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Talent Showdown

Page 1

by Tracey West

  I want to be the very best there ever was

  To beat all the rest, yeah, that’s my cause

  Catch ’em, Catch ’em, Gotta catch ’em all

  Pokémon I’ll search across the land

  Look far and wide

  Release from my hand

  The power that’s inside

  Catch ’em, Catch ’em, Gotta catch ’em all Pokémon!

  Gotta catch ’em all, Gotta catch ’em all

  Gotta catch ’em all, Gotta catch ’em all

  At least one hundred and fifty or more to see

  To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny

  Catch ’em, Catch ’em, Gotta catch ’em all

  Gotta catch ’em all, Pokémon! (repeat three times)

  Here’s the first 32 Pokémon.

  Catch the next book, Psyduck Ducks Out,

  for more of the Poké Rap.

  Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey

  Venusaur,Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey

  Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly

  Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree

  Venomoth, Poliwag, Nidorino, Golduck

  Ivysaur, Grimer, Victreebel, Moltres

  Nidoking, Farfetch’d, Abra, Jigglypuff

  Kingler, Rhyhorn, Clefable, Wigglytuff

  Words and Music by Tamara Loeffler and John Siegler

  Copyright © 1999 Pikachu Music (BMI)

  Worldwide rights for Pikachu Music administered by Cherry River Music Co. (BMI)

  All Rights Reserved  Used by Permission


  Title Page

  Chapter 1: Gary, Again!

  Chapter 2: Persian VS. Squirtle

  Chapter 3: Seel’s Disappearing Act

  Chapter 4: Team Rocket’s Secret Weapon

  Chapter 5: Brock Rocks!

  Chapter 6: Save Pikachu!

  Chapter 7: Brock’s Big Moment

  Chapter 8: Ash VS. Gary

  Chapter 9: Caught!

  Chapter 10: The Show Must Go On

  Chapter 11: Show’s Over!

  Chapter 12: And the Winner is…

  About the Author

  Sneak Peek


  “This town sure is crowded,” Ash Ketchum said. “I wonder what’s going on?”

  Ash and his friends Misty and Brock had wandered into the town to find food and a place to sleep. Together they were on a journey to capture and train Pokémon, creatures with amazing powers.

  Orange-haired Misty hugged Togepi, a baby Pokémon, close to her. “This place is a little too noisy for me,” Misty said. “Togepi could use a nap.”

  “Togi! Togi!” cooed the Pokémon. Togepi flapped its tiny arms. They stuck out of the colorful eggshell that covered its body.

  “Pikachu!” agreed Pikachu, Ash’s Pokémon. The yellow lightning mouse always walked alongside its Trainer.

  Brock scanned the crowded street. “I don’t know if we’ll find a quiet place in this town,” said the older boy. “But maybe we can find out what’s going on.”

  “Good idea,” Ash said. A boy his age stood nearby. The boy had six red-and-white Poké Balls attached to a belt around his waist. Ash recognized him as a fellow Pokémon Trainer. He approached the boy.

  “What’s happening in this town?” Ash asked. “Some kind of Pokémon competition?” Ash hoped that was true. He never missed a chance to battle other Pokémon Trainers. It was the best way to get experience.

  “Something like that,” the boy replied. He pointed to a large building down the street. “That’s where all the action is.”

  “Great!” Ash said. He turned to his friends. “Let’s check it out!”

  Misty sighed. “Okay, Ash. But we’ve got to rest soon. Togepi is getting cranky.”

  Ash didn’t reply.

  He was too busy charging down the street. Pikachu ran at his heels.

  Ash skidded to a stop in front of the large, white building. It looked like some kind of theater. A wooden sign above the door read REHEARSAL HALL.

  “This is an unusual place for a Pokémon battle,” Ash told Pikachu.

  “Pika!” Pikachu nodded.

  Ash opened the doors, and he and Pikachu stepped inside. The room was crowded with Trainers and Pokémon.

  But the Pokémon weren’t battling.

  In fact, Ash thought they were acting.

  A girl in a white tuxedo jacket and skirt was throwing colorful balls to Seel, a Water-type Pokémon. The Seel caught the balls on its nose, one by one.

  A boy in a sparkling suit was tap dancing and singing a song. Farfetch’d, a Normal- and Flying-type Pokémon, danced along to the music.

  A girl in a karate uniform was doing a karate routine with Machop, a Fighting-type Pokémon.

  All over the room, Pokémon and their Trainers were singing, dancing, and doing tricks.

  Misty and Brock caught up to Ash.

  “What’s going on here?” Ash asked his friends. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  Before they could answer, a nasal voice interrupted.

  “So, Ash, we meet again.” A boy with spiky brown hair stood there. The boy wore a long-sleeved blue shirt and jeans. Behind him, a group of girls wearing cheerleader uniforms and carrying pom-poms waved and smiled at Ash.

  “Gary!” Ash said in disbelief. He and Gary grew up together in Pallet Town. They had started their Pokémon journeys at the same time. Gary was Ash’s greatest rival. He and Ash were always trying to outdo each other.

  “So you’re entering the Pokémon Talent Show, are you?” Gary asked. “There must be a mistake. This isn’t a Talentless Show. That’s the show you should be entering.”

  Ash frowned. “Gary, why are you still giving me a hard time? I thought that was over when I did better than you in the Pokémon League Tournament.”

  Every Trainer’s dream was to become a member of the Pokémon League. To get in, you had to battle lots of other Trainers. Ash and Gary had both competed at the same tournament.

  Gary laughed. “Is that what you think? The way I see it, you’re still a loser. After all, you didn’t win.”

  Ash felt his face flush with anger. Brock put a hand on his shoulder.

  Misty jumped into the conversation. “So, Gary, tell us about the talent show.”

  “Haven’t you heard?” Gary replied. “The competition is for Trainers and their Pokémon. You’re judged on how entertaining the act is, how well your Pokémon are trained, and how well you perform as a Trainer. All of the best Trainers compete.”

  “So what’s your act?” Misty asked.

  Gary beamed proudly. “It’s only the most spectacular stage show ever. I’ll be singing a song I wrote called ‘Gary Is the Greatest.’ It’ll have fireworks, cheerleaders, and a dancing chorus line of all my Pokémon.”

  “Gary is the greatest!” the cheerleaders cheered.

  “So what’s your act, Ash?” Gary sneered. “Or are you just going to stand onstage and beg the judges for pity?”

  Ash felt his blood boil. Gary was too much. He had to show Gary that he was no loser, once and for all.

  “I have a fantastic act planned,” Ash said. “Much better than your stupid song. It’s going to blow the judges away!”

  “I’ll believe it when I see it, Ash,” Gary said. He and the cheerleaders walked away, laughing.

  “You really stood up for yourself,” Brock said. “Good for you.”

  “Yeah!” Ash said.

  Misty shook her head. “Uh, Ash, there’s only one problem,” she said.

  “What’s that?” Ash asked.

  “You don’t have an act!” Misty said.

  “I’ve got plenty of talent,” Ash said. “I’m a great Pokémon Trainer. I caught a Snorlax, didn’t I? And a
Lapras. I bet nobody here can say that.”

  “Maybe not,” Misty said. “But they can sing and dance and do tricks. That’s what this competition is about.”

  Ash frowned. “I guess you’re right,” he said. He looked around the rehearsal hall at the Pokémon and their Trainers.

  One boy was throwing balls to an Exeggutor, a combination Grass- and Psychic-type Pokémon. The Exeggutor was catching the balls with its feet.

  A girl was doing a comedy act in one corner of the room. Next to her, a Haunter laughed at all her jokes.

  Ash turned to Pikachu. “We can do this together, Pikachu,” Ash said. “There must be something you can do. Can you sing?”

  Pikachu shook its head.

  “Can you dance?” Ash asked.

  Pikachu shook its head.

  Ash tried again. “Can you juggle?”

  Pikachu shook its head a third time.

  “You must have some special talent,” Ash said.

  “Pika!” Pikachu smiled. Tiny sparks flew from its bright red cheeks. The yellow Pokémon aimed a small electric charge at Ash.

  “Aaaaaaaaah!” Ash cried as the electricity tingled through his body. “Pikachu, that’s not what I had in mind!”

  “Pikachu,” Pikachu apologized.

  Misty and Brock couldn’t help laughing.

  “That’s what I call a shocking act!” Misty said between giggles.

  Dejected, Ash walked away from his friends. “I’ll think of something,” Ash called back over his shoulder. “You’ll see.”

  Ash sank down on the edge of a small portable swimming pool. He held his face in his hands.

  I’ve got to find a way to win this competition, Ash thought to himself. I’ve got to beat Gary somehow.

  “What have you done with my Seel?”

  Ash snapped to attention at the sound of the angry voice. It belonged to a girl about his age. She had curly brown hair, and wore a costume — a white tuxedo jacket and a skirt. On the back of her jacket the words SALLY AND HER AMAZING SEEL were written in sequins.

  “Where is it?” Sally asked him.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ash said. “I didn’t touch your Seel.”

  “It was here in this pool a few minutes ago,” Sally said. “We were practicing our act. I went to get a drink of water, and now it’s gone.”

  “That’s too bad,” Ash said. “But I — ”

  “Save your story,” Sally said angrily. “There’s only one way to solve this.”

  Sally took a red-and-white Poké Ball from her jacket pocket.

  “I challenge you to a battle against my performing Pokémon,” she said. “Two Pokémon each.” She threw the ball into the air. “Persian, you’re on!” Sally cried.

  A sleek, white Pokémon that looked like a jungle cat burst forth in a blaze of light. Persian had a round red jewel in the middle of its forehead. Ash had never battled a Persian before. He thought quickly.

  “Squirtle, I choose you!” Ash threw a Poké Ball and a Pokémon that looked like a turtle appeared. Squirtle was cute, but Ash knew it had powerful Water attacks.

  Sally didn’t hesitate to launch Persian’s attack.

  “Persian, Growl!” Sally ordered the Pokémon.

  A snarl crossed Persian’s face. A low, rumbling growl started in its throat. Persian opened its mouth and the growl poured out.

  Squirtle covered its ears with its hands. It started to lose its balance.

  “What’s happening?” Ash asked.

  Sally smiled. “Growl lowers an opponent’s attack power,” she said. “Now Persian’s ready for its next attack. Persian, Bite!”

  Squirtle fell to the ground weakened.

  Persian bared its sharp teeth. Then it sprung into the air.

  “No!” Ash cried.

  “Squirtle! Water Gun fast!” Ash cried.

  Squirtle struggled to stand up. Persian lunged toward the Water-type Pokémon, ready to sink its teeth into Squirtle’s arm.

  Just in time, Squirtle shot a forceful blast of water right at Persian. The water pushed Persian back. The Classy Cat Pokémon thudded to the floor. Its prized fur dripped water.

  Persian hissed at Squirtle.

  “I never met a cat that liked taking a bath!” Ash said.

  Misty, Brock, and Pikachu ran up.

  “What’s going on?” Brock asked.

  “You guys are just in time,” Ash said. He held out Squirtle’s Poké Ball.

  “Squirtle, return!” Ash called out.

  Squirtle disappeared into the ball.

  Ash turned to Pikachu. “Finish this up, Pikachu. Squirtle’s water will help conduct your electricity!”

  “Pika pika!” Pikachu said, nodding. It closed its eyes, building up an electric charge in its body.


  Pikachu hurled a thunderbolt at the soggy Persian. The Classy Cat Pokémon lit up with the charge. Then it sank to the floor in a heap.

  Sally ran to her Pokémon’s side.

  “Persian, are you okay?” she asked.

  “We can end this battle now if you want,” Ash said. “I’m telling you, I didn’t take your Seel.”

  “Is that what this is about?” Misty asked. She turned to Sally. “Ash would never steal someone’s Pokémon.”

  Sally sighed. She stroked the Persian, which purred quietly. Then she took out Persian’s Poké Ball.

  “Show’s over, Persian,” she said, and Persian returned to its ball.

  Sally faced Ash. “I’m sorry, Ash. I just got too upset when I saw that Seel was missing,” Sally said. “Seel was the first Pokémon I ever caught. It’s more than a Pokémon to me. It’s a good friend.”

  Ash knew what Sally meant. He couldn’t imagine how he would feel if anything ever happened to Pikachu.

  “I understand,” Ash said. “Why don’t you tell me exactly what happened? Maybe we can figure out where Seel is.”

  Sally smiled weakly. “Thanks,” she said. “I told you, I left the pool to get a drink of water. When I came back, Seel was gone.”

  “Did you see anything unusual?” Brock asked her.

  Sally seemed thoughtful. Then her eyes lit up. “I didn’t see anything,” she said. “But I did hear something. There was some really strange music playing.”

  Ash looked at the performers who filled the room. “There are a lot of strange sounds in this place right now.”

  Sally shook her head. “It wasn’t like normal music. It was kind of … creepy.”

  Brock scratched his head. “Is that all you can remember?”

  Sally sighed. “That’s it.”

  “Don’t worry, Sally,” Misty said. “You’ll find your Seel.”

  “Well, standing around here isn’t going to do any good,” Sally said. “I’m going to search every inch of this place.”

  “We’ll look for Seel, too!” Brock called after her as she walked away.

  “We’ll search for Seel while we think of an act for me,” Ash reminded him. “I’m still going to enter this contest.”

  Misty shook her head. “Ash, you can’t win everything, you know. Why don’t you face it? You don’t have what it takes to enter a talent show.”

  Just then, Gary walked by. He heard Misty’s words and broke into a huge smile.

  “Listen to your friend, Ash,” Gary taunted him. “Don’t even bother to enter. You’ll only lose to me — as usual.”

  As Gary walked away, Ash felt anger build inside him.

  “That’s it!” Ash said, thrusting his fist in the air. “I’m going to win this contest, no matter what I have to do!”

  Ash was miserable inside the rehearsal hall, but just outside, there were two happy people and one very happy Pokémon.

  One was a teenage girl with long, red hair.

  One was a teenage boy with blue hair and green eyes.

  The Pokémon was a white Scratch Cat Pokémon that walked on two legs.

  They were Jessie, James, and Meowth.

/>   Team Rocket!

  This trio of troublemakers was on a mission: to steal rare Pokémon for their boss, Giovanni. The Pokémon they wanted most of all was Ash’s Pikachu.

  “I can’t believe it!” James said. “The boss’s new invention works!”

  Jessie, James and Meowth huddled together in a circle. In the center sat a frightened Water-type Pokémon. A Seel. The Seel looked like it was in a daze.

  “It works all right,” Jessie said. “But we shouldn’t talk about it here. It’s too crowded. Let’s get back to our hideout.”

  Team Rocket shoved the dazed Seel into a sack and hurried down the street.

  They all turned the corner and entered a store. Musical instruments were displayed in the windows. A sign above the store read G’S MUSIC STORE.

  Once inside, Meowth closed the shades. James released the Seel. And Jessie held up a gold flute. It glittered in the lamplight.

  “This flute works like a charm,” Jessie said, her eyes gleaming. “The boss is a genius. All I have to do is play a tune, and Pokémon leave their Trainers and come right to us.”

  “Meowth! It’s flute-tastic!” Meowth said.

  “Meowth’s right,” James said. “It’s so easy to steal a Seel!”

  Meowth laughed at James’s rhyme. “You’re a poet and you didn’t know it!” the Pokémon said.

  James got a dreamy look in his eyes. “Maybe I can read my poetry in the talent show,” he said. “I can see it now:

  The Amazing James!

  His Fabulous Rhymes Will Make You Insane.”

  Jessie bopped James on the head with the flute.

  “James doesn’t rhyme with insane, you poor excuse for a poet,” she said. “Besides, I’m the one who’s going to enter the talent show. I’ll play this flute, and all the Pokémon will leave their Trainers and follow me onto the stage.”

  “Right!” Meowth said. “Then they’ll fall into the secret trapdoor we rigged up there. James and I will scoop them up …”

  “… and we’ll have more Pokémon than we can handle!” James said.

  “Exactly!” Jessie said. “So you two had better not mess this up.”

  “Don’t be silly, Jess,” James said. “There’s no way this plan can go wrong.”


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