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Fatal Attraction

Page 37

by Mia Ford

  “Well she’s changed me for the better too,” I confide in Robyn. “Before I met Katy I was always very private and closed off. I didn’t know how to open up to anyone about anything. I certainly wasn’t in the right place for a relationship… but then she came along and I just wanted to be better for her. I wanted her to see me in a way that others don’t. She cast a spell over me.”

  As Robyn smiles at me, I can see approval there. “Well good, I’m glad. Does that mean I don’t have to give you the standard warning about losing your balls if you hurt my friend?”

  “You definitely don’t.” I shake my head rapidly. “I have no intention of ever hurting her.” I pause and bite down on my bottom lip, wondering if this is something I should say. “I love her, you know?” Yes, I decide to just go for it. Katy knows how strong my feelings are, so why shouldn’t her friend? “I really do and I’ll do anything to keep her around.”

  “Good.” Robyn pats me on the back. “Well, it looks like you’ve passed the test and I haven’t even really started it yet. Usually when my friends bring around new boyfriends I have a list of questions about their past that I grill them about, and I always thought that when it was Katy I’d be even worse because she needs so much protecting… but with you I don’t think I need to. I feel like you have my friend’s best interests at heart. I feel like you really do care about her.”

  I don’t know if this means that Robyn already knows about me losing Victoria or not, but I don’t push it. I don’t want to ruin tonight by talking about all of that anyway. That’s in the past now. It isn’t something that I’ll ever forget, but I don’t want to only exist in that moment either. I want to move forward with the bright new future that I can have with Katy.

  “I do, I really do. You don’t have to worry about Katy with me. I can promise you that she’s in good hands. All I want to do is spend every single day making her happy.”

  “God, happiness, I don’t think that’s something she’s used to since she’s given so much of herself to that hell hole, so I really hope you can do it.”

  At that moment, my cell phone starts ringing in my pocket. It must be Nancy, I’m sure she’s the only person who would call me this late at night which means I need to take the call instantly. Even knowing that Liam is safely tucked up in bed isn’t enough, my panicked brain starts concocting the most horrific images that I can barely deal with.

  “I just have to take this,” I tell Robyn regretfully. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

  I run from the bar and suck in a couple of deep, cold breaths once I get outside. It’s only when I actually look at the screen of my phone and I see that it’s Barry’s name written across it, that I begin to calm down just a little bit. Of course, it’s Barry, my accountant has no idea of time. He needs to get a life outside of work, honestly!

  “Hello, Barry,” I answer wryly. “Is everything okay?”

  As soon as he starts talking I can hear an edge to his voice which gets my back up. I don’t know what this is going to be about but I immediately start panicking. “Evan, sorry for ringing you at this time, I just thought you might like to know right away…” The pause is agonizing, it makes me want to scream. “The investor you met with on Friday is very interested in you and your new, restructured business. He wants to be a part of the company.”

  “Oh my God.” I reel as I realize what this means. I’m saved, really saved. Now, I can pay back the banks, get out of debt and have some money to move forward with… but in the right way. With Archie’s help now the company is much smaller and more stream lined. Everything is working out even better than I’d hoped. “Barry, that’s incredible news. Thank you for ringing me and letting me know. That’s just…” I rub my forehead in shock. “That’s wonderful.”

  “Yes, well you can thank your lawyer friend for that. Also, you might want to consult with her again to get all the paper work drawn up quickly. You’ll want to move fast with this one.”

  I glance towards the door of the bar, glad that I can tell her right away. Barry doesn’t know that me and Katy are involved, and he doesn’t have to. He isn’t actually someone that I see on a regular basis, we just talk a lot. He probably wouldn’t be happy about it, but I don’t care because I have everything that I’ve ever wanted and more.

  “Yes, I will speak to her about it. Thank you, Barry. Keep me updated.”

  As I hang up the phone I do a little fist bump in the air. It wasn’t that long ago that I knew the company was going to be put up for auction. I was going to lose control of the one thing that my father left for me. But now I have even more control than before… just control from a distance which suits me better. This is the next thing that I needed to get all the worries off my chest. I just know that I can make things profitable again, and I can’t wait to get started.

  I push the door of the bar open, embracing the warmth as it circles me. Now I actually want a drink, I need it to celebrate, and I’m going to buy all of Katy’s friends one too. This is a moment that I want to commit to memory, and while I might not know these people I want them all the join in with me. If only for this second.

  “Is everything alright?” Katy gushes, while grabbing onto me. As I turn to face her I see intense fear in her gaze. It seems that her brain has gone to exactly the same place as mine, which her words confirm. “Robyn said you raced out to answer the phone. It isn’t anything to do with Liam is it?”

  “No, not Liam.” I pull her close to me and kiss her. “The business actually. That was Barry, my accountant on the phone. He was just ringing to tell me that one of the investors that I met with last week is really interested, so effectively the business is saved because of you.”

  As she blushes I kiss her again. I press my lips hard into hers and allow all the love to flow from me. Her plump mouth is all wet and warm which sparks up an intense fire in my belly, but that’s one I won’t be able to satisfy for now. I’ll have to hold myself back until we get home later on.

  “There’s something else that I want to speak to you about,” I tell her quietly. This isn’t the way that I ideally wanted to have this conversation, I would much prefer to do it in a much more romantic way, but for some strange reason, this just feels right. “I want to know if you will move in with me properly? I’ve spoken to Liam about it, and we both want you to live with us properly.”

  Her eyes widen in shock. “Are you serious?”

  “Of course, I’m serious,” I chuckle. “I wouldn’t ask you otherwise, would I? And I don’t want you to think that this is just a spur of the moment thing, this is something that I’ve thought about a lot and I’ve had lots of conversations with Liam about. He really does want you around forever.”

  I can see the thoughts racing through her brain so I remain silent while she really thinks this through. It won’t make much difference, since we’re pretty much living together anyway, but this will make it official which I know makes it heavier. I’ve had a lot of time to think about it, whereas I’ve just sprung this on Katy. It makes sense that she needs a couple of moments.

  “I would love that,” she replies cautiously. “But you know that would mean moving all my stuff in too?”

  “I do get that concept!” I exclaim in mock horror. “But to be honest I’ve been to your apartment and most of it is take out cartons anyway. I think we can chuck most of it out… but move in whatever you want. I want it to be your home as well. It needs a feminine touch.”

  “Oh wow, that’s amazing.”

  “Is that a yes?” I command. “You haven’t given me a straight answer yet.”

  “Of course, it’s a yes.”

  I grab her and spin her around before dipping her downwards and kissing her hard.

  “I think we have a lot to celebrate then, let’s go and get some drinks in!”

  Chapter Twenty Eight – Katy

  As we crash through the door to Evan’s – and now mine, I suppose – home, we giggle excitedly like crazy teenagers. Maybe we’ve gone a tiny b
it overboard on the bubbly tonight, but that’s because we have so much to celebrate. Things moving forward with me and Evan, the business working out, Liam getting better, it’s all just so wonderful. Of course, we’re giddy, it’d be mad if we weren’t.

  “Nancy!” Evan calls a little drunkenly through the house. “Nancy, are you there?”

  “I’m here.” The girl that I only vaguely recall seeing for maybe a second at the hospital flies out into the hallway, with her dark hair spilling behind her back. “How was your night?” She looks at us both with a bright smile. “It looks like you’ve had a lot of fun, which is awesome!”

  My shining eyes probably betray just how happy I’m feeling inside. I can hardly contain myself. I cling to Evan’s arm possessively because I never want to let him go. He’s mine now, and I love that he’s mine. I’m not trying to keep anyone away from him, I just want the world to know he belongs to me. I haven’t really ever had anyone that’s mine before and I like how it feels.

  “We had such a good night,” I declare gleefully. “Thank you so much for having Liam.”

  “Yeah, how was Liam? Did he give you any trouble getting to bed?”

  Nancy gives Liam a look. “You’re acting like I haven’t been putting him to bed forever!”

  “I know, I know, I’m sorry.” He shakes his head and rubs his eyes. “I’m just… I don’t know a little crazy at the moment. It’s like I’m obsessed with everything that he does.”

  “I know you are and that’s understandable.” Nancy’s lips purse into a tight line, I get the impression that she’s still having a lot of guilt over the car accident which clearly wasn’t her fault. I understand why she feels bad, it’s worse with Evan than anyone else, but I wish I could take that guilt from her. It isn’t fair for her to feel it. “But Liam is a good kid, you don’t have to worry so much.”

  I wander into the living room as Evan sorts out Nancy’s payment for the night and I think about actually living here for real. I mean, it won’t be much different since I haven’t left much since my time at the hospital, and over time most of my stuff has migrated over to Evan’s home, but this will be official. I won’t have anywhere to escape to if things go wrong… not that I can see that happening. It’s just lucky that I don’t have any emotional attachment to my apartment at all, so it isn’t going to be any sort of upheaval. I’ve done a lot more living at Evan’s house anyway. I think I’d be much less inclined to ever leave here. That would hurt me, then I think I’d be upset.

  I fall onto the couch and stare up at the ceiling with a smirk playing on my lips. I feel like the cat who got the cream, and as I hear the sound of the front door closing behind Nancy, that sensation intensifies. Me and Evan have been heavily flirting all night long and it’s churned all kinds of things up in me. I just know that I’m in for a good night and this will be even better because now me and Evan love one another and we’re moving in together. It’s solid, set in stone.

  “Hey there, gorgeous.” My eyes fly open as I hear Evan’s delicious voice. “Looking good.”

  “Oh yeah?” I move up from the couch and start walking towards Evan with a sway in my hip. The burning in my loins intensifies and screams out for attention. “Well I have to say that you’re looking good too.” I reach forward and grab the sides of his jacket, yanking him towards me. “Very handsome, I’ve been waiting to get my hands on you all night long.”

  I pull him towards me and kiss him hard. My arms loop around his neck and I hold him in place as I dart my tongue between his lips. A groan rumbles in the back of my throat and bursts into his mouth which causes Evan to wrap his arms around me. With his hands on the small of my back everything burns brighter. I need him, I feel like if I don’t have him I’ll die.

  “Shall we go up to your bedroom?” I ask him quietly, but the desperation is evident.

  “Oh my God, yes. But it isn’t my bedroom. It’s our bedroom now. Don’t you forget that.”

  “Of course.” I slap my forehead in mock horror. “Sorry, that’s going to take some time getting used to. Do you want to take me to our bedroom?” The words cause a shiver to tear up and down my spine. “Yep, our bedroom. I have to admit I like that a whole lot more.”

  “Then yes, I will take you to our bedroom, you sexy little minx.”

  He takes my hand and tugs me towards the stairs, and as we go my heart flutters in my chest. The butterflies flap violently in my stomach and it feels so good. I tiptoe up the steps behind Evan, feeling all sexy and feminine as I go. I love the way I feel with Evan, it’s so much fun. I feel like I’m a flower blossoming into life, I feel like I’m becoming the person I was always supposed to be.

  Once we reach the top of the stairs, Evan yanks my arm and pulls me around to him, flattening me against his thick, muscular chest. The feel of his abs against my skin causes a red hot flush to run all over me. His strong body reminds me that now he wants to take care of me, and I like that a lot. No one has ever wanted to take care of me before, and I surprisingly like it more than I thought I would.

  “You are so beautiful,” Evan comments idly. “And I love you so much.”

  Ooh those words, I love hearing them so damn much. They encase me in a deep warmth that is like no other. “I love you too,” I reply in a whisper. “I love you, Evan Debroils.”

  With that we continue moving into the bedroom, kissing frantically all the way. The pretty party dress that I put on before mine and Evan’s big night out whips up over my head, and I tear Evan’s shirt off and tug his trousers down. By the time, we actually get to the bed we’re both panting desperately, only in our underwear. I have a black silky bra and panties set on that I purchased especially because I like the way that it offsets my milky skin, and Evan has some sexy, tight, navy blue boxers. The way that the moonlight glistens through the window reflects off his body wonderfully.

  “My God, I’m lucky,” Evan gasps as he moves back to me. “So, fucking lucky.”

  His arms swoop around me and he throws me back onto the bed. As he climbs onto the bed and he hovers over me, I feel myself writhe with a sheer deep thrill. Sometimes this thing I have with Evan feels completely normal, and sometimes it takes me by surprise that someone so gorgeous could be attracted to me. I still think of myself as the plain, washed out lawyer who doesn’t deserve any eyes looking at me. It’s hard to get myself out of that mindset.

  Evan’s lips crash down onto my body, all over my cheeks and down towards my neck. While he kisses my collar bone he reaches behind my back to unhook my bra. It’s strapless, so it flies from my body easily, revealing my rock hard nipples that are crying out for attention. Luckily Evan can see that they need attention, because he moves his mouth over one, taking it between his lips and sucking hard, and he grabs my other breast with his other and he flicks his thumb all over it.

  “Oh shit,” I groan while rolling my hips into him. I can feel his thick erection in his underwear waiting for me, and I want more of it. He feels so good. “Oh, Evan.”

  As he pulls his mouth off of me, I push myself into a sitting position, then I flip Evan over until he’s lying on his back. While he’s still wide eyed and in shock, I run my fingers along the waistband of his pants, taunting him with what’s going to happen next. As he groans and writhes, I run my tongue along my top lip. Then, just as his hips buck towards me, I dip my hand in and I grip tightly onto his shaft, gasping with excitement as I do.

  “Oh fuck, Katy, you are a fucking expert with your hand.”

  I don’t know if that’s true, but it spurs me on. I run my hand from the base to the tip, trying to touch every inch of him. The lust filled expression on his face kills me, it’s almost too much. It makes me wetter and hotter than ever before. It’s almost hotter than if he was touching me…

  I can’t stand it anymore, I need him. I don’t even think about it, I just pull my panties to one side and I straddle Evan. I slide down over his cock, absolutely loving the sensation of him being inside of me. I don’t even stop to
worry about protection, it doesn’t even cross my mind. I’m too busy gripping onto Evan’s hips and riding him like there’s no tomorrow.

  The pressure starts in my toes and tingles through all my veins until it reaches my chest. I can hear myself moaning and groaning, crying out in sheer bliss. I probably should calm down a little bit, I’m getting out of hand but I’m just having the best time of my life. Sex with Evan is phenomenal, I never want it to it… which is why it crushes me when Evan pulls out just as I feel myself on the brink of exploding.

  “Come with me,” Evan growls, taking my hand. “I want to show you the view.”

  I’m admittedly confused, but judging by the heavy lidded look that Evan is giving me I feel sure that it’s a plan so I agree to it and follow me. I stand naked in front of Evan’s window, glancing down at his garden below. Evan positions himself behind me and he pushes me forward slightly until my hands are pressed up against the cold glass. The heat of them makes a print.

  Once in that position, Evan slowly and tantalizingly pulls my panties down. Once they hit the floor I kick them away and I spread my legs apart for him. Evan angles himself and thrusts himself back into me, knocking the wind from my body completely. Then once he settles himself into a steady rhythm he moves one of his hands around to the front of me and he flicks my clit rapidly.


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