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Hostile Work Environment: A Dirty Billionaire Boss Romance

Page 69

by Dark Angel

  I'm starting to fall for her. That has to be it. Out of all the girls I’ve been with, she has changed me. The worst part is the timing. I know it isn't supposed to be this way. I'm leaving in fourteen days. All I have left are two weeks. I can't just forget about her, though. I want to spend every possible minute with her that I have left.

  When I leave, I'll get over it. I'll get over her. Right now, and until that happens, I won't even think about it.

  The movie is interesting, but I can't focus. When I finish my coffee and her cup is empty on the table, I put my arm around her shoulders and pull her closer against me. Her body is warm. I rub her shoulder with my hand and kiss her hair.

  She looks up at me, tilting her face so I can kiss her on the mouth. I don't waste any time taking the opportunity.

  She kisses me with abandon. It's nothing like before. She’d been so careful and hesitant before this. This time, it's as if she’s just waiting for me to make a move. She turns toward me, shifting on the seat. I put my hand on her cheek and kiss her deeply. The kiss turns from gentle to urgent quite quickly. Our lips mash against each other, almost like we're making up for lost time. She's breathing hard. My sex throbs in my pants, eager for release. I don't know if it's going to come, though. I don't want to get my hopes up too much. I want to savor whatever happens between us, and not be disappointed because things didn’t work out like I wished they would.

  "God, Nicole, I want you," I say against her lips. Maybe it's too much, telling her that I want her. It wouldn’t be too much for other girls. Hell, it's fairly tame compared to what I’d normally say. But Nicole is different. She's delicate. One rough touch, and she’ll pull away from me. She'll reject me again.

  I want her to know, though, and this is the lightest touch I can use. I want to be with her. I want all of her, not just the little bit she’s been giving me until now.

  She hesitates just a moment before kissing me again. The urgency returns, and I'm relieved.

  Nicole breaks the kiss and looks at me. Her eyes are the color of slate, deep and dark, not pale as they usually are. She swallows. She's breathing hard.

  "I have to talk to you," she says.

  My stomach tightens. When women stop kissing for a sentence like that, it's never good. I nod and loosen my grip on her. She doesn't move away from me. It's a good sign.

  "What is it?" I ask.

  She looks nervous. She won't make eye contact with me. She twists her fingers around each other in a way that can't be comfortable. I will her to get it out, but she hesitates.

  "You’re driving me crazy, here," I say. The sentence has a double meaning to it. I just want her, and she keeps stopping me. The added suspense is about as much as I can handle.

  "Okay," she starts. "I know that we haven’t really seen that much of each other. I mean, compared to some other people who know each other for a long time." She takes a deep breath. "Even though we haven’t spent that much time together, I feel like… well, we know each other. You know?"

  I nod. I feel it, too. I keep quiet, waiting for her to keep talking. If I fill the silence, she might never unburden herself with whatever is bothering her.

  "I guess, well, what I’m trying to say to you… I like you. I mean, I really do. I’m starting to fall for you."

  She says the last part of her sentence fast, like getting it over quickly will make it easier.

  A smile spreads slowly over my face. I brush her hair out of her face and trace her profile with my fingertips.

  "You scared me there," I say. "I thought you were going to kick me out of the house again."

  She shakes her head. "I didn’t kick you out. I didn’t mean it like that."

  "I’m joking," I say softly. "Relax."

  She blows out her breath in a shudder. I think back to Jessica, who had told me without any introduction that she loved me. It had been so easy for her to throw out the words. It had been hard for Nicole. It makes me feel like it's real with her, like she means it.

  "I feel the same about you, by the way," I say. "I mean, it hasn’t been very long, but it’s different with you. I’ve noticed that. It means something to me."

  That isn't a confession of love, right? I definitely am not ready for that. I want her to know, though, that she means something to me. More than anyone else has. And her feelings are important to me.

  When I look her in the eye, she's smiling at me.

  "It means something to me, too," she says.

  I lean forward and kiss her again. "Do you trust me?" I ask.

  Nicole blinks at me. She hesitates only a second before she nods. I get up and hold out a hand. She takes it, and I lead her to the bedroom. She follows me, even when she knows what I'm going to do.

  Her bedroom is small but full of life and character, just like her. A pile of clothes in the corner suggests she's behind on her laundry, which she does herself like a normal person. She has ornaments and photos on a shelf opposite the bed. The double bed has a colorful duvet over it, and so many pillows, she can't possibly use all of them to sleep with.

  I sit down on the bed and guide her to do the same. She looks nervous, but she sits beside me.

  I lean forward and kiss her again. She allows me in, opening her mouth. I kiss her for a while before I slide my hand down to her chest like I had before. She's wearing a soft-checkered shirt, and I feel the lines of her bra beneath my fingers. She gasps when I massage her breast. Her hand slides up my thigh without encouragement, and she touches me.

  She's making moves herself. This is a good sign. Maybe this time, things will be different.

  I unbutton her shirt, and she lets it fall off her shoulders. I reach behind her back and unclasp her bra. In the dusky atmosphere of her room, she lets me touch her and look at her and explore her. I go slower than I did last time. I don't want her to clam up on me again.

  I pull off my own shirt so we're both topless again. I pull her backward with me so we both lie down, and I unbutton her pants. We've come this far before. I hope we can go further. Nicole seems almost eager to let me take control and lead her further than we’d been before.

  I kiss her and press my body against hers, grinding my hips against hers. I can't help it. My body aches for hers, and it's impossible to hold back. I push my hands into her pants, working them down over her hips. She wears a thong. The sight of it is sexy as hell. I groan when her pants are low enough for me to have easy access.

  "Thomas," she says, pulling away from me a little bit.

  "What is it?" I ask. "Too much?" She's going to reject me again, isn't she?

  She shakes her head. "I’ve never done this."

  I frown. "Never done what?"

  She takes a deep breath. "This. Sex."

  I blink at her. "You’ve never had sex before?"

  She shakes her head. She looks shy and embarrassed. I try to wrap my head around what she's saying. She's the most beautiful, sexiest person I know. How is it that no man has ever claimed her in some way or another?

  "You’re a virgin?" I ask, incredulous. When she looks at me, her eyes are large and shimmering. I think back to all the times I had hoped it would lead somewhere and she rejected me, how slow she’d been to open up to me physically, how she always seemed closed down and shy. It all makes sense now.

  "I want to do this, though," she says.

  I shiver. She's offering me her virginity. Aside from the fact that it's a huge thing for her to do, it's a major turn on. There is nothing as hot as taking a woman’s virginity.

  "It will be okay," I say. "I’ll be gentle. Trust me."

  I'm more than eager to get in there. I want to devour her. This new bit of knowledge makes me ache for her, but I will do it slowly. It's her first time. I'll give her the devotion she deserves.

  I pull her against me and kiss her. Hard.


  His reaction is better than I hoped for. I half-expect him to laugh at me. Or to scoff at my innocence. Or something. Instead, Thomas looks like he's
glad I told him. He still wants me.

  And I want him. I know that I decided never to have sex until I was in love, but if I want to give myself to anyone, it's Thomas. Something about him makes me feel safe and cared for, even now.

  When he kisses me again, it's with an urgency I haven't experienced with him before. He asks me to trust him, and I do. He promises he'll be gentle with me, and I believe that he'll do his best to take care of me.

  Even though we haven't met that long ago, I care enough about him to do this and trust him enough to feel like he won't hurt me. My instincts tell me this is right, and I decide to follow those instincts and see where they lead me.

  Thomas spends a lot of time kissing me again and running his hands over my body. My shirt and bra are off, and I'm practically naked with my pants so far down my legs. But I don't want to cover up again. I want him to see me. The way he looks at me makes me feel like there is something to look at. He makes me feel beautiful. I want him to know that I think he's attractive, too. That he's handsome, irresistible.

  I reach down and unbutton his pants. I push my hands into his underwear again, the way I had before and wrap my fingers around him. Thomas groans. With my other hand, I pull his pants down a little at the front to give me more room.

  If I'm going to do this, I want to do it properly.

  Tell me what you like, Nicole," he says softly.

  "What do you mean?" My stomach drops, confused by his question.

  "I know you haven’t done… it. But, when you have, you know… come, what did you like?" He explains his question.

  Staring at him blankly, I swallow hard, unable how I should answer his question. I’ve never even had an orgasm, so how can I tell him how to please me? Oh gosh, are you supposed to know that? I’ve never even gotten this far with a guy, so I’m completely lost.

  "You’ve never…?" He trails off, looking at me with disbelief in his eyes.

  "No," my voice is barely above a whisper. I see the breath escape him and my heart stops as his head drops. This is it, he’s going to want to leave knowing how inexperienced I am, I can feel it. But when he raises his face back to mine, there’s a shadow of a smirk on his face and I think there could still be a chance that we could go on with this, which excites me because my body is raging.

  "What have you done?" he asks, tilting his head like he’s studying me.

  "What we’ve done. This is the furthest I’ve ever gone," I admit shyly, and this time I’m sure he’s smirking.

  "Oh, baby," he mutters as his face comes toward mine. Leaning forward, I meet him halfway, offering my mouth and he takes it with great urgency, his tongue sliding passed my lips as he tastes me eagerly.

  My hands drop to his waist, pushing at his pants, hoping to free that humungous bulge at his crotch, but he covers my small fingers with his strong hands, moving my hands up to his neck. His lips move down to chin, and his teeth graze my jawline. The muscles in my pelvis clench in a way I’ve never felt, my stomach fluttering with butterflies as a nervous tension works through my body. My hands drop to his waist, and again he stops me.

  "Slow down, baby," he whispers in my ear. Hearing him call me that makes me feel so special, and him wanting to take it slow feels like he knows how important this is to me.

  Obviously, he could just rush through this. I’ve told him I want to have sex, so he has the green light he needs to focus on himself, but instead he’s choosing to put me first and that only makes him hotter. I’ve never met a man that behaves so. I don’t even know how to explain it. He’s like a gentleman of the past, so kind and caring, more romantic than men in movies.

  His tongue traces the outline of my ear before his front teeth tug my earlobe, and a soft moan drips from my mouth slowly. Pressing his hips against me, I feel that hard bulge and I want it, I want him.

  "I want you, Thomas," I sigh.

  "I know, baby. Just trust me, okay?" he smirks, looking down at me as he hovers above me, balancing his weight on his elbows as he looks into my eyes. Leaning down, he gently kisses the tip of my nose and I can see the adoration in his eyes. In that moment, I’m sure he cares about me as I care for him and I relax completely.

  "I do," I assure him, and I do trust Thomas.

  His lips take mine before I even know what’s happening, kissing me passionately and I gasp at the intensity, his teeth grazing my tongue. Moaning into his mouth, he swallows the sounds of my desire as my body lifts to grind against him.

  Breaking the embrace, Thomas lifts his body, our faces just inches from each other, so close I can smell the coffee on his breath. His eyes are piercing through my soul, I feel myself melting beneath him and a smile spreads across my face as I watch him in awe.

  "You’re so beautiful," he finally says and I know my cheeks blush as my chest heaves in anticipation.

  "You make me feel beautiful," I admit, and his eyes squint as if he misunderstands me, but he doesn’t say anything back. Instead, he moves down my body, his lips sprinkling kisses as he lowers, beginning at my neck.

  "Oh God," I gasp, his mouth licking, sucking and biting my neck, and it feels amazing.

  "Mmm…" he hums and his bulge presses against me.

  When he arrives at my breasts, his tongue moves in circles around my nipple and then his teeth tug at my razor sharp nipple, my body arching in delight.

  "Thomas," I moan his name. I may not have done this before, but I’m sure I’m ready. My body feels electric, adrenaline coursing through me like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

  "That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard," he whispers, looking up at me, his head positioned between my breasts.

  "What?" I scrunch my nose in confusion.

  "You moaning my name," he clarifies, and I know I’m beet-red as the blood rushes to my face.

  "Well, if you keep doing that, I don’t think I can stop myself," I bite my bottom lip and I can see the lust cloud over in his eyes as he blinks slowly before moving to my other breast and repeating his routine, this time a little rougher, until I shriek out in overwhelming pleasure.

  Moving further down my body, he grazes my belly with the tip of his nose and it feels like a shock every time his touch comes near my hypersensitive skin. My entire body is on edge, every single inch of me. Once he arrives at my navel, he pauses, circling the sensitive spot with juicy, tongue-laced kisses, which he continues down to my pelvis until he is kissing through the thin fabric of my lace thong.

  Thomas tugs at my pants, and I lift my hips to help him remove my pants as he pulls them down my legs. He throws my pants to the pile of clothes in the corner of my room, and I instantly place my thumbs into the waistband of my panties, eager to strip naked, but Thomas quickly stops me.

  "Slow down, baby," he chuckles as his eyes sparkle.

  "I want you," I whine, and Thomas bites his bottom lip, and he’s even sexier if that’s even possible.

  "I know, baby. Trust me, I want you too. But I’ve envisioned this a lot. I’m not going to rush it. I want to see you," he explains.

  His eyes take me in as his fingers trace my body, pausing at my hip as he twists my body with only a few of his fingers. Rolling onto my belly, I glance over my shoulder to see him biting his lip as hips eyes squint, looking at my bare ass, exposed in my thong. Without looking up to me, he lowers his body to my ass, biting my soft, pale cheek, and I gasp in shock.

  Layering kisses up my hip, his teeth graze my hip and I feel the lace begin to lower down my thigh. Looking back, I see Thomas with the panties clenched in his teeth, taking my panties off with his mouth. The sight turns me on so much; it’s so naughty.

  His head moves back up my legs, his mouth so close I can feel his breath on my sex. The warm air feels cool on my wet opening, and when his tongue splits my pussy lips, exposing my needy clitoris, I gasp at the incredible sensation. I feel my entire body on edge; everything feels like a dream as he kisses me down there like he kisses my mouth.

  "Oh God," I moan, as my back arches. Without
thinking, my body shifts to push myself toward him, my pelvis shameless as it works to angle my pussy perfectly. I expected nothing less, but this is amazing. Vibrations are building in my belly, like waves of emotion so large I fear them growing.

  My chest is heaving, as I grow anxious like I’m being lifted on a roller coaster. I know there has to be a drop, and from the feeling in my belly, it can’t be far. My legs begin to tremble, and a deep fear resides in the pit of my stomach as a range of emotions run through me, confusion being a strong one.

  What the hell is happening? Thomas feels so good, but I can’t even focus on him as my body races towards an unknown feeling brewing deep inside me. I can tell he’s experienced from the way he moves about my body, like he knows it better than me already.

  My God, he’s good with that mouth, and then he slides a finger in me and I feel the wind escape me, the vibrations now louder than my heartbeat. Thomas mutters something under his breath, but I can’t even hear him, there’s a loud roaring in my ears, sounds of the ocean, as the waves rack through me, my body falling over an edge of pleasure while I cry out in ecstasy.

  "Thomas!" I yell as my insides explode.

  "I’ve got you, baby," Thomas assures me, climbing back up my body.

  "What was that?" I wonder aloud and he looks at me incredulously before shaking his head.


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