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Hostile Work Environment: A Dirty Billionaire Boss Romance

Page 14

by Dark Angel

  "But the people you sold it to will just destroy it. They're not interested in helping the tenants or anyone else."

  "And I am?" I question her with authority. What right does she have to weigh in on my endeavors? "I run a business, not a charity. I'm sorry if you saw otherwise."

  She hardens her gaze towards me now. "And what about the people who live there? What about my memories..."

  "You can make new memories. The property will make money when sold." I skim the lines of her body and slowly undress her in my mind. This is so hard to hold back.

  "But Sebastian...I thought you cared and I thought my ideas could work...if you tried that instead maybe?" She stops.

  I continue to scrutinize her and I say as if indifferent, "I don't deal in ifs Lily, I deal in dollars and in cents. That's all." I look down at some paperwork and pretend to read it.

  Her voice quivers, "How could you do this to me? After everything?" The tears begin to fall down her face.

  My heart softens, I hate to see her cry and that I am the cause of it just ruins me. But I have to do this, my mission is clear.

  "Try to understand Lily."

  "Understand what?" She's seething now. "That you used me and that I gave you everything I had. I loved you and it doesn't mean anything to you? Fuck you, Sebastian. I fucking hate you," she screams and then she's gone, slamming the door to my office.

  I am not prepared for the way it feels to see my beautiful, sweet Lily walk out of my life.

  I walk over to the bar and I pour myself a stiff drink. She'll be okay and so will I, I try to tell myself. She's young and she'll find someone else. The vision of her with another man makes pure rage start to flare inside of me and I know I'm fucked.



  It's a month before I come to realize how wrong I was. A month of late nights and too much booze. I see her every time I dream and everywhere I go. I never even want to touch another woman again. Why? Because she won't be Lily. She's everywhere I look and at the same time, she's not. Because of what I did she hates me and she has vanished from my life and all that's left are ghosted memories and reminders of what I lost.

  I know I am wrong but when I seek her out it's as if she never was. Her phone is disconnected, her apartment is empty. Oh God, what have I done? How could I have left her beautiful heart just broken like that? I intentionally caused her pain, a thing which I never thought I would do...and why? All because I was scared of getting hurt, of falling in deep. I didn't realize then what I know now which is that for her any amount of commitment is worth it. She is the love of my life and totally worth getting hurt over. I will do anything to find her, even go the ends of the earth. I'm so desperate to know where she's at that I've hired a private investigator. I will not rest until she's back safely in my arms. I just hope it's not too late for her forgiveness. If I have ruined this forever I wouldn't blame her but I will die a bitter man for sure.

  The PI tells me that her mom and stepdad have been in Europe and haven't heard anything from her. There's no forwarding address from her apartment and I'm at my wit's end trying to find her.

  I call my PI almost constantly.

  "Any word?"

  "I have a lead on one of her friends. Her name is Nicole and supposedly they are close. That's the best I've got right now. We're still looking."

  He gives the name of where Nicole works and I jet down there as fast as my Porsche will take me. When I drive, I always drive the Porsche...all my other cars, I’m happy to let my driver handle.

  I'm getting close. This could be it, an end to my misery.

  I walk into Nicole's office and she immediately recognizes me and I can immediately tell that she's been appraised of the situation. The look in Nicole's eyes reveals a certain vengeance and loyalty. Lily must have told her everything.

  "Go away," she says. "I'm not telling you anything."

  "I'll give you a thousand dollars if you tell me where she is."

  "Nope." She doesn't even look up from her paperwork.

  "Okay, five thousand. Cash."

  "No way. Lily's my friend. Screw you."

  "Ten thousand." I get my checkbook out and start writing.

  She scoffs at me. "You really think it's that easy don't you? You think you can just buy people's loyalty like that? Well, no. I'm a real friend and I would never betray Lily the way you did. You didn't deserve her then and you don't deserve her now. I don't care if you write me a check for $50,000. You can just fuck off."

  "Alright," I give in. "You're right, okay? It's not that easy. But I'm frantic and I have to find here."

  "Why is that? Did she forget to sign something for you? Do you need her to finalize the sale? She won't give it to you."

  "I'm not selling her father's building. It was a mistake."

  "Hmm," she acts unaffected. "Really? Why not?"

  I'm practically begging this girl for info. It's so unlike me but nothing's the same anymore.

  "Because it's important to Lily, and that means it's important to me. I'm not selling it. I never will."

  Mild shock registers on her face and she takes out a pad of paper and scribbles Lily's new address on it.

  "Thank you! Thank you so much. You won't regret this. $50,000, okay?" I say as I'm heading out the door.

  "I don't want your money," she responds.

  "I know, but you earned it...for being a good friend." At least Lily's had one good person in her life looking out for her.

  I'm practically running out the door. I hear her shout over my shoulder, "You hurt her again and I'll kill you!"

  Now there is a woman with a solid head on her shoulders and a heart to match it. She would've turned down all that money for the sake of her friendship. I make a mental note to recruit her to my company as soon as I get everything straightened out. For now, I'm moving as fast as I can to get to Lily, never wanting to be apart again. One thing though might stand in my way and that's her displeasure in me. What if I've broken her heart beyond repair? What if I never get her back? I can't allow myself to even think of it. My heart would be shattered, and though I did the same thing to her, I am just hanging on to the fact that we are meant to be and now I know. I was such an idiot to take this long to figure that out but I am determined to prove to her that I will never again be responsible for her pain. I will hold her gently and never let her fall, the treasure that she is.



  As soon as I see the address that Nicole wrote down I understand that there's no need to call a car. This is a trip I will need to make on my own. I hop in the Porsche and streamline it out of town. I never would've found her without the help of Nicole. Apparently, Lily's been staying at a remote cabin upstate, somewhere she used to go with her father. I remember her telling me about it and I can't believe I didn't think to look there. My baby is safe, that's all that matters. And once I catch sight of her I will never lose her again.

  As I race down the freeway, I wonder though, how long has she been up there? Has it been cold? Is she really okay and safe? I need to see her at least once to know that she is in fact okay. It may be the last time I see her again if she can't find it in her heart to forgive me, but I shake that thought from my mind because I can't afford the luxury of doubt at the moment. Things will work out, I just know they will. Because of me, she's been alone at some place in the wilderness. I have to get there as soon as possible and once I do, if I can get her back, I am never, ever going to let her from my sight again.

  Finally, I get there and I take in my surroundings. It's pretty isolated with not many cabins around, and it seems like virtually no one is here. These are vacation cabins but it isn’t exactly a season when a lot of people vacation. Lily has been up here, truly alone, going through I can only imagine what kind of heartache. Fuck. What am I going to say? How will she ever forgive me?

  With worried trepidation, I knock on the door but hear nothing. Dammit. If Nicole gave me the wrong address or something I'm gon
na be furious.

  At last, Lily comes and opens the door. With one glance my way she says, "I'm going to fucking kill Nicole for this." And she goes to slam the door on my face.

  I stop it with my hand, she has no power against me. I just have to prove to her that she can trust me once again.

  "Lily, come on, I'm not going away. Just let me in."

  She knows I'm serious. She lets go of the door. "Do I have a choice?"

  I step back and give her space. "You've always had a choice." This gives her pause and she looks at me intently.

  I open the door and slowly approach her. She steps back as I move forward. Her small frame is wrapped in a large, black shawl and she looks hollow like there has not been much life in her.

  "Just tell me what you want."

  "Fuck, Lily. I made a mistake. A huge mistake, okay? I was . . . scared I guess of how deep things went so quickly. I'm used to being in control and I couldn't be in control of what was happening between us."

  Her face is expressionless as though she doesn't believe me. I try again, "I didn't sell the brownstone. After you left I didn't sell it. We're going to go with your sustainability model."

  "What?" She looks up, her eyes meeting mine and for a split second, I see a glimmer of hope.

  "I just...couldn't."

  She asks, "Is that why you came? To tell me that?"

  "Yes, but there's more. I didn't mean to fall in love with you, Lily. It just happened. I'm so sorry that I hurt you and I will never put you through that or any kind of pain again. I love you and I know that now. I can't live without you."

  I say this as I fall to my knees in front of her and I pull my mother's ring out my pocket and I hold it up to her. "Marry me? Please? I will never lose you again."

  Her eyes well with tears before a guarded expression comes over her face. "Did Nicole tell you? Is that why you're doing this?"

  "Tell me what? She just said where you were."

  "Is that all she told you?"

  "What else is there?"

  "I'm...I'm pregnant Sebastian."

  "What?" My mind is just blown. "Lily, that makes me so happy, like you wouldn't believe. But, I have to know one thing . . . will you please be my wife?"

  Tears stream down her face now as she realizes I'm asking not out of obligation because she's having my baby, but out of love. My heart has always been hers.

  "Is it real Sebastian? Are you real or is this a dream? Yes, yes, of course, I will marry you! I've missed you so much."

  I scoop her up in my arms. "It's not a dream, baby. I love you."

  I kiss her with urgency and at last, we're reunited. I put her down and place my hands on her tummy. "So, wait. We're having a baby?" I am just astonished and my wildest dreams are coming true. It's everything I never knew I wanted. She is mine, and I am hers, and the future is bright with our child. At once she has made me the happiest man on the planet and a father as well. I kiss her deeply and she kisses me back.

  “Let’s get you out of here,” I tell her. “I don’t want my woman all alone.”

  Part of me wanted to stay, but I also didn’t want to have Lily here. She belongs back in my penthouse. But I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off of her. Well, in the car, I will only to keep her safe. But once I get her back to the penthouse, I want to devour every inch of her. I want to fuck her until she can barely breathe.

  I want her to come so hard that the only thing she remembers is my name.



  Sebastian is wearing this incredible suit that I can’t help but notice intently when we hold hands and leave the cabins. I look at him, really look at him, because he’s just the most incredibly good looking man I’ve ever seen in my life. It isn’t a joke to say that he takes my breathe away. I want to stare at him forever. Well, I reflect as he drives us back to civilization in his Porsche, I want to do more than stare at Sebastian. I want to climb all over him and rub my body all over him. He makes me practically want to purr like I’m his little sex kitten. In some ways, that’s totally what I want to be. But I think we’ve both come to terms with the fact that we want that, and we both want more.

  We get into his penthouse, and the suit coat comes off. I feel a thousand times luckier than a kid at Christmas watching my perfect man take off his clothes. Then the shirt gets unbuttoned.

  I gasp as I look at his muscles. Yeah, that’s right. Gasp.

  I mean, of course, I’m in awe at him all the same—it’s hard not to be, after all. I much prefer him naked, though. No matter how expensive and nicely tailored a suit can get, nothing can beat the rippled muscles underneath his shirt.

  I fight against the urge to pinch myself. I know it isn’t a dream, but it all seems too perfect to be true. I have a job and my friends and both are secure for the time being. I was literally rescued by Sebastian and I also now have a Prince Charming. I guess happy endings are indeed a real thing. I’m glad that my happy ending is full of cum and spankings, and I hope you’re glad, too, because I know it has been quite a ride.

  Sebastian looks at me with an edge to his smile. He pushes me back gently and I lay back on the mattress, looking up at him with eagerness. Still grinning, he undoes his tie and takes it out of his collar, unrolling it without taking his eyes off of me.

  He comes closer and sits on the edge of the bed, the tie in his hands. I immediately know what he wants, and something inside me pulses fiercely in anticipation. I extend my hands and he ropes the tie around them; he then makes me lift my arms and ties my hands to the bed’s overhead bar. I test his knot and try to break from it; there is no getting out, I’m his to do whatever he wants to. God, we haven’t even started properly and I’m already so wet it is almost ridiculous. I say almost because his body, and the way I feel when he touches me…I can’t be anything but soaking wet.

  Climbing on top of me, Sebastian kisses my forehead gently, then kisses the tip of my nose and my lips. It is the most tender he’s ever been and something about it makes me just shiver at the thought of how he’s treating me. Like I’m precious to him.

  “I love you, Lily,” he simply says, looking at me as if I’m the last woman on Earth.

  “I love you, too,” I whisper back. It’s such a simple thing to say, almost banal, but I still love the way these words feel in my mouth. All the other things he’s said to me…well, these are important words, too. Words that tell me that we can have it all.

  He runs his hands down my body, stopping on my hips I squirm slightly, knowing I’m his to do as he pleases. He unzips the back of my dress very slowly, the dark fabric of my thong already showing a wet patch. I sway my hips from side to side, almost begging for him to touch me there, but he doesn’t do it.

  His hand goes to my cheek, caressing it, and he brushes his thumb over my lips. I open my mouth as he does it, and he places his thumb inside my mouth. I suck on it, just a tease of what I can do to him. He runs his fingers down my chin and straight to my cleavage, brushing his fingertips over the curve of my breasts and then continuing down to my stomach. There, he lifts my blouse and slides his hand underneath it, his warm touch against my skin making my throat dry with sweet anxiety. Instead of grabbing my breasts from under the straps of my dress, he takes his hands to my cleavage and, grabbing the fabric there, simply pulls on it and rips my dress apart. I wasn’t expecting it and I moan in surprise, my heart beating inside my chest like an old war drum. He takes his hands to my back and unhooks my bra, making it slide up my arms and pinning it against the overhead bar where the tie is knotted.

  I arch my back, feeling my chest heave as if I want nothing more than to feel his touch on my breasts, his fingers grabbing at my nipples. But, again, he doesn’t do it. He stands there, looking at me and running his fingers down the side of my body as I’m going completely crazy. If his plan is to make my head burst in anticipation, it’s working.

  He slides my black heels off my feet, gently putting them onto the floor. Then, as meticulous
ly as he did that, he grabs what remains of my dress and pulls it down my legs. I lift my ass up, making it easier for him. Here I am, my arms tied to the bed and wearing only a thong, and still he hasn’t touched me. I can already feel my wetness dripping down my inner thighs.

  Just fuck me already! I beg him mentally. Or kiss me or… Just touch me, please!

  Instead of doing that, he rises from the bed and, turning his back to me, crosses the room and opens a drawer. I can’t see what he’s doing, but when he turns to me he has two rolled ties in his hands and a truly mischievous look in his face, which tells me I’m in for one amazing night, whatever it is that he has in store for me.

  He unrolls the ties and, sitting at the foot of the bed, wraps each one of them around my ankles and ties them to the bar, my legs spread wide.

  “Sebastian…” I whisper, the sound of it almost like a moan as I squirm in place and find my movements very restricted. “I want you now.”

  He smiles at me, knowing he’s totally in control. “Patience, love. Goods things come to those who wait.”

  “But… I don’t wanna wait… I want you now…and I know you want me too!” Fuck, I’m truly desperate for his touch. My heart beats so loud in my chest I think it’ll simply end up exploding.

  He sits next to me, lowering his head so that his lips are just an inch away from mine. I try to lift my head and kiss them, but I’m tied tightly and can’t reach him. I lay here, neck craned out and parted lips, craving his mouth as he simply grins at me.

  “Someone’s very eager,” he says, resting one finger softly over my collarbone and making my skin prickle. Just one touch of his finger and I’m already going mad. He lets his finger slide down, stopping right on the valley between my breasts. I can feel my nipples pulsing, yearning for his touch. But he doesn’t touch them; he traces the contour of my right breast with his index finger, circling around it with only his fingertip smoothly brushing against my skin.


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