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Dragon’s Temptation: Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book Fifteen

Page 8

by Martin, Miranda

  I turn back to Nora, wrapping my arms around her.

  “Pregnant?” she whispers.

  I squeeze.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to just yell that out in front of you like that.”

  She shakes her head.

  “Extenuating circumstances,” she murmurs. “Pregnant,” she repeats, awe clear in her voice. She covers her stomach with her hand. “Archion’s baby,” she says in wonder.

  I hold her, staying silent as she has this moment to let it settle in. The door is firmly shut once more. I hope this changes their reactions. That they won’t be so cruel as to force us to leave now that they know Nora is carrying one of their own’s baby. But...I don’t know.

  If they were willing to shove Archion’s mate out, would they be willing to shove his pregnant mate out as well?



  Blood thrums in my ears as I run out of the room which holds the two females. The guards drop their lochabers in surprise but I’m past them before they bring them to bear. I don’t have time to explain.

  A child?

  I cannot even firmly wrap my mind around the idea. A child...

  A... future. What does this mean? What will this change? Will it change anything? How could it not?

  A storm of emotions assails my stoic training, colliding so that I can’t single one out as I rush toward the Councilor’s chamber. There is no time for me to wrestle with my own feelings. I must report this news as soon as possible. This time, I don’t linger outside the door or even bother knocking.

  This news will not allow me to do so. Bursting directly through the door, I rush inside. The two guards on either side of the door attempt to stop me, but I will not be deterred from my goal.

  I duck under their grasping arms and move past one only to dodge another blow from the other.

  I do not want to hurt anyone, but I can’t let them stop me. I punch the closest one in the stomach hard enough he bends over, gasping for breath. No real damage but it keeps him from stopping me.

  The other guard growls and rushes. The bijass rises, red rage fueling itself on the storm of uncertainty from the news I carry. Straightening, I fall into a ready stance, prepared to fight him as well.

  “Enough! Stand down!”

  The guard stumbles to a halt at Tashak’s commanding voice, though I can see he doesn’t want to. I watch him warily, not trusting that he won’t try something anyway.

  “Khal, what is the meaning of this?” Tashak demands.

  Deciding the guard is not going to attack me now, I carefully turn my head to meet the Councilor’s eyes.

  “One of the females, Nora. She’s pregnant...with Archion’s child.”

  I could deliver this with more tact or decorum, but I’m struggling with the bijass and my own whirling thoughts. Being diplomatic or following decorum are the last things on my mind.

  Tashak stares wide-eyed, his face going slack and losing the irritable, harsh expression that was there even when I left on his orders. I understand the reaction. I don’t think I’m out of it yet. The shock of it is too great, the reaction too bone-deep. To Tashak’s credit, he recovers faster than I would have expected.

  “What?” Archion exclaims.

  My brother is as surprised as the rest of us. His mouth hangs open, his tail shifts nervously back and forth. He starts toward me when Tashak turns on him.

  “Did you know this? Were you aware of her...condition...before you brought her here? Could you really be this reckless? Is it, indeed, your child?” He rubs at his face. “Has your judgment suffered even more than I fear?”

  Archion’s eyes narrow, his hands balling into his face. Every muscle tenses, his wings rustle, and his tail all but vibrates with the tension. His hard eyes lock onto Tashak with murderous intent.

  Careful, brother. I watch closely as he barely controls his rage. When he speaks, his words are tightly controlled, devoid of any apparent emotion, though only a fool would think that to be true.

  It’s good, though. He’s still in control. He needs all of his faculties about him to deal with the situation.

  “There is danger everywhere around her, and everywhere around her people. Can’t you see why I am doing this? Not only are they in danger, they have mutually beneficial resources that we could take advantage of. They have found a way to make use of the glass created from the impact of sky rocks on the sand. Not only that, they have discovered other useful things as well. And their leader in the city, Visidion—”

  “I asked if you knew of her condition,” Tashak interjects, cutting his attempt at making his case once more. “I have heard all of your reasoning, flawed as it is. I do not need to hear it again.” He steps closer to Archion, two of the guards stepping up at his side, bracketing him. “I will ask only once more—did you know of her condition?”

  His steady gaze locks with Archion’s. I watch the battle of wills quietly, waiting, unsure of what I’ll do no matter the outcome. It doesn’t truly matter if Archion’s will is stronger than the Councilor’s.

  The hierarchy is what it is. Perhaps outside, in the desert, it might matter. Here... whatever happens to Archion is at the Council’s discretion. And Tashak’s duty is to gather information. Which I know he will do at any cost.

  Later, he will discuss what he found with the rest of the Council and they will report it up the lines. That is where the real executive power rests. This, this is only a debriefing.

  Archion knows this, but I see him struggling to accept it.

  Has he been gone so long from the Order? Has he forgotten how to stay in its hierarchy? It hasn’t been that long that he’s gone. It has to be the effect of his mate playing at his emotions—and his unborn child. That’s the only thing that explains it.

  Unfortunately, I doubt the Council will take in the extenuating circumstances if Archion deliberately rebels. The silence in the room is loud as we all watch Archion attempt to control himself. It takes a long moment, but he finally does so.

  “I was unaware until this moment,” he says clearly.

  The words are a response to the question and only the question that was asked. Tashak stares at him a moment longer. Waiting to see if more is forthcoming? Wondering if Archion will actually lose control? I don’t know.

  After a moment, he breaks eye contact, stepping back with a sigh. Subtly, his face appears older, worn down, but only for a brief moment.

  His mask slides firmly back into place and the Councilor, the person in charge, is there once again.

  “Go inform the medic that he is to go see to the female and check on her well-being.” He glances at Archion. “Also, he is to verify that she is actually carrying a human-Zmaj baby.”

  The wording of that is quite specific. The implications of which are insulting, at the very least. Does he think Nora would mate Archion and then have another’s child?

  “I have been trying to report that this was a possibility, but you would not listen,” Archion returns in a frigid voice.

  Tashak ignores it. Which is really the best outcome for such a statement. Dropping my eyes I stare at the floor in front of my feet. The emotional storm of my thoughts rages on but I don’t let it show outside. Riding through them is her. I can’t stop seeing her face, the one they call Ashlee. Deep in my core, something stirs, and a fire ignites.

  This... complicates everything.



  “Just take deep breath. In. And out.”

  I rub Nora’s back, watching the door Khal disappeared through. She wasn’t feeling so hot even before he told her the news that we had to leave without Archion. The shock of it really wasn’t good for her in her condition. I’m hoping at least the timing was good.

  “What if they don’t let us stay?” Nora mutters. “Not that I care, screw this place, but I’ll be damned if I’m leaving without Archion!”

  I’m worried about the same thing. I want to reassure her and tell her that there is no way they’l
l make us leave now, except I’m not so certain. It’s not like we’ve been welcomed at all. It could be worse, by far, sure. I’m sure the Invaders wouldn’t even be this friendly, but that’s comparing apples and oranges.

  “Don’t borrow trouble,” I say instead. It’s a weak response and the deepening of her frown tells me she knows it. I try a slight smile. “Do you think they’re afraid of pregnant women?”

  She rolls her eyes, but a smile tugs at her lips.


  The door bangs open and we both jump, startled. It isn’t Khal this time.

  “Archion!” Nora cries out, scrambling to her feet.

  “Careful,” I murmur, steadying her when she falters. “Don’t move too fast.”

  Last thing we need right now is her to fall over and hurt herself. She’s beyond hearing me at this point, already hurrying over to Archion. He closes the distance between them quickly, leaving behind the obvious escort of three robed and silent Zmaj guards who came with him. Three guards. A little overkill isn’t it?

  Unless they think Archion is really that dangerous. Or...they fully intend to keep him prisoner indefinitely. Okay, now I’m the one borrowing trouble.

  Pointedly turning my back on the guards I watch Archion and Nora embracing each other tightly. Relief is obvious on both of their faces and in how desperately they’re holding each other.

  “They’re telling us to leave without you,” Nora says in a low voice.

  Archion’s muscles tense and he grimaces, his hands tightening on her. He deliberately relaxes his grip and his schools his face.

  “Do not worry about that,” he murmurs. An obvious sidestep. He pulls back and looks her over, holding her at arm’s length. “Is it true?” he asks, frowning slightly. “Are you carry our child?”

  Nora tears up and her voice emerges a little choked.

  “I didn’t think about it until Ashlee said it, but...all the signs are there,” she says, her lips trembling between a smile and a total breakdown.

  “Oh, Nora,” Archion murmurs, cupping her face with one hand.

  His heart is in his eyes. The look he gives his mate is so tender that I look away, giving them some modicum of privacy. Closing my eyes I’m struck with an image of Khal drifting through my thoughts and a responding ache in my core.

  “It’s time,” a deep voice growls.

  The two of them should have privacy for this moment, but there is no privacy to be had here with the Order. Anger rises, hot and fast.

  “Can’t you twat-waddles give them a single minute? What’s it going to hurt?” I bark, unable to keep it inside.

  I know it won’t help but damn it it’s only a moment. The guard doesn’t even spare me a glance, I might as well not have spoken. Closing my eyes I silently count to ten. Stupid, Ashlee, you’re smarter than this.

  “Move aside. I need to examine the female,” a new voice says.

  It carries an air of pomposity and self-entitlement with it that immediately turns me off. So much for giving them privacy. Opening my eyes there’s a new Zmaj who is slightly slimmer than the rest, but that doesn’t stop him from pushing Archion and the guards to the side.

  He doesn’t see Archion’s face when he pushes him away from his pregnant mate, but I do. He’s lucky he isn’t dead on the spot.

  “What are you doing?” Archion growls.

  The Zmaj shakes his head, giving Nora a visual once-over.

  “As I said, I have to give this female an examination. You can occupy yourself by cleaning that mess on the floor,” he adds dismissively, jerking his chin toward the ground.

  “Archion? Who the hell is this guy?” Nora asks, leaning away from the Zmaj.

  Archion glares and if looks could kill and all that.

  “He looks after the health of the Order. Medic I think you would say. And an herbalist.”

  “Yes, yes,” the other man mumbles, reaching out for Nora’s wrist. “Now…how do you feel? It is clear you felt ill earlier,” he adds, looking at the floor.

  “Yeah, I think my stomach is settling down,” Nora responds tentatively. “Wait, what is that?”

  He’s holding a box that has a long tube emerging from it that ends in some kind of a wand. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  “Simply a device to verify your condition,” he reassures her.

  I turn to Archion, who is watching like a hawk. Taking a step forward I lean in close, keeping my voice low, not that the guards won’t notice, but whatever. It makes me feel better if nothing else.

  “I’m guessing the meeting didn’t go well?” I ask.

  Archion doesn’t look away from Nora.

  “The conversation progress,” he says cryptically.

  In progress? That’s a new way to avoid answering.

  “Are they going to make us leave without you?” I ask, trying to get something out of him. “Even though she’s pregnant?”

  He clenches his jaw and shakes his head.

  “Protocol is very clear,” he says clearly. “But I do not think they were anticipating such an occurrence.”

  “What does that mean?” I shake my head, moving on to another question. “Does this mean they didn’t even want to talk about possible alliance?”

  This time, he just makes a sound, a low grunt, his gaze fully on Nora. All right. I can read between the lines here. Things are going straight to shit. The political possibilities might be crumbling fast. The way they’re treating us is a hint in and of itself.

  If a sledgehammer could be called a hint. As soon as we stepped into the Order’s territory, we completely lost control. And currently, shit is going down fast.

  If we don’t figure out some way to get these dragons to see matters differently, quickly, we won’t even be able to get our foot in the door to have a discussion. I watch the medic and Nora.

  He’s scanning her with some handheld device with a metallic sheen, muttering something to himself. It really doesn’t seem like Nora’s condition is going to help us much here. We need another delay tactic, something that will appeal to whoever’s in charge that will delay our departure.

  Once we’re gone, I don’t know how we’re to get back in, but nothing comes to me as we stand there awkwardly for a bit longer. Eventually the medic leaves, ostensibly with the information he came for. Then the guards take Archion away once more.

  Nora and he embrace, this time briefly, and the guards are considerate enough to allow it. Or afraid enough, I’m not honestly sure which. They don’t seem to want to tangle with Archion if they don’t have to.

  “Stay safe,” Nora calls after him as he leaves, the worry in her eyes clear.

  I put a comforting hand on her shoulder, but I don’t know what to say that won’t be a lie. So I stay silent. Fortunately, Khal arrives on the heels of their exit.

  “I am certain that you two are ready to clean up after your long journey and...” He looks over at the mess on the floor that Archion did not clean up. Noticing that I snort, I don’t blame him. The way the medic treated him, I wouldn’t do what he said either. “I will have someone… clean that up,” he continues, not finishing his last sentence. “In the meantime, would the two of you like to visit the bathing spring?”

  Nora and I look at each other.

  “Yes,” Nora says immediately. “Water sounds like a good idea.”

  “Agreed,” I chime in.

  Khal nods, stepping over to one of the tapestries hanging close to a corner. Both of us watch as he pulls it back, revealing a small, hidden door. All right then, this place is more full of secrets than Hogwarts and I’ve literally seen only one room up to now. He looks over his shoulder to the two of us.

  “Follow me,” he says.

  He doesn’t wait for an answer, disappearing through the door that is just large enough for him to fit through with no space around him. I look into the dim interior of the tunnel he has revealed, just big enough for him to walk through slightly hunched over. Panic flutters, dark win
gs in my stomach, bile rising in my throat.

  “You okay?” Nora asks.

  “I’ll go first,” I volunteer, stepping through the doorway, quashing the rising fear.

  Gritting my teeth, sweat beading my brow, I step into the tunnel. It’s so… damn… close. Focus, Ashlee. One step, good, one more. Good. You got this, girl.

  If anything is going to happen to us at the end of this tunnel, it’s better I go first. I don’t think this is anything but the bathing pool, but I’m finding it difficult to trust anyone here. Maybe because they’re finding it so difficult to give us any benefit of the doubt.

  Nora is my friend and she’s pregnant. I’ll be damned if I’m going to send the pregnant chick into the dark first. No matter how terrifying this small space is. Breathe deeper, right, it’s hard, I know it. Keep breathing, in and out.

  Nora steps in behind me and a dim shadow in front of me is all I see of Khal. His broad shoulders scrape the walls on either side. At least I’m not as big as he is. He barely fits inside. I’m distracted by the wet feel of the air and the sound of the water up ahead. Definitely water.

  The tunnel leads down, though it isn’t steep, and as we turn a corner it’s well-lit as the tunnel we used to get up to the initial room. It isn’t too long, maybe a minute later, the tunnel spits us out into a more spacious area with a high cavernous ceiling and multiple crystal-clear bubbling pools.

  Obviously natural springs.

  I immediately feel all the grime caked on me from our journey and then from staying in that room for as long as we have. I have been trying not to think too hard about how much of Nora’s vomit splattered on my clothes. It was the least of my worries, but now that I’m confronted with water, all I want to do is rip off my clothes and jump into it.

  “Nobody will disturb you here,” Khal reassures us. “You may take your time. And there are drying cloths for you on the shelf near the tunnel.”


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