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Finding Cyn: Devil's Knights Series

Page 10

by Winter Travers

  “No, you can just set the table if you want. Shouldn’t be no more than ten minutes till its ready.”

  I grabbed plates and silverware and set them on the table. Milk, butter, juice and syrup joined the table after I inspected the fridge and grabbed what we needed.

  I pulled up a chair and sat at the table.

  “How’d you sleep, beautiful?” I asked, draining my coffee cup.

  “Good. I didn’t wake up once.’ She flipped a huge waffle out of the iron on to the plate and grabbed the bacon and set both plates in front of me. ‘Eat.” Cyn smiled at me and turned back to the waffle iron. She filled it with batter and snapped the lid shut.

  “I’ll wait till you can eat too, babe,” I said, pushing the plate away from me.

  “That’s crazy, eat. It’s nice and hot. You’ll hurt my feelings if you don’t eat, Armando.” She threw a wink over her shoulder at me and turned back to check on the waffle iron.

  “Not Armando, babe,” I smirk as I slathered my waffle with butter.

  “Then what is it?” She asked.

  “Nice try,” I chuckled as I poured syrup all over my waffle, filling every crevices and hole till they are overflowing.

  “Holy shit, Rigid. You want some waffle with your syrup,” she joked seeing the swimming pool of syrup I have going on.

  Setting her plate in front of her chair, I see she only has half a waffle and one piece of bacon. “That all you going to eat, babe?” I asked as I shovel a quarter of the waffle in my mouth. I moan around the sweet goodness. Cyn can definitely cook.

  “Yeah, why?’ She asked as she cut a small piece off and held her fork up in front of her mouth.

  “Because that is not going to fill you up.” I pointed out.

  “Yeah, it will if I eat it slow enough.” She insisted, taking a small bite.

  My fork freezes halfway to my mouth and shake my head. What the fuck did she say? “Come again, babe.”

  “The slower you eat, the fuller you get. If you wolf down your food, your stomach can’t catch up and tell your brain you’re full.”

  “Babe, that’s the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever heard. Just fucking eat. You hungry?” I asked.

  “Um, yeah. That’s why I have a plate of food in front of me. I can’t eat as much as you, Rigid. I would have hips the size of a Cadillac.” Cutting off another piece of waffle, she slowly chews it and swallows. This is almost fucking comical.

  “You haven’t eaten like this the past two weeks. What’s with the change?” I shovel another quarter of waffle in my mouth followed with half a piece of bacon.

  “I always eat like this. I was too doped up on pain pills the last two weeks to care. I need to lose a couple pounds,” she explained as though what she is said made sense.

  Cyn lose weight? Was she fucking out of her mind? Her body was fucking perfect. She had curves in all the right places and my hands were itching to follow each and every one.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, wondering if she maybe took one too many pain pills this morning.

  “Ok! Fifteen pounds,” she grumbled, cutting her waffle into tiny pieces. She is completely out of her fucking mind.

  “Babe,” I growled.

  She kept her eyes glued to her plate, basically massacring her waffle.

  “Eyes. Now,” I demanded.

  She kept her face to the plate but her eyes moved to me. “What?” She sassed.

  “If you lose a fucking ounce off you, I will put you over my knee and spank the living shit out of you.”

  She rolled her eyes at me and mumbled something under her breath about Fatty McFat pants and living in a doughnut house and snorted.

  Even pissing me off, thinking she needed to lose weight, she still made me laugh. This is the carefree woman I saw that first night I met her. “No fucking clue what you said, babe, but I’ll come live in that doughnut house with you,” I smirk.

  “Nope. Only fatties get to live in the doughnut house. You’re too hard and muscly to even think about living there. The doughnut house is mine.”

  “Are we really talking about a doughnut house right now?” I asked. I couldn’t believe this is the conversation were having.

  “You brought up living there with me,” She said as though we were having a normal conversation.

  “Fucking crazy,” I muttered under my breath.

  She shrugged her shoulders at me and we finished eating in silence.

  As I was loading the dishwasher, I heard a car door slam and Meg walked in seconds later.

  “Aw man, I missed waffles,” she said in greeting as she tossed her purse next to the couch.

  “I saved you some,” Cyn said as she grabbed the other half of her waffle from the fridge and popped it in the toaster.

  “Score!” Meg said as she grabbed the syrup out of the fridge.

  “Meg, Rigid wants to live in the doughnut house with us,” Cyn said as she grabbed the waffle from the toaster, lying it on a plate and took it to Meg who took a seat at the table.

  “Bullshit. He’s way too hard and stuff,” Meg said as she slathered butter and syrup on her waffle.

  “See, told you,” Cyn said smugly, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Dude, if Lo can’t live in the doughnut house, you can’t either.” Meg cut into her waffle, shoveling half of it in, in one bit. At least Meg wasn’t afraid to eat.

  “I swear to God, it’s like you two chicks are in a different world. What the fuck are you two talking about?” I asked, annoyed with this whole conversation.

  “Cyn and I are fat,” Meg said as if that explained everything.

  “What the fuck! Neither of you are fat!”

  “He’s so sweet,” Meg cooed to Cyn, shoveling the last of the waffle into her mouth.

  “He is.’ Cyn agreed, sitting across from Meg at the table. ‘But don’t tell anyone. He needs to keep the tough guy act up.”

  Meg threw her head back and laughed. “Lo is the same way. Sweet with me and then a jackass whenever he’s around the club.”

  “What the fuck is a doughnut house?” I asked, annoyed Meg and Cyn were talking about how sweet Lo and I were.

  “The place Meg and I are going to live so we can be surrounded by doughnuts and eat the living shit out of them and not have to worry about anyone judging us,” Meg explained.

  “You’re fucking crazy,” I countered.

  “You can’t come because you wouldn’t eat doughnuts all day. You’d end up eating one and lose weight. Cyn and I gain weight just looking at them. It’s not fair.” Meg pouted as though this whole crazy conversation was going to happen.

  “I can’t even wrap my head around this shit right now. I’m going to tell you again Cyn, you lose any weight and we are going to have a problem. I like you the way you are. Meg,’ I looked at her, a big grin on her face, ‘King thinks the same thing about you. You both need to get that twisted bullshit out of your heads that you need to lose weight or diet.” I couldn’t take this anymore. They were both fucking crazy.

  “Ok, Anakin,” Meg giggled, as she stood up and took her plate to the dishwasher and dropped it in. I slammed it shut, twisting the knobs to start it up.

  “Time for Sons!” Meg shouted. She walked into the living room and flipped on the TV and started pulling up Netflix.

  “What the fuck just happened?” I asked Cyn who is still sitting at the table.

  She shrugged her shoulder and giggled. “Meg,” she said as if that’s all the explanation needed.

  “You want to watch TV or do something else?” I asked, done with the ridiculous conversation.

  “TV is good for now. Maybe we can have a bonfire tonight or something?” She suggested.

  “Fuck yeah. We can have a cookout. I’m sure the brothers from the clubhouse will be down with that.” I pulled my phone out, shooting off a text to Demon to spread the word.

  “Did you just invite all of the Devil’s Knights to my house tonight?” Cyn asked, her mouth hanging open.

��Yeah, babe. They live for a good party.” The fuckers honestly did. Plus it would be good for Cyn to be around more people. She was becoming a hermit sitting in the house all day.

  “Rigid, I don’t have enough food to feed that many people.”

  “So then we hit the store up or I can text Turtle a list of shit you want and he can pick it up.”

  “Are you two coming to watch Sons with me or am I going to have to drool over Jax all by myself, Cyn?”

  “What the fuck is she talking about?” I asked Cyn.

  She turned bright red and hightailed it to the living room. I followed behind just in time to see her dive into Meg who was sprawled out on the couch.

  “You bitch!” Meg shrieked when Cyn boob punched her.

  “Would you shut up? I’m going to tell King all about your Opie obsession.”

  “Gah, go ahead. He gets all sexy mad and thinks he has to show me how much hotter he is than Opie. Be my guest, Cyn,” Meg said, rubbing her hands together.

  Cyn screwed her face up in a grimace and stuck her tongue out at Meg. “Can we please have one conversation that doesn’t involve King and his prowess in the bedroom?”

  “I can’t promise anything but I’ll try.” Meg winked.

  “You want to go to the store or have Turtle bring you the shit?” I asked.

  “What are we going to the store for?” Meg asked.

  “Rigid invited all the guys over for a cookout and a bonfire tonight. You need to come.” Cyn demanded.

  “No can do, chica. Troy took off from work so I have to be there. I can swing by after if it’s still going on, but I’ll help you shop for food. You’d be surprised by how much a group of hungry bikers can eat.”

  “That sucks. Why the hell does Troy need off?” Cyn asked.

  Meg looked at me, unsure if she could tell Cyn what I’m sure King told her. “He’s helping out on some club business. Get dressed so we can hit up the store.”

  “Wait, what is Troy doing? Does it have to do with Asshat?” Cyn asked.

  “Yeah. Now get dressed,” I ordered.

  “Really, that’s all the info I get? This totally has to do with me. I should know what’s going on,” Cyn said, stomping her foot, refusing to move until I told her what was going on.

  “Troy’s up in Fall’s City keeping an eye on the Assassins and fuck face, making sure they don’t leave till I head up there in a week or so. Dressed. Now,” I ordered. I had managed to make it this far without telling Cyn what was going on. She had enough shit to deal with, she didn’t need to worry about anything that had to do with Nick.

  “He’s not going to get hurt, is he?” Cyn asked, concern lacing her voice.

  It pissed me off she was worried about Troy. The fucker could handle himself, Cyn had nothing to worry about. “He’s fine. They have no idea who he is,” I promised.

  “You better be right,” Cyn said as she stormed out of the room.

  I looked at Meg who had a shit eating grin on her face. “What?”

  “You like her,” Meg sang out.

  Fuck. Now I was going to have to deal with Meg’s crazy ass alone. “Yeah. So?”

  “I wouldn’t be worried about Troy. I asked her if she like him again and she said no. She sees him as a brother.”

  “Good to know, but I’m not worried about that fucker.”

  “Mmhm,” Meg hummed.

  I grabbed my boots, sliding my feet into the. “You might want to put a shirt on,” Meg giggled from the couch.

  I looked down, realizing I had only jeans and boots on, no shirt.

  Fuck me.


  Chapter 15


  I was trying to find a shirt that would cover the bruises that kept popping up on my arms. Thankfully it was spring and spring in Wisconsin was never really warm.

  I found an old Badger long sleeve tee I hadn’t worn in ages. I tried sliding my casted arm through the sleeve and only made it halfway before I got stuck. I ripped it off and sailed it across the room into the growing pile of clothes that didn’t work with a broken arm.

  I finally grabbed a short sleeve shirt that fit over my cast and grabbed my leather jacket, putting my good arm in and let the other sleeve hang loosely. Shoving my feet into a pair of flip flops, I headed back out to the living room.

  Rigid passed me in the hallway and headed into my room.

  “This is as good as it’s going to get,” I said to Meg, pulling my hair out from under my jacket.

  “You look like a hot motorcycle chick. All you need is a pair of kick ass boots. Oh! We should hit up the Harley store on the way to the grocery store!” Meg exclaimed. She clapped her hands and jumped up and down.

  “I don’t have the money for boots, Meg. Lord knows how long I’m going to be off work.”

  “I’ll buy you boots, beautiful. You’ll need them for when you’re on the back of my bike,” Rigid said as he walked out, pulling his cut on over his shirt he finally put on.

  “You’re not buying me boots. I don’t need them.”

  “Yeah, you do,” he insisted.

  “You can’t make me buy boots. I won’t try any on! You can’t buy them if you don’t know what size I am! Ha!” I shouted.

  “I know her size! Lo wanted me to pick up some new boots, too. Oh yeah! Shoe shopping! I’ll drive!” Meg chirped and headed out the door to her truck.

  “You can’t buy me boots,” I repeated.

  “I can and I will.” Rigid walked out the door, leaving me with my mouth hanging open.

  What the hell just happened? I thought we were just going to the grocery store to get shit for the cookout and now we were going shoe shopping?

  He wasn’t going to buy me shoes. I would just refuse. Simple as that.



  “Oh my god! Look at these!” Meg squealed as she grabbed a pair of boots off the shelf that had purple and orange flames on the toe.

  Cyn had a pair of kick ass black pair of boots with a couple inch heel that laced up the back. She looked amazing in them.

  “This is too much, Rigid. Meg is buying her own boots, why can’t I buy mine?”

  “I’m buying both pairs right now and King is paying me back for Meg’s. Find another excuse for me not to buy them for you,” I smirked.

  “I hate you, but I love these,” she purred, lifting her foot up to admire them.

  “That mean I get to buy them for you?”

  “Humph, I wouldn’t be so smug about it. You haven’t seen the price tag yet,” she giggled.

  “You love them, they’re worth it.” I grabbed her empty box and Meg’s and headed to the cash register.

  “Hey! I need that!” Cyn yelled at me as I walked away.

  “Wear those home. They look a fuck of a lot better.” I dropped the boxes at the register and paid the cashier.

  After throwing the girls old shoes into the boxes, we headed out to the grocery store, Meg behind the wheel. Cyn was sitting in the middle pressed up against me, my arm thrown over her shoulder.

  “Lo is going to flip when he sees these boots. Now I definitely feel like an ol’ lady.” Meg beamed as we pulled into the parking lot.

  “I still can’t believe you got purple flames on your boots.” Cyn giggled as she slid out of the truck.

  “Hey, these are kick ass. I’ve never seen a pair like them before.’

  “I’d believe that, the fucking box had dust on it. They probably sat on the shelf for years.” I mumbled under my breath.

  Cyn giggled and covered her mouth with her hand.

  Meg grabbed a cart, put her foot on the bottom rack, and pushed off with the other, rocketing herself through the parking lot to the front door.

  “This is going to be interesting, isn’t it, beautiful?” I laughed, watching Meg careening towards a parked car.

  “It’s always interesting when Meg is around,” Cyn laughed and ran to catch up to Meg.

  King was going to owe me big for spending the
day with his ol’ lady.

  Fuck me.



  “We really need ten pounds of brats? That seems like a shit ton,” I muttered, watching Meg load the cart up. We already had three packs of hot dogs, five pounds each of potato salad and cole slaw, plus a bunch of baking shit because Meg was going to whip up some bars before she headed off to work.

  “Buns!” Meg shouted and headed off to the other side of the store.

  “Are you sure you can afford all this?” I asked, surveying the ever growing mountain of food. I had given up insisting I would pay for the food, when Rigid went to get a second cart.

  “Yeah, all the brothers will chip in. No worries, beautiful,” he said, reassuring me.

  “Cyn! A little help!” Meg boomed from across the store.

  “Better go help your girl,” Rigid chuckled, heading the opposite direction of Meg.

  “Traitor,” I mumbled under me breath.

  I made my way to Meg, starting to regret Rigid’s brilliant idea for a cookout. I was fucking exhausted and in desperate need of a nap.

  I counted down the hours till Meg would leave for work and planned to slip out of the party shortly after dinner. I was feeling better, but I still wasn’t one hundred percent.

  Help Meg bake, man the grill, eat, then crash. I just hope it worked out that way.


  Chapter 16


  “I’ve got to run or I’ll be late for work. I promise to head back over after to work. I’m sure the guys will still be here. King said they were in need of letting off steam,” Meg rambled as she shoved her feet in her new boots and grabbed her keys off the counter.

  After unloading the groceries, Meg and I set about making banana cream bars and snickers bars. Rigid cleaned up the backyard and set up the grill. Gravel and Gambler came over with a load of chairs and tables and worked on setting them up then headed back to the clubhouse.

  I had put the brats to boil in beer and the potato salad and cole slaw were set in bowls, chilling in the fridge.

  “Thanks for all the help, Meg. I wish you could be here,” I confessed, worried about tonight. I was getting a little anxious thinking about all the people who were about to invade my house.


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