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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 3

Page 84

by Heather Rainier

  Adopting the self-sacrificing, paternal tone that drove her nuts, Ace replied, “Probably never. I’m sorry.” He scrubbed his hands over his face. “I was angry when I came over here, but seeing the three of you together—”

  “Stop right there,” Summer interrupted icily, holding up her fingers in a “mouth closed” gesture. Lydia thought she looked ready to growl at him, and her admiration for this woman grew by the second.

  Ace held out his hands defensively. “But seeing them like that—”

  “Ssht!” Summer repeated.

  “But my sister—”



  “I’ve got a whole, big bucket of ‘ssht’ for you, big boy, plus a photograph of a ménage a trois that’s gone viral on the damned Internet. Give it a rest, Ace. You interrupted them in a tender moment, arriving unannounced. You should apologize to them for that, too.”

  Lydia watched Ace’s face as Summer spoke and saw the moment real sorrow and repentance came into his eyes, as well as a faint twinkle of admiration for Summer. He turned to Lydia and sincerely said, “I should have listened to Summer, Lydia. I’m sorry. Can you forgive your nagging mother-hen brothers?”

  Kemp grunted and said, “Don’t include me in this fiasco, dumb-ass. I tried to warn you.”

  Ace turned to Chance and Clayton and said, “I’m sorry about your faces, guys. I was out of line.”

  Both of her men shrugged, and Chance said, “As long as the matter is settled.” He winked at her as he adjusted his ice pack.

  Lydia grinned and turned to Ace. “Of course I forgive you. But no more nagging. From either of you,” she added, turning to look at Kemp. He looked happy to not be in the hot seat, sitting beside Summer. He quickly gave her the thumbs-up gesture. “It’s been months since I’ve seen either one of you.”

  Ace and Kemp both gave her affectionate hugs as Summer, Chance, and Clayton looked on with smiling faces. Kemp muttered, “We’ve missed you, baby girl.”

  Ace said, “We sure have, stinker. I guess we should also say welcome to Divine.”

  “I like it very much, so far.”

  Luckily, the ranch hand’s plans for eating the huge meal outdoors hadn’t been foiled by the storm. Ace, Kemp, and Summer were invited to stay, and the ranch hands never said a word when they saw the shiner Clayton sported and the dark, swollen bruise Chance now had on his jaw. After the rain had stopped, everything was set up on the pavilion at the rear of the backyard.

  Summer and Lydia were in the kitchen stirring up pitchers of sweet tea when Lydia asked, “What did you mean earlier when you mentioned a photograph of a ménage that has gone viral on the Internet?”

  Summer explained to Lydia how she came to be the target of a smear campaign aimed at the polyamorous couples in the area.

  “Things have been very quiet since Elizabeth Owen and Leroy Paggs are out of circulation, courtesy of the State of Texas. I hear you’re going to be catering for Maya’s wedding reception.”

  “Oh! Yes! With a little help from an old friend,” Lydia replied with a big grin. LuAnn would be in town by that time. “Grace put me in touch with the owner of Rudy’s and he’s going to be helping me, so that I can also make the wedding cake. I invited Maya to have the wedding reception here, since their house is only barely under construction on their ranch to the east, and Grace will be right at nine months pregnant and won’t be up for hosting a wedding reception at their ranch on the other side of the creek. It made sense to invite them to have it here, considering where the wedding is taking place. Transport for all the guests will be a cinch.”

  “Very true and ingenious.”

  “The pavilion is big enough to hold everyone and we can bring in cooling units to keep the expectant ones comfortable.”

  “That’s right. By then, Rachel will be almost eight months pregnant.” Looking out the window, Summer pointed and said, “I wonder what the four of them are talking about so seriously.”

  Lydia looked in the direction Summer indicated and saw Ace and Kemp talking privately with Chance and Clayton on one end of the pavilion.

  “I don’t know. Just so long as fists don’t come out again, I don’t care,” Lydia said with a chuckle.

  Clayton came inside and helped them carry the pitchers from the kitchen out to the long table at the pavilion, and they all sat down. After Chance said grace over the meal they all dug in. Clayton winked at her across their end of the table, and Lydia leaned toward Chance, who was closest to her, and asked, “What were the four of you talking about so seriously earlier?”

  Chance patted Lydia’s thigh gently under the table and quietly replied, “Nothing serious, baby. They were just making sure we had honorable intentions. That’s all.”

  “Oh,” she replied, wondering at Chance and Clayton’s response.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The following week flew by in a hurry for Lydia. Between trying to accomplish something in the ranch house, making a room ready for LuAnn, and keeping up with the loving demands Chance and Clayton made on her time, her days were very full. But she’d never complain about that. On Thursday, Chance surprised her by asking her to be ready to go for a casual weekend getaway the following day.

  “What should I pack?”

  “Whatever you need in the way of toiletries, including plenty of sunscreen,” he replied with a mischievous grin. “You’ve worn yourself to a frazzle around here and we’re taking you away to relax.”

  “Sunscreen? Should I pack my bathing suit?”

  “You can,” he said with a devilish twinkle in his eyes. “But I’d rather you didn’t. You won’t need any clothes, actually.”

  “What about the two of you?”

  “We’ll be wearing our standard-issue denim, swim trunks, or whatever. We’re going somewhere private where we’ll get to enjoy seeing you nekkid all weekend long. Don’t even think about bringing panties. You can wear the clothes home that you arrive in because you won’t be in them for long once we get there.”

  She’d frozen right there on the spot at the lustful look in his eyes, and her body responded with a rush of heat to her cunt. What would a weekend without clothes feel like? Where would they go? Licking her lips, she glanced down and noticed the hardened state of his cock.

  “I think I need a preview, handsome.”

  She put down the stack of newspapers she had been taking to the recycling bin and sauntered up the stairs, unbuttoning her top as she went. He grinned up at her with playful promise as she dropped the shirt over the railing and it fluttered down to land on his head. She stripped out of her jeans as she heard his boots on the stairs and left them where she dropped them. He topped the stairs as she peeled off her thong and shot it like a slingshot back at him. He caught it with an easy grab and tossed it on his shoulder with her top. The look in his eyes told her he was ready to play.

  Chance caught up with her in her bedroom, and she turned to face him as she unclasped her bra. The roguish lust glittering in his eyes as he watched her made her bold. She looped the bra around his neck and used it to pull him close for a kiss as she brushed her hardened nipples against his chest.

  Sliding his hands down her ribs to her hips in a lingering caress, Chance kissed her like there was nothing else for him to do that day. Dropping her clothing on the chair by the bed, he unbuttoned his fly and toed his boots off, while she unbuttoned his shirt to expose his broad, muscular chest.

  In a husky voice that communicated his aroused condition, Chance said, “Where we are going there won’t be anybody around for miles. If we wanted to, we could lift you into one of our laps and fuck to our hearts’ content in broad daylight. We’re limited only by our imaginations, your good humor…” He shoved his blue jeans and his boxers down his thighs and sat on the end of the bed. “And your giving nature,” he added as he held his cock for her.

  “And you know I’m a giver, don’t you, handsome.”

  Lydia knelt and smiled up at him before taking a

long, wet lap of the underside of his cock. His breath stuttered in his throat a little, and she licked her lips and stroked him with her tongue again. Her pussy pulsed as she imagined him sliding his big cock into her cunt outside in broad daylight. Chance never failed to do his best to please her, so she went out of her way to do the same for him.

  She held his heavy balls in her palm and caressed them as she took shallow sucking strokes on his cock. Chance was fastidiously clean by nature, but she loved the scent of manly sweat that clung to his skin from his labors that morning.

  Holding his cock at the base, she took more and more of him on each pass and delighted in his moans of pleasure. Lydia hollowed her cheeks, tightening her lips until he groaned deeply, and slowly stroked him, humming happily when he got even harder and thicker.

  “Damn, woman. You do that so good!” The sheen of sweat increased on his abdomen, and he growled and finally stopped her as his balls drew up in her hand.

  “Stop, baby. I need your pussy.” Helping her rise to a standing position, Chance said, “Kneel on the bed, baby.” After removing his blue jeans, he retrieved the small gel vibrator from her bedside table drawer. She wiggled with anticipation as he stood behind her, his legs outside of hers which were drawn together. He thrust his long, hard cock into her slippery pussy without preamble. She cried out in surprise as her walls rippled all around his shaft.

  Knowing how much he appreciated the view, she arched her back so he could watch as his cock slid into her pussy over and over again. He pumped into her that way, slowly stroking all the right spots, until she felt her seeping juices running down her thighs and her legs trembled with pleasure. Her body tightened, and she whispered, “Chance, it’s so good. Please don’t stop.”

  “Never, baby.”

  She whimpered when she heard him switch the vibrator on. He lifted her torso so that her back was against his front, and he picked up the pace of his thrusts as he reached forward and stroked the soft, gel-like body of the vibrator through her drenched pussy lips. Her pussy clamped down on his cock like a vise, and each swirling stroke of the vibrator around her clit sent her spiraling higher and higher.

  Lydia arched and undulated against him, their bodies slapping together with every stroke until she froze on a downward stroke and her orgasm hit her full force. Sparks lit up her nerve endings, and she rode him hard. He didn’t disappoint as he returned each stroke with fervor until his grasp on her hips tightened and he slammed home with one last stroke. His cock pulsed inside her as he groaned deeply in pleasure. His sound of fulfillment echoed in her heart as she placed her hands over his and stayed perfectly still until they’d both caught their breath. She tilted her head back for a kiss as he slid his arms around her torso and hugged her gently. Lydia loved Chance’s frisky, playful side because it was always coupled with such love and tenderness.

  “I took you away from your work,” he said quietly as he finally withdrew from her.

  “Yes. Shame on you. I’m telling.” She giggled as he crawled up the bed and flopped down, resting his head on one of her pillows.

  He reached for her and said, “You won’t have to do that. I’ll tell on myself. Then you’ll have Clayton sneaking in the house to distract you from your work, too.”

  Lydia crawled into the circle of his arms and rested her head on his thickly muscled chest as she said, “I’m not sure I could find it in my heart to complain. People are more important than things.”

  Playfully, she licked his nipple, enjoying the faintly salty taste of his tanned skin. He shuddered and lowered a hand to her ribs and tickled her there. She squealed and soon they were both laughing.

  “So you want me nekkid all weekend, huh?” she asked as an idea popped into her head.

  “Yes, if you’re willing.”

  “But jewelry is okay, right?”

  He eyed her curiously and said, “Yeah, sure. You can wear any jewelry you want.”

  Excellent! I have a little shoppin’ to do this afternoon.

  * * * *

  The following afternoon, Lydia’s body buzzed with excitement as she imagined their destination. Actually, what she imagined was herself, stark naked, at the mercy of two men who were increasingly inventive in how they played her body until it sang at a fever pitch. It was late afternoon, but the sun was still hours away from setting. She looked forward to whatever their evening might entail.

  Their journey had begun at the back of one of the barns where she found them loading a small ice chest and a box of food into the back of the four-seated Polaris all-terrain vehicle and strapping them down. Along with their own bags, they loaded her overnight bag and smaller case which contained several items she’d splurged on at Discretion that she hoped would take on legendary status.

  They’d taken off on unpaved roads, and she’d enjoyed every second of the ride as the wind blew through her hair.

  Chance rested a hand on her thigh as they topped a gentle rise and he said, “We considered bringing the horses instead, but it would’ve taken us longer to get there and I don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve been on the back of a horse. Plus, this way we don’t have to worry about hunting or fishing, unless we want to, because we brought our own meat to put on the grill.”

  Lydia replied, “It’s been a long time since I rode a horse. I don’t have proper training to control one on a long trip in unfamiliar terrain.”

  From the backseat, Clayton said, “We can remedy that. We’ll take you out on horseback with us regularly so you can become familiar with the ranch at the same time. This time, we’d rather get you to the cabin so we can play where we’ll have complete privacy. Hey, Chance?”


  “It’s smooth from here on out. Pull over for a second.”

  Chance complied with a chuckle, and Clayton jumped out. He helped Lydia from the seat, climbed in, then lifted her bodily from the spot where she stood and placed her in his lap. She squealed lightly and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as Chance laughed and put the all-terrain vehicle back in gear and headed down the road.

  She was across his lap, facing Chance, and Clayton kept her knees tucked up so she didn’t bump against the dash or the gearshift while Chance drove. Clayton stroked her ass with firm, strong hands as he held her, and she could feel his cock hardening beneath her.

  His fingertips strayed downward across her ass cheek until his fingertips were stroking her labia through her blue jeans. At the rate he was going, Lydia knew she’d be ready to take off her clothes the second they got into the cabin.

  She looked into Clayton’s smoldering blue eyes and wondered if they’d make it to the cabin with her clothes still on. He guided her closer until his lips touched hers. His arms tightened around her, and she closed her eyes and relaxed in his commanding embrace, enjoying the sensation of safety mixed with the adrenaline of anticipation. He stroked her tongue with his own, plumbing the recesses of her mouth, then smooched her lips before returning for more.

  From the driver’s seat, Chance stroked up and down her thigh. She put her hand on his muscular shoulder just so she could be connected to him as well as Clayton. She smiled when he reached up and patted her hand.

  Lydia lost track of time as Clayton kissed and stroked her, and she was filled with excitement for the beginning of this hedonistic adventure. The vehicle rolled to a stop, and Clayton released her lips which felt pleasantly swollen from all his kisses.

  She gasped with delight when she opened her eyes and looked around. They were parked in front of a log cabin considerably larger than she’d expected.

  “Your home away from home, baby,” Chance said as he set the brake and climbed out. Clayton released her and helped her to her feet, and she exclaimed as she turned to look at the surrounding countryside.

  “Wow! You have your own lake?”

  Clayton chuckled. “Well, with ten thousand acres, there was bound to be water on it somewhere.”

  Lydia giggled and said, “True.”

  The cabin was built on a slight incline, and stone steps set into the ground led down to a fishing pier. There was also what appeared to be a floating dock tethered to the pier that could be pulled farther out in to the lake when needed and a nearby boat on a lift, fit for the task.

  “We can go swimming later if you’d like,” Clayton said as he and Chance released the straps on their luggage and supplies and unloaded everything.

  “Or skinny-dipping?” she asked as she reached for her cases.

  “We’d rather do that, if you want the truth,” Clayton replied with a twinkle in his eyes as he took the cases back from her. “Why don’t you explore while we bring everything in?”

  The desire in their gazes ignited sparks inside her, feeding the low-level, erotic hum that had been building in her all afternoon. She drew close and kissed each man before turning to mount the stairs.

  The front porch ran the length of the cabin and was immaculately tidy and bare, save for a set of comfy-looking outdoor furniture and three rockers lined up in a row. The cabin did not appear to suffer from disuse, and she wondered how much time they spent there.

  Deep green woods filled with oaks surrounded the cabin on three sides. The unpaved road they’d taken to get there appeared to be the only egress. She walked the entire length of the porch and then followed the men inside when they carried in what little they had brought with them.

  Coming in from the bright sunlight, the cabin was dark, but Chance made his way through the dim interior armed with a small flashlight. The only sound she heard was the quiet hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen. He journeyed down a hallway, and she heard the rattling sound of him opening the breaker box and switches being flipped. Suddenly the lights came on, and she gasped.

  “Oh! It’s wonderful!”

  The walls were bare, rough-hewn logs, the floors were hardwood, and the floor plan for the main living areas was wide open. Chance emerged from the hallway and said, “Bedrooms and bathrooms are down this hallway.” Pointing at the hall on the opposite side of the house he said, “The study and another bedroom and storage are down that hallway.” Pointing to a staircase, he said, “Up these stairs is the loft where we usually sleep. There’s a big window that faces the lake. This far out, the stars are really bright at night. Come see it.”


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