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Seduced by Snowfall

Page 16

by Jennifer Bernard

  The delicious contact made her shyness melt away. Her inhibitions didn’t stand a chance against the feeling of being naked in the shower with Nate.

  He cleared his throat. “That feels good.”

  “I haven’t started yet.”

  “Still feels good.”

  And just like that, the last of her reserve vanished. This was Nate, who made everything fun. Nate, who’d just helped her through a blizzard. Nate, who’d made her come wildly just last night—through a catsuit.

  She started with the tendons that ran from neck to shoulder, calling on all her knowledge of muscle structure to make sure she hit the right spots. The occipital area needed lots of help. He sighed as she worked the tight muscles there.

  “That’s heaven. Thank you.”

  “Shhh. If you talk, your muscles will tighten again. Just relax. Listen to the water, feel the warmth.”

  He rumbled a nonverbal response. She felt his body relax under her deep strokes. “You know, I’ve often thought that if I hadn’t gone to med school, I’d make a good masseuse. Don’t answer. Let me do the talking. Just relax. There’s something about touch that’s so healing, and that’s a scientific fact. They’ve done many studies on it. If my family had been better about giving hugs, maybe I wouldn’t be so neurotic. No. Don’t answer.”

  “Then don’t insult yourself.”

  “Everyone knows I’m neurotic. It’s a meaningless word anyway. What I really mean is underconfident and slightly anxious, but not enough to be dysfunctional. Anyway, my point being, my mother was the one who gave the hugs, and she died when I was little. I hardly remember her. Eventually my father married his secret mistress, Aimee. I don’t remember any real hugs from her either. Children need to be touched. Luckily, Gretel was a little love bug. She followed me around everywhere and loved it when I picked her up. She was like my own personal comfort puppy.”

  Her flow of words continued as she kneaded his tense muscles. Partly, she was trying to distract herself from the intense masculinity of the man she was sharing the shower with. It was such a bold move, so unlike her. And yet it felt completely natural.

  She smoothed her hands across the entire span of his shoulders and rested her head between his shoulder blades. The beat of his heart resonated from deep under layers of muscle and bone. It was so reassuring, that heartbeat. So many people benefited from Nate’s big heart. And right now, she was benefiting from his big muscles, his naked body, his big…

  Sliding her hands around his front, she touched the rippling ridges of his torso. She felt his body tense under the shift of her touch.

  “Watch out now,” he warned. “Don’t want you to be surprised by anything you find down there. You’ve been touching me for a while now and I’m only human.”

  “An excellent human,” she murmured into his skin. He hummed in appreciation as she spread her fingers wide to cover more of his belly. Just below lurked the nest of hair covering the hard spear of flesh she’d felt through her Catwoman suit.

  She was dying to explore. To feel it for herself.

  Did she dare take this further? Why the hell not? There was no reason to stop now. That was what a casual-relationship person would do. Two grown adults naked in a shower together—that was it, right there. Fun. Sex. Sex that was fun, instead of sex as a milestone along a path somewhere.

  But she hesitated too long, and Nate pushed himself off the tiled wall and turned to face her, water streaming off his naked body.

  Gulp. Truly, she hadn’t been prepared for the full sight of his nudity. Every muscle was perfectly defined—not bulky like a bodybuilder, just firm and solid. The shower made swirling patterns in his patch of chest hair, which arrowed down to the fine hair at the base of his penis.

  Which reared toward her in all its thick, swollen glory, as if saluting her proudly. Here I am, it seemed to say. Want me? Cuz I want you!

  She giggled out loud at her goofy thought.

  He pretended to be hurt. “Laughing already?”

  “I’m not laughing. I mean, I was, but at myself. Because I was imagining a conversation with—” She gestured toward his erection.

  “With Gonzo?”

  “Gonzo? That’s what you call it?”

  “No.” He grinned, teeth flashing in his wet face. “I’ve never named my cock. Just trying to give you something to laugh about.”

  “Gonzo.” With her arms folded across her chest again, she cocked her head and pretended to examine his penis. “I like it. Suits you.”

  “Oh really? Well, Gonzo says you’d better stop looking at him like that or there’s going to be trouble.”

  His erection swelled even further.

  “See that? Me and Gonzo, we know each other so well.” His tone was jokey, but the intent look in his gray eyes wasn’t. She found that look wildly exciting. He reached for her and gently unfolded her arms from their protective position.

  She stood before him in the steamy atmosphere, pink from warmth, nipples already peaking from being pressed against him.

  “You are so beautiful,” he breathed. And with his eyes roaming her body, she believed him.

  He curved his hands along her sides, his thumbs skimming the sides of her breasts. Shaping her waist, finding the little notch below her hipbones, then landing on her ass to tug her forward.

  When his erection brushed against her thigh, desire ran through her like thick honey. The constant drum of the water streaming over them offered an extra layer of stimulation. But she didn’t need more—all she needed was his hands and his eyes and that body.

  He skimmed his hands up her back, finding every tiny dip and curve and appreciating it with his touch. That was how it felt—like he was savoring and enjoying every bit of contact between them. Not judging, not rushing just appreciating.

  When he reached the level of her breasts, he bent her back so he could feast his eyes on her chest. She gripped his arms to steady herself, but she didn’t have to worry, not with his arm like a band of steel behind her.

  Dipping his head, he touched his tongue to one nipple as if it were a delectable berry he wanted to sample. A startling shot of sensation ripped through her. He hummed again, that sound in his throat that made her wild. Then tasted her again, circling his tongue around the reddening peak, teasing it into a thickly swollen nub. A direct line of arousal sprang to life—nipple to sex, like an electric cord.

  Shower water kept bouncing off his body and into her eyes, so she lowered her eyelashes. Shielding her eyes from the water, she lost herself in the sensations building inside her. As he tongued her other nipple, he used his fingers to stroke the first one, until both were hard and eager as little diamonds. And still his right arm didn’t budge from behind her back, giving her the feeling of being completely, utterly taken care of.

  Her sex throbbed, demanding attention. She pushed her hips forward. A restless itch for more clamored through her. Where was that hard shaft that had taken her breath away before? Why was it so far away? Why wasn’t it between her legs, pressing, stimulating, penetrating?

  But he kept moving his hips backwards so she couldn’t make contact. “I want to fuck you in that bed out there,” he growled. “Not in this damn shower. I’ve been in here so long my cock is starting to prune.”

  She let out a hysterical burst of laughter. Only Nate could get away with a joke about his penis pruning.

  “Let’s go then.”


  He turned off the water and opened the shower door to reach for a towel. He wrapped it around her and rubbed lightly to dry her off, starting with her dripping hair. He turned her around and patted droplets of water from her back and hips and butt. Kneeling down to reach her legs, he dried her off completely while she sighed in happiness at the feeling of being tended to.

  Then he straightened up to his full height and grabbed a new towel for himself. She watched him dry off his long limbs, his wide back, his tousled hair. At the end he wrapped the towel around his hips, where it
draped over his erect penis.

  “Let’s go, Doc,” he said, pushing his hips forward. “You can’t resist this much sexy, can you?”

  She burst into laughter again, then clapped her hand over her mouth. “I’m not laughing at you! Jeez, why do I keep doing that?”

  “I like it when you laugh. You’re beautiful all the time, but even more so when your face lights up like that. Honestly, it makes me feel like a stud when I make you laugh.”

  She hooked one finger in his towel and teased it open. It dropped onto the floor. “I’m not laughing now. Still feel like a stud?”

  “You bet I do.” Surprising her, he scooped her into his arms and carried her out of the bathroom. “About to prove it too.”

  He was so strong that he wasn’t even breathing hard by the time he plopped her onto the bed.

  But she was—because the look in his eyes made her pulse race.

  “Wait.” She put up a hand to stop him. “I have a thing about hotel bedspreads. They don’t get washed enough.”

  “See, that’s the good thing about being with a doctor. Smart and gorgeous.” He whisked her off the bed, then ripped off the bedspread and flung it onto a chair. A cozy blanket came next, following the bedspread onto the armchair. “How do the sheets look? I can do this on a bare mattress if necessary, or the floor, or the wall for that matter—”

  “The sheets are perfect. They look freshly washed, that’s all I ask.”

  “Then lets dirty ’em up, what do you say?” With a kind of swing dance move, he spun her back onto the bed. She sprawled on the sheets, laughing and exhilarated, as he lowered himself over her, arm muscles taut, heat in his eyes.

  “Yes. Definitely yes.”

  To prove it, she turned the tables and pushed him over so she could climb on top of him.

  His eyes gleamed as she straddled him. “I see your ‘yes’ and raise you a ‘hell yes’.”

  And then he touched her—breasts, hips, the globes of her ass, her upper thighs, the still-damp curls between her legs, the outer edge of her arms, the swoop of her collarbone, and the aching nub of her clit.

  He touched her until she was a fiery ball of want, until her sex was crying out for more. He seemed to know how much she needed him. The way he touched her sent a message. This is the most important thing in the world right now. You are the most important. Your pleasure, your arousal, nothing is more essential right now.

  She touched him too, of course. His body, with all its lean strength, intoxicated her. She loved stroking his muscles and following the trail of hair below his abdomen. The way his hot erection filled her hand made her mouth go dry. She quickly discovered how he liked to be touched—light strokes that made him swell and push against her hand.

  “Oh man, Bethany. That feels so good,” he groaned. “Fuck. Sorry. Shouldn’t swear.”

  “Right, don’t swear while we’re fucking.”

  He laughed, a little painfully. “Don’t make me laugh. I’m holding on by a thread here.”

  So was she. Every part of her was hot and restless, especially when he put his hand between them and found her clit with his thumb. She cried out at the shock of pleasure, her entire body reacting.

  “Oh no. You’re not coming yet. Hold on. Open up for me.”

  Shivering with desire, she relaxed her legs to give him more room to maneuver. He took his thumb away long enough to wet it, then caressed delicious circles around her plump clit.

  “Oh my God, Nate. Oh my God.” The sensation took her out of this world into another realm of pure pleasure. “That feels incredible. Don’t stop.”

  He chuckled as he kept stroking her. “Oh, I ain’t stopping. Not until I watch you come apart.” He kept talking, but she lost track of what he was saying. Something about “hot” and “cock” and “fuck” and…whatever, lots of sexy words that all did the same thing—got her wound into a tight ball of energy ready to burst.

  And then it happened. The world exploded into wild pleasure. A low wail spilled from her lips as spasm after orgasmic spasm racked her body. Don’t stop, she wanted to say. Keep touching. Don’t stop. But no actual words came out. Didn’t matter—he knew. He knew not to leave her stranded, to keep his hot thumb right where she needed it. He knew. Nate knew things like that.

  When she was a shuddering puddle of bliss, he nudged her onto her side so he could reach for his bag.

  “Condom,” he said tightly. “Never leave home in a blizzard without one.”

  He unrolled it onto his erection, then rejoined her in bed. With a tender, serious expression, he braced himself above her. But before he went any further, he held her gaze. “How’re you doing?”

  “I’m great. Really great.” She reached for him, gripping his upper arm to tug him closer. “There’s something missing, though.”

  A slow smile spread across his face. He positioned himself over her, using his hand to set the head of his penis at her entrance. “Let’s see what we can do about that.”

  All joking over, he entered her slowly, powerfully, watching her reactions, utterly in tune with each movement of her body.

  She sighed at the sensation of being filled to the brim with his cock. When he was seated fully inside her, he began to move. After that she lost track of everything except the wild blizzard of pleasure that spun her up and around and inside out.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Nate always took sex seriously—it was one of the best things in the world, in his experience—but he’d never been so worried about making the right moves before. With Bethany, everything seemed to matter more. He was absolutely not going to let himself come until she’d gotten every ounce of pleasure coming to her.

  Even if it just about killed him to watch her moan and twist around on the sheets, her damp hair in a tumbled waterfall of moonlight.

  He clenched his jaw so tight it ached, determined to keep a grip on himself for as long as possible. It wasn’t until she arched her body with a wild shout of completion that he finally gave into the need rampaging through him like a freight train.

  “God, Bethany…” He gritted his teeth together so he wouldn’t say more. Cursing during sex—she might not like that. And sometimes he couldn’t help it.

  She wrapped her legs around his hips. Being inside her—her inner channel gripping him tight, so slick and hot—and the feel of the tender skin of her thighs against his hips…fuck. He couldn’t take it anymore. He thrust hard, one more time, balls deep, and erupted into a massive climax.

  It rolled out of him in wave after wave of release. So much tension had built up—attraction to Bethany, adrenaline from driving through the blizzard—it was almost more than he could handle. His entire body shuddered as he emptied himself into her body. So good, so good. So fucking good.

  With his last ounce of energy, he rolled off her onto his side. “You okay?” he managed.

  “You keep asking that.” She gave a breathless laugh. “Have I seemed not okay at any point?”

  “No, but that’s why I ask. I don’t want to get carried away and lose track of how you’re doing.”

  “Maybe I want you to get carried away.”

  “Well, guess what, maybe I did. But at least I didn’t swear. Did I swear?”

  “Hardly at all.” Her lips were plump from his kisses, her face flushed from the shower and the aftereffects of sex. Her eyes held a soft, satisfied glow. “You were a perfect gentleman while you fucked my brains out.”

  “It’s so weirdly hot when you curse. Maybe it’s because your face is so kind and pretty.” He cupped her cheek. “That innocent way your cheek curves, it just does something to me.”

  “My cheeks are innocent? People always call them chubby.”

  “Nah, chubby doesn’t begin to describe them. This shape here is like a song.”

  “A song?” Now she was looking at him as if he’d lost his mind. “I think you need some sleep. You’re not making sense.”

  “Okay, I suck at the sweet talk. But it’s all true.
You have this air of kindness about you. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good thing. A sexy thing.” He smoothed his hand across the tender slope of her hip. “I always feel good when I’m around you.”

  She smiled kindly at him.

  “Oh, and your smile. We haven’t even discussed that. I love how your mouth has a kind downward curve because your bottom lip is so juicy and delicious,” he stopped for a quick kiss, “but when you smile it turns right side up. It’s a sight to see, Dr. Morrison.”

  She buried her face in her arm, so only her bright eyes and half-dry hair were visible. “You’re embarrassing me. Stop that.”

  “Oh, you don’t like compliments? That’s going to be a problem because I love giving compliments. Only when they’re deserved, of course. Would you feel better if I stuck to your medical skills? Like, man, the way you bandaged up Bruner’s toe, that was fucking hot.”

  She lifted her head and rested it on her cupped hand. “You’re such a goof. Are you ever serious?”

  “Absolutely. When it comes to serious things, I’m very serious.” He brushed a long lock of blond hair away from her face.

  “Like what?” The expectant expression on her face gave him pause. She looked as if she had something in particular in mind. It made him uncomfortable.

  “Like…I’m serious about having a snack because my stomach has been yelling at me for the past ten minutes. I haven’t eaten since Crabby’s leftovers at the firehouse.” He rolled himself off the bed and got to his feet. Strolling to his bag, he decided to take a detour and check the weather. He flicked off the lights so no one would be able to see his naked ass from outside.

  Parting the thick drapes, he drew in a hiss of breath. “Come here.”

  “What is it?”

  He didn’t answer, because he wanted her to see it for herself. She padded across the room. When she reached him, he saw that she’d wrapped a coat around herself. Stepping next to him, she gazed out the window at the incredible sight before them. The entire parking lot had filled up with snow. All the cars were buried, nothing but humps under the blanket of white. Snow piled up against the lampposts in little peaks, eerily illuminated by the bulbs up above.


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