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A Christmas Kiss

Page 2

by Jade Winters

  ‘She could and would do it to anyone,’ Zara finished for her.

  Jules gripped a bunch of hair in her fist. ‘I’m such an idiot. I should have recognized the signs when she wouldn’t stop talking about her. I could have stopped it sooner. Before things between them got this far.’

  ‘Don’t beat yourself up about it. You were both desperate for money. You did what needed to be done. Hindsight’s crap I’m afraid.’

  ‘Even so, we should never have got involved with her after what she did to you. What kind of a shit friend am I?’ Sad apologetic eyes met hers. ‘I’m so sorry, Zara.’

  Zara inhaled deeply, trying to keep her anger in check. ‘Me too. More for you than me.’

  Zara knew how charismatic her mother could be. She could easily charm the birds out of the trees, such was her skill at manipulating people. But it was all for show. She was a back-stabbing, conniving bitch who fooled whoever had the misfortune of coming into contact with her. Unfortunately, Lily couldn’t cut the umbilical cord. And Zara wouldn’t ask her to. She would see her for what she was one of these days. Two faced people couldn’t hide behind their mask forever. The truth always prevailed.

  Jules looked at Zara questioningly. ‘You’re not going to tell Lily about this are you?’

  ‘Not if you don’t want me to.’

  ‘I’d prefer it if you didn’t. It’s so embarrassing. Your mum’s twice my age.’ She stared dejectedly into her glass. ‘Do you mind if I crash here for a couple of nights? I can’t bear to face Leigh at the moment.’

  ‘You know you can stay here as long as you like,’ Zara said, feeling the inadequacy of not being able to help her friend. ‘How about I get another bottle of JD and a take-away? We can get pissed and put all the wrongs in the world to right.’

  Jules nodded gloomily.

  ‘You find the menu in the kitchen drawer while I nip to the loo.’

  Zara hurried along the hallway and into the bathroom. In the dark, she slid slowly to her haunches, her back pressed against the door. In one swift movement she stuffed her fist into her mouth as she closed her eyes and silently wept.

  What would she say to Lily? Who truly believed her mother’s act of betrayal with Zara’s girlfriend was a one off. A drunken mistake. Would she believe her now that she had done it again?

  It didn’t matter. The damage was done. All she knew for sure was that her mother had caused someone else great misery in their lives and that she would be spending yet another Christmas day alone.

  Chapter Three

  Emma stared into the full-length mirror on her bedroom wall. Nervous green eyes peeked out from underneath sultry long lashes. Why were butterflies having a party in her stomach? It wasn’t as if she hadn’t done this a million times. But not without mum’s support. Mo had been the backbone of the gallery. Emma had learnt her trade from a great teacher.

  But it was up to her now. Her alone. Smile, speak a few words, then repeat. Simple. Besides, it shouldn’t be that bad. Lily had sent her a text to accept her invite to the exhibition. She had written plus one. The more the merrier I suppose. At least I won’t feel guilty about leaving her alone if I’m needed elsewhere.

  The reminder on her phone bleeped. Less than an hour to get ready. She shook out her dark long hair, letting it fall loosely around her shoulders. With a stroke of lipstick on her shapely lips and a smudge of blusher on her high cheekbones, Emma’s face was made up to perfection. If only I felt that way inside.

  Emma practiced smiling to herself in the mirror and groaned when she saw how fake it looked. ‘Just relax,’ she told her reflection.

  Letting her silk nightgown drop to the floor, she looked over at the bed where her clothes were laid out. Indecisive as ever when it came to anything outside the scope of work, she had chosen three outfits. A black tailored trouser suit that in her mind made her look like a no-nonsense professional businesswoman who didn’t take crap from anyone. She wrinkled her nose. That wasn’t the look she wanted to portray tonight. She wanted something softer. Fun. Her gaze dropped to the red dress with plunging neckline. Sassy and sexy. But whose attention was she vying for? The remaining grey pencil skirt and white shirt screamed boring, dull and safe.

  As Emma moved towards the bed she surprised herself when she picked up the red dress and carefully slipped it over her head. Back in front of the mirror she turned from left to right, not in vanity but to make sure she was portraying the woman she needed to be tonight.

  Confident. In control. Sure of herself. Only a woman who had those attributes would dare wear such a dress.

  The ride over to the gallery was a quick one. Emma and her mother had deliberately chosen a building near home. It made life easier for them when they worked late. As she pushed open the glass door, she stopped in her tracks as she watched Heidi stride purposefully around the gallery, double checking everything was in place. She looked like a carbon copy of Emma.

  And to think I was worried Heidi couldn’t handle things. Had Emma known Heidi had everything under control she wouldn’t have turned up twenty minutes before the start. As if sensing her presence, Heidi stopped mid-conversation with a waiter, then waved over at Emma with an ‘I told you so’ expression on her face.

  You certainly did. Emma knew if the evening proved to be a success, Heidi was going to be a force to reckon with. It would be time for a pay rise and a new job title. In the new year, she would make Heidi Art Gallery Manager.

  ‘Well look at the lady in red,’ Heidi teased as she helped Emma out of her coat.

  ‘Do you think it’s too revealing?’ Emma leant in close to whisper, suddenly a little unsure of herself.

  ‘Are you crazy? You look stunning. I just hope the guests can keep their eyes off you long enough to appreciate Asia’s talent.’

  ‘Do you think I should get changed?’

  ‘Hell no.’ Heidi turned and caught the attention of a waiter. He hurried over and she handed him Emma’s jacket. ‘Can you bring a glass of champagne please.’

  The waiter just about managed to tear his gaze away from Emma’s cleavage. ‘What, um, yeah sure. Straight away.’

  He backed off, his gaze still fixed on Emma.

  ‘Oh man, if only I had that effect on the opposite sex,’ Heidi said wistfully. ‘I’d be in heaven.’

  Emma felt the blood rush to her face. ‘Do you need help with anything?’ she asked in an attempt to steer the conversation in another direction.

  ‘Nope. Everything’s on track. You can double check if you want,’ she said with a sweeping arm gesture.

  ‘No. I trust you, Heidi.’

  ‘Glad to hear it. Ah here’s Nate with your drink. Now missy, you relax while I go back to work. You deserve it.’

  Heidi gave Emma a quick peck on the cheek before walking away. Nate looked down at the ground as he handed Emma the drink. She thanked him before heading to her office.

  Sitting on a small two seater sofa by the window, for the first time ever, Emma felt like a stranger in her surroundings. Under normal circumstances, she would be the one rushing around frantically, making sure everything was organised to perfection. Now she was here, taking a back seat, she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. Relinquishing control was not in her nature.

  The alcohol she consumed helped ease the anxiety immensely. By the time Asia arrived, just before the doors opened to the public, Emma had finished four glasses of champagne. She wasn’t drunk by any means but she felt a kind of confidence that only alcohol could induce.

  Asia walked towards her with open arms. ‘Oh my God, Em, you’ve excelled yourself.’

  ‘You like?’

  ‘Like,’ Asia said pulling her into a bear hug. ‘It looks fucking ace.’

  ‘I couldn’t have done it without Heidi, she’s been an absolute star.’ Emma gestured for Heidi to join them.

  ‘Thanks, Heidi,’ Asia said gratefully.

  ‘You’re welcome, I have a great teacher,’ Heidi replied, beaming. ‘Em, people are queuing outs
ide already. Shall I let them in?’

  ‘Go ahead,’ Emma said feeling a little giddy. ‘Let the fun begin.’

  Chapter Four

  Zara’s mindset altered the second she walked through the art gallery’s entrance. The atmosphere wasn’t dull and dismal, as she’d expected, it was full exuberant people from all walks of life. The buzz in the air was full of excitement.

  ‘You look surprised.’ Lily raised her voice to be heard.

  ‘I am, very.’

  Zara nabbed two glasses of champagne from the tray being carried by a waiter and handed one to Lily. She lifted the glass to her lips and took a sip, savouring the ice cool bubbles dancing in her mouth. She hadn’t told Lily about their mother yet. Why depress her as well? she had reasoned. No, tonight she didn’t want to dwell on her past. Or her mother’s. Or anybody’s for that matter. She wanted to have fun. Lots of it.

  Wearing black leather skinnies and a black halter top with a keyhole cut-out had been the right choice. Her trendy look fitted right in with the other attendees.

  ‘Good, I’m going to see if I can find Emma. Will you be all right for a few minutes?’

  Zara nodded, her attention already captured by a woman on the edge of a small crowd staring back at her. Petite with long sandy blonde hair, the woman appraised her. A head to toe glance that missed nothing along the way. The woman was good-looking but she didn’t do anything for Zara. The attraction she normally craved was noticeably absent.

  Zara turned away and leisurely glanced around the crowded gallery. Floor to ceiling windows dominated one side of the room and provided a panoramic view of the South Bank. It was so different to how she’d imagined. The last art gallery she had been in looked as if it had run screaming out of the 1930s. Not like this, which was sleek and contemporary.

  Looking straight ahead, Zara’s gaze captured the sight of Lily talking to a woman whose reflection was picked up by a mirror on the side wall. Zara’s hand stopped in mid-air. Surely that’s not Lily’s friend? Lily would have told her about knowing such a stunning woman. No, the woman Lily described came across as serious to the point of being prim and proper. Someone who had difficulty letting go and didn’t know how to have fun. The woman with the heart shaped face appeared to be the complete opposite. She looked confident, self-assured, and sexy as hell in the slinky red dress she wore. Something about her aura set her apart from all the other women in the room. Zara knew she was special, without even exchanging a single word with her.

  The good news was that Lily seemed to know her, whoever she was, and Zara sensed an opportunity.

  Weaving in and out the crowd, Zara made a beeline towards Lily and her companion. As Zara neared, she saw Lily gesture towards her and the other woman turned around. Zara’s knees actually buckled beneath her when their eyes made contact. A tingling sensation she had never experienced before trailed slowly up her spine as she reached the women. The cause could have been the intenseness of her hypnotic green eyes, or the way the dress she wore revealed just enough of her cleavage to make you want to see more. Whatever the reason, Zara couldn’t take her eyes of her.

  ‘Zara, Emma, Emma, Zara.’ Lily performed the introductions with ease.

  I can’t believe this is ‘the’ Emma. Zara took the hand Emma offered and squeezed it gently, liking the feel of her soft tender touch. More than anything, she wanted to settle her face in the crook of Emma’s neck. The fresh scent of her perfume floating in the air was intoxicating, literally causing her senses to spin.

  These strange feelings gave her pause. This was crazy. Zara had been around the block a few times. She wasn’t a stranger to instant attractions with women. But this feeling—it was different, more than just about sex—like their souls meeting again after a lifetime of searching for each other. A true connection. I must still be suffering the after effects of jetlag. She caught herself before getting carried away. I don’t even know this woman. She could be a bunny boiler for all I know.

  Despite thinking this, her heart still fluttered uncontrollably as she said, ‘Nice to meet you. Looks like you’ve got a good turn out tonight, especially on Christmas Eve.’

  The warmth of Emma’s smile reached her eyes. ‘Yes, thankfully. Nothing worse than a half empty room.’

  Her voice was just as sexy as Emma herself. Zara forced herself to concentrate on her words, not her looks. ‘I can imagine. It must be a great relief to have pulled it off. I’d have been a nervous wreck if it was me. But you look like you’re in your element.’

  If Emma was surprised by her comment, she didn’t show it.

  ‘Asia’s a great artist, so I wasn’t overly worried. To be honest I think she was more nervous than me,’ Emma said looping Lily’s arm, ‘So, Lil, why didn’t you tell me you were bringing your elusive sister tonight.’

  Zara caught the secret smile Emma shared with Lily. It didn’t take too many brain cells to figure out what Lily had said about her. Flighty. A commitment-phobe. A workaholic. It didn’t matter to her because it was all true.

  But she only hoped it wouldn’t colour the way Emma thought about her before she had a chance to get to know her. Zara didn’t exactly deem those attributes as being entirely negative.

  How she lived her life was simple. She saw. She liked. She got.

  And Emma was definitely someone she was going to get.

  ‘Well she did have to drag me fighting and screaming,’ Zara said in jest. ‘If only she’d told me about you, I’d have come willingly.’

  Lily’s mouth opened ready to protest and Zara shot her a look that made her jaw snap back together. Yes, Lily had told her about Emma but only the parts that made her sound like one of life’s pessimists. She didn’t want love, nor relationships. Blind dates were a no-no. If Zara was being honest, just hearing about Emma made her tired. Yet now, meeting her in the flesh, her original image of Emma couldn’t be further from the truth. She was hot. Vibrant. Flirty. Everything Zara liked in a woman and much more.

  ‘I’m glad to hear it.’

  Zara could feel the shimmering heat from Emma’s gaze as their eyes locked. Zara gulped. She wasn’t used to being overwhelmed to the point of speechlessness. Yet that’s how she found herself at that moment. Damn I need another drink.

  The silence hung longer than she felt comfortable with. She willed her brain to come up with something. Anything.

  ‘I love your dress, very se—’ Zara caught herself before she looked like a total idiot. ‘Um, you know nice.’

  Lily rolled her eyes.

  What the hell is wrong with me? I’m like an inexperienced teenager out on the town for the first time.

  Emma’s face turned a pale shade of red, which immediately bolstered Zara’s confidence. Emma, she realised, was just as nervous as her.

  ‘So what do you do with yourself when you’re not running this place.’

  ‘Think about running this place,’ Emma confessed sheepishly.

  ‘You must have some down time, surely?’ Zara pressed. She wanted to know everything about her. What made her tick. What lit her fire.

  Emma shifted uncomfortably on her feet. ‘Not really. What can I say, I love my job? We’ve … I’ve only been open two years so I’m still at the building block stage.’

  ‘You know what they say about all work and no play, don’t you?’

  ‘Yeah, but believe me there’s nothing boring about this place. I get the opportunity to meet such talented people every day.’

  Either Emma wasn’t taking the hint or she was being deliberately coy. ‘I can believe that. But work’s not the same as, you know, going out and having fun.’

  ‘What I think Zara’s trying to say,’ Lily cut in sharply, ‘is that life’s not all about work. Aren’t you dear sis.’

  Seeing the daggers Lily shot her, Zara backed off. ‘That’s exactly what I mean. I should know. It takes years to find a balance.’

  ‘And have you found it?’ Emma asked, seeming genuinely interested.

  ‘Um, well
no, not exactly,’ Zara admitted. She wasn’t about to lie. Not in front of Lily anyway. She would no doubt pull her up on it. ‘But I’m getting there.’

  Emma studied her for a while, then said, ‘So what do you do for, “fun” as you put it?’

  Zara felt the heat rush to her cheeks. Emma had put the ball firmly back in her court now. ‘Me? Oh you know…’

  ‘No, I don’t but I’d be very interested to find out,’ Emma said whilst giving her a knowing look.

  Touché. ‘Exercise,’ Zara said flirtatiously. ‘I love to exercise.’

  Lily snorted. ‘No you don’t!’

  ‘How do you know what I get up to in the evening?’ Zara said with a smirk.

  ‘Oh.’ Lily’s face flushed crimson and she took a gulp of her drink.

  ‘Do you exercise a lot?’ Emma asked. The slight curve of her lips spoke volumes as did the glint in her eyes.

  Zara chuckled. ‘Sometimes. I don’t like overexerting myself, if you see what I mean.’

  ‘Hmm, I could see how it could become tiring,’ Emma said trailing her bottom lip with her fingertip. ‘How often a week would you say then?’

  ‘That’s a difficult one—’

  ‘More than twice a week?’

  ‘Depends where I am.’ She slipped out the tip of her tongue and slowly moistened her lips. ‘How about you?’

  Emma cleared her throat. ‘Um, I haven’t exercised in a while.’

  ‘I’d be more than happy to help if you need—’

  ‘Hey, Em, can I borrow you a minute?’ A tall slender woman appeared from nowhere and tugged at Emma’s arm.

  ‘Sure. I’ll catch up with you both in a minute,’ Emma said before walking off with the woman.

  Lily stepped forward and grabbed Zara’s arm. ‘I cannot believe you. I know that exercise talk was all about sex. Jesus, Zara, I told you Emma’s not that kind of person.’

  ‘She didn’t seem bothered by my little innuendoes. In fact, she seemed quite keen to join in.’

  ‘She most probably didn’t know what else to say. You were practically drooling over her.’


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