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Elite Dragoons 2: Nicole's Military Men (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Becca Van

  Elite Dragoons 2:

  Nicole’s Military Men

  Nicole Maynard has been living with Ty, Rand, and Bromley Bayhard for the last couple of months on their cattle ranch in nowhere North Dakota. Although she has come to care for the three sexy, masculine men she tries to keep her feelings hidden. She doesn’t think they trust her and won’t give into their lustful stares.

  It isn’t that Ty doesn’t trust Nicole, but he is worried how she will react when she finds out about their abilities and is determined to keep her at arm's length, but his brothers are more than determined to have Nicole in their beds and hopefully, eventually in their hearts.

  But danger comes to the ranch and Nicole is kidnapped while the men are away on a mission. Just as they think they will have her back in their arms, they realize that they are up against more than one foe.

  Can good win over evil?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 41,011 words


  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-196-7

  First E-book Publication: August 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  If you have purchased this copy of Elite Dragoons 2: Nicole’s Military Men by Becca Van from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

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  This is Becca Van’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Van’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  This book is dedicated to anyone needing to escape the realism of life for a while. Everyone needs to have a break now and then.

  I hope you all enjoy reading the second book to my Elite Dragoons series as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am looking forward to writing number four.

  Thank you for buying my book! Love Becca.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Nicole Maynard was aware of the three sets of male eyes watching her every move as she helped May in the kitchen of the main house of the Elite Dragoons Ranch, located in nowhere North Dakota, between the towns of Belcourt and Langdon, close to the Canadian border. She had been aware of the three tall, handsome men from the very first moment she met them.

  Rand, Bromley, and Ty Bayhard, and the rest of the Elite Dragoons team, had rescued her and Sara-Jane Cantor virtually from the clutches of the Japanese Underworld criminals in the small rural town of Chadron, Nebraska. That had been nearly six weeks ago, and even though Nicole liked being around the three brothers, she hated that her life had been put on hold. But what she loathed more was that her best friend, Jill, still thought she was missing. But the black operatives team hadn’t wanted her or Sara to go back home until the criminals of the sex slave ring had been captured and the slavery operation had been busted wide open. Until then, Nicole was supposed to stay at their ranch. God knew how long that would be.

  Sara had told her that all the Elite Dragoons and their CO, Tony Sullivan, as well as local authorities, the Japanese government, and the FBI had no idea if the Japanese Underworld Criminals had managed to infiltrate the United States. For all anyone knew, the villains had already set up cells around the country in preparation for kidnapping more innocent women to sell to the sick bastards placing orders for women with the same physical characteristics that had gotten her kidnapped, her blonde hair and blue eyes, just like Sara.

  She shuddered with remembered fear as the images from the night she and Sara were rescued flashed through her mind. If it hadn’t been for the Elite Dragoons God only knew where she and Sara would have ended up or what they would have had to endure.

  But Nicole was in a quandary. Ty, Rand, and Brom Bayhard had each kissed her before going off to rescue Prudence, a fellow escapee of the sex traffickers, and even though they had almost knocked her socks off, she wasn’t sure she could handle a relationship with three men. They had told her they were very attracted to her and wanted to share her, but she couldn’t see how a relationship between one woman and three men could work, plus she had no idea how long they wanted to keep her. Did they just want to slake their lust with her while she was staying with them, or were they looking for something a little more permanent? If it was the first, then there was no way in hell she was getting involved with them. She could just imagine what it would be like to have sex with three men and then have to try to pick up the pieces o
f a broken heart once they were done with her. Nicole already had feelings for them and if they ended up being intimate, she knew it wouldn’t be long before she fell for them.

  None of the Bayhard brothers had said or done anything else to make her feel uncomfortable in their presence and for that she was grateful, but she was always aware of them when they watched her or were nearby.

  After the dishes were done, Nicole and Sara helped May make the coffee and then began taking the drinks into the living room. The twelve men were sprawled around the two large sectional sofas, currently watching a baseball game on the massive flat screen TV.

  The hair on her nape stood on end as she handed out the drinks, but she made sure to keep away from the Bayhard brothers. Her flesh erupted into goose bumps which told her that at least one of them was once more watching her. After dispensing the mugs of coffee, she headed toward the kitchen without once looking back and hoped that the men wouldn’t realize how aware of them she really was. The last thing she wanted to do was to go back into the living room and sit with all of them.

  Nicole was having a hard enough time of it trying to keep her simmering libido under wraps and had been told more than once by her friend Jill that she was as easy to read as an open book. She didn’t want them to know she was aroused by their attention. Nicole’s breasts were already swollen and her nipples achy but what astounded her more was that her pussy got wet and clenched as if begging to be filled, and that was only after being in their presence for a short stint. She was scared of the way the Bayhards made her feel and had no idea what to do about it or how to deal with it. She’d never really had a relationship and didn’t know how to handle the fact that three men were lusting after her.

  Nicole wasn’t a virgin. She’d lost her virginity years ago when she’d had too much to drink one night at a party Jill had tugged her along to. She wasn’t proud of what she had done, in fact she had been very ashamed of losing her virginity in such a way, but she couldn’t go back and change the past. Nicole had urges just like everyone else, but when she had sex again she wanted it to mean something. She wasn’t about to jump into bed with any Tom, Dick, or Harry. She’d been taught to respect her body and had no plans of making a fool of herself again.

  Her one and only encounter with sex had been painful, messy, and downright humiliating, and she wasn’t about to set herself up to be belittled again. Even though she had been inebriated, she remembered every demeaning moment of that experience and wasn’t too keen to rush into a physical relationship.

  Nicole stared out of the kitchen window as she sipped her coffee. It was dark and she couldn’t really see anything, but she didn’t want to go into the living room. Sara was snuggled up between Hay and Dalt while Whit sat at her feet with his back resting against her shins. Prue was sitting in the corner of the sofa and looked like she was trying very hard not to touch Thorpe’s body in any way, since he sat next to her, while his brothers, Adam and Huntley, appeared to be watching the game but were really keeping an eye on Prudence.

  Nicole all of a sudden felt closed in as sweat formed on her brow. After dumping the rest of her coffee down the sink, rinsing her cup, and putting it in the dishwasher, she walked toward the door and stepped out onto the wraparound veranda. Taking a few deep breaths of the cool, clean night air, she began to feel better and moved along the wooden deck until she was standing on the far end, staring into the distance. It was so peaceful out here in the middle of nowhere. She could envisage spending the rest of her life on this ranch and with the Bayhard men, but until she knew what they really wanted from her she wasn’t about to get herself into a situation where she could very well end up heartbroken.

  Her body stiffened and her muscles tautened when she felt a slight vibration on the deck she was standing on. She had no idea who was behind her, but she wasn’t about to turn around to find out. All the men in the Elite Dragoons team walked silently and if she hadn’t felt that slight movement of the timber beneath her feet she wouldn’t have been aware that someone was approaching her. She drew in a deep breath when she felt heat at her back and knew by his unique spicy scent that it was Rand.

  Rand was the quietest out of all three of the Bayhard brothers, and from what she had learned after living with them, he was also the most serious. He didn’t smile much or participate in a conversation unless he had something to say, which wasn’t often. He was the sort of man who liked to sit back and listen. It didn’t take much to picture him in her mind. His hair was cropped military short and was black but his eyes were a deep dark blue and she often had to physically wrench her gaze from his whenever they met. He was also the tallest, standing at a whopping six foot six, and also the brawniest of the three brothers. If he didn’t weigh three hundred pounds or close to, she would be surprised. His size and demeanor intimidated her, and even though she knew deep down in her heart he and the other two men would never hurt her, she still felt nervous around all three men. Maybe it was because she was very attracted to them and wasn’t sure what to do about it.

  It was getting nearly impossible to hide her body’s reaction to the three men. She pushed that thought away.

  Then there was Ty. Ty was slightly leaner and shorter than Rand but no less appealing, and he was still more muscular than anyone she’d ever known, and if he didn’t weigh well over two hundred pounds, she would eat her shoes. His hair was also short but instead of black like Rand’s it was a deep brown and his eyes were an amazing emerald green. Ty was the eldest of the three men, at thirty-three, and he was also a real hard-ass. She hadn’t battled wills with him and hoped she never had to, because she didn’t think she would be able to win. She’d heard his dominant tone when he had spoken to his younger siblings.

  Brom was an inch taller than Ty but shorter than Rand and although he was ripped with muscle, his physique was more like an athlete’s with his wiry build. His hair was brown and his eyes were a mix of blue and green, but he was also more lighthearted than his brothers. Bromley was always quick to step in between Rand and Ty if it looked like things were going to get out of hand when they argued. He was the mediator of the three and made her smile more than the other two.

  Nicole inhaled raggedly when Rand’s chest connected with her back and then his massive arms wrapped around her ribs just beneath her breasts. Her heartbeat picked up speed as did her breathing and all hope that he wouldn’t see or feel her reaction to his close proximity flew out the window.

  “What are you doing out here, sunshine?” His deep baritone voice sent shivers along her spine and she was only just able to stop her body from shuddering. She loved the way he called her sunshine. It made her feel special, but she would never tell him that.

  “I–I just wanted some air.”

  “Hmm,” Rand murmured against her neck, and without thinking about what she was doing, Nicole reached up and clutched at his forearms. “You smell good.” As his words sank in, she became aware of the hard muscles, sinew, and warm skin beneath her hands.

  “Are you cold, Nicole?”

  “No,” she replied breathily.

  “You’re shaking, sunshine. If you aren’t cold, then you must be scared.” Rand released her and the heat from his body disappeared as she moved away from him.

  Nicole turned around to face him and found him further away than she’d anticipated. Even though she didn’t want to reveal too much, she couldn’t let Rand go on thinking she was frightened of him. A bit intimidated by his strength and size, yes, but scared, no. His arms were crossed over his massive chest and she could see he was holding himself taut.

  “I’m not scared of you, Rand.” She looked up toward his eyes but since it was dark and the moon wasn’t out she couldn’t see him properly. She just hoped she could convince him she wasn’t fearful of him.

  He lowered his arms to his sides and took a couple of steps toward her. Nicole didn’t move and kept her body relaxed, hoping to portray a tranquil demeanor. Rand took another step and then stopped. He was close enoug
h for her to see more clearly.

  “If you’re not scared of me, then why were you shaking?”

  Nicole cleared her throat, trying to buy some time. She didn’t want to answer that question and since she wasn’t about to let on how he made her feel, she decided that silence was the best approach. But because she wasn’t going to reply, she decided that to continue looking at him wasn’t a smart thing to do, so she once more turned until her back was to him.

  His hands landed on her shoulders and he began to knead the tight muscles under her skin. She bit her lip to prevent the moan working its way up her chest from coming out of her mouth. A light was switched on and the entire length of the veranda was illuminated. Nicole felt more vibrations underfoot and didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know that Ty and Brom were making their way toward them.

  “What’s going on?” Ty asked in a firm voice.

  “You’re scared of him? Why is that?”

  “I was just asking Nicole why she was so scared of me.”

  Nicole couldn’t keep her gaze on his green eyes and not answer that question truthfully, but she had no intention of responding to him. So she did the only thing she could think of and pushed her way through them. Just as she thought she had escaped, a large muscular arm snagged her around the waist, and since she was feeling a little trapped, not physically but emotionally, she came up fighting.

  Using both hands, she pushed against the arm around her body and tried to kick back to connect with the shins behind her. But the arm around her waist tightened, and her feet left the deck.


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