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Don't Say Goodbye (Taphouse Blues Book 2)

Page 8

by Heather Lyn

  “She will be. Let’s get him to the station.”

  “Roger that.”

  Moving around the hood of the car, I climb into the passenger side and Jace cranks the engine. The ambulance pulls out ahead of us and we make the drive downtown in silence.

  When we arrive fifteen minutes later, Jace goes around back and grabs the perp, leading him inside. I follow after, and as I’m stepping into the bullpen, my phone vibrates with a text.

  Nacole: Hey. Are you busy this weekend?

  Garret: Well hey, stranger.

  Nacole: Sorry, been super busy with work.

  Garret: I’m supposed to help my dad this weekend. Why?

  Nacole: Well, I have some free time and I was hoping we could talk.

  Garret: I’m free tonight.

  Nacole: I can’t.

  Garret: Big plans.

  Nacole: Garret, this weekend. I need to go.

  Garret: Fine.

  Locking my phone, I shove it back in my pocket and head over to my desk, mulling over the last thirty seconds. Nacole seemed testy in those messages, and if she needs to talk to me so badly, why can't she do it tonight? I’ve been strung along since before the concert. Or have I?

  Maybe she really only wanted to be friends all along. Maybe I pushed her.


  I don’t care. I’m done waiting around for her to keep doing circles around me. I need answers, and I sure as fuck am not waiting four days. No, we’re talking.


  Decision made, I begin the necessary paperwork for the arrest, making a note to let Jace know I told the woman that we would check in on her later tonight. Blowing out a deep breath, I focus on the job at hand. And knowing that tonight I’ll hopefully have the answers I need, I find it easy to get it done.


  “Hey, bro, got a quick question?” Climbing into my Jeep, I tuck my phone against my ear as I talk to my brother.

  “What’s up, man?” Brody asks. I can hear the loud noise of the bar in the background.

  “Is she working tonight?”

  “Who, Linds? Nah, she’s on shift at—"


  “Chill, Garret. No, Nacole isn’t working tonight. Requested the rest of the week off, as a matter of fact. Why?”

  “No reason. Thanks, little bro.”

  “Go get her, tiger.”

  Tossing my phone in the cup holder, I crank the engine, laughing when Blake Shelton blasts through the radio. I take off, heading for Nacole’s place. I know I should call her first, but I don’t want to give her an opportunity to run from me.

  The drive doesn’t take long, and before I know it, I’m turning into her driveway. Killing the ignition, I pull the keys out and climb down from my vehicle.

  Shoving my keys in my pocket, I stride up her walkway and onto her front porch. Taking a deep breath, I reach out and push the doorbell, my hands in my back pockets as I rock on my heels. After a few moments, I reach out to knock on the door when it’s yanked open, revealing a shocked and disheveled Nacole.


  Her eyes and nose are red, hair down in a tangled mess. She looks like she’s been crying, and when she folds her arms over her chest, I see a tissue in one of her hands.

  “Hey, Brody said you weren’t working tonight, and you said you wanted to talk.”

  “I said this weekend, Garret. I told you no for tonight. What do you want from me?” Her voice is shaky. I motion to come inside, and without looking me in the eye, she waves me in, huffing out a breath in annoyance.

  “I’m sorry, but you’ve just been so distant lately, and I’ve been worried about you.”

  “Well, clearly I’m fine.”

  “Yeah, you look wonderful,” I snap, and her eyes widen, filling with tears at the harshness of my voice. She drops her head and buries her face in her hands, shoulders shaking while she cries. I’m half tempted to search the room for cameras, someone waiting to shout, "Gotcha!"


  “Please, Garret. Just leave me be. Today isn’t a good day.”

  “Yeah, sorry to say, but that isn’t happening. There is no way I’m leaving you this upset. Please talk to me. I hate seeing you like this.”

  Nacole takes a couple deep breaths and wipes her tears, trying to get control of herself. My hands itch to reach out and hold her, but she doesn’t seem to want that.

  “Today is my mom’s birthday.”


  “She died in January. This is her first one since.”


  Nacole tries to put on a brave face, but I can see the pain etched in every muscle. Tears cascade down her cheeks as her bottom lip trembles.

  “Come here,” I say, holding my arms out, and she walks straight into my embrace, face buried in my sweatshirt as she cries. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” I mumble, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

  “I miss her so much,” she whispers.

  I walk us backward until we sit on the couch, and she turns so she can wrap her arms around my neck. Rubbing my hands up and down her back, I gently run my fingers through her soft hair. After a few minutes, I pull back and brush her tears away, placing a soft kiss to her forehead.

  “Here’s what we’re gonna do, okay?”

  Nacole gives me a questioning look, and I give her a small smile.

  “I’m gonna go in the kitchen and make you something for dinner. Then you’re gonna tell me all about your beautiful mother, and you can either cry or not cry, but I’m gonna be here for you no matter what, okay?”

  “How do you know my mom was beautiful?”

  “Do you look like her?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I look almost exactly like her.”

  “Then that makes her the second most beautiful woman in the entire world. Only second to her daughter, that is.”

  Nacole bites her bottom lip and then nods, eyes shining with unshed tears. “Thank you, Garret.”

  “Of course. I’m always here.”

  Squeezing her hand, I stand from the couch and head into her kitchen, searching the cabinets to find something to make for dinner. I’m pulling a box of pancake mix from the cabinet when I turn and find her standing in the doorway, a small smile on her face. Giving her a wink, I turn back around and busy myself with taking care of my girl.

  Wait. My girl?

  Shit. I’m screwed.



  “So, tell me something about yourself. Now that I’ve snotted on you and you made me these delicious pancakes, I feel like I need to know something.” Stuffing the last bite of my meal in my mouth, I smile at Garret over my small kitchen table.

  “Well, what do you want to know?” His blue eyes bore into mine and my heart races. Today is a hard day for me, but Garret is making it better. And so much easier.

  “Well, you never did tell me how old you are.”


  “Old man,” I joke, laughing when he tosses a wadded-up napkin at me.

  “Oh yeah? And how old you are?”


  “Pshh. You’re old as hell too. Pushing thirty? Damn, better get you a wheelchair. Wouldn’t want you to break a hip.”

  “Oh shut up,” I growl, hopping up from my chair and bringing my plate to the sink. While Garret hurries to come after me, I open the container of Cool Whip and grab a freezing cold handful. I spin around and he's standing behind me, arms reaching out for me, clearly worried he hurt my feelings. I take advantage, taking two steps before giving him a face full of Cool Whip.

  The look on his face sends me into a fit of giggles, his bright eyes wide behind the white cream. Swiping a hand across his face, he wipes most of the mess off, except for a few streaks on his forehead and cheek. A wicked gleam comes to his eyes, and I have no chance to react before I’m in his arms. He kisses me hard, the taste of the sweet cream and his own a combination to die for, his arms strong around my wais

  Garret devours my mouth in a kiss that sets my body on fire and has goose bumps prickling my skin. He tangles a hand in my hair and gently pulls it, tipping my head back so my bare neck is exposed to him. His scruff rubs against the column of my neck as he presses soft kisses to it, causing me to shiver.

  His eyes meet mine, looking for me to grant him permission to continue. Reaching behind us, I grab a hand towel and wipe his face until there's no Cool Whip left anywhere. Up on tiptoes, I kiss him again, threading my fingers behind his neck. Lifting me gently, he sets me on the counter and settles himself between my legs, his arms on the countertop.

  “What are we doing?” he whispers, and I hide my face in his neck.

  “I don’t know,” I mumble, and it’s the truth. I’m certainly not ready to be intimate with him, no matter how badly my body reacts to his touch. How much I crave his touch everywhere.

  “Just talk to me. Tell me what’s going through that pretty head.” Garret drops his lips to my shoulder, and I tilt my head to the side, wanting him to move my tank top and continue what he’s doing.

  “I like you a lot, Garret.”

  “I couldn’t tell,” he jokes.

  “Be serious,” I groan.

  He chuckles against my skin, then lifts his head, looking me right in the eyes. I take in everything I see—the laugh lines around his eyes, the way his full bottom lip looks with his white teeth biting into it. His dark hair longer since I last saw him, curling everywhere in the most incredibly sexy way.

  “I am though. I can tell you’re hesitant to start anything with me, and while I don’t know why that is, I respect it. But you run so hot and cold with me, Nacole. I know I’m this tough cop, but I do have feelings buried somewhere under this glorious chest.”

  I drop my head back and laugh hard, Garret shaking his head at me.

  “Wanna tell me what’s so funny, you goof?”

  “Nothing, just laughing about your chest comment.”

  “I speak nothing but the truth.”

  “Yeah, well we’ll see. But for real, Garret? I’m sorry for how I’ve been. My past isn’t exactly pretty, and one day I want to tell you about it. I’m working on it. One day at a time. So for now? Well, I think I’m ready to see where this could go. I want to take things slow though, if you’re okay with that?”

  Garret smiles. “You’re telling me I finally get to take you out on a real date? Yeah, I’m really fucking good with slow, sweetheart. Whatever you want. As long as we go slow together.”

  “Deal,” I whisper, then lean forward, placing my lips to his. This day started out as the second worst day of my life, but since Garret got here, it’s been better. We’ve talked about Mom, and I told him all kinds of stories of me as a teenager.

  But this moment, right here?

  This is the one I’ll be telling for years.

  When my broken heart finally started to heal.


  “Hi, I’m Nacole, and I’ll be taking care of you all tonight. Can I start you with some drinks?”

  The small group of patrons orders a pitcher of Bud and the appetizer sampler, and I head back to the kitchen to place the order before grabbing their beer.

  Brody gives me a smile as he hands it over, and I take it from him with a raised brow.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing. Glad you and my jackass brother got your heads on straight.”

  Rolling my eyes, I can’t help laughing at him as I carry the pitcher to the table, placing it down in the center. After asking if they need anything else, I head back over to the side of the bar, all my tables okay for the moment.

  Hearing the bell jingle at the door, I look up to see Hunter and Carmen walk inside hand in hand. Carmen rushes over when she sees me, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug.

  “Hey, girl,” she greets.

  “Hey, glad you guys came in. Hi, Hunter,” I direct behind her, her husband standing with his hands on her shoulders.

  “Hey, Nacole, great to see you again.” Stepping around Carmen, he gives me a gentle hug, and for the first time in a long time, I don’t inwardly freak out over a man touching me. Hunter leans over to press a kiss to Carmen’s head, then turns to go over to the bar, reaching across it to clap Brody on the shoulder.

  “How are you?” she asks me quietly, and I know what she’s really asking. It’s been about two and a half weeks since she gave me Dr. Klein’s phone number, and I haven’t really had a chance to talk to her. Looking at the large clock on the wall, I see it’s only a few minutes until I’m supposed to take my break.

  “Give me two seconds,” I say, walking around her to the bar. “Hey, Brody, can I take my break a little early?” I ask, motioning toward Carmen.

  “Go for it.”

  “Thank you.”

  Pulling off my apron, I toss it over the bar and go back to Carmen, grabbing her hand so I can drag her out back to the ladies' room. Shutting the door behind us, I lean against it.

  “I never got a chance to thank you, so thank you. Seriously, Carmen. Dr. Klein is incredible.”

  She smiles at me. “She really is. I still see her once a month, you know.”


  “Yeah. Not so much to talk about Craig, just more to visit and see her. She’s just… good for the soul, you know?”

  “I know exactly what you mean.”

  “So, have you talked to Garret yet?”

  My cheeks darken and I look away, Carmen’s giggle causing a smile to grace my heated cheeks. “Yeah, he came over the other day and we talked. It was Mom’s birthday.”

  Carmen’s expression saddens, and she gives me another hug. “Oh, girl, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. And it really is. I had told him I wanted to talk this weekend, but he just showed up. I couldn’t exactly keep it together when he did, and we spent the entire afternoon and night together. Told him about her, showed him the few photos I have. It was… it was really nice. I mean sure, it was the worst day, but he made it better.”

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  “I told him I was ready to see where this would go. I’ve seen Dr. Klein five more times since our first visit, and she thinks I’m ready too. I told Garret I wanted to do slow, but I’m ready. I also think I’m ready for another big step too. But I want his help, and in order to do that, I have to confide in him.”

  “About what?”

  “I want to file for divorce. And I want to submit all the evidence of his abuse.”

  “Holy shit, Nacole. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Sadie,” I tell her, and she raises an eyebrow at me.


  “Shit, I really should be telling Garret this first. Whatever. My full name is Sadie Nacole. When I moved here, I decided to use my middle name, mostly to try and separate myself from my old life. From Graham. Nacole is my mom’s name.”

  “Your secret is safe with me, I promise. But you need to tell him that. And all of it. I think you’d be surprised how well he’d take it. Though I guess I shouldn’t say 'well,' because if he reacts the way Hunter did, you’ll be bailing him out of jail. But supportive is the key word.”

  “Yeah. And I’m going to. When the time is right.”

  Carmen steps forward and places her hands on my shoulders, squeezing gently. “Trust me. The time will always be right. Garret is a good man, and one hell of a cop. And he cares about you. No matter when you tell him, he’ll understand. I truly believe that.”

  We make small talk for a few more minutes before we head back out, my break over and Carmen heading back to Hunter. When she sits next to him, he turns over his shoulder to give me a wink, and I know she’s right. If Garret is even one-tenth the man that her husband is, I have absolutely nothing to worry about.


  Clicking away on my keyboard, I hit Purchase and do a little dance, so excited that I got them. I’ve been trying to come up with the perfect idea for our first official date. I told Garret
that I wanted to surprise him, and when I found the tickets, I just knew I had to grab them. And they weren’t too pricey, so even better. When I get the email notification on my phone a few minutes later, I do another little jive, knowing I look totally ridiculous.

  Thank you for your purchase.

  Confirmation number for 2 General Admission tickets to Luke Bryan.

  I mean, maybe I picked Luke Bryan because who doesn’t love him, but I know for a fact that Garret’s just as big a country fan as I am, so I can’t wait to surprise him.

  Closing the email, I pull up my text messages and scroll to my chat with Garret. I know he’s working right now, but it can’t hurt to tease him just a little.

  Nacole: Hey you. I have a surprise for you.

  Garret: Oh yeah?

  Nacole: Yes, sir. Don’t make plans for Saturday at 7.

  Garret: Jesus, woman. Don’t call me sir. You have no idea what that does to me.

  Nacole: My bad ;)

  Garret: I look forward to it. Please tell me it involves me doing dirty things to your sinful little body.

  My cheeks turn bright red and I clench my thighs together. Fuck.

  Nacole: Nope. But it does involve you and me. Doing something.

  Garret: Just got a call. I’ll talk to you tonight.

  Nacole: Be safe.

  Garret: Always.

  Smiling, I lock my phone screen and toss it on the couch, needing to get showered before I head out and run some errands.

  Saturday can’t get here soon enough.



  Shoving my stuff into my duffel bag, I sling it over my shoulder and head out into the bullpen. My shift ended about twenty minutes ago, and now I’m headed to my parents' to help my dad with a few chores. I haven’t been able to get a peep out of Nacole as to what her plan is for tomorrow, but she’s really excited, so I can’t help feeling the same.

  Finding Jace on my way out, I bump my fist against his.

  “Have fun tomorrow night, man.”

  “I’ll text you.”

  Strolling out to my Jeep, I toss the duffel in the back seat and climb in. After sending a quick text to my dad letting him know I’m on my way, I head out, the local radio station cranked. As I make the short drive, my mind wanders to Nacole. I’m not sure what I’m more drawn to, those big brown eyes or her smile. Hell, it would be a lie to say her body doesn’t make me hard as stone every time I see her. She’s so beautiful that she takes my breath away, and she has no idea. Nacole is a rare beauty, and I plan on doing everything in my power to show her just how much she is.


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