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The Sinner

Page 17

by Heather C. Leigh

  “I appreciate you telling me. Now,” I gave her a lopsided grin and ignored my steadily thickening dick, “since you aren’t fond of strangers, why don’t we go upstairs and get to know each other a little better?”

  Kylie’s cheeks flushed and she glanced away, self-conscious. For that brief second, I swore she was hiding something from me.

  Something big.

  How intriguing. My naive little temptress had a secret.

  The more time I spent with Kylie, the more addicted I became. I couldn't wait to peel back each new layer so I could slowly discover what made her tick.


  I was in big trouble.


  I had no idea why I agreed to meet Seb. I mean, I did know, kind of. Obviously, I had a screw or two loose.

  “Want something to drink?”

  In the foyer of the luxury suite, high up in the W Hotel, Seb took my coat and hung it on an old-fashioned coat tree. Then he stalked—it’s the only way I can describe it—toward me. His eyes sparked with mischief and his wicked grin made my stomach do flips.

  The Sebastien St. Clair. With me. In his home. Yeah, screws loose or not, he was the reason I decided to step so far out of my comfort zone—a detrimental to my mental health, Rocco coronary-inducing, devastatingly sexy reason.

  The entire situation—when one took into consideration the fact that Seb was hands down the absolute worst choice in bed partners, oh, and don’t forget Rocco hated his guts and probably wanted to punch him whenever Seb was near—was a disaster in the making. Of course, all of that was why I couldn't bring myself to walk away. The danger of being discovered by Rocco, combined with the fact that Seb tying me up was the hottest thing to ever happen to me, had me hooked. Seb was heroin and I was the junkie who craved my next hit. I knew full well he was bad for me, yet I knew I would keep going back for more, until he either destroyed me or I OD’d.


  I startled out of my thoughts. Right. Seb. Waiting. Drink.

  “Um, a drink would be great. Thanks.”

  Seb’s gaze fell to my mouth. He licked his lips and stared them as if he wanted to devour me. Tiny flickers of electricity crackled along my skin and my heart skipped a beat or two. Yeah, I could use a drink. Or four. A little alcohol would go a long way toward helping me relax, then, at the very least, I wouldn’t make a complete fool of myself and jump Seb’s bones in his foyer.

  Without thinking, I mimicked his actions and moistened my lips. Seb’s pupils expanded and his breath hitched. My muscles clenched with anticipation at the sound. Oh god. Jumping his bones in the foyer was sounding better and better. Thankfully, by the time I began to mentally peel off his clothes, Seb had wandered deeper into the condo and missed my needy expression.

  “Coming right up.” His husky tone shot straight to my groin. As Seb circled around a gorgeous granite-topped island, I squeezed my thighs together to relieve some of the aching need. It didn’t work.

  On the other side of the island, Seb reached up and removed two glasses from an overhead cabinet. In doing so, his T-shirt hiked up to expose a slice of hard, tan, deeply grooved abdominal muscles, and my mouth watered at the sight. Would Seb fuck me on the island? Stand between my splayed thighs and pound into me until I screamed?

  “Here you go.”

  “Thanks.” I tried to hide my face, cheeks burning from the impromptu fantasy. Seb gave me a look, but thankfully didn’t ask.

  Not willing to chance saying something dumb and make an even bigger fool of myself, I lifted the glass, tipped it back, and swallowed the contents in one go. Big mistake. My eyes watered as an unholy blast of hellfire ripped down my throat, and back up again. It felt like someone took a blowtorch to my esophagus. In between sputtering coughs, I heard Seb chuckle.

  “You do realize Scotch is meant to be sipped.”

  I wiped the tears out of my eyes and glanced up from my fiery hacking fit in time to see Seb hold up his glass. Then, in complete contradiction to what he said, with a flick of his wrist, every last drop of the amber liquid disappeared down that gorgeous throat. My lusty gaze locked onto Seb’s Adam’s apple as he swallowed, and I stifled a moan. He caught me staring and smirked.

  “I didn't want you to be lonely.”

  Lonely. How Seb made that word sound like an invitation for sex, I didn’t know, but he did. A fresh burst of desire rippled down my spine and I my attention snapped to his bright blue gaze. Seb’s hunger was obvious, his eyes dark and hooded as he stared at my mouth again. My fingers tightened around the glass.

  Blistering heat—whether from the alcohol or the way Seb was undressing me with his eyes—spread through my veins. Every beat of my heart stoked the flames hotter and hotter until I was consumed by the passionate inferno. A sudden, desperate need to have Seb’s hands on my sweltering skin pushed me into action.

  I arranged my mouth into what I hoped looked like a sexy pout and, feigning confidence I didn’t feel, I put down the empty tumbler and flattened my palms on the cool stone surface. I studied Seb’s lips and, since it worked before, slowly licked mine.

  “I’m not lonely,” I purred, hardly recognizing my sultry tone. Seb held his breath, gaze locked on my mouth. I navigated around the island as I slid a single fingertip along the slick granite. “At least, I won’t be once we get to the real reason you brought me here. Or did you think you’d have to talk me into it?”

  The flush on Seb’s throat and cheeks was satisfying in a way I’d never known. I felt powerful. I did that to him. I made Sebastien St. Clair blush, something I doubted happened that often. Eyes glazed, lips parted, Seb’s mouth hung slack, but only for a second. One second was all it took for him to blink away the haze of lust. Without missing a beat, he put his glass on the counter behind him and closed the remaining distance between us in two large strides. His expression was feral and in looking at it, I chalked up my first attempt at seducing a man as a success.

  Seb struck first. He crashed into me, his strong arms wrapping around my waist to keep me on my feet. Before I could gather my scattered wits, his lips descended. We came together in a desperate meeting of mouths. Teeth and tongues clashed. Seb dominated the kiss, owned it. It was messy and uncoordinated, slick and hot, and I loved every moment of it. In fact, I leaned into Seb and willingly gave up control. He sensed the moment I surrendered and growled as he reached down to palm my ass. Large hands splayed across my backside. He tugged sharply and our groins collided. The friction added fuel to the already roaring fire.

  “Bedroom,” Seb whispered when he released my mouth and shifted to nip his way down my jaw.

  Seb didn’t wait, and we were moving before I answered. He walked me backward through his suite and effortlessly maneuvered us around furniture and other obstacles without missing a beat. Too caught up in the way Seb sucked, licked, and bit my mouth and throat to pay attention, I handed over the reins, trusted Seb to get us to our destination in one piece, mostly because there was no way I was going to be the one to end the hottest kiss of my life, especially not for something as silly as tripping over furniture.

  As with everything else about the man, Seb didn’t disappoint. Faster than I thought, the backs of my knees hit the soft edge of a mattress. I shifted my weight to sit, but Seb wanted nothing of it and dug his fingers into my backside, effectively forcing me to remain upright. Satisfied I would stay put, Seb let go and took a step back.

  “Clothes first.” The words were barely out before Seb reached over his head. In one graceful motion, he grabbed his collar and yanked off his shirt to reveal a torso that was so perfect, it could have been chiseled out of stone and put on display in the Louvre. While I ogled every flawless dip and hard ridge, Seb got to work on me. His hands were surprisingly dexterous as he made quick work of the tiny buttons on my blouse. The silky fabric scarcely had time to flutter to the floor and Seb’s mouth was on my skin.

  “Oh god.”

  I moaned, arched my neck, and threw my head back as Seb
licked a path from my shoulder to my clavicle. He worked his lips and teeth against hidden bundles of sensitive nerve endings while I clutched at his biceps and reveled in the feeling of hard muscle beneath my fingertips. He kissed his way further down and stopped between my breasts. Seb sucked at the thin, tender skin. Hard enough that it stung.

  I flinched. “Hey!” I was supposed to sound annoyed, but it came out more like a wanton moan. I pushed ineffectively at Seb’s head and pushed words out between heavy breaths. “You're going to leave a mark.”

  Seb smiled against my breastbone and sucked the spot one last time. He straightened to his full height and I gulped. Ohmygod. He is so, so much taller than me. So much bigger… all over. There’s just so much of him. His eyes were wild and dark, face and throat ruddy, and lips red and swollen. He was the sexiest thing in the history of ever.

  Seb grinned at my indignation. “That's the idea.” He nuzzled my ear. “I want to mark you all over.”

  My dignified response was to shiver and practically hump his leg. The thought of Seb staking his claim appealed to my baser instincts.

  Seb flicked open the button on my jeans. I did the same. We worked together to shed the rest of our clothes. Once we were naked, Seb hauled me against him like he did in the kitchen. Again, his hands went straight to my backside and he kneaded my ass in a sensual massage. It was the dead of winter and the room slightly cool, but Seb’s body was a furnace. Heat radiated off his skin and kept the chill away.

  He dipped his head and sucked my earlobe into his mouth. My cries bounced around the bedroom. I scrabbled for something to hold onto, and clung to his broad shoulders for support.

  When Seb let go and stepped away, I whined at the loss. He leveled a look so stern, I pressed my lips together and squelched the urge to pitch a fit.

  “I’ll be right back. I have to get something.”

  I nodded and the tense lines around Seb’s mouth disappeared and his eyelids went back to half-mast. He was clearly pleased by my easy capitulation. He stared at me, gaze filled with raw hunger and promises of things to come. It was so hot I wanted to reach between my legs and touch myself.

  “By the time I get back, I expect you to be on the bed, hands over your head and legs spread.” A shockwave blasted from my scalp down to my toes and the subsequent rush of blood made me lightheaded. Apparently, bossy and dominating really turned my crank. The second Seb left the room, I climbed onto the mattress, determined to do exactly as instructed.

  Never had I felt so exposed, completely naked, splayed out and exposed on Seb’s bed, amongst the buttery soft white sheets and fluffy duvet. My fingertips stretched to the headboard and my feet were positioned shoulder-width apart. Like that, Seb would be able to see everything. The thought both thrilled and embarrassed me. I had to close my eyes, as if not seeing meant I wasn’t acting like a complete nympho, all but begging for Seb to do whatever he wanted to any part of my body.

  I waited for what seemed like forever. Okay, maybe not that long, but long enough that I mentally took note of everything I felt with my four remaining senses. Eyes still squeezed shut, I focused on the wild hammering of my heart, the slight chill in the air that made goose bumps prick along my skin and hardened my nipples into peaks, and the slick, needy ache between my thighs. The air tasted faintly of woodsmoke, the sheets held the light scent of sandalwood. I exhaled shakily, mortified yet beyond excited.

  Over my head, I fisted the sheets and relaxed. I needed to get it together before Seb returned. There was nothing as unsexy as finding a trembling, nervous wreck in your bed, and it significantly raised the odds that Seb would take one look, wrinkle his nose, say, “ew,” and send me packing.

  “Sorry about that.” My eyes flew open and I let out a startled squeak. Seb gave me an adorable crooked smile and a shiny glint caught my eye. I looked at Seb’s hands, er, the items in his hands, to be specific. When I realized what he held, my face grew hot, but I vibrated with arousal. “Had to get these.” He gestured to his collection of steel-linked chains and leather cuffs, taunting me by casually dangling one from a fingertip.

  I swallowed thickly. “Okay.”

  Sebastien cocked his head and studied me. “You sure you want this?” He held up a pair of studded leather cuffs. They swung over the bed, and I couldn’t tear my gaze away, hypnotized as they rocked back and forth.


  More than anything.

  Seb’s lips slowly unfurled into a wide grin, one that held no amusement. No, it relayed every filthy intention he had in store for me. I shivered as my imagination went wild. One at a time, Seb wrapped a pliable leather cuff around each of my limbs. To those he attached a short chain between a D-ring on the cuffs and an identical one fixed onto the bedposts. A light went off in my head and, though I was still excited, my insides spasmed with anxiety. The reason Seb wanted me at his place had nothing to do with me being special. He bought me there so he could utilize his personal BDSM equipment.

  My brief boost in confidence faltered and I clenched and unclenched my fingers as doubts assailed me. After he secured each arm and leg, Seb rounded the bed and stood back to admire his work.

  Fuck it.

  Any concerns over why I was there fell to the wayside, as I blushed and fidgeted under Seb’s intense scrutiny. I no longer cared if I was special or why he chose me. The hormone-laden blood that flooded my system, along with the rapid thrumming of my pulse, demanded my attention. I wanted what Seb offered. Badly. His particular reasons no longer mattered. Only mine.

  Seb winked. “Don’t be embarrassed, Kylie. If you only knew how fucking hot you look right now.”

  I might not have been able to see everything, but based on Seb’s expression and the very interested reaction of a certain part of his body—one he reached down and fisted so he could slowly stroke the stiff length—I knew he was pleased.

  “You’re not special” flicked through my mind again, but I pushed it out. I wanted Seb and was not about to ruin it, especially not because of something so pointless as feeling insecure.

  Seb took a few minutes to stare and stroke himself. I stared back, watching his fist move as I tried not to fidget. When I thought I might burst if he didn’t touch me, Seb finally released his impressive erection and climbed up on the bed. His significant weight jostled me, but because of the bindings, I only moved a bit and remained in the center of the island-sized mattress.

  Okay, Kylie. Relax.

  I took a deep breath and exhaled. Seb looked at me with the most carnal expression I’d ever seen.

  Oh, boy.

  Let the games begin.


  I kneeled between Kylie’s long, sinewy legs and took the time to memorize every last inch of her body. If I didn’t think there was at least a fifty-fifty chance she’d disappear—for everything to have been a dream from the time she got into my truck up to that moment—I’d have pinched myself. Kylie was simply too good to be real. Too perfect.

  Again, I dragged my gaze up and down her fit, curvy body, and with the exception of several mouthwatering freckles I would soon taste, there wasn’t a single flaw to be found. Her pale skin flushed in various places as I gave her a thorough inspection. She squirmed for me and that stunning rosy hue spread. I took in the swell of her breasts, not too big and not too small, the taper of her slender, but not too skinny waist, the arc of her hips, and the glistening slit between her thighs. I licked my lips, not knowing where I wanted to start. So many things to do and try.

  I zeroed in on her breasts and smirked. Kylie liked nipple play. I leaned forward and placed my hands on her outstretched arms, then ran my hands from her wrists, over her armpits, and down to the soft swells of her breasts. Kylie let out a little mewl when I circled her dusky nipples and lightly pinched them, rolled them just hard enough for her to feel. Kylie’s lips fell open, but she stayed quiet and instead used her eyes to beg for more.

  My cock kicked and I grinned. I pinched harder, but not quite as firm as she
wanted. Still, her reaction was beautiful. Kylie panted as the anticipation built. Her chest heaved up and down and her ribs went in and out as I played her body like a finely tuned instrument. Once I got her nice and worked up, I gave her nipples an aggressive twist and squeezed… hard. She groaned and her bucked hips off the bed. It was so hot, when she shouted my name my dick ached from the rush of blood.

  Oh fuuuuck.

  “Seb! Oh god…”

  “You like it rough,” I said, mostly to myself, confirming what I already knew about her. I did it again.

  Kylie moaned loudly and her back bowed. “God yes. H-harder.”

  Jesus. It felt like every drop of blood in my body rerouted to my cock. It pulsed and throbbed painfully. I wanted to plow that sweet pussy so badly my balls hung heavy and my dick spit up pre-come. But I wasn’t done exploring. I wanted to take my time and enjoy my new playground. Instead of twisting her nipples, I licked my lips, bent over, and took one in my mouth, using my fingers to manipulate the other. I pinched the tight bud and simultaneously bit down.

  Kylie screamed and my cock jerked angrily. An honest to god fucking screamer. One of my biggest kinks. Well, after the chains, and cuffs, and a tiny bit of pain… whatever. Hard no longer described the state of my dick. Tire iron was more appropriate.

  In the hours that led up to that moment, ever since our rendezvous in the hotel attached to the arena, I had constructed a million different scenarios, various versions of foreplay. Most of them involved bringing Kylie to the edge of orgasm over and over as she writhed and bucked. Her skin would be covered in bite marks and bright red handprints and she eventually begged me to fuck her. Cried for it. Every last one of those fantasies went up in smoke as I watched Kylie lose her ever-loving mind from a bit of nipple stimulation.


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