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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 3

Page 41

by Heather Rainier

  Ace chuckled softly and said, “I’m going to take a quick shower, kitten. I’m sure Kemp would like to cuddle and talk with you, too.”

  Pulling her eyes from Kemp’s glorious physique, Summer smiled at Ace as he gave her a quick, soft kiss and then rose from her side.

  Kemp stood by the bed for a few seconds, gazing down at her. Maybe she should’ve felt nervous, but she didn’t. She felt safe. Her mind flashed back to that morning the weekend before, when he and Ace had stood outside his Escalade while she tried to figure out how to unlock the door.

  He joined her on the bed, taking Ace’s place, as she heard the shower come on in the bathroom again.

  “You look beautiful in that color,” he murmured as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “How’s the rash?”

  “I should be good as new by next weekend. Did Ace tell you I can’t make love with you tonight? I’m not healed up enough yet.”

  The guilty look on Kemp’s face spoke volumes. “Yes. I still feel terrible about that. But, darlin’, there wouldn’t be any pressure on you even if that hadn’t happened. I’m happy you’re spending the evening with us. Though, it may be an equal part of torture with you looking so beautiful in this,” he said, indicating her ensemble. “I missed you and I’m glad to have some quiet time with you.”

  “It was lonesome at my house. I thought about you and Ace a lot. I also made progress with getting ready to move. I’d accumulated a lot of stuff in the years I’ve lived in that house.”

  Kemp nodded and replied, “I know. I saw you going back and forth to your Dumpster several times this week. You were a busy little bee.”

  Summer was surprised by his comment. “You were watching over me, too? I thought you and Ace were trading off watching the shop. When did you sleep?”

  “The three of us, me, Ace, and Duke, rotated keeping watch. We talked about it and none of us was comfortable with you staying by yourself. We’ve got another friend coming from San Angelo to help out as well. He’ll be watching over Margot and making sure all the girls are getting home safely.”

  That was going to go over like a lead balloon with her sister. Summer giggled. “Does Margot know about this?”

  “Not yet. We don’t like to be stretched so thin, and it will allow us more flexibility to bring another guy in.”

  “This is getting to be a big, expensive-sounding undertaking.”

  Kemp lifted a lock of hair from her shoulder and rubbed it between his fingers. “Summer, it’s become a personal endeavor for us. We were concerned when we heard about the blog. Then Grace got harassed while driving. Rachel and Maya had that trouble with the arsonist. Then Maya got hurt. Even though her situation was separate from what you all are going through, it still reinforced our desire to get to the bottom of these attacks. It’s on multiple fronts, too, which makes it harder, because we needed more manpower than we had. We think we found a link to that blog, but we want to approach it carefully because there is an innocent woman involved.”


  “Yes, one of the commenters to this week’s blog. She seems sympathetic to you girls and indicated that she also knows the writer personally. We have to approach her carefully since it doesn’t sound like she’s directly connected to the attacks.”

  “What are you going to do once you pinpoint who is writing the blog?”

  “Dig real deep and find a reason to convince them to stop. That’s what we specialize in.”

  Summer grinned and said, “Sort of ‘make them an offer they can’t refuse?’”

  A chuckle rumbled in Kemp’s throat. “Something like that, without the gangster connotation. Everyone has secrets they’d like to keep hidden. We plan to motivate the people behind these attacks with undeniable leverage.”

  “I talked to Rachel on the phone this week and she told me what you did for her.” Duct tape underwear was the very least that sick person had deserved for abusing Rachel.

  Kemp grunted and rolled onto his back. “I wish she would stop telling people about that.”

  “Why? You’re her hero. You’re my hero for doing it, too. That nasty jerk had it coming to him. You’re just shy and don’t like it when you’re in the spotlight.” She laid her hand on his taut, bare abdomen. “I like that you’re on my side.”

  Kemp caressed her cheek with gentle fingertips and said, “I like being on your side.”

  “Kemp, have you and Ace ever done anything like this before? Together? He told me he had but didn’t say if you were the other man involved.”

  Kemp shook his head. “No. I’ve never been part of a ménage. I think we came close once, but it didn’t work out.”

  “What was her name?” she asked as she stroked his warm skin.

  Kemp hesitated, then said, “Kathleen. She was a friend of


  Summer thought that over, and it seemed like she’d heard Grace mention someone by that name a time or two.

  “It didn’t work out?”

  “No. I’m not sure we would’ve gone through with it, either, I’m…”

  “You’re what?”

  Kemp appeared to mull his words over. “I would never have felt like more than the third wheel because they’d already been dating for a while before the subject ever came up. But I also worried about hurting her. I’m a big man, darlin’.”

  She glanced at his groin and saw the growing evidence for herself. “Um, yes you are.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, either.”

  “Is that something you’re worried about?”

  “Of course.”

  “If we ever make love all together, it’ll be amazing. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think I could handle it. I know you’ll take good care of me and make sure I’m ready.”

  Kemp nodded, and she saw the truth in his eyes. He would take good care of her. She was truly losing her heart to him.

  “You are incredible, darlin’.”

  “Not really, Kemp. This just feels right to me. But there is one thing I want you to know.”

  “What’s that?”

  As succinctly as possible, Summer told him about Gary and Paulina and their repeated invitations to get her to join their open marriage. Kemp’s opinion of their offer showed clearly on his face, but he didn’t say anything.

  “Even though it’s embarrassing that I find myself in these awkward positions, I wanted you to know that happened so I can make something else clear to you.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I felt like Gary cheated on me because he was dishonest about his marriage until he was ready to make an offer for me to join them. I don’t have a problem with anyone who forms a poly relationship of any size or gender. What I would have a definite problem with is being a part of an arrangement with more than one woman in it. If we move forward with this we need to all be in agreement about that. It’s the three of us, and if you ever try to introduce another woman into our little group, I’ll be gone so fast your head will spin.” Her heart was racing by the time she was finished with what she had to say. The thought of having to share them with another woman was making her feel a little sick.

  Kemp’s smile was reassuring as he said, “You never have to worry about that with us, Summer. We’d never do anything that would hurt you.”

  “I know it might seem hypocritical because the two of you would be sharing me.”

  “That’s all we want, Summer. We weren’t actively seeking a poly arrangement in and of itself. We just happened to both be attracted to you and open to the idea of sharing you. That’s the extent of it.”

  “I’m relieved.”

  “Then I’m glad you said something.”

  Summer scooted closer and smoothed her hand up to his firm pecs. His flesh was warm under her palm. “You had your way with me on that countertop downstairs, and I haven’t done more than kiss you.”

  Her core suddenly felt superheated, and the lavender satin slid sumptuously across her skin with her movements. She savored the bar
rage of sensations as she gazed into his moss-green eyes and smiled. She leaned down to his chest and kissed one brown nipple.

  Kemp gave a hiss, and Summer noticed the small flex of his hips in response to the touch of her lips. “You don’t have to remedy that tonight, Summer. I meant it when I told you that neither of us wants you to feel obligated. What’s growing between us doesn’t have to be rushed.”

  His cock was hardening as he spoke, telling a different story. She watched in disbelief as it swelled to enormous proportions.

  Holy mother of all things gargantuan!

  Summer couldn’t take her eyes off of the massive bulge inside his pajama pants. At the rate it was going, the head would soon be peeking over the waistband. Her pussy fluttered in response, and she bit her lip before looking up into his eyes. Whatever Kemp saw there made him groan softly as if he were in pain.

  Summer shook her head and said, “Kemp, I don’t feel rushed. I’m disappointed that we can’t do more. If not for the poison oak, I’d be making love with you both right now.”

  Sliding her hand down his abdomen, she was about to slip her fingers beneath the waistband of his pants when he halted her progress.

  “You’re about to get more than you bargained for, darlin’.”

  Summer shuttered her eyes, savoring the moment of discovery. “That’s funny. I feel like it’s Christmas morning, and I’m about to discover that Santa brought me a pony.”

  “A horse is more like it,” Ace murmured from the end of the bed. She looked up to find him watching her intently with his bedroom eyes. She’d been so caught up in the moment she hadn’t heard him walk in on bare feet.

  Ace was similarly clad in pajama bottoms and looked to be in similar straits, judging by the erection pressing against the elastic waistband. Her pussy quivered in need again, and she licked her lips as he climbed onto the end of the bed and prowled up behind her. He growled and nipped playfully at her shoulder as he tugged at her robe and slid her arms free. Summer felt inundated by sensations as Ace touched her and she touched Kemp. She turned back to Kemp and bit her lip in delight when she got her first glimpse of the head of Kemp’s cock, which was now poking above the waistband of his bottoms. His cock would probably rival the largest of the sex toys displayed downstairs, and that was saying a lot.

  Ace turned off the lamp so the room was cast in darkness except for the glow from the television screen. He picked up the remote and turned the television off. Soft music began to play. “Did you really want to watch a movie, kitten?”

  Summer shook her head. “No. I want to be with both of you.”

  Kemp shuddered and flexed his hips again. “What do you want to do?” Her fingers curled around the elastic at his waist, preparing to gently draw it down under his monster erection.

  Kemp’s eyes flared when she sat up and straddled one of his knees. “I want to play with you. Both of you. I want to make you feel good.”

  Ace moved into the spot she’d just vacated and assumed his earlier position on his side, head supported in his hand. He reached out and slid the other hand down her back in a slow caress that ended with his hand cupping her derriere. She lifted the waistband of Kemp’s pants as Ace whispered, “I love a woman who asks for what she wants.”

  Summer couldn’t hide her gasp of awe as Kemp’s massive cock was revealed to her. She thought cocks like this existed only in erotic fiction.

  * * * *

  She looked around in satisfaction at her handiwork. The house reeked of the perfume of a whore, and it stung in her sinuses. She yanked at the lid on the can of spray paint and fumed when her hand slipped inside her plastic gloves. Knowing she was done with the rest of the job, she slipped the gloves from her hands and stuffed them carefully in her pocket. She wiped her sweaty hand on her blue jeans and finally succeeded in getting the top off of the can and shook it.

  Leroy should be at home by now, so she went back to work, finishing off the destruction she’d inflicted. She smiled with satisfaction as the odor of spray paint filled her nostrils, at the thought of the shocked expression on that woman’s face when she finally came home from her night of debauchery.

  It rankled in her gut, the way the men of the community continued to be drawn into unholy relationships. It was bad enough that Summer and her sister owned a shop that catered to perversions of every sort, but her association with that queen of whores, Grace Warner, would undoubtedly increase her influence over the misguided women who passed through its doors. She gritted her teeth and allowed her righteous indignation free reign as she sprayed red graffiti on the walls of the living room, writing words she’d never speak aloud.

  She needed to get on her way since Leroy had called to say he was leaving the club with the video clip on his camera. It had been sheer genius that he would keep an eye on Summer Heston so she could sneak over on her own to leave a welcome home gift without fear of being caught in the act.

  She remembered to put the glove back on after finishing. Just to be ugly, she gripped the front doorknob and opened the door and left it hanging open. Maybe she’d get robbed on top of being vandalized. Heaven knew she wouldn’t steal any of that loose woman’s things.

  Chapter Nine

  More than anything else, Kemp wanted to please this woman. Her gasp of surprise and the delight in her eyes made the Neanderthal inside him want to beat his chest in pride. He resisted the impulse and held still for her as she gazed at his cock, which pulsated with excitement.

  “You’re enormous,” she whispered. He lifted his hips as she pulled at the waistband so it didn’t lie across his distended shaft. He glanced at Ace and saw the grin on his face. Ace flicked his eyes up at his friend in a nonverbal statement of “told you so.”

  Summer reached out to Ace and repeated the maneuver, exposing his erection. “Oh my.”

  Ace didn’t have the length or girth that Kemp sported, though Kemp didn’t think that put Ace at a disadvantage. He was still extremely well hung but along more comfortable proportions for most women. Kemp knew his cock was going to take some getting used to, no matter how experienced Summer was. Something about the flush in her cheeks and the lust in her gaze told him she was up for the challenge.

  Ace chuckled and asked, “What do you think, kitten?”

  She beamed as she replied, “I feel like a kid set loose in a candy factory.”

  Kemp’s cock swelled even more at the pleasure in her eyes, and he wanted her to touch him. His cock bobbed at the thought, and she smiled again. She laid her little hand on his length and sighed.

  “It’s so hot.”

  He had to fight not to shoot his load at the way she emphasized the word “hot.” He resisted the desire to think about somewhere hot he wanted to put his cock, namely inside her slick, little pussy. He bit down on the inside of his cheek, trying to get a hold of himself so she could explore to her heart’s content.

  Summer paid similar attention to Ace, who growled softly as she stroked his cock. Kemp struggled with himself, feeling like an inexperienced boy with his first girl as her hand closed around his dick, or at least as much as she was able. Sweat broke out on his brow as she caressed up and down his tingling length, and he groaned when his hips followed the movement, thrusting into her hand. He wanted her in the worst possible way. Ace’s deep sigh signaled that he must be getting the same treatment.

  Kemp had known Ace for thirty years, since they were both boys. They’d worked together for over twenty years. He would’ve thought that he knew everything there was to know about his friendship with Ace, but he learned something new with this experience. His lust and desire were ramped up to a fever pitch by the thought of him and his best friend pleasuring this incredible woman together.

  “I want you both so much it hurts,” she whispered, and there was a restless quality to her voice that gave truth to her words. He exhaled slowly as she rubbed her satin-covered pussy against his leg. “Oh.” Her shaky moan was evocative in the extreme as he watched her eyelids slide closed
and her lips part in pleasure. Remembering the taste of her sweet, silken cunt, he growled at the heated feel of her pussy against his thigh. He wished he could taste her again sometime soon and hear more of her sweet moans and cries.

  “Do you like our cocks, kitten?” Ace asked as she continued stroking them both.

  “Yes. I could come just from touching you and rubbing against you.” Her breath shuddered, and she lifted slightly off of Kemp’s leg. She locked eyes with him and asked, “Can I taste?”

  God, more than I want to breathe. Yes, I want you to taste!

  “Yes,” he uttered in a low, hissing whisper, his head thrown back against the pillow. He was bowled over by the quiver in her voice. She sounded like she wanted them just as badly.

  He gritted his teeth as her hot tongue traced up the length of his shaft, wet and slick, until she reached the head, then flicked her tongue expertly against the sensitive spot at the underside. His hips moved against her, completely independent of his control, desiring to feel more of her. He threaded his fingers into her silken tresses and caressed the back of her head as she licked again. She looked up into his eyes and smiled, her angelic face flushed with desire. Ace groaned, and Kemp noticed that she continued touching him as well. Their little kitten was a multitasker.

  He didn’t know how much more of her teasing touches he could take. Just when he thought he’d lose control, she switched to Ace’s cock to pay attention to him. He missed her sweet, hot touch but appreciated the chance to cool down a bit.

  “Yes, kitten, that’s it,” Ace said as she leaned over him and swiped her tongue up his cock as though it were the tallest ice cream cone in the world. She moaned softly as Kemp caressed her nipple with one of his knuckles.

  Unable to resist her soft, pliant flesh, he slid his fingers into the neckline of her camisole and whispered, “Summer, you feel so good.”

  Her breast was a glorious handful, warm and firm, the turgid nipple peaking as he stroked. Her breath caught in her throat as he rolled it with his fingers. She winked at him as she licked Ace’s cock. They’d found a woman who obviously enjoyed giving head, and Kemp wanted to get on his knees and thank her for it.


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