Book Read Free

Sativa Strain

Page 21

by Alexi Venice

  “As per usual, you see all the angles.” She adopted a more serious tone. “I’m sorry for the embarrassment this will cause you and mom. I don’t know what I was thinking, other than Jen and I were getting back together, and we were swept up in the moment.”

  He held up his hand. “No need to say anything else. We were young and foolish once, too.”

  “But I’m too old to act young and foolish.” She sipped more coffee.

  “Nonsense. You’re in love with Jen, and that’s all that counts. You’ll survive this—career fully intact.”

  “I hope so, especially after all the work you and mom did to get me re-elected.”

  “The publicity of this photo will separate the men from the boys—tell you who’s loyal and who isn’t.”

  “I can already guess that Mayor Woo will condemn me.”

  “Woo? He’s a hypocrite. He routinely gets X-rated massages at a private club.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “What? How do you know that?”

  “I had him investigated during your campaign in case we needed some leverage. I have inside intel and video. If he gives you any grief, just tell me. I’ll have a man-to-man chat with him.” Satisfied with himself, he drank more coffee.

  “Nice work. I guess I underestimated your operational skills.” Holy fuck. Daddy is like the fucking CIA!

  “I’ve been at this game a lot longer than you, Sweetheart.”

  She smiled, grateful he was on her side.

  “Here’s another piece of advice. Keep your eye out for anyone who considers you toxic after you publish the nude photo. Use that toxicity to your advantage.”

  “How?” She wasn’t following. Damn that Sativa!

  “There are many ways to influence someone. You can get someone to take action because they agree with you and admire you—”

  She finally saw where he was going. “Or, you can get someone to take action because they hate you and want to do the opposite of what you suggest.”

  He saluted her with his cup of coffee. “You’ve got it. Influence works both ways. Use it to get what you want. I employed this technique many times when you were a teenager.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Amanda heard bare feet on the floor, so she turned.

  “Good morning. Looks who’s up?” Jen asked, carrying Kristin into the kitchen.

  Amanda slid off her stool. “Hi baby girl! How are you?”

  Kristin smiled. “Mama Man!”

  Jen caught Kristin’s pacifier as it dropped out of her mouth.

  “Want some juice?” Amanda offered.

  Kristin nodded.

  “Coffee, Jen?” Jack asked.


  “Cream or sugar?”

  “Black, thanks.”

  He poured a cup and handed it to her. “Sleep well last night?”

  Jen’s eyes flitted to Amanda. “Very well, thank you.”

  “Good to hear. Some people find that bed uncomfortable,” he said.

  “I was very comfortable,” Jen said.

  “I was telling daddy about the nude pic,” Amanda said to Jen.

  “Oh?” Jen handed Kristin to Amanda and peeled and cut a banana.

  “Yes. We discussed releasing it preemptively, but only if we have some engagement photos to back it up. Would you be game for that?”

  “Of course. You know I wanted to take some anyway.”

  “How does Monday sound?”

  “Monday?” Jen asked. “Where? With whom? What am I going to wear?”

  Amanda smirked because she’d never heard Jen worry about clothes. “Chance arranged for his photographer to do a session with us.”


  “Lincoln Park Golf Course.”

  “What are we wearing?” Jen asked.

  “Casual,” Amanda said. “I believe Chance’s exact words were, ‘wholesome.’”

  “I can do wholesome all day long,” Jen said, as she situated Kristin at the snack bar with her banana slices and a cup of milk.

  “I know. The outdoorsy-jeans-and-flannel-look is you.”

  Jen rested her chin on the back of her hand and smiled as if posing for a pic.

  “You’re on fire, girl,” Amanda said.

  Chapter 26

  Monday morning

  The long grass, pine and eucalyptus trees on the edges of a fairway at Lincoln Park Golf Course provided a secluded backdrop for Jen and Amanda’s photo shoot. On this overcast Monday morning, not many golfers were on the course, and the flat light was perfect. Beyond the eucalyptus leaves, the Golden Gate bridge stood in the background.

  Amanda’s large diamond ring shone as she rested her left hand across Jen’s tummy. They were striking women: Jen, tall and fair; Amanda, petite with a mass of black curls. Both dressed in jeans, Jen wore a camp shirt and down vest, and Amanda wore a cashmere sweater. Unfortunately, the camera captured everything—not only their beauty, maturity and professionalism, but also their nervousness. The photogenic couple looked stiff and uncomfortable as they gazed into the lens.

  Before being blackmailed, Amanda had envisioned a playful, festive atmosphere for their engagement pics. Today, however, their poses were infused with a counter-propaganda purpose that drained the fun and spontaneity from her attitude. This sucks. I can’t think of a less romantic vibe for our engagement pics. My frozen smile feels robotic, and my body feels stiff against Jen’s.

  “Just a few more under this tree, and we’re done,” the photographer said. “Can I get a more romantic pose? Like a light kiss on the cheek or something?”

  Jen looked at Amanda. “It’s your show.”

  “I’d love that,” Amanda said. “This isn’t going the way I had originally planned—before I was blackmailed. I wanted us to be romantic. Let’s be more natural and give Chance something affectionate to choose from. I feel like we’ve been posing for a work photo.”

  “We sort of have—but for you, not me. How about we start with me kissing you on the forehead?” Jen asked.

  “I’d like that.” They faced each other, and Amanda leaned into Jen, lightly draping her arms around Jen’s waist. She rested her forehead against Jen’s lips and closed her eyes. The simple act of hugging, and receiving a comforting kiss from Jen, like she had a billion times, centered her. This is more like it. She felt the edges of her lips turn up, as she listened to the photographer click away.

  “That’s good. A real winner,” he said, still looking through his lens. “More of that.”

  Jen went with the moment and leaned back slightly then smoothed Amanda’s hair with a loving touch. The photographer clicked away. Amanda allowed herself to be calmed by Jen’s gentle touch while she looked into her eyes. “Thank you for doing this.”

  “I can tell you’re wound up like a top. The camera will pick up on that, you know. Relax. I love you.”

  Amanda breathed out through her nose—like a pro yogi—and concentrated on the smooth, tanned skin on Jen’s neck. The skin she loved to kiss.

  The photographer took a few more. “Okay, that’s all I need. You ladies are free to go, unless you have something specific in mind that you want me to capture.”

  “No. I think we’re good. Be sure to send the pics to both Chance Greyson and me,” Amanda said.

  “Of course.” He shook their hands and hustled toward his car.

  “Guess he had places to go and other people to photograph,” Amanda said. She and Jen walked hand-in-hand to Amanda’s car, where Frank was leaning against the hood, observing.

  “Thank you for walking me to my car,” Amanda said to Jen. “I’m sorry we had to take pics for my political life.”

  “Nonsense. We’re counteracting your sext to me, so I’m grateful. Once it’s published, people are going to be jealous of the good thing I’ve got goin’ on at home.” Jen’s eyes danced with mischief.

  Amanda responded by tracing Jen’s jawline with her index finger. “Have a good day at work.”

  “You too,” Jen said. They
hugged for a few seconds but didn’t kiss. “Bye, sexy,” Jen said into Amanda’s ear.

  Amanda’s expression softened. “I want to marry you so badly. We need to set a date soon.”


  They slowly broke apart.

  Frank opened the back door, and Amanda reluctantly got in.

  Jen watched as Frank closed the door. “Bye, Frank.”

  “Have a good day, Dr. Dawson.”

  Jen walked to her own car, parked a few spots behind Amanda’s, and left for a busy day of clinic.


  Hall of Justice

  As soon as Frank and Amanda arrived at work, she wandered down to Tommy’s office.

  “Wow! That beard is really growing in!” she said. “Quite the blend of browns, blonde and grey you’ve got going on.”

  “I was a little surprised by how much grey there is.” He self-consciously ran his hand over his chin.

  “Let me take a look.” She came closer and inspected his face. “I see caramel, sandy brown, blonde and a few strands of grey. It’s a handsome beard, Tommy.”

  “You’re just humoring me.”

  “You know I wouldn’t do that. If I didn’t like it, I’d tell you.” She took the chair across from his desk.

  “Fine. How did the photo shoot go?” he asked.

  “Swell. Thanks for taking care of Kristin last night and bringing her to daycare this morning. Jen and I really appreciate it.”

  “Anytime. Cy and I brought her to Mama Mia’s for dinner last night, so Tina and the family could see her. Kristin was the star. Usually, she gets lonesome for mommy around dinnertime, but she was getting so much attention that she didn’t even mention Jen. Tina actually said she’s looking forward to Kristin working there someday. Can you believe that? She’s only two years old, and she already has a job offer.”

  “That’s my philosophy. Put ‘em to work early.”

  They enjoyed a comfortable pause.

  “Any word from the hospital attorney?” he asked.

  “Nothing over the weekend,” she said. “Before we interview Carlos Montiago, though, we need to ask Kara if she’d be willing to voluntarily produce their cell phone records and their shared electronic devices.”

  “I’d like to ask her in person.”

  “Maybe today?”

  “Sure. Wanna come along?” he asked.

  “I’d like another crack at her as well.”

  “We can make a plan in the car,” he said. “Do you think we should let Ryan know we’re driving down to interview her again?”

  “Hmm. Good question. He seems a little protective of her, and he obviously appreciated being able to give her the heads up last week. He’s your boss and cousin. You decide.”

  “My gut tells me we should call him.”

  “Okay. Want to call him from the car?” she asked.

  “Perfect. That will save time.”

  She texted Frank to bring her car around. “I want to grab a few documents from my office. Meet you downstairs in 10 minutes.”

  Once they were tucked in the backseat and flying down the 101 toward San Jose, Amanda called Ryan on the speaker system.

  “Hi, Ryan. It’s Amanda and Tommy on our way to Palo Alto.”

  “Happy Monday morning,” he said. “Back to the Tyche campus?”


  “I assume you’re calling to give me the heads up about something because it’s too early in the week for you to be in deep doodoo.”

  “You’re right,” Tommy said. “We need to talk to Kara again. We’d like her permission to access their telephone records and electronic devices.”

  There was a long silence on the other end.

  “Ryan? Are you still there?” Tommy finally asked.

  “Yeah. Just thinking. What are you looking for on the devices?”

  Tommy and Amanda exchanged puzzled looks. Why is he asking when the answer is obvious? Anything that goes to motive.

  “We’re looking for communications between Carlos Montiago and the victim,” Tommy said, giving Amanda a cautious look.

  “Or someone Carlos hired to kill the victim,” Amanda said.

  “And, you hope Kara will give you permission to access her electronic devices?” Ryan asked.

  “We want her permission to access their joint devices,” Tommy clarified.

  Crickets chirped on the other end while Tommy and Amanda raised their eyebrows at each other.

  “She doesn’t have the authority to consent to a search of her husband’s phone,” Ryan finally said.

  “Maybe not,” Tommy said, “but she can consent to a search of their joint cell phone records.”

  “If they have a joint account,” Ryan said.

  “Yeah, that,” Tommy said. “Why do you want to get down in the weeds on this?”

  “Just curious,” Ryan said, but Amanda wasn’t convinced. There was a note of worry in his voice.

  “Are you going to call Kara and warn her that we’re coming?” Tommy asked.

  “Probably,” Ryan said.

  “Let us know what she says,” Tommy said.

  “Will do,” Ryan said and hung up.

  When she was sure that the line was disconnected, Amanda said to Tommy, “What’s up with Ryan? I’ve never seen him this protective of a witness before.”

  “Me either. I didn’t realize…he wanted to micromanage the shit out of me…whatever.” Tommy stared at his phone.

  When Tommy didn’t elaborate, Amanda turned her attention to her emails. After 10 minutes or so, the phone rang, so she hit the speaker system button. “Hello?”

  “It’s Ryan again. Are you still in the car?”

  “Yes. We’re about half way there,” she said.

  “Okay. Don’t bother going to the Tyche campus. Kara is at home.”

  “Really?” Amanda asked.

  “Too much media at the campus. She’s holed up at her house, but she agreed to meet with you,” Ryan said.

  “Excellent,” Tommy said. “Frank, did you hear that?”

  “Yes. Do you have an address for me?”

  Ryan read it aloud over the system.

  “Anything else?” Tommy asked.

  “Yeah. Take it easy on her. She didn’t do it,” Ryan said.

  What the fuck?! Amanda mouthed to Tommy.

  “How do you know?” Tommy asked Ryan.

  “She told me, and I believe her.”

  “Oh. Did you ask her who did while you were at it?” Tommy asked.

  “First, I don’t think she knows. Second, I didn’t want to put her on the spot,” Ryan said.

  “Yes. That would be terribly inconvenient for her,” Tommy said sarcastically. “Do you mind if I ask her who killed her ex-lover? Or, would that be too much of an intrusion into your friendship?”

  They heard Ryan take a deep breath. “Don’t fuck with me, Tommy. I’m walking a diplomatic tightrope here.”

  “How about we put you out of your misery. There’s no need for you to be in the middle of this, Ryan. In fact, I don’t think it’s helpful. How about if I run this investigation like I normally would? That means not calling you every 10 seconds to get your permission to interview a witness.”

  “You still work for me, you dumbfuck,” Ryan said. “You have no idea what you’re dealing with here.”

  Amanda jumped in before something was said that couldn’t be taken back. “We understand that, loud and clear, Ryan. Thank you for contacting Kara. We’ll proceed according to plan. We look forward to giving you a report later today. Bye.”

  “You better talk some sense into him,” Ryan snarled before she could hang up.

  “Fuck off,” Tommy said.

  Amanda covered his mouth with her hand. “Will do. Bye, Ryan.” She quickly hit the “end call” button on her phone while Tommy stuck his tongue into the palm of her hand.

  “Gross!” she screamed. “Why the fuck did you do that?”

  “You have no right to cover my mouth,” he sai

  “What is this? Junior high?”

  “If you think you can cover my mouth, I guess so. I’m not the one who started it.”

  “God, Tommy. Your tongue? Seriously?” She fished a packet of antibacterial wipes out of her bag and washed off her hand.

  “I can’t believe you’re wiping off your hand, considering Jen and I—”

  She covered his mouth again. “Stop it! Just stop it! That was a long time ago.”

  He stuck his tongue into her palm again. “Yuck. That tastes disgusting.” He grabbed her arm and ran his tongue along her forearm.

  “Tommy! Stop!” She jerked her arm away, but it was too late. He had run his tongue from her wrist to her elbow. “You’re so fucking gross.”

  “What did you expect me to do?! I had to get the taste of that wipe out of my mouth somehow.”

  She peeled another wipe out of the package and slathered her arm with it. “Disgusting!”

  He smiled victoriously at her.

  “And you can keep your thoughts to yourself. I know what you were about to say, so just stuff it.”

  He laughed.

  “Not funny!”

  “It sort of is,” he said.

  “Can we return to the issue at hand?”

  “Which is: Why the fuck is Ryan warning a key witness about what we want?”

  “Curious, huh? Does he own stock in Tyche, or what?”

  “I need to take him out for a beer and find out what’s really going on.”

  “He certainly feels strongly that Kara didn’t kill Carlisle,” Amanda said.

  “The way he’s acting, I can’t believe a fucking thing he says. In fact, she just moved back to the top of my suspect list.”

  Amanda didn’t reply. She was between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, she owed Ryan—BIG TIME—for supporting her decision to kill Eddy-the-wise- guy-Valentine after she shot and interrogated him. It had been the right thing to do under the circumstances. Eddy had killed George Banks and, for all Amanda knew, had shot Jen in the water. She had had no choice but to kill the bastard. Why do I keep thinking about this? I need to bury the memory…let it go.

  On the other hand, she couldn’t completely take Ryan’s word for Kara Montiago. Like Tommy, she had to keep an open mind about Kara’s role.


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