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Fatal Attraction

Page 3

by Mia Ford

  It’s been a long time. Far too long. I want to remember what it’s like to be made to feel like a woman again. Will can definitely do that!

  Chapter Four – Will

  I haven’t laughed with someone in so long, I think that’s the thing that strikes me the most. Me and Cici are having a really awesome time. She’s funny as well as cute and we get along well. I don’t usually spend so much time talking to a woman before I bed her, but because of the wedding I haven’t had a choice, and actually I don’t mind. Cici isn’t like the others, she’s got a lot about her, and I’m enjoying being by her side.

  “So, you think she’s done yet?” I ask Cici with a smirk. “I mean, she’s almost passed out now.”

  “Nah, you don’t know Annabelle well enough. She’s got a good hour left in her.”

  Cici gives me another heart stopping smile which makes my heart kick up another notch. This chick doesn’t just make my cock twitch, she gets to me in other places too. It’s weird, but I like it. “Let’s make a bet.”

  She leans across and shakes my hand. “I’ll take that bet. If I win, and Annabelle lasts another hour, then you have to get out on that dance floor and shake your ass like there’s no tomorrow, completely unashamed.”

  Damn it, I never should have told her about the fact that I never dance. “Okay fine.” Luckily, I’m confident enough to believe that won’t happen. “But if I win and she croaks before the time is up, you have to kiss me.”

  Her eyes bug out of her head in surprise, for a second, I can see that I’ve taken her aback, but soon she relaxes her expression again and she nods. “Fine, you’re on, but you better work out how you’re going to dance without looking foolish because I know that I’m going to win this one. Annabelle never gives up.”

  I laugh so loudly that I toss my head back in mirth. This has been even more tense than usual on the build up to this wedding, particularly with work, so this carefree joy feels even better than usual.

  “I suppose I better get us another round in, then,” I tell her. “Since we’re in it for the long haul.”

  I order us another round and hand the glass to Cici. As she takes it, her hand brushes against mine and I feel that tantalizing spark again. Those chemicals are going absolutely insane between us. The magic of the moment is only shattered when we hear a pained sounding shriek from the other side of the room.

  “What the…?” All the color drains from Cici’s face as she sees what’s happening. “No, no, no.”

  She runs across the room rapidly and grabs onto Annabelle just as she falls to the ground from the table. I have a feeling that she’s much less concerned with her cousin harming herself than she is losing the bet. I don’t think it’s because she doesn’t want to kiss me either – I can tell that she’s gagging to – I think it’s the principle of the thing. She doesn’t like the idea that I’ll have something to lord over her which is hilarious.

  I smirk and cross my arms over my chest, staring directly at Cici. I can tell that she’s refusing to look at me pointedly, which is even funnier. I can’t stop myself from laughing to myself. The more I watch Cici trying to bring Annabelle back from the brink of really needing to go to bed, the more endearing I find her. I cock my head to one side and just watch her for a few moments, trying to figure out what she has stirring inside of me.

  Eventually, Landon takes control of the situation and he scoops Annabelle up into his arms. Most of the guests have started to filter out anyway, so I don’t think she’ll be too mad about going. It’s the defeated look on Cici’s face that gets me anyway. She’s given up, there’s no hope left. It’s time for her to accept that I’m the winner!

  After a while, she caves and she flicks her eyes up to look at me. On the outside she might look defeated, but I can see something dancing behind her eyes. A lust, an excitement, a naughtiness. That’s the side of her that I’m sure doesn’t get unleashed very often. I want to be the one to bring it out of her, to corrupt her…

  She stares at me for so long that my hand automatically reaches up to brush my scar. I don’t know why, but it’s something that I do whenever I feel like the world is a little off kilter. It happened when I was first starting out as a police officer, when I acted a little rashly. I got carried away, put myself in a dangerous situation, and my face got sliced. It just reminds me that no matter what I’ve always been through worse.

  Cici’s eyes rake down towards my cheek and I can see her looking. She’ll have only seen the scar before if she knew to look for it so she’s probably wondering what I’m doing. I don’t know if she’ll ask or not.

  Then, she starts walking towards me, shaking her hips as she comes. She’s beings sexier than before, she’s amping up the sex kitten levels, which only means she’s ready for the kiss. She wants it and she wants it bad.

  I hold my head up high and jut my chin out, waiting for the moment too. If the desire is this strong between us and we haven’t even kissed yet, then I can’t imagine how off the scale it’s going to be. But then, in a shocking moment, she grabs onto my hand and she yanks me, pulling me away. This isn’t the kiss I deserve!

  “What the hell?” I demand. “A bet is a bet, right? You know what you owe me.”

  “Oh, I know,” she rasps back. “But we can’t do it here, can we? Not unless we want to create a stir.”

  Personally, I don’t give a shit, but I guess it isn’t my family in there. I don’t know what the dynamic is between them all so I guess the bride’s cousin making out with the best man isn’t the best thing for her.

  “Sure, whatever. As long as I get my prize for winning, because Annabelle did not last an hour. She didn’t even last five minutes. Or no, that might not be fair, maybe it was just about five minutes.”

  “Shut up. Will you?” Cici growls. “You’re making me even madder than I already am.”

  Once the cold night air hits us both, Cici turns to look at me. Well, it’s really more of a glare than a look. She’s giving me this intense stare as if I’ve done something to really wind her up. It’s such a fiery look that it has my cock hardening like steel in my pants. I want to groan out with pleasure already.

  “So…?” I ask her with a smirk. I suppose I might as well wind her up even more. “Now what?”

  “Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” She steps closer to me and hooks her hands around the back of my neck. “You talk too much, does anyone ever tell you that? You don’t know how to shut… the… fuck… up…”

  It isn’t exactly some fairytale moment, thank God since I don’t think either of us want to read into this more than what it is. It’s somehow dirty, sexy, raw, and awesome. The anticipation builds in my chest as Cici drags her lips closer to mine. She purses them out, looking super hot, and finally she connects with me.

  Fuck. It feels good, real good. There are butterflies flapping wildly in my chest. I loop my arms around her back and hold her close to me, but something about that action makes her drag her lips away. She looks at me, her eyes wide with shock, and she smiles. I guess she feels whatever that is too. I can almost see it on her expression, she’s as blown away by the surprising feelings as I am. Where do we go from here?

  For a moment, I think she might run off. I have a funny feeling that she isn’t going to want to take this further, but then she stuns me by slamming her mouth back into mine again. This time, it isn’t just a chaste kiss, it’s deep, there are tongues involved, it’s absolutely freaking intense and it makes me yearn for more. As Cici’s body molds into mine, I’m glad that she made the decision not to let anyone else see us. This feels much too personal to be doing in public. I wouldn’t want anyone to be able to see us. In fact, I want to get even more privacy.

  “Do you want to come to mine?” I ask her quietly. “We can get out of here now, right? The bride is done?”

  She bites down on her bottom lip, looking up at me with expectation in her gaze. We both know what this means if she says yes, and I really hope she does. She might not, she is a
good girl after all, even if she’s dirty behind her eyes it might take her a little while to let that free. But then, she nods, making me cheer inside.

  “Okay, great. I don’t live too far from here. We can get a cab if you like…”

  Most girls would say yes, they’d refuse to walk in heels, but I guess I’ve already established that Cici isn’t like other women. “No, that’s fine. It’s a nice night I would love to walk back home.”

  I slip my hand into hers and hold it tight, then we begin walking in the direction of my apartment. As we go, I scan my brain trying to recall whether or not I tidied up before I came to the wedding. My home isn’t ever a pig sty, but it’s hard to keep control over it when I don’t spend much time there. Usually, my apartment is reserved for sleeping. I hope it isn’t disgusting and it sends Cici running. That would seriously suck.

  “So, why do you think Landon married Annabelle?” Cici asks me curiously. “Is he insane?”

  I can’t stop myself from laughing. “Yeah, maybe. I think so. I don’t know. We’ve been friends forever, so I sometimes think that I know everything about him, but then he does something nuts like this and I realize that I don’t.” I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe they know something that I don’t. Maybe there’s some real love that goes on behind closed doors. You don’t always know what’s happening, do you?”

  “Hmm, that’s true. I guess every relationship is different. Not that I would know too much…”

  “No, me neither.” I’m sure that our reasons are different, but it’s awesome to have something in common. “So, I guess we should just leave them to it and hope it doesn’t implode any time soon.”

  Cici giggles and snuggles in closer to me. The warmth of her body next to mine is exhilarating. It stirs something deep inside of me, it thrills me. Fuck, the closer we get to my apartment, the more turned on I get, the wilder I feel inside. It’s been like foreplay all night long, this thing has been powerfully building between us, and finally we’re about to get out reward.

  “I guess if it does, we’ll never see each other again will we? Because we’ll have to take sides.”

  I pull her to me and nestle my nose against hers. “I guess we’ll have to make tonight count then, won’t we?”

  She sucks in a deep breath, probably processing my words. At least she looks pleased by the idea. As a small little moan flies past her lips I wonder how I got so freaking lucky as to meet such an incredible woman tonight. She’s awesome. I lean down and press one last kiss against her lips before we start walking once more.

  “Not long now,” I promise her. “We’ll be at mine in a moment.”

  Chapter Five – Cici

  I know this isn’t like me, it’s not me at all, but I don’t care. It feels good. I feel powerful as I step out of character and I have an awesome night of fun. It’ll probably just be one night, but that’s okay. I don’t mind that. This isn’t the start of some fairy tale happy ever after, this is just fun. Just me getting back in the game.

  “This is my apartment building.” Will indicates for me to step inside. It isn’t what I was expecting, it’s not as grand and large as the pictures of Landon’s home that I’ve seen, but I suppose there isn’t any real reason why I should think that he would be some flashy millionaire too. “Come inside. Luckily, the elevator is working.”

  He presses the button and the elevator door pings open. It’s such a small space that the sexual tension immediately flutters to life is intense. I keep my hands pinned to my side to stop myself from grabbing him like an animal. There’s a hooded dark desire behind his eyes that suggests he feels the same way. The fact that this incredible, slightly mysterious but also super fun guy, wants me, makes me feel nuts. I must look good in this dress, that’s the only excuse that I can think of. That’s why he wants to screw my brains out.

  God, I’m naughty. This is crazy. Maybe this won’t stay a secret, but for now it’s just ours.

  I can breathe a little easier as the elevator doors open once more. It’s like there’s finally some normal air surrounding us rather than just a hazy lust. Relief floods me as I step out into the hallway sucking in some deep and calming breaths. I can think a little clearer. But then Will slides his hand into mine again and it gets complicated again. My feet barely touch the floor, I’m almost skipping and flying high.

  “This is my apartment here,” Will murmurs as he swings open the door. “Sorry if it’s a mess.”

  I glance around, barely taking any of it in. Maybe it’s messy, perhaps it isn’t, I don’t know. All I can really think about is him and the magnetic pull between us. We’ve pretty much been alone all night long, in the way that no one has spoken to us, but now we’re really alone and that fact isn’t lost on me. We’re by ourselves and anything can happen. It will as well, I just know it. He anticipation filling the air is just too much.

  “Do you want something to drink?” Will asks me. “I don’t know what I have…”

  “No.” I shake my head vigorously. “I don’t. I’m not thirsty.” Not for that anyway…

  He seems to get my meaning. Will slowly walks towards me with that intense look in his eyes. I suck in a breath, needing some air in my lungs, and I hold it there while I wait for him. I can’t wait for the feel of his hands all over my body. He’s touched me in places throughout the night, giving me an indication for what’s to come, but this is the real deal now. When he touches me this time, it’ll be going somewhere…

  In a playful move, indicative of the whole night, he grabs me and dips me low as if we’ve been dancing before he kisses me again. Somewhere in the middle of my laughter, it dies away and I lose myself in his mouth. The feel of Will’s mouth against mine is fiery and amazing. It drives me absolutely crazy.

  Then, he lifts me up and the kiss intensifies. His fingers fiddle with the bottom of my dress and my God, I’m desperate for him to get it off! The thick material feels clunky, and in the way, I need it gone. Any body shyness that I usually feel when guys see me naked for the very first time is nowhere to be seen today. It’s long gone, I’m confident and goddess like. I want him to drag those sexy eyes all over me, I want him to see all of me.

  The dress comes flying over my head and he stares at me panting. The look behind his eyes is even better than I hoped it would be. It causes a glistening layer of sweat to cover my skin as my need for him gets worse.

  Will takes a step back from me and he shrugs off his suit jacket. He fixes his eyes on me and he slowly unbuttons his shirt as if he’s doing a strip show for me. It makes my heart hammer so loudly, I fear it might burst out of my chest at any given moment. Especially as I see the sculpted body that he has underneath. Fuck!

  Will looks pleased by my reaction, he likes what his body is doing to me, he’s enjoying the way that I’m weak at the knees. I want the same from him, so without giving myself any time to think it through, I pop my bra clasp and let my heaving breasts burst free. My nipples are rock hard, standing to attention, begging him to touch them.

  “Oh wow,” he murmurs as he answers the call of my body. He grabs onto one of my breasts with his keen, needy fingers, brushing his thumb over one nipple, while taking the other one between his lips. While he tugs and teases with his tongue, my head falls back with lust. I can feel my hair tickling my very naked back, increasing all the wonderful sensations currently flooding my body. “Fucking hell, Cici, you are sexy as fuck.”

  He walks me over to his couch, kissing over my mouth and neck as I go. He’s controlling me, sending me flying, and I honestly don’t care. I fall backwards onto the seat and he collapses on top of me. Will’s hands feel over my hips, he touches my waist, the tops of my thighs, my breasts. He’s everywhere and I still want more. I’m greedy for every freaking inch of his body. I try to shove his trousers down but it’s hard from underneath him.

  Finally, Will grabs my hands and he pins them above my head. I leave them there while he takes his hands back down and he pushes my lacy panties to one side. I wore them
today because I wanted to look good for the wedding and I’m so fucking grateful now. I don’t want Will to think I was expecting to get laid today because that definitely isn’t the case, but I do want him to think that I have nice underwear.

  “Oh shit.” My back arches with glee. Will isn’t messing about, wasting time teasing me.

  Right away, his fingers slide inside of my burning, soaking slit, and he massages my insides with an expert touch. It’s like he already knows my body better than I do because the way he makes me feel is insane. There’s a hot bliss pooling in my stomach already, my veins are absolutely lit up. This is incredible. Even better when he finally grabs hold of the lace of my underwear and he tears it from my body, literally ripping it as he goes. They might be my best panties, but right now I don’t care about them at all. I just need them gone.

  “You like that?” Will murmurs confidently into my ear. I nod, there’s no point in beating around the bush. “And how about this?” He slides his fingers up to my clit and traces phenomenal patterns over it.


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