly murmured, “Son of my heart, you have made me ever so proud on this day. I wish you every happiness. May you know a love as great as your father and I share. Be happy, Banning, for you are now the King of the Lunar Dragons and on this night, you shall mate your Queen. Is breá liom tú, mo mhac, forever and always.”

  “Thank you, Mother. I love you and look forward to the day we are reunited.” Tears wet his cheeks as he watched the pieris rapae return to the Heavens along with the spirit of his mother.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Looking at the purple and pink horizon as she continued to sit between the two grizzlies, Mimi kept looking over her shoulder, wondering where Banning had gone. With her curiosity finally getting the best of her, she called to Beau. “Where is he? I can’t even reach him with the whole mind-talk thingy or whatever you call it.” She turned and raised a single eyebrow, adding with a grumble, “What is he up to?”

  Holding up his hands in surrender, the enormous man who really did remind her of an overgrown teddy bear, chuckled. “I plead the fifth.” Adding with a wink, “I appreciate that you are a force to be reckoned with, but that man of yours can breathe fire and I like my fur right where it is.”

  Laughing despite her questions, Myanna made an okay sigh with her thumb and forefinger and snorted, “Gotcha, Chief.”

  Listening to the sounds of Charlie and Amos’ bears lightly snoring on either side of her, an unfamiliar whooshing sound drew her attention upward to the evening sky. Letting her head fall back, Mimi searched the ever-darkening heavens, gasping in excitement as an absolutely gorgeous glowing white dragon circled overhead.

  Closer and closer to her he descended, folding his long, elegant wings into his body and touching down with a grace she didn’t expect from such an enormous creature. Jumping to her feet, she quickly crossed the distance to her mate, watching as he laid his stomach on the dewy grass and his head on his front paws. Her hand instantly reached for the radiant scales covering his snout, marveling at the dichotomy of the smooth iridescence covering an impenetrable core.

  “You are simply breathtaking,” she sighed, slowly running her fingertips across his jawline and onto his neck, reveling in the electricity of their connection as it popped and crackled between them.

  “Want a ride?” his voice whispered through her mind. “I have a surprise for you. But only if you feel well enough, that is.”

  “Oh, hell yeah. I feel better than I’ve ever felt. Whatever you and Martha did has me feeling like I could do anything.”

  Laughing aloud, steam rising from his nostrils, Banning instructed, “Then climb onto the top of my paw. Use the large outstretched scales on my legs and then the fingers of my wings as steps to get on my back.”

  Scrambling up just as her dragon had explained, Mimi sat at the base of his neck, using the spike protruding from his scales as a handle like the horn of a saddle. Grinning from ear-to-ear, delighted beyond anything she’d ever experienced, Mimi giggled like a schoolgirl as she teased, “Giddy up, Dragon Man.”

  Starbursts of magic filled the air, touching her skin like hundreds of butterfly kisses as her dragon rose to his feet and with a single flap of his partially-extended wings, whisked them into the clouds, heading for Mount Unktena, the mountain named by the Cherokee Indians because it was shaped like the head of a dragon. “I’m guessing Beau had something to do with where we’re going?” she asked with a chuckle.

  “Maybe,” Banning teased, the image of his smiling face flowing through her mind.

  Wonder and awe filled Mimi with such joy as she let the reality of her new life settle into her soul. Not only had her dreams come to life, but the best part was that she was madly in love with Banning. He was everything she could have ever wanted in a husband and so very much more.

  Looking down as they flew across Lake Ama, her heart nearly burst with love as she watched the reflection of her riding upon the back of her dragon skim across the dark water. All too soon, she saw the tip of Mount Unktena and felt Banning making his gradual descent to the plateau.

  Touching down with the same grace she’d seen him execute in her back yard, Mimi climbed off his back and stood back as magic once again filled the air and she watched the magnificent dragon become the man she loved. Rushing into his outstretched arms, she gushed, “Thank you so much, Banning. So very, very much.” She laid her lips to his and speaking directly into his mind, whispered, “I love you so much.”

  Pouting as he ended their kiss way too soon, Mimi saw the twinkle in his eye and asked, “What are you up to?”

  Dropping to his knee, Banning produced the most spectacular oval cut moonstone ring she had ever seen. The adularescence, or inner fire, of the stone was absolutely stunning, not to mention the striking round rubies surrounding the brilliant gem and the intricate filigree design of the white gold setting and band.

  Tears filled her eyes as Banning gently lifted her left hand to his lips, kissed her ring finger then, while looking up at her, asked, “Will you, Myanna Aryn Havers? Will you be my lifelong mate, the light of my soul, and the love of my heart?”

  Letting her tears fall freely, Mimi nodded frantically as she hiccupped, “Oh yes, yes, a million times yes.”

  Sliding the ring onto her finger, Banning got to his feet, wrapped his arms around her, and with a kiss that she felt to the very bottom of her soul, showed her with actions instead of words how very much she meant to him. Pulling away with a deep breath, his dragon gave her a sexy half-grin as he winked, “If you have no objections, I would like to complete the mating ceremony of the dragons right now.” He quickly kissed her again before adding, “I just do not think I can wait another day.”

  Her feelings mirroring his, Mimi instantly agreed. “I
can think of nothing better.”

  Taking a step back, Banning slid his hands down her arms, intertwining his fingers with hers as he walked them to the center of the plateau. No sooner had they stopped than he explained, “This ceremony is usually performed by the Elders of the Clan, but since I cannot contact any of my kin, and am not willing to wait to find them, we will improvise.”

  Mimi felt Banning’s sadness at his inability to reconnect with those he called his brethren lurking just underneath his incredible love for her and the exhilaration of what they were about to do and promised herself to help him find his family as soon as possible.

  “I don’t care where we have our wedding, just that we do. I can think of nothing better in this whole wide world than officially being your wife, or mate, or whatever.”

  Loving the beautiful smile of her dragon and the love shining in his eyes, Mimi listened intently as Banning began, “Long ago, when knights and dragons fought side by side for King and country, it became a foregone conclusion that the dragons were no longer safe from those who would expose and destroy them. These mighty warriors sought to join with the knights who had so valiantly fought alongside them during many a bloody battle. Thus, through magic and the will of both Dragon King and Knight, the Dragon Shifters were born.”

  “In the infinite wisdom of our Ancients, Clans were set up, one for each color of the Dragon King whose soul we carry within our own. Each assigned a region in which to make their home and to protect not only the dragons, but also humanity, from harm. Over time, some have flourished, some have ceased to exist, and others have been born anew from the joining of many. As the Leader of the Berserker Force, it is an incredible honor to have not only found, but to be mating, the One the Universe made for me.”

  “Gathered in this place of beauty, I can feel the Blessing of the Ancients, of the Goddess of All, and of the Universe, who we eternally thank for all that we know. They continue to bless us with extraordinary mates for the best among us, to ensure not only the continuation of our race, but the pure white dragon magic meant to keep evil at bay.”

  “Every one of us that finds the light of his soul knows how sacred she is, how absolutely perfectly she complements all that we are. It is an honor to have been found worthy of such a gift. Tonight, in this blessed place, I am spellbound by the redemption I have found in the heart and soul of the extraordinary female, my mate, Myanna.”

  “As there are no others here to offer their blessing, I…”

  Banning’s words were overshadowed by a bright light shining upon them from the heavens above. A cool breeze ruffled the curls on Mimi’s shoulder at the same time that hundreds of tiny white butterflies appeared out of nowhere, landing on her and Banning’s clasped hands.

  The shadowy figure of a beautiful woman appeared out of the light. Looking closer, Mimi immediately recognized the resemblance and in awe whispered, “Is that your mom?”

  Nodding, Banning smiled, the love he had for his mother shining brightly in his eyes as he murmured, “Yes, my love, that is my mother, Evelyn MacCallion, the former Queen of the Lunar-White Dragons.”

  Not understanding what he meant by ‘former’ but entranced as the vision of his mother began to speak, Mimi’s questions faded away as Evelyn’s lyrical voice rang out. “From the oldest dragon to the youngest of our kin, I stand as a testament to the power of the Dragon Kings and offer this blessing from the Ancients and Ancestors who have gone before and prepared our place in the Heavens. Live long my son. Love as often as you possibly can. Protect your mate with all that you are and never look away from the light she brings to your soul.”

  “Myanna Aryn Havers, you are greater than you know. Amazing beyond words, with an intellect that others can only dream of possessing. In the days to come you will learn of your place in the magical world of the Dragons. But today, it is my honor to first offer the blessing of all Dragon Kin on Earth and in the Heavens to both you and my beloved son.”

  “May your lives now and forever be a testament to all we hold dear…love, honor, and loyalty. As you are one, let your strength see you through many, many, many years, and the children of your children’s children smile upon you.”

  “And now, Myanna, I give you not only my son, but also my crown. May the Heavens and Earth and all in them acknowledge and show fealty to the one true Queen of the Lunar-White Dragons. The Universe does not make mistakes. She has given you both life so that you may share it. Be happy, as that is Her fondest wish for all Her children.”

  Stunned speechless, Mimi watched as Banning’s mother disappeared, the butterflies flew over in the darkness, and the bright, white light extinguished. Still in shock, she said the first thing that came to her mind, “Holy crap! A husband and a crown? Just call me Cinderella.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Oh, mo chroí, this is no fairy tale.” Banning winked. “And there is more to come.”

  He smiled at the surprise in her eyes as he continued the Mating Ceremony of his kin. “The Lunar-White Dragons, those whom the Universe fashioned in the image of Her own son, the Moon, are symbolic of peace, purity, and health. They are symbolic of the guidance we seek every day of our existence and keep our souls on the path of righteousness. They foretell of the changes in the season and the continuation of our species. Their incredible magic brings spiritual faith and health to our numbers.”

  “White dragons are known to be steadfast, loyal, and fierce in battle. They can take many forms, call upon all magicks, and wield many weapons to defend Clan and Kin. The glowing, lunar white of their scales symbolizes purity, light, goodness, spirituality, and magic. Lunar-White dragons seek out every opportunity to protect home and will fight to their last breath to keep their mate and Clan from harm. To mate a Lunar-White dragon is to accept all that they are and honor the power shared between mates.”

  “As the Mate of My Heart and Light of my Soul, do you, Myanna Aryn Havers, accept me, Banning MacCallion as your mate, now and forever more?”

  “Oh, Banning, with all my heart and soul, today, tomorrow, and every single day after that, I accept you and your dragon with every fiber of my being. Together in every and all things. I will honor all that you are and love you to the very ends of the earth.” Mimi smiled. “Wherever you are, I’ll be. There will never ever be anyone or anything that can come between us.”

  “You humble me with your words, your commitment, and your love, grá mo chroí.” Banning’s voice cracked as he lowered his lips to hers, stopping just as their lips touched, promising, “Tá tú mo ghrá eternal. Ta’ mo chroi istigh ionat,” before capturing Mimi’s lips in an all-consuming heat that laid both their souls open to the miracle of their mating.

  Mimi gasped into their kiss as something stung the left side of her neck. Leaning in as Banning pulled her closer still, she sighed when his lips left hers. Goose bumps rose all over her body as her dragon teased and tasted his way across her jaw and down her neck. She moaned as he reached the spot where she’d felt the pain and lavished it until all thoughts of anything but their naked bodies loving one another swirled through her mind.

  Moaning at the loss as Banning pulled back, Mimi batted her eyes and teased in a husky tone, “What exactly are you up to, Mr. MacCallion?”

  “Loving you, Dr. MacCallion, always and forever.”

  Lifting her off the ground, Mimi chuckled out loud right before Banning’s lips once again found hers. She could feel the abundance of unconditional love and blissful adoration that they shared as he whispered, “I thank the Heavens above that wishes come true.” Looking deeply into her eyes, he added with a wink, “But even more so that you dropped your coin into my fountain.”

  Unwilling to let Myanna out of his arms even to call forth his dragon and take to the sky, Banning lifted her into his arms and using the speed given to him by the Universe, raced back to her house. Sliding the patio door open with his magic, entering the blissfully empty home and racing to her room as the door shut and locked behind them, the Gu
ardsman let his mate’s feet touch the floor just before he pulled her into his arms and smashed his lips to hers.

  Roaming her wonderfully womanly curves, his Dragon King, old Gerallt, roared as her softness melded into the hard planes of Banning’s body. Sliding his hands under the soft cotton of her T-shirt, he groaned as the electricity of their connection skittered up his arm. The dragon marking that wrapped around his waist and covered the better part of his back, depicting Gerallt in flight, flared to life.

  Falling onto the bed on his back, Banning rolled over, pressing his body into Myanna’s as he deepened their embrace. Fire blazed in his veins and his heart beat out of control when his spectacular mate gasped into his kiss, her fingernails digging into his back as her hips rolled against the hard length of his erection.

  He gripped the round, firm cheeks of her ass as their tongues slid along one another and Myanna wound her legs around his waist. His dragon’s growl shook the depths of his soul, the need of both man and beast to be one with the Mate of their Heart overriding all thought and reason.

  Pushing her shirt up her back, Banning groaned in ecstasy as the softness of her stomach touched the muscles of his. The need to feel every inch of her silken skin demanded that he tear his lips from hers and rip the shirt from her body, before immediately returning to the haven of his mate. Myanna’s hands wrapped around his ribs, her nails leaving fiery trails of passion down his back as she mewled, rolling her hips again and again against his throbbing cock.

  Tearing his mouth from hers, Banning kissed across her jaw, taking her earlobe between his teeth and gasping, “I love you, Myanna. Need…want…desire to have all of you.”

  Her answering moan and the strength of her grip on his shoulders had his cock pushing against the zipper of his jeans so hard that he just knew that it would be permanently marked for the rest of eternity. With his mind swimming and his dragon roaring, Banning could barely breathe as the need to claim his mate became unbearable.


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