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A Christmas Kiss

Page 4

by Jade Winters

  Emma shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. ‘It is what it is.’

  In that moment, Zara got a sense of who Emma was. She wasn’t a cynical, pragmatic woman who lived for work. That was the fear talking. Just from a single kiss, Zara could tell that passion ran deep in her. If only she’d open the door and let someone in – not someone. Me.

  They talked some more about decorating and house prices then moved onto Emma’s art gallery. More than two hours had passed before they got around to the topic of Christmas.

  ‘Are you going to relatives for dinner tomorrow?’ Zara asked, suddenly aware there wasn’t a single Christmas decoration in the room. She briefly recalled Lily had attended Emma’s mother’s funeral, but that’s all she really knew about her background.

  Sadness clouded Emma’s eyes. ‘No, I’ll be here alone.’

  ‘Oh.’ Zara laced her fingers and stared down at them. At that moment in time she wanted to rush over to Emma’s side and embrace her. In a motherly way, she wanted to protect her. Make her feel safe. Wanted. Loved. It saddened her to think of Emma spending Christmas alone in this beautiful but sad, lifeless room. She glanced over at the fireplace and wondered when was the last time it had been lit or when there had been laughter echoing in the hallways.

  ‘How about you?’ Emma’s voice recaptured her attention.

  Zara put her coffee on the table beside her and raised her gaze to meet Emma’s. ‘I never make plans for Christmas. I’m normally out of the country this time of year.’

  ‘With work?’

  Zara nodded, still feeling heavy hearted about Emma being alone. ‘I scout locations for film companies.’

  ‘Wow.’ She gave a nod of approval. ‘That must be so exciting.’

  ‘It is. I just got back from New Zealand a couple of days ago. I’m off to the Pacific Islands in a few days to find the backdrop for a castaway type movie.’

  ‘It sounds like heaven,’ Emma said wistfully.

  ‘It is, but it plays havoc with my sleep patterns,’ Zara said covering her mouth while she let out a little yawn.

  ‘You tired?’

  ‘A bit.’

  Emma glanced at her watch. ‘Oh my God, it’s three o’clock. I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone?’

  ‘It’s been well spent though. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you a little better.’

  ‘Likewise,’ Emma said, as she raked her fingers through her hair. She drew in a breath and slowly released it. ‘Do you …want to stay the night?’

  Zara thought about it for a second. The toss-up between trying to find a cab and spending the night in a room next to Emma was a no brainer. It didn’t even cross her mind that Emma’s intentions were anything other than a friendly gesture. Not that she would have complained if it wasn’t. ‘If you’ve got a spare room—’

  ‘I meant with me.’

  Zara felt electricity flow between them from across the room. Her heart rate increased as every nerve ending in her body tingled. Rising from her chair on unsteady legs, she walked over to Emma and knelt down in front of her.

  ‘Are you saying what I think you’re saying?’

  Their gazes held for a moment. Emma’s eyes burnt with desire.


  ‘We don’t have to do anything you know. I can just—’

  ‘Shhh.’ Emma nibbled nervously on her bottom lip. ‘I want you.’

  Zara leant in and caught Emma’s hand in her own and pressed it to her lips. She dropped butterfly kisses along Emma’s hand until she reached her fingertips, then slowly slid each finger into her mouth. Her body began to heat with a need she’d never experienced before. Zara’s breath quickened when Emma guided Zara’s hand down the front of her dress. Emma closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath as Zara caressed her breast, gently squeezing her hardened nipple between her finger and thumb. With her free hand, Zara trailed her fingers under Emma’s dress, sliding it higher up until Emma jolted beneath her touch.

  ‘Open your eyes. Look at me,’ Zara whispered.

  Emma slowly did what Zara requested. She widened her legs as Zara moved the thin strip of her underwear aside and stroked her most intimate spot. Gently at first then gradually increasing the pace until Emma twisted and squirmed beneath her touch. Emma pulled Zara towards her as Zara slid her fingers into Emma’s centre, devouring her mouth in desperation. Zara rhythmically pushed in and out as Emma’s body became more frantic. Her lips moved to Emma’s throat as she pressed deeper, harder. So wet. So warm. So inviting.

  Emma’s groans got louder, more urgent. She begged and pleaded for climax.

  Her back now arched, Emma pressed against Zara’s hand with full force. Her head tilted back on the edge of the sofa. Her breath rasping in short pants as Zara’s tongue trailed a blaze down her chest until her mouth covered Emma’s breast. Zara took Emma’s nipple between her teeth and Emma went wild. Her body desperate for release. But Zara wasn’t ready to finish yet. She had only just got started. She wanted to prolong this moment for as long as she could. To lose herself in Emma. Her body craved her. Her soul needed her.

  In one swift movement, Zara pulled Emma to the floor, undressing her until she lay naked beneath her, hot and wet—ready, almost purring. Emma’s body quivered as Zara’s mouth roamed every inch of her from head to toe, using her lips and tongue to whip Emma into another frenzy, drinking her essence until she climaxed crying out Zara’s name. Emma held Zara’s head between her thighs as her whole body trembled, like the rumblings of an earthquake.

  Minutes later Emma let out a nervous laugh. ‘Sorry about that.’

  ‘It’s all right,’ Zara said crawling up to lay beside her. ‘I can’t think of a better way to suffocate.’

  Emma’s hands sought out the buttons on Zara’s shirt without hesitation. Kissing her deeply, Emma undid them one by one and slid her hand inside.

  ‘Are you still a little tired?’ Emma asked as she drew away slightly.

  Zara would let her find out for herself. She guided Emma’s hand between her legs. ‘What do you think?’

  Chapter Seven

  Emma awoke to snowflakes falling gently past her window. It’s snowing! How perfect. First an amazing night, then a white Christmas. Can things get any better? She wouldn’t have believed the previous night happened if not for the fact that her body ached—in a good way—and she lay in bed stark naked. It was going to be the best Christmas day ever. Stretching lazily, she turned to her right with a smile. Her joy was short-lived as she took in the empty space beside her.

  Emma desperately patted the space to see if it was warm. Zara could be in the bathroom. No. The sheet was cold. She pushed herself into a sitting position and looked around the room. No sign of the clothes she’d torn off Zara as they’d made their way to the bed. She dragged the sheet over her chest, as if it would somehow cover her vulnerability and hide the shame she felt for thinking their encounter was going to be more than a one-night stand.

  ‘Great,’ she said aloud. ‘She didn’t even have the decency to say goodbye.’

  Emma wanted to cry, but what had she expected. A woman like Zara wasn’t going to sit around playing happy families with her on Christmas day. She has a life – one that obviously doesn’t involve me.

  Emma heard her mobile phone ringing downstairs. She fell over herself as she hurried to answer it, all the while praying it was Zara. To her dismay it wasn’t.

  ‘Happy Christmas, cuz,’ Heidi said.

  In the background she could hear jingle bells playing on the radio and laughter.

  ‘Happy Christmas,’ she replied, feeling like the Grinch. How dare she be feel sorry for herself when there were people out there worse off than herself. Although she used this excuse to try and shift the melancholy, it didn’t work.

  ‘Why’re you sounding down in the dumps? I thought you’d be high as a kite this morning.’

  So did I. ‘Nothing. I’m fine. I just woke up.’

  Heidi laughed. ‘I bet you did, you dirt
y bugger. I’ve got to get on and feed the masses. I’ll call you later for all the gossip.’

  ‘Have a great day,’ Emma said before putting the phone down. It was then she noticed a pair of earrings on the coffee table. Zara’s earrings. Emma knew what she planned was a sign of desperation but she needed closure. She needed to hear Zara say their tryst was a one-night stand and nothing more. She brought up Lily’s number and sent her a text asking for Zara’s address, under the pretence of needing to send her something.

  Emma didn’t want to speak to Zara on the phone, she wanted to see her face to face. If there wasn’t a future for them she’d rather know now than hang on to an unattainable dream. By the time Emma had showered and dressed, Lily had replied with an address in Kensington.

  It took ten minutes to drive there. The roads were empty as were the streets. Most of the population would be playing happy families in front of the Christmas tree.

  Emma whistled when she pulled up outside Zara’s mews building. It was a charming refurbished old stable situated along a narrow cobble street. She pressed the door bell and waited. Zara’s earrings were held firmly in her hand as Emma practiced her speech in her head. ‘I know you’re going away in a few days and I thought you’d need these.’

  That sounded fake and contrived when all she wanted to say was, ‘Did you mean to make me feel used? Because if you did, it worked.’

  She heard muffled laughter as footsteps neared the front door. When it opened Emma stepped back in horror. A woman with a sheet wrapped around her body stood there. Lipstick was smudged on her face and her hair was dishevelled. It was obvious what she was in the middle of, or had just finished. Her heart sank to her stomach.

  ‘Oh I’m sorry,’ Emma said thinking quickly on her feet. ‘I’m looking for Gloria. Wrong house. Merry Christmas,’ she called out over her shoulder as she ran back to her car.

  Blinking back the tears she felt welling in her eyes, Emma drove away, cursing herself for being such a naïve fool. She hadn’t even thought to ask if Zara was seeing someone. Why wouldn’t she be? Someone like her is hardly going to be single.

  After driving around for nearly half an hour with no specific destination, Emma turned towards home. When she finally pulled up outside her house she rested her head against the steering wheel. She didn’t want to go inside where the memory of Zara waited to haunt her with all the dreams she hoped would come true. Especially Christmas day being spent with an amazing person. Maybe I should buy a dog. At least they’d be company. They’re loyal. Unlike most human beings.

  Emma considered driving to the homeless shelter where Heidi was working for the day but decided against it. As if those poor souls aren’t depressed enough without having my black cloud ruin the day.

  Emma reluctantly got out of the car once it became colder inside than it was out. She slowly walked up the path, head down, looking for her house keys in her bag. The thought of Chinese and Netflix no longer appealing, she planned to spend the day in bed—in the spare room. Her bedroom would only remind Emma of the passionate night they’d spent together. She’d wait until Heidi came over and changed the bedding. Only then would she re-enter her once safe haven and try to block the happy memories from that night.

  Still wallowing in her self-imposed misery, Emma neared the front door. She cocked her head when she thought she heard a voice. Zara’s voice. Emma dared not wish for this to be true. She wouldn’t be able to withstand the disappointment if she was just hearing things.

  Emma slowly looked up to see Zara, whose arms were wrapped tightly around her body as she hopped from one foot to the other. She wore a full-length coat, and suede high-heeled boots. At her feet were several bags of shopping.

  ‘About time. I thought I was going to freeze to death.’

  Emma remained silent, rooted to the spot. She opened her mouth to speak several times but no words would come.

  ‘Emma?’ Zara asked with concern. ‘Is everything all right?’

  Emma’s face creased in confusion. Her voice wavered when she said, ‘Zara, what are you doing here?’

  ‘I thought we could spend Christmas together.’


  The smile disappeared from Zara’s face to be replaced with one of discomfort. ‘Have I crossed the line? I thought after last night … Sorry, I should have asked before—’

  ‘No, not at all. I just thought you had plans.’ Emma opened the front door and helped Zara with the bags. Her mind was in a tizzy. What was Zara playing at? Did she really think Emma was going to share her with another woman? Was Zara even planning on telling Emma she had a partner or was she going to play her for a fool?

  ‘I told you I don’t plan Christmas. Where’ve you been anyway? I thought you’d still be in bed after last night,’ Zara said, wiggling her eyebrows.

  Heat spread through Emma’s body at the memory. She pushed the door shut with a nudge of her shoulder and gestured for Zara to follow her down the hallway into the kitchen.

  ‘You left your earrings behind so I got your address from Lily.’ Emma paused as she put the bags on the worktop. She didn’t want to think of the woman in Zara’s house. The woman who was obviously sharing her bed. When she realised Zara was waiting for her to continue, she reluctantly carried on. ‘So I dropped by your place to return them.’

  Zara grinned. ‘Oh, now I understand why you seem a bit ... distant. You must have met Jules.’

  Emma narrowed her eyes. Anger quickly building inside at the thought of Zara messing with her emotions. ‘It’s not funny, Zara. I don’t know what kind of women you’re used to but I don’t sleep with people who have partners.’

  ‘Emma,’ Zara said, still smiling. She took a step towards her and stopped when Emma moved sideways, out of her reach. ‘Jules isn’t my partner—’

  ‘Of course she isn’t,’ Emma said shrugging her arms out of her jacket and throwing it on the back of a chair. ‘Don’t lie to me. I saw her—’

  ‘You saw what? A woman in my house,’ Zara said incredulously. ‘And you just put two and two together and made five.’

  ‘Well what do you expect me to think. You fuck me last night and I wake up in the morning and you’re gone. Not even a goodbye. I felt like a prostitute without the benefit of being paid.’ Emma was on a roll. All the anger and frustration she felt at the world and her father was being targeted at Zara.

  ‘Whoa, hold on a minute. I admit, you’re right. I should have woken you but you looked so peaceful, I couldn’t.’ The regret in her voice was achingly genuine. ‘I thought you’d still be sleeping by the time I got back and—’

  ‘Is this after you ran off to your other woman.’

  ‘Listen, it’s a long story which I’ll share with you over dinner,’ she said gesturing to the shopping bags. ‘But I’ll tell you this much now if you give me a minute. Jules isn’t my girlfriend. She’s my best friend who happens to be crashing at my place while she works things out with her partner.’

  Emma stiffened, momentarily silenced by Zara’s revelation. ‘You’re … best friend?’

  The sincere look in Zara’s eyes told Emma she was being truthful. Oh shit, I’ve really put my foot in this one. Emma prayed for a big black hole to swallow her up. To say she felt embarrassed for being so quick to jump to conclusions was an understatement. She racked her brain, trying to find something to say to diffuse the situation she had created. Forcing a smile, she said, ‘Well, if what she was wearing—or not wearing—was anything to go by, I’d pretty much say it’s sorted.’

  Zara stepped forward again and pulled Emma into her arms. ‘I’m sure they have.’ She planted a kiss on Emma’s lips then drew back and held Emma at arm’s length. ‘Right, now we’ve sorted out that little misunderstanding, how about we get this day started on the right foot?’

  Emma watched as Zara moved across to the worktop and began unpacking. ‘We’ve got Champagne, turkey and lamb and all the trimmings.’ She looked at Emma in disapproval. ‘I noticed your take away cart
ons in the fridge—take-away is such a no-no on Christmas day.’

  ‘I know,’ Emma said meekly.

  ‘Anyway, it doesn’t matter now,’ Zara said briskly, taking full command of the situation while Emma stood there still numb with shock at how quickly things had turned around in the last twenty-four hours. ‘I’ll go and get the logs from my car. Then we can light a fire and put up the decorations—’


  ‘Yes, Emma, decorations.’ Zara tutted. ‘You know Christmas ain’t Christmas without decorations, silly. Will you get the glasses ready?’

  Emma nodded. She was in a daze. The mental image of her spending Christmas alone collapsed into a million pieces. Zara was here and she was going to spend the day with her. She said a silent thank you to her mother who she believed was always looking out for her then went in search of the glasses. Setting them down on the worktop, she felt Zara’s hands on her shoulders.

  ‘Are we all set to pop open the champers?’ Zara turned Emma around to face her.

  Emma’s jaw dropped open and she gasped for breath when Zara opened her coat one button painstakingly at a time to reveal the sexiest Santa outfit she’d ever seen. The skimpy red velvet bra and mini skirt barely covered Zara’s sleek, silhouette body.

  Zara gave a satisfactory grin at Emma’s reaction as she pushed her hand into her pocket and withdrew a sexy Santa hat which matched her outfit. She placed it on Emma’s head and said, ‘Perfect. Now I’ve got what I’ve always wanted. My own Mrs Claus. Oh and I’ve got you something.’

  With great difficulty, Emma managed to drag her eyes away from Zara’s protruding chest to her face.

  ‘You shouldn’t have. I didn’t get you anything.’

  ‘Yes you did. You gave me the best memory I’ve had of Christmas in a long time.’

  In the palm of Zara’s hand lay a sprig of mistletoe. ‘Remind you of anything?’

  ‘Our Christmas kiss.’ Oh my God, this is sooooooo romantic. She could barely keep the excitement out of her voice. ‘You kept it?’

  ‘Yep,’ Zara said tracing her fingertip along Emma’s earlobe. She snuggled closer to Emma and pressed her back against the worktop. Letting her coat drop to the floor, she used her knee to ease open Emma’s legs and slid her thigh between them. ‘In fact, I think we should keep it. Bring it out every year to remind ourselves—’


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