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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 3

Page 81

by Heather Rainier

  “How are you doing these days, Rachel? Feeling good?”

  Rachel smiled broadly and nodded. “I feel great. I thought the stomach flu was going to kill me when it went around a few weeks ago, but I feel great now.”

  Chance noticed Eli caressed her shoulders from where he stood behind her and proudly said, “She felt the baby move for the first time this week.”

  Chance chuckled and patted Rachel’s arm. “That’s great news. When is the baby due?”

  Rachel said, “Right around Christmas.”

  “That’s a great Christmas present,” he replied.

  Eli said, “I think so, too.”

  Rachel put her hand on Chance’s arm, looked him in the eye, and said, “Not to change the subject, because I could talk about the baby all day, but do her brothers know she is in Divine yet?”

  He must’ve had an “oh crap” look on his face because Rachel continued, “Don’t worry. I won’t say anything. I only just figured it out a few minutes ago, because this is where we met Ace two years ago. The resemblance is very strong. Grace already said she looked familiar.”

  “She plans to tell them soon. We don’t want to pressure her.”

  “You can bet if she meets Summer the cat is going to be out of the bag. I’ve heard him and Kemp talk about their baby sister. I’ll bet they act just like pit bulls on steroids where she’s concerned.” Unsaid was that if they found out before Lydia told them, the shit was going to hit the fan. He still wasn’t worried. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, but he hated the thought of Lydia upset.

  Rachel looked at the dance floor and said, “My lips are sealed, I hope it works out okay.” Clayton and Lydia made their way from the dance floor.

  “I have a good feeling about it, but I appreciate your concern. And congratulations on feeling the baby kicking.”

  Lydia smiled at him across the room, her eyes glowing with happiness, before Clayton distracted her, introducing her to another friend of theirs. He imagined her, someday when the time was right, a beautiful glow in her cheeks and her hand stroking her pregnant abdomen. He hoped things worked out for them because he found, for the first time, that he could envision their house with a new baby, a family, in it.

  * * * *

  Lydia stood near the bar of The Dancing Pony with Clayton, talking to Wes, Evan, and Rosemary Garner. Clayton’s thickly muscled arm was draped around her back, his hand resting possessively on her hip, and Lydia felt secure, tucked into his side like that.

  She and Rosemary were chatting when she noticed Kade Parker walk in. Judging by the pinched, harsh look on his face, the ranch hand’s evening wasn’t turning out any better than his day had. He hadn’t been back to her dining room table since that first night nor had he partaken of any of the snacks she’d made for the men. She felt slightly sympathetic toward him, assuming he must feel a bit like an outcast. He joined Robert Martin and Jim Cappell who had seats at the bar. They were currently chatting with one of the club bartenders, Quinten, whom Clayton had introduced her to earlier, when he ordered her a drink.

  Lydia saw Clayton glance Kade’s way but made no comment about his arrival. They were standing close enough to the bar that Lydia heard Kade loudly place his drink order over the music.

  “Budweiser and a shot of Everclear!”

  A sense of foreboding clutched at her when Robert and Jim cringed and Clayton sighed heavily. Wes and Evan even looked Kade’s way curiously.

  Rosemary and Lydia resumed their conversation but within a few minutes it was clear that Kade Parker was on a roll. He’d gotten progressively louder to the point where he was obnoxious not only to those sitting near him but to other nightclub patrons at tables nearby. Lydia split her attention between their conversation and listening to Robert and Jim trying to get Kade to slow down a bit after he downed his second shot.

  Kade loudly responded, “I’m just fine. I just ate a few minutes ago, in town, since I’m not allowed at a certain dinner table these days. At least, not unless I’m willing to kiss ass.” Robert admonished him quietly, but Kade shook his head and continued. “I don’t kiss ass like some people do,” he stated, pointing his finger at Robert and Jim who were looking more and more disgruntled. “Matter of fact, not only do you kiss ass out at the Rockin’ C, I’d go so far as to say you’re pussy-whipped, without even the benefit of getting any.”

  Another bartender, who Clayton had told her was also part owner of the club, sidled over behind the bar and leaned against it. “Hey, Parker. You want to keep it down? Everyone can hear you.”

  That remark seemed to only spur Parker on. “Most every man in here is pussy-whipped. Except me. There ain’t no woman going to dictate to me how I behave, or any pussy-whooped man for that matter,” he said, pointing his finger at the bartenders. “That includes you, Ben. I’ll bet that itty-bitty bartender Camilla orders both you and Quinten around in and out of bed.”

  Clayton turned to look at Kade, and Lydia watched the bartender’s face darken with anger, which he contained. Lydia noted that the petite female bartender was red-cheeked with embarrassment, but spunky fire burned in her eyes as she glared at Parker. Quentin touched Camilla’s shoulder and gave her a sympathetic smile before he shot a murderous glower in Kade’s direction.

  Calmly, Ben said, “That’s about enough, Kade. Settle it down or you’re done for the evening. Why don’t you have some coffee?”

  “I don’t want any damned coffee. Another shot of Everclear,” he said as he pulled his wallet from his back pocket. “Get something for my two friends here, too. We’re just getting started.”

  Jim and Robert shook their heads at Ben as they settled in their seats and faced the bar, disassociating from him.

  “Kade, I think you’ve had enough,” Ben replied, looking tense. He glanced over at the bouncers who looked ready if Ben needed help.

  Robert said, “Kade, let the man do his job and keep your voice down. The Carlisles are standing right there. You want to lose your job?”

  Kade turned in his seat and smirked when he made eye contact with Lydia. He curled his lip and then faced the bar again. “I’m not scared of him. What’s he gonna do? He can’t keep a woman satisfied on his own and needs his brother’s help. Maybe he’ll get his brother to help him fire me. Damned perverted, pussy-whipped sons of bitches.”

  Lydia gasped at Parker’s scathing insult and looked up into Clayton’s eyes when he put his hands on her shoulders. “Stay here with Rosemary and her men.” He nodded at Wes and Evan and walked over to intervene. Kade scowled at him in the bar mirrors’ reflection as Clayton approached. The ranch hand had to have known he’d just cost himself his job with his foul, disgusting mouth.

  Lydia watched as Chance now made his way from their table. All eyes were on the confrontation about to take place near the bar. Nightclub patrons moved out of the way, and Wes and Evan even backed both Rosemary and Lydia farther away.

  Disliking that she was the cause of the conflict, Lydia moved in Clayton’s direction, hoping to diffuse the situation before it got out of control. A gentle grip on her upper arm impeded her from going any closer. She looked up at Wes as he stopped her.

  “This is all my fault. I have to—”

  “No, Lydia. It’s not your fault. Let your men deal with this. No one forced those drinks down his throat. If he can’t handle his liquor then he deserved the consequences. Stay here with us. They’ll handle it.”

  Frustrated, Lydia turned back and gasped as Kade flung a fist in Clayton’s direction. His aim wasn’t good and Clayton deflected the blow.

  “Parker, you’re fired. Get your shit packed up and be off the Rockin’ C by noon tomorrow.”

  Kade turned and saw Chance standing at Clayton’s side and said, “Fine. I see you needed your brother’s help to get the job done. But then again you do everything together, don’t you?”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean, Parker?” Chance asked.

  Kade climbed awkwardly from his seat at t
he bar. “That means you need his help to fuck your woman because you can’t get the job done right on your own. Perv—”

  Before he could get the full word out, Clayton’s fist connected with Kade’s face, and the bouncers caught him as he reeled back in a daze.

  From behind the bar, Ben shook his head and said, “Mike, Rogelio, take him out front for now.”

  The noise level in the night club returned to normal and Clayton and Chance spoke quietly with Ben for a moment before returning to her. She felt eyes on her as they approached and wondered what people must be thinking of her.

  Chance caressed her jaw when he reached her and thanked Wes and Evan for keeping her safe.

  “That was awful. I’m sorry—” she said quietly, stealing another furtive glance at the onlookers around them.

  The surprise on Clayton’s face halted her, and he replied, “Sorry? Why are you sorry? Did you make him drink those shots or open his mouth to spew his filth?”

  “No, but…”

  “He just made an ass of himself and lost his job because of it. That had nothing to do with you.”

  The stares she noticed told her otherwise, but she focused on Clayton and Chance and said, “This trouble started because of me.”

  Rosemary scoffed and said, “Oh, trust me when I say this, Lydia. Poly groups in this area have been getting more than their fair share of ugly remarks and unwanted attention for a while now. It’s not just you, sweetie. He’s just a judgmental asshole.”

  “Forget about him. He’s gone as of noon tomorrow,” Clayton said as he rubbed his knuckles. “Now where were we?”

  Chuckling, Lydia guided Clayton’s arm around her back and slid her arm around Chance’s waist. “We were right about here, cowboy. And someone was just about to ask me to dance,” she added with a giggle as Kenny Chesney and Grace Potter’s song “You and Tequila” began to play.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Lydia sighed happily as she removed a lemon meringue pie from the huge oven. After all six pies were out of the oven she closed it carefully and turned it off then looked at her beautiful creations lined up on the butcher-block kitchen island with maternal pride. The ranch hands had decided to thank her for cooking for them by preparing that evening’s meal. They had two big briskets smoking out on the covered pavilion in the backyard and were taking care of everything but dessert, which she was providing.

  “My babies,” she whispered as she gazed happily upon the frothy swirls of white meringue tinged with the perfect hint of browning on the foamy waves. The citrusy scent of lemon zest filled the air as she dried the mixer parts and put away the rest of the washed dishes. Thunder rumbled faintly in the distance as she switched off the light in the kitchen and went in search of her men.

  Her core quivered at the thought. They truly were her men and they’d proved it to her the night before. While she’d managed to convince them both to make love to her after they’d come home from The Dancing Pony, no amount of begging or pleading had convinced them she was ready to try more. In the end, she’d settled down and let them have their way with her, ultimately giving her what she craved in the process, which was just more of them. She was grateful to them for their tender loving care but she was undeterred in wanting a true ménage.

  She found them in the office, sitting at their desks in front of their computers. Clayton and Chance both looked up and smiled when she knocked on the doorframe.

  Clayton pulled off his reading glasses and said, “You have good timing, Lydi. I was just about to go look for you. Come here and let me show you something.” Lydia came around his desk and allowed him to draw her onto his lap. After he had her situated, he pointed at the widescreen computer monitor. “I’ve been messing around with landscape-design software and want to know what you think. You seemed to like all the crape myrtles in town so we’re going to put in landscaping around the house.”

  “I love that idea. Not that it isn’t beautiful out here, but…”

  Chance said, “The ranch house could use some color around it, and we thought you would like the idea.”

  “I do like it, very much. So, what is your plan?” she asked enthusiastically, aware that Clayton’s cock was hardening and her body was responding.

  “I input the basic dimensions for the footprint of our house and…” He double-clicked the mouse and the image on the screen zoomed out. “Tell me what you think. Crape myrtles in red would go here. Three more oak trees in those areas and new built-up flower beds along both sides of the stairs in front, extending the length of the house in either direction. A white crape myrtle on the side, surrounded by mountain laurels.

  “In the backyard, there would be roses on both sides of the steps, and a winding path leading out to the covered pavilion area. Mountain laurels would go here and here, and pink crape myrtles in groupings around the backyard. The real topper, though, is this bed right here, tucked close to the east end of the house so it would have morning sun. We thought you might like an—”

  Lydia gasped. “An herb garden!” She turned to Clayton and kissed him. “I love it! That’s very thoughtful of you.”

  Clayton wrapped his arms more tightly around her, and even though she was very excited about his plan, she grew even more enthused over his kiss.

  Chance finally cleared his throat and said, “Before the two of you get any more wrapped up in each other…”

  Lydia slowly surfaced from the kiss, and she tried her best to focus on what Chance had to say. She looked over at him, feeling a flush all over her body.

  “I’m sorry, handsome. What did you want to say?”

  Chance smiled at her as he pointed at his laptop screen which was opened to an e-mail program. “They’ve finished the work on your car and we can pick it up on Monday. They’re closed now. They said the fuel lines had been tampered with but it wasn’t anything that couldn’t be fixed. They gave the engine an overhaul and were able to replace your compressor which was the only thing wrong with your air conditioner.”

  “Was it terribly expensive?”

  “What they charged to do the work was fair. Not anything you need to worry about.”

  “But you shouldn’t have to shell out money for my—”

  “Nonsense. Remember how you claimed us? Well, we claimed you right back, including your car repairs and other stuff. It’s not a big deal. Actually,” he began and motioned for her to come to him. Clayton helped her up and she curled into Chance’s lap, noticing that he was already hard. “I was just looking at vehicles. We’d like to arrange for a newer vehicle for you.”

  She started to sit up, but he gently pulled her back down. “You don’t have to do that. Gunther is—”

  Chance brushed a lock of hair away from her cheek as he broke in. “—Just fine and not going anywhere. Keep Gunther. We just want you to have something that has a little more power, a phone, safety features, and more comfortable for you.”

  Lydia bit her lip and looked from him to the laptop screen as he clicked on a link and the image of a luxury SUV appeared on the screen. “Whoa, Chance. Those are expensive. I’m not so sure—”

  Chance patted her thigh and minimized the image. “It was just a thought, baby. You don’t have to decide right now. We’ll pick up your car sometime tomorrow.”

  She knew their desire to get her a new vehicle came from the heart and didn’t want either man to be offended

  “Chance, the Escalade is beautiful and I’m grateful that you’re willing to get that for me. Please don’t think I’m rejecting the offer.”

  Chance caressed her jaw and said, “Baby, I don’t think that. I realize it’s a lot to take in. It’s just a thought for down the road.” He kissed the tip of her nose, and she cuddled to him with her face tucked under his jaw.

  “Okay. My pies are out of the oven. We have hours until the guys will be ready with the briskets. What do you want to do?” She tucked her fingers inside the front placket of his shirt and stroked his chest. He stretched beneath her, pres
sing his hardened cock against her derriere.

  Chance chuckled and said, “Insatiable little thing. Do you have any suggestions for how we could spend our afternoon?”

  Lydia glanced from him to Clayton and said, “How about making me The Rancher’s Lady, like on page two hundred seventy-three?”

  “Huh?” Chance asked with a chuckle.

  Lydia sat up and he let her rise from his lap with some reluctance. “I’ll be right back.”

  Giggling at the confused looks on their faces, she ran out of the office and up the stairs. In Chance’s room she found the dog-eared copy of The Rancher’s Lady and hurried back downstairs with it.

  Lydia climbed back into Chance’s lap as Clayton rolled closer. She noticed that they both looked like boys who had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. “Don’t worry, Chance. I don’t care if you or Clayton read erotic romance. It’s my favorite chapter, too.” The ragged paperback flipped open to the page number she mentioned.

  Chance tilted her hand so he could see the page she was referring to. “The ménage?”

  Clayton drew closer still and said, “Lydia, wouldn’t you rather wait until you’re settled in with us better?”

  She’d given this plenty of thought and knew exactly what she wanted. “If you don’t want to, I understand, Clayton. But I want it. Now.” She kept her tone soft and even, not whiny or demanding. She knew what she wanted.

  A thrill shot up her spine when she saw the twinkle in his eye and a devilish smile play across his lips. “You do, do you?”

  “You trust us that much?” Chance asked.

  She settled back in his embrace and gazed into his expressive blue eyes. “I’m a little nervous, but I trust you. I do want it.”

  Clayton rose from his chair. “We have all afternoon. Come upstairs.” He walked out of the room without another word and headed that direction. The excitement stirring within her increased. She looked up at Chance, and he raised his eyebrows and nodded. “Don’t worry, baby. We’ll take good care of you.”


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