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Foreplay: Six Full-Length Standalone Novels from Six New York Times Bestsellers

Page 121

by Vi Keeland

  A tear slides down my cheek as I take in his features; him lying there looking helpless. He still reminds me of that little boy I left behind; just a little bit older. Seeing the old Kade there breaks me apart, making me realize I hurt more than I thought. Shit, I love my family. How have I lived eight years without them?

  I’m looking at him waiting on an answer, but he still seems pretty weak. My guess, he’s been in here since late last night. Just enough time to start getting his strength back. “I’m sorry, bro. I’m sorry for everything I put you through. If there’s anything I can do to make up for it and get you to promise to never do this shit again, I will do it; no questions asked.” My heart breaks as I speak, because I know there’s a possibility I might have to give the love of my life up. I don’t know if I can do it and go on living.

  “You’re so much better than this. Fuck, man. Everyone loves you. There can’t be anything bad enough that you can’t get through it; you know this. You have mom, dad, Phoenix … me. I know I haven’t been here and that I’ve been a shitty brother, but that’s going to change.”

  His eyes open again and he takes a few deep breaths before attempting to speak again. “How the hell did you find out?” He stops to catch his strength. “I told them not to tell anyone I was here. You have to leave. You’re not listening to me; it’s a trap.” He shakes his head, angry at something.

  “I’m not going anywhere. Are you shitting me? Look at you. I can’t let this happen again. I’m here to stay.” I reach for his arm and squeeze it. “You can’t make me walk away again.”

  He snatches his arm away. Well the best he can, and shakes his head again. “Dammit! I didn’t put myself here, Kellan. Would you listen to me? It’s Phoenix …” He shifts in the bed trying to get comfortable. “You have to fucking go. This was all a damn distraction for them to get you away from Phoenix. I tried to keep this from you so you wouldn’t come here. They knew you wouldn’t leave her willingly, so they had to come up with another plan to get to her.”

  My head is spinning so fast, I feel like fucking hurling. What the shit did he just say? “What!” I stand up and roar, fists clenched at my side. “What does that mean?” I yell angrily and I can feel my nostrils flare.

  He looks up, his expression mirroring mine. “I know everything now. I saw Echo. I know their plan. They know you’re back and instead of going after you, they are cutting you off at the heart by taking Phoenix. Now get the hell out of here and get back to Phoenix before they get there first. He has people watching her. They forced those pills down my throat knowing you’d come for me. Go!” He begins pulling at his hair in a panic.

  “Fuck!” My legs move as fast as they can towards the door. As my hand grips the door Kade calls out my name.

  I turn around. “What?”

  “I’m sorry about what happened with Adric. I never meant for him to get hurt. I didn’t know he was that bad off. It was easy money and I didn’t think about the consequences. Will you not tell Phoenix? I’d rather her hear it from me. I don’t want her to hate me. I can’t live with that.” He seems sincere.

  I nod my head. “You have twenty four hours to tell her before I do. Once you’re out of here and better. I won’t keep anymore secrets from her, no matter what the consequences are.”

  I open the door and take off running, not giving him a chance to hold me back any longer. I have to get to her. As I rush out of the hospital and through the parking lot, my adrenaline is pumping so hard I can feel the blood coursing through my veins. Right now, I could get shot and not fucking feel it.

  This is not fucking good; not fucking good at all. I have to get back before those goons realize my mistake.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Alright boys,” I say while clearing the table of their empty beer bottles. “I’ll see you later.”

  Travis and Rob both smile and wave as they carry their conversation outside, babbling on about some woman they both seem to have the hots for. The only good thing from their visit is that they somehow managed to keep my mind occupied by their endless banter and horrible pool skills. At least somewhat.

  Now that they’re gone and I’m alone, I can’t stop wondering why I haven’t heard anything from Kellan yet. He’s been gone for at least a good twenty-five minutes. He has to know something by now. He knows how worried I am and he promised to call, text; anything but leave me in the dark. My nerves are going wild with anticipation.

  Pacing up and down the bar from the growing feeling of worry in the pit of my stomach, I’m beginning to get restless. I take a seat on a stool and try to keep my cool as I wait to hear from Kellan. I can’t take this anymore. I need to know something and Kellan doesn’t have a phone anymore. I could try Kade’s. There’s a chance he has it next to his bed. His phone never leaves his side; it’s an attachment. I know because every time I look at him it’s glued to his hand.

  Just as I’m about to pull out my phone to call, the door opens and a surge of hope runs through me, sending me straight up to my toes. I turn behind me, expecting to see Kellan, but stop dead in my tracks when I see someone I wasn’t expecting. Yeah, definitely wasn’t wanting to deal with this shit so early. Today isn’t the day to have to deal with some sick fuck’s bullshit. The feeling irks me.

  One look into his snake-like eyes makes my blood run cold and my heart stop mid-beat. A lopsided grin creeps up on blond guy’s face, the piercing in his cheek stretching the skin, looking as if the barbell is going to break through the thin layer.

  In line behind him, walk his two creepy sidekicks with matching grins. This is even worse than I expected. Now, I’m really nervous. They look determined, like they’re on some kind of mission and I’m hoping I’m not it.

  “It’s about damn time those idiots left.” The blond guy steps forward, but the two other guys stay in place as if they already know what to do. His eyes meet mine and he licks his lips, slowly, as if he’s imagining himself tasting me. Fucking gross. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to get to you?” He looks me up and down, his eyes landing on my breasts. “Fuck! It feels like forever and I am not a patient man.”

  Okay, this is really starting to piss me off. I’m not a piece of meat or a whore that just gives it up to anyone. Why won’t they just go away? I see them once and now I see them everywhere. I don’t like this one bit. I want to run and hide. My gut tells me to run. I could, but then where would it get me? The pressure builds in my head, causing me to panic. Running will get me nowhere.

  Reaching in my back pocket for my phone instead, I hold it up and back away, running into a bar stool. I grab it to steady myself, while giving the creeper a death glare. “You need to leave before I call the cops. There is no reason for you guys to come in here and cause trouble so just move along and be on your way.”

  I turn to walk behind the bar, but a hand wraps around my waist, pulling me back, roughly. My body slams against a stiff body, before a hand comes up to cover my mouth. My phone slips from my hand and he kicks it away with his boot. My heart is beating so fast, I feel as if I can’t breathe and I’m going to pass out.

  “I’m going to have fun with this one. I like a woman with a little fight in her. It makes it more interesting.” A hand slides up my thigh, slightly lifting my dress, caressing my skin. My body shakes under his touch, but he continues up my body and rubs his filthy hands over my breasts. “Look at this Larry; easy access. Isn’t it just my lucky fucking day.”

  I fight against his grip and attempt to scream, but he yanks my head back and runs his slimy hands back down my body, reaching under my dress and digs his nails into my thigh, moving it closer to my panties. I feel his erection on my back, prodding me and it makes me want to rip his penis off. That and vomit. I let a few tears slip before I recover my composure. If I’ve learned anything from movies; the more I panic the more they enjoy it. From the way these guys look, I have a feeling they will enjoy this anyway.

  “I don’t know, Cape,” the short
stub says with amusement. “She may not be as easy access as you think. She looks like she’s ready to give you a little hell. She’s a feisty one.”

  I can’t handle his touch anymore. I’m about to flip out. While he’s distracted, I take this as my moment to attempt my getaway. Not that I’ll get far, but I try regardless. I bring my foot up behind me, kicking him between the legs the best I can manage.

  He grunts and his grip loosens, but not enough to pull free; just enough to piss him off. “You stupid bitch!”

  Yanking me by the arm, he spins me around and slaps me hard, across the face.

  The sting causes me to close my eyes and whimper as he slams me against the bar and starts grinding his crotch into my ass. My dress rides up, exposing my panties as he growls next to my ear. He grabs the hem of my dress and jerks it upward, almost tearing the fabric. He sounds his approval of me perched in the air behind me; taking me in. He cups his grimy hands over my sex and rubs, making me gag. I can’t believe I’m bent over this bar about to be raped in front them. I am repulsed as he violates me. Where is Kellan?

  A few more unwanted tears escape. “Test me again! I dare you to do it! Try me and I will pull my fucking cock out and ram it between your legs. I’ll give it to you good. I would love a piece of your sweet little ass” He licks the side of my face. He thrusts against my backside again, causing me to hiss and squeeze my eyes closed. “I bet your little boyfriend wouldn’t like that, would he? I bet he thinks his cock is the best. That cocky shithead. Maybe we should let him watch while I cum all in your sweet little pussy. I bet he won’t be so arrogant then. “He leans against my ear and laughs. “That’s right. That little shit, Kellan. We have a lot to discuss. There’s things you need to know, sweetheart.”

  Grabbing me by the hair, he swings me backwards and into one of the other guy’s arms. “Get that bitch into the car as quietly as you can. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  My eyes start to water as I realize what’s about to happen. They’re taking me somewhere. I’m going to end up on one of those crime shows; my body mutilated and thrown in a ditch or river somewhere. Where is Kellan? What is going on? I’m so confused and angry that I just want to scream. I try to, but another hand quickly covers my mouth, silencing me. My legs are shaking so badly, the only thing keeping me standing is the firm grip the guy has on me.

  These men are strong; a lot stronger than I am. I know no matter how hard I fight, unless someone comes along to save me, I’m screwed. I’m no match for them.

  My legs dangle below me as I try to regain my balance, but I’m being drug out the back door and over to the shitty car I saw parked down the street from Kellan’s. They have been watching me this whole time, but what I can’t figure out is why? What does Kellan have to do with this?

  Both of the other men have a hold of me, forcing me to comply with whatever they want to do to me. One guy grabs my legs and lifts me up as the other guy opens the back door to the car. Then before I know it, I’m being shoved inside with meat grinder face.

  One hand is over my mouth, his other holding my arms still, as his legs wrap around mine, squeezing. This is ridiculous. I can’t move for crap. I can’t move! I start to panic more as the tears stream down my cheeks. I can’t control them anymore. I can’t breathe and my chest hurts. Where are they taking me?

  The short guy jumps in the passenger seat and a few seconds later, blondie is in the driver seat. He leans over the seat to look at me and smiles, a big, disgusting smile that I want to knock off his smug face. Now the anger is setting in. “Thanks for the cooperation, sugar. It’ll all be worth it soon enough.”

  I try to swing my foot up, to kick the back of his seat, but it barely moves an inch, before being pulled back by smelly guy’s legs. Not only is this guy ugly as ass, but he smells like a dead animal. Right now, I want to crawl right out of my skin.

  Blond guy, looks over the seat and laughs at my attempt before turning back around, starting the car and driving us away from my safety. I watch with wet eyes as Spinner’s fades into the distance.

  We drive for what seems like hours when in actuality it’s for about fifteen minutes according to the calculations in my head. I figured it may ease the panic if I count in my head versus anticipate my death. It didn’t do much good with being in the arms of the filth I’m in, even a second feels like hours.

  We end up at some old abandoned warehouse that sits off of a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. There isn’t another business, street or car in view for at least five miles. Looking around, makes me feel even sicker. I have no idea what they’re going to do to me here. There’s no one around to help if I were to scream. I’m on my own. I feel like I’m in the middle of a horror film.

  When the car engine stops, snake eyes gets out of the car and walks over to open the back door. Leaning in, he grabs me by the hair and pulls me out of filth’s arms. My hands shoot up to grab my hair as I scream, feeling little pieces of hair being ripped from my scalp.

  He swings me around so we’re face to face. “Go ahead!” he yells. “Scream!” He laughs sadistically and looks around with wide eyes. “No one can fucking hear you, sweetheart.” He turns to his posse. “Do you hear her anyone? Huh?”

  I fall into his chest as he yanks me against him and picks me up, tossing me over his shoulder. Out of instinct, I slam my fist into his back repeatedly, until he drops me to the ground. I land on my back, the air getting knocked out of my lungs, making my chest ache.

  Laughter surrounds me as I slowly open my eyes, focusing on what’s above me. Cape, as they call him and his two morons stand above me obviously amused with my struggling as I fight to regain my breath. It hurts to breathe. Maybe I bruised a rib.

  “Stop testing me.” Squatting, Cape shoves a finger into my forehead, scraping it across my flesh. “I have someone that has been dying to meet you.” He nods his head, stands up and starts backing away. “Oh yeah. You ready or what?”

  I suck in a deep breath, trying my best not to cry. I don’t want these morons to get the pleasure of seeing my tears. I won’t let them. Instead, I decide to play the calm role to ease things until I can figure out what the hell is going on. “I don’t have much of a choice. Now do I?”

  I stare up at him, surprising him with my come back. I guess he was expecting me to cry almost as much as I want to.

  He raises a brow and shoves the short guy, almost knocking him off balance. “Pick her ass up and help her inside, idiot.”

  The thought of these guys touching me, sends me straight up to my feet. Breathing or not, I don’t want them helping me. “I can walk.” I swing my arm out, stopping Humpty as he reaches for my arm. “Don’t touch me,” I growl. “I’m not a fucking child, you know.”

  My reaction sends Cape into a fit of laughter as he walks backwards a few steps before spinning around and reaching for the metal door of the huge old building.

  Ugh! He makes me sick. I wish I could rip his heart out.

  When Humpty reaches for me again, the taller guy gives him a little shove before slapping him upside the head. “Let her walk by herself. Shit! Are you stupid? If she fucks up again …” He smiles at me and licks his disgusting, cracked lips. “Then she’s ours.”

  I find my legs working fast to be sure I don’t have to let one of these guys touch me again. My stomach can’t handle it. I’m about one touch away from a full blown anxiety attack and vomiting on someone’s shoes.

  I keep walking fast while wondering, where’s Kellan? Is Kade in serious trouble? What the hell did I walk into?

  I reach the door, with the two idiots right on my trail. I can almost feel one of them on my backside and it makes my stomach churn at the thought. Too close; they’re too close.

  Upon poking my head through the door, I see the room is almost empty besides a few wooden crates and pallets that are scattered throughout the room and what looks to be a card table, surrounded by folding chairs. The building smells of rot and mildew and the cement floor has a wet coating
over it as if the room has recently been wet down, the water getting drained into the various floor vents.

  The door slams behind me, causing me to jump and cover my mouth. This place creeps me out even more then the men.

  Cape looks at me and grins wickedly. “Calm down, sugar. We’re not frightened, are we?” He walks over to stand next to me and I stiffen at his closeness. “There’s nothing to be scared of … yet.”

  I back away as he reaches for my chin, but he grabs it anyways and brings my face close to his. His breath smells of cheap Tequila and cigarettes making me gag a little. “So, tell me … Phoenix. Has your boyfriend ever mentioned me before?” I shake my head, trying to keep from shaking. “Oh what a fucking surprise. He acts as if nothing ever fucking happened. It must be nice to go on living normally.” He kicks the crate next to him and growls while squeezing my chin tighter. “As if he didn’t ruin my fucking life; after how generous I was to him. That little shit!”

  His breath is heavy on my lips as he looks me in the eyes and brings my hips close to his, rubbing his erection against my thin dress. “I’m going to love ruining his life. Yeah!” His fingers dig into my chin as I struggle to pull away. “I started with that dipshit brother of his. You know… Kade. You’re next, sweet tits.”

  I shake my head, holding back the tears as his lips press against mine, roughly kissing me as his tongue tries to pry my lips open. He tastes disgusting, as if he’s just licked an ashtray. I fight against him enough to get my lips away from his and scream. “Don’t kiss me!” I struggle some more in his arms as he grips my ass, working his way down between my legs. “Asshole!” I spit in his face and he slaps me, while cupping my ass tighter and slipping a finger under my panty line.

  “Let me feel what Kellan gets to feel. I bet you’re tight. We can loosen you up a bit. I’m sure when I’m done with you, these two would love my left overs. They always do.” Just then, one of the two doors across the room opens and in walks a beautiful woman with long red hair, pushing a wheelchair. She takes one look at me in Cape’s arms and her face twists into disgust. “I’m not staying for this. I’m done this time.” She turns to leave.


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