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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 3

Page 74

by Heather Rainier

  He stood there like a statue, and she finally went back to what she was doing, feeling a little slutty as she allowed him to look her over. She gazed up at him through half-shut eyes as she wet her hair again.

  Clayton’s eyes smoldered with blue fire as he looked his fill, and her pussy swelled with a corresponding wave of heat. Even though she was in the shower, she felt the hot moisture seep from her pussy in response to his stare. She poured shampoo in her hand and lathered her hair.

  He never took his eyes off her, and she was acutely aware of how her nipples hardened as her breasts swayed with each move of her arms. They seemed to swell under his gaze, and it was honestly the most sexually stimulating moment of her life.

  There were no words necessary as his gaze dipped from her breasts to the dark triangle of curls between her legs. His cheeks were slightly flushed, and she noticed the thick ridge that bulged at his groin. Her pussy clenched at the thought of giving herself to him, and it made her bold as she finished rinsing her hair and then shut off the water.

  She turned to the shower doorway, water dripping from her hair and her body. “You slept with me last night?”

  Blinking his eyes as though he were in a daze, Clayton nodded. “We did. You were sound asleep, even when we tucked you in between us. It was hard to not touch you. You’re like a little angel when you’re sleeping.”

  Lydia smiled at him and softly replied, “I’m not feeling like much of an angel right now.”

  Clayton made a growling sound in his throat as he handed her towel to her. She blotted her face and hair, never losing eye contact with him. She was hyper aware of how hard her nipples were and how heavy her breasts felt as they swayed with her movements.

  As if it were happening in slow motion, Lydia watched Clayton gently stroke the underside of one breast with the backs of his fingers. She bit her lip as he stroked her nipple with the pad of his thumb. His hands were so rough, and the stimulation to her nipple and the extreme tension of the moment had her pussy quaking on the verge of a small orgasm.

  From the bedroom, Chance called out, “Baby, I have to run to town—Oh. Hey, Clayton.” Lydia looked beyond Clayton to Chance standing in the doorway. His trademark sexy grin spread across his face. “Whatcha doin’?” he asked as he came in the steamy room.

  If it had been any other man or situation she never would’ve stood there like that, letting Clayton caress her breast while his brother watched with obvious enjoyment. But this felt right.

  Her pussy lips swelled and throbbed as Chance mirrored Clayton’s caress on her other breast. Her pussy convulsed, and she gasped desperately, her legs weak and barely able to hold her up.

  “Lydi,” Clayton whispered before he clutched her to him, hungrily kissing to her lips. She moaned as a tremor went through her and suddenly felt her world tilt as he lifted her from her feet.

  Clayton laid her on Chance’s bed, and she looked up at them standing over her and reached for him and his brother both as they descended on either side of her. It would soon be daylight outside, and she whispered, “I know we have to start the day but—I need…” Clayton’s lips descended on her nipple, and she gasped as he sucked lustily. Her back arched, and she was amazed at how explosively she responded to his sensual touch. Clayton’s hot mouth tugging at her nipple sent a current straight to her clit, and the tension grew exponentially within her body.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful, baby,” Clayton whispered as he trailed kisses down her ribs to her hipbone. Chance pressed kisses to the dip between her hip and upper thigh as she feathered her fingertips into his closely cropped hair.

  Rivulets of heat raced from Chance’s mouth to her trembling pussy, and her juices trickled from her lips. Knowing their ultimate destination, she bit her lip, afraid she might scream as an orgasm of epic proportions loomed.

  Panting, she caught Chance’s rapt gaze as he looked into her eyes and then at her pussy up close. He gave her a happy smile as he parted his lips to take a taste.


  Her cunt convulsed in anticipation the second before his mouth descended on her. He was ravenous as he licked at her opening and flicked his tongue against her clit, torturing her with his teasing, and then pulled away. “Mmm, baby. You’re sweet.” The sexy, playful sincerity in his tone created another wave of molten desire inside her.

  She froze as she watched Clayton come closer for a lick, too. He looked up into her eyes as he opened his mouth and latched onto her clit and sucked. Each draw of his mouth was like wildfire racing through her nerve endings. She threw her head back and howled as her cunt clenched almost painfully and she came undone. Her pussy pulsed with each contraction, and she screamed a second later when she felt his tongue slide in and stroke the inner walls of her cunt. He was ravenous, licking and sucking, and she came hard a second time. Each wave of her orgasm rocked her hips as she pressed harder to his mouth until she was wiped out.

  They both continued to kiss and caress her as she panted. She noted the pearly-gray sky outside Chance’s window and groaned. She wanted to stay in bed with them but knew the three of them had to get started.

  “Now that’s how I’d love to start every morning,” Clayton said in that deep, sexy tone of his as he planted a kiss right on her pussy and sat up.

  Chance pressed a kiss to her abdomen and smoothed his lips in a shiver-inducing trail up between her breasts and finally placed another kiss on her lips. She stretched and ran her fingers through the damp strands of her hair. Their work-roughened hands felt exquisite on her sensitive skin as they caressed her and once again resumed their positions on either side of her.

  The noises of the workday were heard outside as someone drove past the house on a tractor, and Chance groaned as he placed a kiss beside her nipple. “That was a delicious way to start the day, baby.”

  Lydia smiled as she stroked the back of his head, sliding her fingertips through the silver mixed in with the black hair at his temples and kissed him, tasting a hint of herself on his lips. He brushed his nose playfully against hers and smiled.

  Clayton pressed a kiss beneath her ear, and she turned to him and kissed him as well. He said, “I’ll bet it’s an even sweeter way to end the day. I’ll stay hard all day, thinking about you, Lydi.”

  Clayton’s short hair tickled beneath her fingertips as she stroked the back of his head and replied, “I wish there was a little more time.”

  Clayton slowly shook his head and said, “No. We’re going to need all night long with you.” He dipped his head and gave her a kiss that made her toes curl.

  Heat rose in her cheeks at the thought of what all they could do in a night, and her pussy trembled, echoing her excitement at the thought. Clayton’s tongue flicked at hers, and he nibbled at her lips.

  “I–I’ll look forward to that,” she said as she tried to catch her breath.

  Chance helped her when she tried to sit up and said, “Poor baby. Your breakfast is probably cold.”

  “Trust me, handsome, when I say I don’t mind. It doesn’t seem fair to me that you have to go to work feeling like this,” she said, indicating the hardened ridges at their groins.

  Clayton shook his head and said, “No way am I rushing the first time we make love, Lydi. That was just a little appetizer.”

  As he sat up, Chance said, “He’s right, baby. We don’t fuck and run.”

  She couldn’t believe her audacity when she replied, “Only because I haven’t asked for it yet.” Lydia kissed them both quickly and climbed from the bed.

  Their eyebrows shot up, and sexy grins brought a jolt of happiness to her heart. They rose from the bed, and Clayton elbowed Chance as they headed toward the door and said, “She makes an excellent point.”

  As she walked to the bathroom to get dressed, Clayton said, “We’re heading out, Lydi. Chance is running to the hardware store. I’ll be at the barns this morning.”

  Lydi nodded as they smiled at her standing there in her birthday suit, and said, “I’ll see yo
u at lunch. Tell everyone that it’s enchiladas for supper tonight.”

  “Mmm,” Chance growled and rubbed his belly. To Clayton he said, “We’re in high cotton, huh, bro?”

  “Lydi’s gonna make us fat and happy, I think.”

  Lydia giggled and replied, “Nope, I’ll work it off of you, too.” She couldn’t imagine either of these two men getting fat, as hard as they worked. They blew kisses and departed.

  A little while later, Lydia was downstairs having a cup of coffee and reviewing her to-do list when she saw Chance’s truck return from town as he drove past the kitchen window.

  Lydia greeted Presley Ann when she walked in at seven thirty and indicated that there was fresh coffee in the coffeepot if she wanted some. Presley Ann nodded and prepared herself a cup as Lydia looked over Presley Ann’s to-do list one last time. Presley Ann needed such close supervision, she hadn’t been able to deliver another morning snack to the ranch hands. Twice she’d intended to, and both mornings had ended with her feeling she hadn’t accomplished much of anything.

  Lydia felt the amount of work she’d assigned Presley Ann today was reasonable. Chance and Clayton weren’t neat freaks but neither did they live like pigs. Tidying the bedrooms and restocking the linen closets upstairs should not take all morning. Maybe she would be able to get in enough time to make the men a snack after all. After discussing the list, they started their day.

  Their first stop was Chance’s bedroom. Lydia was tidying the books and magazines on the shelf under his bedside table when a book slid out onto the floor.

  She reached behind the table for it, and her eyebrows felt like they reached her hairline when she recognized the cover of The Rancher’s Lady. This copy was identical to the one they’d given her, except it was dog-eared and the spine was creased in multiple places.

  Listening for Presley Ann, she looked through the marked spots. She smiled when she found that many of them were favorite passages of her own, including some particularly hot love scenes.

  She shrugged as she bit her lip, thinking it was okay with her if Chance wanted to read erotic romances. She hoped to be the beneficiary of his research sometime soon. She needed to write an e-mail to Caressa MacFarland, thanking her for writing that book.

  The books and magazines were all stacked neatly on their shelf and dusted when Presley Ann spoke from the bathroom doorway. “Well this explains why someone has a rosy glow in her cheeks this morning.” Hanging from Presley Ann’s finger was the skimpy G-string to her baby-doll nightie.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Presley Ann twirled it on her finger as she said, “You know, I thought something was going on between you and Chance the other day, but I wasn’t sure about it, since you act like such a lady.”

  Lydia stood and walked over to her and jerked the dangling garment from her finger. Lydia counted to ten, reminding herself that she was a professional and that she didn’t want to go to jail for hurting Presley Ann.

  “The faucet handle to my shower is broken. Chance told me I could use his until he got the part needed to fix it.”

  “Right. Hey, whatever works for you,” Presley Ann said knowingly as Lydia jerked the used towels from the towel bars that Presley Ann had left hanging there and then strode from the room, dropping them in the hamper sitting in the hallway.

  Presley Ann followed her to the master suite and began flicking the dresser with the duster while Lydia sprayed the mirror in the bathroom and wiped it down. She glanced out the bathroom door and found Presley Ann looking out the window. Fed up with her laziness, Lydia walked out of the bathroom, collecting her thoughts before giving Presley Ann the ax.

  As if sensing her presence, Presley Ann held back the lace curtain and said, “He sure is a fine man.”


  “Chance. Clayton. Both. Whichever.”


  Presley Ann couldn’t tell them apart and had even admitted it to Chance and Clayton at lunch the day before. Her attitude communicated that she didn’t care if she couldn’t tell them apart.

  “Yes. Whichever. Fine and rich is what matters to me.”

  “Presley Ann, what are you getting at?”

  Presley Ann turned from the window to look directly at Lydia, and the cold calculation in her eyes wasn’t hidden for a change. “Can I level with you?” Without waiting for Lydia’s response, she gestured dismissively to the house around them. “I know this all means a lot to you. You seem like a hard worker and you take a lot of pride in what you do.”

  That was all true, but Lydia failed to see what that had to do with anything. “We have work to do, Presley Ann. What are you trying to say?”

  “You are a caregiver. You enjoy taking care of them. I could give a rat’s ass about this house or whether or not the dust bunnies are eradicated. You have your goals and I can respect those. They aren’t much different from mine.”

  “Huh?” Lydia thought the two of them were like night and day.

  “It’s obvious that Chance, or Clayton or…whichever is sweet on you. He likes what you do for them. Hell, they both do, I guess. But I saw him kissing you the other day. If that’s how you want to work it, I say go for it. But we could make all this a whole lot easier for each other and maybe even wind up being friends.”

  Not likely.

  Lydia didn’t like where this conversation was going as Presley Ann continued to speak. “When I found out from my aunt that the Carlisles needed someone out here I knew it was my chance. My dad wants to put me to work in one of his damned stores. He says I need to make something of myself. This is my chance to do that—make myself a Carlisle. I thought I could get their attention, but all this running and working that you’ve got me doing is making it more difficult for me. I don’t stay on the ranch so I don’t get to be here in the early morning. I only see them at lunch and I go home before they come in for supper. I’m just not wired for all this housework the way you are, I guess.”

  She made it sound as though Lydia looked on her labor as a hobby or something. So I like a clean house. Shoot me!

  “Presley Ann, what are you getting at?” Lydia already knew, but she wanted her to spell it out.

  The young woman looked her in the eyes and smiled. “Here’s the deal. I won’t get in your way, with the one you want.”


  Lydia had meant it sarcastically, but Presley Ann smiled brightly and said, “Exactly! We could work together, since we’re after the same thing. Let me stay here so I can catch the other one and then I’ll insist down the road that you’re working too hard and that they should hire a whole staff. Lord knows they have enough money to afford it. Since you love this house so much, you can have it. I’ll have him build me another new one.”

  It irked Lydia like crazy that Presley Ann referred to whichever of the men she planned to claim so ambiguously. Presley Ann smirked as she looked out the window and said, “It is a plus that there are some fine men around here. Mmm-mmm. Look at that ass.”

  Jealousy flamed white hot inside Lydia as she drew closer and looked out the window at which of the Carlisle men she was referring to. Anger replaced the jealousy when she realized the only man Presley Ann could see at the moment was Richard Warner as he unloaded a truck. He was bare-chested, and Presley Ann confirmed that she was indeed talking about him when she said, “I’m licking that six-pack the first chance I get.”

  “That man is engaged to be married.”

  Presley Ann shrugged nonchalantly. “So will I be, soon.”

  In a calm voice, Lydia said, “I think we’re done.”

  Presley Ann rolled her eyes in relief and said, “Thank God! I’m so glad you understand! My feet are killing me and my nails are positively ruined. I could hardly get my ass out of bed this morning. I thought I might cry if I had to do any more housework around here. Of course I’ll help you keep the pretense up if you’ll help me. They never have to know.”

  Lydia shook her head. “No. You don’t underst
and, Miss Woodworth. We’re done. We’re through. Finito! I can’t believe you would treat them as interchangeable. Chance and Clayton are separate, unique, wonderful individuals!”

  Presley Ann flapped her hands to shush Lydia and said, “Relax, honey! I only need one.”

  “Well that’s a shame because they are both already mine!”

  Now it was Presley Ann’s eyebrows that shot up as she gasped and said, “Oh, Lord have mercy. Are you one of those women?”

  “As a matter of fact I am. If by that you mean one of those women who’s about to whip your gold-digging ass before I kick you off this ranch! I’ll deliver your paycheck to the employment agency this afternoon. You can pick it up there. Now get your ass off this ranch before I have you escorted off of it.”

  Lydia flung a finger toward the bedroom door and waited. Presley Ann stood there gawking for a moment while everything sank in and then slowly crossed her arms over her surgically altered chest and adopted an uppity stance.

  “I wonder what Chance and Clayton will think when they find out how you’ve treated me and that you fired me even though I did my best. I wonder what they’ll think when they find out that you plan to—”

  A male chuckle was heard from the hallway, and both women turned to find both Carlisle brothers standing there. Clayton murmured something to Chance and walked back down the hall. Chance said, “Miss Woodworth, it’s been pretty obvious from the get-go what your plan was. We have eyes and ears. Lydia has been more than patient and fair to you. Clayton is writing out your paycheck downstairs and he’ll personally inform your aunt that your services are no longer required here.” Chance held up a paper bag and added, “Baby, I got the part to fix your shower.”

  “If you think my aunt will be sending anyone else out to work on this godforsaken ranch you’ve got another think coming, mister,” Presley Ann said as she stepped toward the door.

  “Trust me, Miss Woodworth. We won’t be contacting your aunt for more workers in the future. We’re better off on our own. Could I give you one piece of advice?” Apparently surprised, Presley Ann stopped before him and actually waited to hear what he had to say. He held up a single finger. “One, men don’t like hearing that they are interchangeable. Two, you should take that job your daddy is offering you. He’ll probably put up with more of your shenanigans than any other employer would. Good-bye, Miss Woodworth.”


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