Storm of Seduction: A contemporary reverse harem romance (Brothers Freed Book 2)

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Storm of Seduction: A contemporary reverse harem romance (Brothers Freed Book 2) Page 4

by Bea Paige

  “Holy shit.” Nisha walks over to the painting, reaching up to touch it.

  “Max, you need to get down here now,” Bryce yells, smiling at me apologetically.

  “Alright, bro. What’s the sodding hurry?” I hear Max say from above.

  Bare feet, followed by legs clad in light blue jeans and a figure-hugging white t-shirt descend. Catching sight of me, Max stops midway on the stairs. He leans his hand against the wall, steadying himself.

  “You found her?” he says. He looks at me in shock, then frowns when he sees my cut lip, my swollen cheek and the way Bryce is supporting me.

  “What the fuck has happened?” He scrambles down the stairs, jumping the last few steps and rushing towards me.

  Bryce withdraws his arm from around my waist.

  “Gently, Max. I think she has a broken rib,” he says, stepping away.

  “Broken rib? Louisa what’s happened, where have you been? Why did you leave? God, I want to hold you. Can I hold you?” His words tumble out of his mouth in a rush.

  I nod. “Just be careful of this bit here,” I say, my hand hovering over the part that is sore. It occurs to me then that I am still wearing my fluffy Primark pyjamas, but he doesn’t seem to notice. Max steps forward, wrapping one arm around my back, avoiding the sore spot, and with the other, gently guides my head towards his broad chest. I lean into him, wrapping my arms around his waist. Tears prick my eyes as he strokes my hair.

  “Louisa, why did you leave?” he asks quietly, pressing a kiss against my head. I can hear his heart thundering beneath his rib cage.

  “So, this must be Max, right? The fit blonde one,” Nisha says from behind us.

  Max pulls away, looking down at me. “Fit blonde one, eh?” he grins, pulling back. “Yep, that’ll be me. Bryce is the cuddly, hairy one.”

  I laugh, just the same as Nisha does. She strides over, her tight curls bouncing.

  “I’m Nisha,” she says, thrusting her hand towards him.

  “Hi, Nisha. Good to meet you.” Max gives her one of his most startling smiles, takes her hand and shakes it.

  Nisha turns to me. “Well, aren’t you the bloody lucky one! Where’s Hudson?” she asks. It’s an innocent enough question, but I can sense the change in Max. He glances at Bryce.

  “It’s alright, Bryce told me. Is he here?”

  “No. He’s out right now. I don’t expect him to be back until the early hours,” Max explains.

  “But you said he barely goes out?” I say to Bryce.

  He puffs out a breath. “Hud doesn’t often, but when he does he comes back in bad shape.”

  “I need to speak to him, to explain.”

  “Why you left us?” Max asks again.

  “Yes.” I press my hand against Max’s face. “I’m sorry, Max. My mum died… I wasn’t thinking.”

  Max’s eyes widen. “Your mum’s dead? Damn it, Louisa. You shouldn’t have gone through that alone.” This time he leans in and presses a delicate kiss against my lips, and even though it stings a little, I am more overwhelmed by the sudden desire that tightens my chest.

  Bryce steps forward. “There’s more. I’ll fill you in, Max, but before I do I think it’d be best if we show Louisa and Nisha to their rooms.”

  “Rooms?” Max asks, confused.

  “Yes, they’ll be staying a while. Is Cal here?”

  Max points upwards. “He’s in the lounge.”

  “Send him out for the luggage and then ask him to go and find Hud, bring him home.”

  “But what if he’s…” Max starts.

  “Then we’ll deal with it.”

  Bryce takes my hand and leads me upstairs. Nisha and Max follow. As soon as we get to the top, Max takes my other hand and I am sandwiched between the two. The floor is open-plan with a pristine white tiled floor, white walls and more funky artwork dotted about the room. To the left of where we stand is a massive L-shaped sofa, a huge sheepskin rug and the biggest TV I’ve ever seen hanging on a central dividing wall. One side of the TV wall is a huge window that wraps around three sides of the house. There are no curtains anywhere. The whole world must be able to see in and somehow that makes me feel particularly vulnerable. I kind of shrink into myself. Look at me, dressed in Primark nightwear, with a swollen lip, a bruised face and messed-up hair. I’m a sodding mess. This place is a palace. I don’t fit in here.

  “You alright, Louisa?” Max asks, sensing my sudden withdrawal.

  “I don’t know…”

  Nisha walks over to the couch, throws herself down and kicks off her shoes. “This is going to be fun!” she grins.

  “Good evening, Bryce,” says a man with the most startling blue eyes and smooth caramel skin. He is well built like Max, with an athletic figure. His hair is cut close to his head and even though he’s wearing jeans and a navy hoody, he is extremely well turned out.

  Nisha’s mouth drops open as her gaze falls on him. I watch how she pulls her back straight and brushes a hand over her hair. I’ve known Nisha long enough to know when she’s attracted to someone.

  “Calum, let me introduce you. This is Louisa, and this is her friend Nisha. They will both be staying with us for a while.”

  Calum nods to me. “Nice to meet you, Louisa,” he says.

  “You too, Calum.”

  “Please call me Cal, everyone else does,” he smiles, his gaze turning to Nisha, who is currently pulling her top down to show more cleavage. Oh God, what is she doing? Calum studies her, an unreadable expression on his face. Nisha looks up, sees that he’s watching her, then mumbles something about an uncomfortable bra whilst turning an even deeper shade of red, having been caught blatantly trying to show off her best assets. When we get a moment, I’m going to need to have a chat with her about her pulling skills.

  “Would you show Nisha to the spare room? We’ll take Louisa to hers in a moment,” Bryce adds, looking as amused as Max.

  “Of course,” he says, then turns to Nisha, who looks as though she’d like to crawl into a rather large hole and bury herself. Bless her, it’s been a while since she’s been caught off guard like this.

  “Nisha, would you like to follow me?” Calum asks.

  She stands, then realising she’s got socks with huge holes in, she sits back down and pulls her trainers on. Calum waits patiently.

  “Sorry, I needed my shoes,” she rambles. “I mean, I don’t need them inside the house. I just didn’t want to leave them here.”

  “Ready?” he says, a tiny smile twitching at his lips.

  “Sure, lead the way.” She stops in front of me. “I’ll see you in a bit?”

  “Take your time, Nish. I know it’s early, but I might go lie down for a bit. Maybe catch you in the morning?”

  “Okay, sure. I’ll have Cal to keep me entertained,” she whispers, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Don’t count on it, he’ll be busy picking up Hud,” Bryce says lightly.

  “Shame, he’s right up my alley.” She gives me a look. A very happy cat that’s got the cream look. I laugh as she walks away but soon stop when a sharp pain stabs me in the side.

  “Your friend, she’s quite the character,” Max says, watching Nisha following Calum.

  “I like her,” Bryce adds. “She can talk the back end off a donkey, but she means no harm.” Bryce lets go of my hand. “I’m going to fix you a drink. Max, take her upstairs, run Louisa a bath.”

  “I’m not on the same floor as Nish?”

  “No, you’ll be on the same floor as us, where we can keep an eye on you,” Bryce says firmly. I don’t try to argue. Frankly, I’m bone tired and a bath sounds amazing.

  “Come on, Louisa, let me show you upstairs,” Max says.

  Chapter Six

  Max opens the door to a huge room about the size of my whole flat. In the centre is the biggest bed I’ve ever seen. I’m talking massive. I could lie across it horizontally and would still fit with room above my head and below my feet. Behind it is a floor to ceiling wall as the head boar
d. I guess that at least gives me some privacy from prying eyes, given the bloody wraparound window.

  “Max, surely this isn’t where I’ll be staying?” I ask agog.

  “This is the spare room. So, yep, this’ll be where you’re staying.”

  “The spare room? My spare room is a six by six box. This is crazy.”

  Max shuts the door behind us and leads me over to the bed. “Sit down for a minute while I draw you a bath.”

  I watch as he walks behind the bed, and a moment later I hear water running. Surely not? If there is a bath behind the bed, it must mean it’s positioned in front of the window! I’m not getting into that. I walk towards the sound of running water, not surprised to find a bath sitting directly behind the bed and in front of the window. I mean, it’s a gorgeous whirlpool bath big enough to comfortably fit a group of people, but the whole universe can see.

  “Oh no,” I say, waving a hand in the air. “It’s hardly relaxing knowing any old Tom, Dick and Harry will be able to see me butt naked.” Now I am closer to the window, I catch a glimpse of my reflection. I look like shit. Fantastic.

  “Why didn’t you tell me I look like the dead?” I say, touching my fingertips against my face.

  “Why would I? I’m happy to see you. I don’t want to send you away again.”

  “So, I do look like shit.”

  “I didn’t say that. Who did that to you anyway?”

  “It’s a long story, and I’m tired. Can you ask Bryce to fill you in?”

  “Of course I can. Do you want to get in then?” Max asks as he pours some bubble bath into the water.

  “I’d love to, but I won’t, not while the whole of Surrey can see me.”

  “Blinds,” Max says loudly.

  “What…?” I start, then almost jump out of my skin when blinds start to drop from the ceiling in sections along the window.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me?”

  Max just shrugs, then presses a button on the side of the bath. The water starts to bubble.


  “I can dim the lights, make it a bit more relaxing.”

  “Sure,” I say helplessly. This is beyond unbelievable and completely alien to me. I mean, the chalet in France was impressive enough, but this place takes it to a whole new level of impressiveness.

  “Dim lights,” Max says in the same clear voice.

  “I think I should start calling you James Bond.”

  “Whatever you want, Icy,” he responds softly.

  Icy. It’s the first time I’ve heard that nickname in weeks. I’ve missed it. I’ve missed him.

  My eyes flick up and he holds my gaze for a moment before reaching towards me. The air crackles between us as he gently rests his palm against my cheek. I stand still, not sure how to react in the moment. I feel all over the place.

  “So, erm,” I stall. “I need to get these off.” I don’t know why I suddenly feel shy, but I do.

  His hand falls away from my face. “Sure, go ahead. I’ll stick around in case you need my help. I don’t know if you’ve ever cracked a rib, but undressing can be pretty painful.”

  I know he’s seen me naked before, but I just feel weird right now. Perhaps it’s the culmination of a pretty emotional day, but whatever it is, I need a moment alone.

  “Do you want me to give you some privacy?” he asks, sensing my unease.

  “Please,” I whisper, not able to quite look him in the eye.

  “Sure.” Max walks around the partition. I hear him sit down on the bed on the other side. “I’ll just wait here in case you need me.”

  That simple act of kindness, of respect, has tears welling in my eyes. Max and Bryce have shown me so much kindness even though I left them without a word. It is more than I could ever hope for. Knowing this is going to hurt, I take a deep breath, cross my arms and hold onto the hem of my pyjama top. Even doing that makes me wince. Shit. Gritting my teeth, I pull upwards, then scream out loud as a sharp pain stabs my side. My arms drop. “Damn it.”

  “Are you alright?” Max asks from the other side of the partition.

  I look longingly at the bath. I want nothing more than to step into it. Maybe I could use some help after all. “I can’t seem to get my top off. It hurts trying to pull it over my head.” I feel a bit of an idiot saying that, but if I want to get into the bloody bath, then Max’s assistance is the only way.

  Max walks back around. “Here, let me help you.” I feel my cheeks colour and my breath hitch as he steps up close to me.

  “Lift your arms up over your head and I’ll pull your top off. I’ll be as gentle as I can, promise,” he says, smiling at me warmly.

  I do as he asks, lifting my arms up above my head. It hurts, sure, but not as much as me trying to pull the top off by myself. Max grabs hold of the hem and lifts it up carefully. Goosebumps erupt over my skin, but I don’t think it’s because of the cold. The attraction I feel is instant, it blooms in my chest and warms my skin. Fuck, I want him to touch me.

  A moment later I am free. My immediate reaction is to cross my arms across my chest, but that would be painful, so I don’t. My nipples harden in the sudden cooler air. Max’s gaze drops to my chest, lingering for a moment before sliding lower. He steps closer to me, his eyes widening when he sees the bruise which I know is there.

  “Fucking hell, Louisa. No wonder you’re in so much pain.” He reaches out to stroke a finger lightly over my arm. “I’m so sorry this happened to you. When Hud finds out he’s going to lose his shit. I’m surprised Bryce didn’t.”

  “Oh, he did. He punched the arsehole. I thought Bryce was going to kill him, but he held himself back. I don’t think he wanted me to see him that way.”

  “No, he wouldn’t have. I’m not sure I would have had the same self-control and I’m certain Hud definitely wouldn’t have. It was just as well it was Bryce, because me or Hud would have ended up in jail.”

  Max steps closer to me.

  “Do you need my help to remove your pyjama bottoms too,” he says smoothly. There is a hint of desire, and a large dose of amusement in his voice. A smile pulls at his lips. I’ve missed his gentle ribbing. It’s what I love most about him. I gaze at the bath and figure what the hell.

  “Please,” I say.

  Max’s hands drop to my waistband, his warm fingers brushing against my skin. I am all too aware in this moment that I am not wearing any underwear. Thankfully I shaved last night. Only a few days before I’d been a hairy mess. God, that would have been embarrassing.

  “These are very soft,” he says absentmindedly. His mouth parts as he draws them slowly downwards, crouching with the movement. I hear him pull in a breath as he slides my pyjama bottoms down my thighs. They drop to the floor in a heap and I step out of them. Max remains kneeling on the floor in front of me. I am completely exposed to him. Suddenly it isn’t just Max who is breathing heavily. For a long while he just looks up at me from his spot on the floor, then just when I think he is about to stand he does something completely unexpected. He pulls me gently towards him and rests his head against the flat of my stomach, his arms snaking gently around my lower back.

  “I’ve missed you so much.” Max doesn’t attempt to do anything more than just hold me. I look down at the top of his head and find myself running my fingers through his hair. My heart squeezes inside my chest.

  “I’ve missed you too.” My voice catches, and I swallow the rising sob. I’ve barely cried myself, even though over the years I’ve had plenty of reasons to. Max looks up at me and I am floored by the emotion in his eyes. He stands.

  “I understand why you left. I won’t pretend it didn’t fucking hurt because it did. But I get it. I’m just glad you’re here.”

  “Max…” I begin, brushing my fingers along his cheek. I want him in my arms. I want Bryce and Hudson too. Perhaps I should be surprised by my need, scared of it, but I’m not. The moment I saw Bryce in the café earlier, I knew deep down what I wanted. Leaning towards Max, I feather a kiss
against his mouth. Even that slight touch hurts, but I want him to know how I feel. He smiles under my lips.

  “There will be all the time in the world for that, but first you need to get in this bath.”

  “Louisa should be in it already,” Bryce says, as he strides around the partition. In his hand is a tray of food. He places it on a table situated to his left. He notes my lack of clothes, and his eyes darken as his gaze slides over my nakedness, but he checks himself.

  “Louisa doesn’t need you ogling her. She needs to get in a bath and relax,” Bryce chides. He has changed and is now wearing a pair of slacks and a hoody and I find that I’m the one doing the ogling. Dressed down, he looks even more delicious. If my skin wasn’t already flushed from being undressed by Max, it most definitely would be now.

  Max steps back. “I was just helping Louisa undress,” he says, looking a little sheepish.

  “I can see that, Max.” Bryce walks over to me and inspects my growing bruise. “That’s pretty nasty. Tomorrow, you’re getting checked out by our doctor, no excuses.”

  “Okay then,” I agree, too exhausted to argue.

  “Let’s get you in this bath.” He takes my hand and I step over the edge and into the water. It is the perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold.

  “How’s that?” he asks.

  “It’s wonderful.” I slide lower into the water and lay my head back against the side of the bath, resting it on a padded cushion covering the lip. Closing my eyes, I allow my body to relax. Max and Bryce move away, and I can hear Bryce filling in Max on what happened. A few, choice swear words are thrown about but I block the conversation out, feeling suddenly and completely exhausted. All I want to do is sleep. So I let my body and mind relax further, safe in the knowledge that neither Bryce nor Max will let anything happen to me.

  Chapter Seven

  A few hours later, I wake up to a heated argument coming from the room next to mine. For a moment I’m utterly disorientated and wondering where the hell I am. Then a sudden pain in my side, back and lip reminds me. I groan, pushing myself upright.


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