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Finding Cyn: Devil's Knights Series

Page 13

by Winter Travers

  “Un-fucking-believable,” Cyn said as Gambler wrapped the last one on the rung, ending the game and beating our asses again.

  “Rigid, you suck!” Cyn said, pointing her finger at me.

  “Beautiful, I did all I could,” I laughed, enjoying the way Cyn had relaxed, throwing attitude around.

  “You were supposed to make up for the fact I can’t throw worth a shit thanks to this fucking cast.’ Cyn said to me. ‘Rematch in two weeks when I get this fucking thing off,” Cyn said to Gravel, waving her cast around.

  “It’s a date, darlin’. I look forward to whipping your ass again,” Slider said, grabbing the last beer from the case and throwing the empty box into the fire.

  All the other brothers were sprawled out in lawn chairs surrounding the fire. It was going on eleven o’clock and we had managed to finish that last game by the light of the campfire.

  “You gave us a run for our money, sweetheart,” Gravel said plopping down into a chair, and popping open a beer.

  There was only one chair left open. I grabbed Cyn, pulling her over to the chair, sitting down in it and pulling her onto my lap. She had four wine coolers while we were playing so she was a bit on the tipsy side and willingly came to me.

  I nestled her into the crook of my arm and wrapped my other arm around her waist. She had been close to me all night but just out of arms reach. I needed to touch her.

  “Don’t blow smoke up my ass, Gravel. You whipped our asses,” Cyn said snuggling into me.

  “Next time we should play for money,” Gambler said from across the fire.

  “I’m too poor for that shit,” Cyn said as she drained her drink and threw it next to out chair.

  “I won’t let you lose too badly,” Gambler winked at Cyn.

  I let out a growl, warning Gambler to lay the fuck off Cyn. She elbowed me in the gut, giggling and whispered, “He’s harmless.”

  “You mean shameless, beautiful.” I nestled my nose in her hair, inhaling deeply. I would never get enough of her.

  “What time is Meg going to get here?” Slider asked King.

  “An hour. She was going to give me a call to see if the party was still going on when she got off work.” King replied, getting up from his chair and stumbled to the edge of Cyn’s lawn to take a piss.

  “I think she’s going to have to come pick up your drunk ass,” Turtle chuckled.

  “You fuckers wouldn’t let me play fucking testical toss so I had to find something to do. Drinking and sexting Meg worked for me,” King boomed across the yard.

  “Oh jeez,” Cyn mumbled, burying her face in my neck.

  “Aren’t you too old for that shit?” Hammer asked.

  “Fuck no,’ King said, zipping up his fly walking back to the fire. ‘I feel like a god damn teenager with Meg. Aren’t you told old to not have common sense?” King shot back at Hammer.

  “Fuck you,” Hammer said.

  “Nice come back,” King laughed, popping open another beer.

  “I figured you had to have been texting Meg all night with that shit eating grin all over your face with your nose in your phone,” Slider said as he threw another log on the fire.

  “Jealous again?” King slurred. He really was drunk.

  “Hmm.” I heard Cyn hum. She nestled further into my arm, throwing her legs over mine and curled up in a ball.

  “Tired?” I whispered into her ear.

  “Yeah,” She mumbled.

  “Want to go in?”

  “No, I want to wait for Meg to get here.”

  “You’re going to be asleep before she gets here. You can see her later, beautiful.”

  “Just let me sleep here,” Cyn whispered, her eyes fluttering closed.

  I held Cyn close, enjoying the feel of her body in my arms and let her sleep. Her face was relaxed, a small smile playing on her lips.

  “You know what you’re doing with her?” Gravel asked from across the fire.

  “Not a fucking clue. I just want her to trust me,” I replied, talking low so not to wake Cyn.

  “Keep doing what you’re doing. She just needs you to be there for her,” Gravel said.

  “What, are you fucking Oprah now?” Slider joked.

  Gravel flipped off Slider, shaking his head at him. “What are you even still doing here, Slider?” Gravel asked.

  I glanced at King to see if he was listening. He had his phone out, clumsily texting or more than likely sexting.

  “What are you doing here, Slider?” King asked, still staring at his phone.

  “Collinsworth is getting old. I need some excitement.” Slider said.

  “You can always head out with me, brother,” Roam suggested.

  “Nah, I just need a fresh start. Collinsworth pussy is drying up. I’ve tapped everything there and don’t want to go back for seconds.” Slider crushed his can and threw it at the trash can, missing.

  “They good with you leaving Collinsworth?” Demon asked.

  “Yeah, they’re down with it. They have five prospects that are going to be patched in in the next couple of months. They’re trying to get some fresh blood in the chapter.”

  King nodded his head, finally looking up from his phone. “We’ll have to vote on it, but I don’t see why it’ll be a problem. Plus, I won’t be drunk off my ass. Demon, remind me about this shit tomorrow. I doubt I’m going to remember any of this shit. Shit.” King tended to over use the word shit when he was drunk. One time I counted him using it ten times in one sentence. He was definitely good entertainment when he drank.

  “Fuck me. With King and Rigid off the market, I was finally getting my share of the pussy. Now if fucking Slider moves up here I’m back to getting sloppy seconds again,” Turtle said.

  All the brothers laughed, knowing Turtle was speaking the truth. Pussy weren’t into prospects too much. “You’ll get patched in soon enough,” Demon said, hinting at the fact that Turtle was due to become a full member. Turtle had passed his year of prospecting and I knew it was only a matter of weeks till King brought the vote to the table of making Turtle full member.

  Cyn shifted in my arms, curling her body around me. I leaned down, brushing her hair out of her face, and placed a kiss on her forehead.

  “Endgame,” King said, watching Cyn and I.

  I looked up at him, knowing exactly what he was talking about. Cyn was my endgame. “Endgame,” I said, agreeing with King.

  Cyn was mine.



  I woke up, nestled under my comforter, and pressed against a colorful wall of hard, muscled, tattooed chest. I tilted my head up to Rigid, but stopped when I felt wetness under my cheek.

  Shit. I drooled all over Rigid in my sleep. Oops. I wiped my mouth and Rigid’s chest with my hand, hoping for a hole to open up and swallow me. Drooling all over the guy you like isn’t really the way to get him to notice you.

  I finally tilted my head up all the way, thankful to see Rigid was still sleeping. I smiled, loving the fact he looked so content in his sleep. I felt the scar on my face, pulling the skin tight. I knew it was healing quickly by the fact my face felt tight and itchy around the stitches.

  I lightly scratched around the scar, trying to relieve some of the itchiness.

  “Careful, beautiful. You don’t want to rip that back open,” Rigid warned, surprising me that he was awake. His voice was scratchy and sexy from sleep, yum.

  I stopped itching, laying my hand on his chest, tracing the rose he had over his heart. “Is this for your mom?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I remember roses were her favorite, although she loved all flowers. She always had roses though,” Rigid said, placing his hand over mine.

  “What was her name?” I asked.

  “I’ve never talked to anyone about my mom, let alone told anyone her name,” Rigid said, looking down at me.

  “It’s ok if you don’t want to tell me,” I whispered, afraid I had crossed a line, asking his mom’s name.

  “It’s ok, beautif
ul,’ Rigid said as he brushed my hair back. ‘Her name was Charlotte.”

  “You should put her name right here.” I drew a line under the rose with my finger.

  “You think?” He asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll come with you. I can get my lotus flower when you go.”

  “There’s another tattoo I want to get, too. Where are you going to put your lotus flower?” He asked.

  “I was thinking on my right shoulder. What do you think?”

  “Where ever you want it is good, beautiful,” he said, running his fingers up my arm.

  “Where the heck would you put another tattoo? You’re basically covered,” I said, looking over his chest.

  “My neck. That way everyone can see it.”

  “What are you going to get?” I asked, curious what he would want everyone to see.

  “You’ll have to wait and see beautiful,” he said, leaning down, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

  “You’re such a tease. You won’t tell me your name, who gave you the scar, and now you won’t tell me what tattoo you are going to get,” I humphed, annoyed.

  “I told you if you guessed the right name I would tell you if you were right. You keep guessing crazy, off the wall names.”

  “Well, you told me it was embarrassing. I figured it wasn’t anything typical like, Adam or Alex.”

  “Keep guessing, beautiful,” Rigid smirked.

  “Axel?” I guessed.

  “No,” he said, chuckling at me,




  “Wasn’t he a god?”


  “You calling me a god?” Rigid laughed.

  “No. Not at all. Me just suggesting that name has gone straight to your head, Augustus.”



  “Isn’t that food?”

  “Maybe. I blame the fact I’m hungry for that one,” I giggled.

  “Negative on the Alfredo,’ Rigid chuckled. ‘Although I will feed you, beautiful.”


  “No. Now get up so I can feed you,” Rigid said, spanking me on the ass and slid out from underneath me.

  I laid my head on the pillow, watching Rigid stretch, enjoying the show.

  “Why is my chest wet?” Rigid asked, wiping his chest with his hand.

  I busted out laughing, as Rigid screwed his face into a grimace. I apparently didn’t wipe all my drool off him. Whoops…

  “This is you, isn’t it?” Rigid asked, holding his hand up to me.

  All I could do was nod my head, laughing too hard to answer.

  “Classy, beautiful,” Rigid said, winking at me. He grabbed his pants from the back of my chair where he must have put them on last night, and shimmed into them.

  “I’m the classiest chic you know. Well, besides Meg,” I said.

  “You got that right. You and Meg are definitely in a class of your own. Now, up. I’m starving.” Rigid ordered.

  I slid out of bed, my feet touching the floor and I realize I don’t have any pants on. I looked down, realizing I didn’t have the same shirt on either. “Give yourself a little show last night, Rigid?” I asked, shaking my head at him.

  “Hey, in my defense, you were lucid, somewhat. I asked if you wanted me to change your clothes and you said yes. I can’t help it if you were to drunk and tired to remember,” Rigid held his arms up in the air in innocence.

  “Mhmph.’ I shook my head at him, laughing. ‘Did Meg ever make it last night?”

  “Yeah, the second she got here King was all over her. She basically opened the door to her truck and King was on top of her. She shoved him over to the passenger side and they took off. I’m sure they’ll be back today to get his bike.”

  “Good. It’s Friday, right?” I asked, pulling on a pair of capris.

  “Yeah, beautiful.”

  “Yay! I’m starting to remember what day it is.’ I giggled, grabbing my favorite tee. ‘Turn around.”

  “Cyn, really? I fucking undressed you last night.” Rigid ran his hand through his hair, his fingers getting stuck in the gunk he put in it every day.

  “I was passed out when you undressed me, even though you say I was lucid.’ I rolled my eyes at him. ‘Go do your hair or something.” I ordered, shooing him away.

  “Fucking crazy, beautiful.” Rigid said, walking out of my room headed for the bathroom.

  I yanked my tee over my head, my cast getting tangled in it. I yanked it the rest of the way off and threw it in the hamper. I shoved my casted arm through my vintage Betty Boop tee when my phone started blaring “Honky Tonk Bodonka Donk”, also known as Meg’s ringtone.

  “What’s up, chica?” I asked, wedging the phone in-between my head and shoulder.

  “You need to come over, like ten minutes ago.” Meg frantically shouted into the phone.

  I rammed my other arm through my tee and pulled it over my head quickly, knocking the phone on the floor. I quick picked it up holding it up to my ear “What? Why?”

  “Remy is on the way home and Lo is in the shower. I tried to shove Lo out the door when Remy texted saying he was on the way home but Lo said no and jumped in the shower. Hello! You need to come over. NOW!” Meg shouted.

  “Meg, calm down. You knew this was going to eventually happen. You love Remy, you love Lo, and they’ll love each other.”

  “No. You don’t understand. Lo is the furthest thing from Hunter.’ I cringed. Ugh, Hunter. Douche canoe supreme. ‘Remy has never been around someone like Lo. Remy hunts and fishes and you know, I can’t think of anything else, but you get the point. Lo doesn’t do any of those things. What are they going to have in common? You have to come over and be a buffer. Distract Remy. Bring Rigid. He can distract Lo. Come now.”

  “Meg, I don’t think -.” All I heard was dial tone. I threw my phone on the bed. I grabbed a pair of shorts out of my dresser and tugged them on. Digging through my closet, I found a pair of flip flops, shoved my feet into them and headed to the bathroom to get Rigid.

  “Open up!’ I yelled, banging on the bathroom door. ‘We have a rescue mission.”

  Rigid threw open the door, his shirtlessness taking my breath away. My gaze traveled up his chest, stopping at his nipple piercings. Oh, those nipple piercings. I licked my lips, imaging what they would feel like against my tongue.

  “Beautiful, keep licking your lips like that and the only rescue mission you are going on is the one to free my dick from my pants,” Rigid growled.

  My eyes snapped to Rigid’s, my thoughts interrupted. “We need to rescue Meg,” I said.

  “Why? What trouble did she get herself into now? King can help her.”

  “King is her problem. Well, Remy too,” I mumbled.

  “Explain,” Rigid said, stepping out of the bathroom, grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hallway to the kitchen.

  “Remy is on the way home from his dad’s to Meg’s house and King is there. She’s freaking out.”

  “Why is she freaking out? Is she hiding King from her kid?” Rigid asked as he filled the coffee pot with water.

  I shut the water off and grabbed the coffee pot out of his hand. “Not time for that. We can hit the drive through on the way. Remy knows about King but Meg is freaking out because King is the complete opposite of Hunter, her ex and Remy’s dad. We need to go.” I walked back to the bedroom with Rigid following me.

  I grabbed a shirt from his bag with the Devil’s Knights insignia on it and threw it at him.

  “I want breakfast too,” Rigid grumbled as he pulled his shirt on.

  “Deal. Can we take your bike?” I asked, secretly begging he said yes.

  “You think you can hold on with a broken arm?” Rigid asked as he shoved his feet in his boots.

  “Yeah. I can manage.”

  “OK. Change your shoes first, beautiful. Sandals aren’t good on a motorcycle,” Rigid ordered.

  I shot to my closet, totally ok wit
h Rigid making me change my shoes and grabbed my white canvas sneakers out. I quickly put them on and tied them up.

  “Little excited about riding on my bike, beautiful?” Rigid asked, smirking at me.

  “Just a little,” I giggled. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall and out the front door.

  “We can’t stop and get coffee on the bike unless you are up for drinking it there which will delay your rescue mission.” Rigid handed me a helmet and swung a leg over the bike.

  I quickly snapped the helmet on and climbed on behind Rigid. “Meg has coffee. Plus she can cook us breakfast for making us come over so early.”

  “It’s ten thirty,” Rigid laughed.

  “Oh, well. Whatever. Just drive,” I said, excited for my first ride on Rigid’s bike.

  “Hold on, beautiful,” Rigid said right before he cranked up the bike.

  The bike rumbled to life, vibrating through me. I wrapped my arms around Rigid, holding on tight.

  He kicked the kickstand up and we rocketed out of the driveway. “Take the long way!” I yelled over the roar of the engine.

  Rigid shook his head and I knew he had a big smile on his face. He gunned the throttle and we took off.

  I really didn’t care where we were headed as long as I was on the back of Rigid’s bike, I would go anywhere.


  Chapter 19


  I was camped out on Meg’s couch with Cyn snuggled under my arm while Meg and King were making breakfast.

  Having Cyn wrapped around me on the back of my bike was beyond fucking heaven. I took the long way to Meg’s house and it was still too short. For a split second, I seriously considered driving past Meg’s house and driving till I ran out of gas or the nearest hotel.

  The second we pulled in the driveway, Meg shot out of her house, frantic. Remy still hadn’t showed up yet because Meg had texted him with a bogus list of things she needed from the store to hold him up.

  “Who wants a mimosa?” Meg yelled from the kitchen. Although she really didn’t need to yell, there was only a half wall between the living room and the kitchen.

  “I’ll take one,” Cyn said.


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