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Storm of Seduction: A contemporary reverse harem romance (Brothers Freed Book 2)

Page 9

by Bea Paige

  “You look… incredible,” Bryce says, running a hand through his hair.

  “Pick your chin up, bro,” Max laughs, slapping him on the back. “You’re looking a little gormless.”

  “I can’t help it. Have you seen how hot our girlfriend looks?”

  There’s that word again: girlfriend. I haven’t quite got used to it. Especially since we haven’t actually had sex since bloody France. I shake away my own feelings of frustration. It isn’t their fault at all, they are just looking out for me. Well, I am healed and tonight I am making my move. The thought emboldens me.

  “Well, the feeling’s mutual,” I say, giving them each a lingering look. “Are we ready to go?”

  Hudson approaches, pulling me into his arms. “Frankly, I’d rather stay home and fuck you until you can’t walk, but I suppose a club with dark corners and throbbing music could be fun,” he says quietly into my ear.

  Fuck me until I can’t walk? Bloody hell.

  “Where’s Cal?” Nisha asks.

  “He’s waiting in the car.”

  “He’s driving us? Won’t he want a drink?”

  “Calum doesn’t drink. Come on, let’s go,” Hudson says.

  We all pile downstairs and head out onto the drive. Calum is casually leaning against the car bonnet, but when he sees Nisha he straightens up. His eyes linger on her for far longer than is appropriate for someone who claims to be disinterested.

  “You look…” he starts.

  Max laughs, gripping him on the shoulder. “It’s alright man. We get it.”

  Nisha smiles broadly, unable to keep her happiness hidden. “I bloody love this dress,” she whispers into my ear before sliding into the front seat.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Half an hour later we are pulling up outside the club. It’s one of the more exclusive venues where they have a valet and a red carpet. It’s certainly nothing like either myself or Nisha are used to. The only carpets in the clubs we’ve ever gone to were either sticky with booze, or full of holes from cigarette burns. Looking at some of the people entering, I feel woefully underdressed and completely insecure. These women are stunning. They all look like models and are draped in the finest garments money can buy.

  “Oh, fuck,” I say under my breath as I regard my leather miniskirt and biker boots.

  “What?” Hudson asks.

  “I don’t think I’m wearing the right clothes. I mean, look at them,” I say, pointing to the steady flow of gorgeousness.

  “Why would I look at them when I have you.”

  I pull a face. “Hmm.”

  Before I even have time to consider what’s happening, Hudson has unclipped his seat belt and pulled me in for a kiss. He doesn’t hold back. There is no gentleness, only passion and hunger. It leaves me panting.

  “Does that convince you?” Hudson asks with a smirk.


  Behind me, Max and Bryce chuckle.

  “No more of that talk, Icy, or we’ll have to show you just how fucking gorgeous you are right here and now in front of everyone,” Max says.

  “Yep. I’m not averse to putting you over my knee, darling,” Bryce adds, his hazel eyes lingering on my lips.

  “You lot need to save that for later,” Nisha says, waggling her finger. “Come on, let’s get inside.”

  Her enthusiasm is endearing, and even though I would have preferred to stay at home, an evening in a swanky club isn’t something to be sniffed at. Even Calum seems to be a little less uptight. He chucks the car keys to an attendee and we head inside. The bouncers let us pass through ahead of everyone else waiting. I can’t help but notice the appreciative looks my men are getting. Bryce happens to be by my side, and I entwine my fingers with his. He looks down at me.

  “You okay, darling?” he asks.

  “Yes, I think I am.”


  Inside, the club is as exclusive as it appears on the outside. Subtle lighting illuminates a central bar that is surrounded by a large dance floor, beyond which are several dimly lit booths flagged by black velvet curtains. I briefly wonder what the curtains are there for, and an errant thought of sitting behind those drawn curtains alone with my three men enters my head. The dance floor is already filled with people moving to the seductive beat of the music and I find myself entranced by the provocative way some are dancing.

  Nisha turns on her heel and squeals excitedly at me. “This place is epic! I want to dance. Lou, come dance with me,” she says, grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the dance floor. I don’t even get a chance to apologise before I am weaving my way into the centre of the crowd. It’s been a while since I’ve been clubbing, but it doesn’t take me long to start swaying to the music. I let the music wash over me, raising my hands above my head and closing my eyes. It feels good to relax, to have fun. Nisha and I dance for several songs, enjoying the feeling of being young and carefree. Christ knows we haven’t experienced much of that in our lives.

  A particularly sexy, low bass song comes on and Nisha is approached by a guy who clearly wants to do more than dance with her. She looks uncertain at first. I see her searching the club for Calum but when she can’t see him she allows the guy to press himself against her. I know Nisha, she’s not interested in this man in the slightest. Her aim is to get Calum jealous. For her sake, I hope it works.

  The crowd closes in, and the heat from the surrounding bodies increases. I am about to search out Max, Hudson and Bryce when a familiar voice whispers in my ear.

  “Hey, baby…” Hudson says as he presses his body against the back of mine. “I’ve been watching you dance. You’re so fucking sexy, Louisa,” he grinds out as he flattens his hand against my stomach and presses me back against him. I smile at his words, at the thrill they send through me. We sway together, moving to the music. I lean my head back against Hudson, feeling the bass thrum upwards. His hands roam everywhere, over my stomach, across my chest. I am so full of lust that I don’t particularly care whether anyone is watching.

  Hudson twists me in his arms, pulls me sharply against him and slides his mouth over mine. We kiss as the music pulses around us. I can feel the desire between us ratcheting up as Hudson slides his hand over my backside, squeezing firmly. He growls into my mouth.

  “Come on,” he says.

  “Just a second. I need to check on Nisha.” I spot her amongst the throng and we make our way through the crowd. When I reach her, I tap her on the shoulder. “You okay?” I ask.

  “Yup, we were just about to grab a drink,” she says with a devious grin. “I’ll be at the bar with Paul if anyone needs me.”

  “You sure?” I ask. Paul seems to want to stay on the dancefloor, given the way he is hanging on to her.

  “Yep, that’s where I’ll be,” she says, a little more pointedly this time.


  “This is my friend, make sure you treat her well,” Hudson says to the guy, a note of warning in his voice.

  The guy doesn’t get a chance to respond as Nisha pulls him across the dancefloor and to the bar. I know her game. It looks like I have a message to deliver.

  “Come on, let’s find Bryce and Max.” We leave the dance floor and Hudson guides me to one of the booths in the furthest corner of the club. It is larger than all the rest and has a bouncer standing guard.

  “Evening, sir,” the man says to us as he unclips a rope that is cordoning the booth off.

  “Thanks, Jim,” Hudson acknowledges. Sitting inside are Bryce and Calum. We slide into the plush seats and I find myself squashed between Bryce and Hudson.

  “Hey, darling. Have fun dancing?” Bryce says as he puts his hand on my bare thigh.

  “Uh huh,” I say, slightly distracted by the gentle swirl of his fingertips against my skin.

  “Where’s Max?” I ask.

  “He’s chatting with an old friend. He shouldn’t be long,” Bryce explains.

  Across the table Calum barely acknowledges me, instead he is searching the crowd
. It is obvious to me he likes Nisha, even if it isn’t yet obvious to himself.

  “Can I give you a piece of advice, Calum,” I say, for a moment ignoring the thrill of Bryce’s touch.

  His eyes flick to me. “Alright.”

  “Nisha may come across as someone who is certain of herself, happy in her skin. She puts up a persona to protect herself. She’s at the bar with some random man because she doesn’t think she’s good enough for you. If you like her, if you want her, don’t mess around.”

  “It wouldn’t be appropriate,” Calum says after a while.

  Bryce slaps him on the back. “Mate. What you choose to do in your personal life is up to you. I’ve got no issues. Hud, you?”

  “None,” Hudson says. “She likes you, you like her. I’d say you need to act on that, Calum.”

  “What about you, Louisa?” he asks me.

  “You hurt her, we’ll have a problem. Other than that, we’re good,” I say.

  Calum blows out a steady breath. It’s the first time I’ve seen him nervous.

  “Right, I’ll catch you later,” he says, stepping out of the booth.

  “Thank God, I thought he’d never leave,” Bryce laughs. “He’s been acting like a bear with a sore head all evening. He’s got it bad.”

  I laugh. “Really? Nish will be pleased.”

  “Talk about having it bad… Louisa, I don’t know about Hud or Max, but I’m not sure how much longer I can be around you without losing all control,” Bryce says with a chuckle. His hand has moved further up my thigh, and as he meets my gaze his fingers brush tantalisingly close to my crotch.

  “Well, I can’t have that happening, now can I?” I say sweetly. Placing my hand over his I slide it higher. He smiles wickedly at me.

  “Hud, the curtains,” Bryce says, nodding towards the bouncer.

  A quick word in his ear and the curtains are shut, enclosing us within a velvety cocoon. Bryce leans over and takes my mouth with his. The kiss isn’t tender, it isn’t gentle. It is passionate and demanding.

  “Darling,” he murmurs into my mouth.

  I reach for him, undoing the button and unzipping the fly of his jeans, my hands searching for him. He groans when I free his cock from the constraints of his underwear. Behind me, Hudson shifts closer, his hands working their way up under my top and bra, his expert fingers teasing my nipples into hard points. My body reacts instinctively, the connection between the nerve endings in my nipples and core sending delicious waves of pleasure through me.

  “Fuck me, Louisa,” Bryce hisses.

  “Oh, I intend to,” I say, feeling deliciously naughty. I am aware that just beyond the curtain there are lots of people who could potentially stumble across us, but somehow that makes this even more exciting. I have never done anything like this before, but with these men I want to push my boundaries. Hell, I don’t want any boundaries between us.

  I turn my head to the side and kiss Hudson thoroughly, moving my hand in even strokes over Bryce’s cock whilst rocking my hips against Hudson’s fingers that have found their way to my clit. As Bryce starts to thrust his hips upwards into my hand, I feel powerful, sexy, desirable. Knowing that I have this effect on him, on all my men, is a pretty big rush and one I want to repeat over and over again.

  The heady thrum of music, their warm mouths and expert fingers all have an incredible effect on me and before long I am coming so hard that Hudson has to stifle my screams of pleasure with his mouth. Bryce follows not long behind.

  Chapter Fifteen

  After finding Calum and Nisha talking in another booth in the club, Bryce, Max, Hudson and I decide to leave early and head home.

  “You’ll be okay?” I ask Nisha.

  She shoos me away with her hand. “Are you kidding me, of course I will. Go, have fun,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

  “Is everything… good?” I glance over at Calum, who is talking with Max.

  “I think so. We’ve just been chatting. Getting to know each other. I still don’t know if he likes me. Except he practically dragged that poor guy off me when he found us chatting at the bar.” Nisha pulls a face. “It was kind of awkward. After that I’ve been waiting for him to make a move, but he’s been the perfect gentleman, and it’s driving me crazy.”

  “So, you make the move,” I say, shrugging.

  Nisha laughs. “Since when did you become little Miss Sexpert?”

  “About half an hour ago…”

  Nisha is about to question me further when Max approaches. He holds his hand out to me. “Come on, Icy, let’s get you home.”

  “We’ll talk tomorrow, yes?” Nisha asks.

  “At some point,” I respond with a wink. Frankly, I have no idea what’s come over me, apart from the fact that I want to get home as quickly as possible. I feel like something has been uncorked and this sex goddess has appeared out of nowhere. Maybe it’s been the long week of waiting, heck it’s been almost a month since Petite Cabane. Whatever it is, I need to satiate this desire in me.

  Max grabs my hand and we meet Hudson and Bryce out the front where a cab is waiting for us. Throughout the journey home, we barely talk to each other. The air is tense with anticipation.

  “That’ll be sixty quid,” the cabbie says as we pull up outside the house.

  Hudson chucks him two fifty-pound notes. “Keep the change.”

  “Bloody hell, cheers mate,” he calls out of the window at us.

  Max is holding onto my hand and practically running with me to the front door. Bryce unlocks it and pushes it open. As soon as we are inside, Max has me backed up against the wall. He traces his hands up my arms, pinning them above my head with one hand whilst the other slides over my arse.

  “I’ve been waiting to do this all night,” he says, kissing me hard. Our teeth clash as he grinds his hips against mine.

  After a moment he pulls away. “Upstairs now,” he orders. Behind him, Bryce and Hudson are grinning. Max practically chases me up the stairs, and I can’t help but giggle with delight at his playfulness.

  In the bedroom, Max stalks towards me until my legs are backed up against the bed. He is looking at me like a starving man, and my pulse quickens with excitement.

  “Take your shirt off,” he demands.

  I undo the buttons and shrug it from my shoulders just as Bryce and Hudson enter the room. I go to unzip my skirt, but Max catches my hand.

  “Leave it on,” he says.

  Max takes off his own clothes. Behind him, Hudson and Bryce begin to undress too. Kneeling in front of me, Max unzips my biker boots and helps me out of them, throwing them across the room, then his hands slide up from my ankles over my knees and up my thighs until they are resting just beneath the hem of my miniskirt. He pushes up the soft leather so that it sits just above my pubic bone. Leaning in close, Max kisses my mound through the black lace of my knickers. I let out a moan, my hands automatically twining in his hair.

  “Let me get these off you first, Icy,” he murmurs, peeling my knickers down. I step out of them, exposed to him. Holding onto my hips, Max guides me onto the bed. I lie back as he parts my legs and jerks my hips forward so that his face is hovering just above me. Then he lowers his mouth and covers the slick opening with his tongue. It doesn’t take me long to be a mess of sensation under his expert mouth.

  “Max, I want you,” I say breathlessly, as his tongue and lips and fingers tease me. Over his shoulder I see Bryce and Hudson are both gloriously naked. It is incredibly erotic to have them watch us, watch me. A wave of pleasure builds, pulsating outwards as Max continues to lap at my opening, swirling his tongue around my clit, using his finger to dip inside me. Max lifts his head, my beautiful blonde man, that easy smile gone now, replaced with want. And how I want to fall, fall with him.

  “Wait for me, Icy,” he groans, his lips slick with my juices. Leaning over to the bedside cabinet, he pulls out a condom, tears the packet with his teeth and rolls it over his cock. Then in one swift movement he has entered me, his
hands twining in my hair as he takes me, the thrust of his hips sliding us both up the bed. The last time we had sex Max had been gentle, this time there is a frantic need as he grinds his hips against mine, and god, I am lost. Lost to him, to his desperate kisses, to his hands as they knead my breasts, as they gently tug my hair so that he can run his teeth along my jaw.

  “Max…” I say breathlessly. Even I recognise the tremor in my voice, the intonation. This man, these men, I love them. Just as that realisation washes over me, so too does my orgasm, my internal muscles caressing Max until, with one final thrust, he too lets go.

  Max rolls us so we are facing one another on our sides. Still inside of me, he presses a dozen kisses against my face.

  “Louisa, Icy, my love…” Love. That word lingers in the air, a confirmation of what has just passed between us. Does Max love me? I smile tentatively at him. He presses his forehead against mine, holding my gaze, but he doesn’t say the words I long to hear. Perhaps it’s too soon, perhaps I misunderstood. He presses a delicate kiss against my lips, then pulls out of me gently.

  “I’m going to grab us all a drink. I’ll be back in a bit, okay.”

  I nod my head, unable to answer him. Unsure now, the connection between us seems to have broken. Sitting up, my skirt bunched up around my waist, I watch him leave the room.

  “Hey, what is it, darling?” Bryce asks, sitting down on the bed next to me. He is so relaxed in his skin.

  I don’t answer, not sure I know what it is that I feel. Not rejected, no. I know he felt something. Disappointed perhaps.

  “Is this too much? We can leave…” he starts.

  “No. I don’t want you to go,” I say quietly.

  “Then we’ll stay.” Bryce stands, pulling me to my feet too. He folds me into his arms and it is just what I need at this moment. Over his shoulder I can see Hudson watching us. I can’t read his expression.

  “Come on, darling. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Bryce takes my hand and leads me to the en suite. Stopping at the door, I turn to Hudson, who has made no move to follow us.


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